Mycroft’s Thoughts
This is a fic on what Mycroft was thinking during series 4 episode 3 The Final Problem
My Brothers demeanor suddenly shifted i could see it before the word even exited his mouth.
but nothing could have prepared me for what was to come.
“Five minutes, it took her just five minutes to do all of this to us.”
My mind was spinning so many out comes, there was only two logical ones, of course there was a third but... my emotions were denying that choice, that Sherlock could make.
1. He was slowing down my inevitable death
2. He was going to deny the whole thing/ waste the single bullet on the surroundings.
Or... 3. He would turn the bullet on himself
I saw John’s facial expression change just by a fraction but it was there, and quite frankly it was terrifying.
“Well not on my watch”
Oh God - quite literally took up my entire thought process. My Little Brother just denied one of the options.
“A moment ago a brave man asked to be remembered...”
nonononononononononon No. No. No! NO!
My mind is screaming at me.
“Well I’m remembering the governor” he said placing the gun directly under his chin.
No way to stop it.
My sister is screaming.
everything is turning to white noise and all I can hear is the slow, steady beat of my brothers count down. when he falters at 2 I realize, our sister has hit us with sleeping darts.
Good I think my brothers life will not end today.
Blackness is beginning to surround me. My last conscious thought is souly.
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Sad Sherlock Happy Sherlock
"John... how long has he been like this?" Mycroft asked indicating to the lump on the sofa, cuddling on of the pillows like a child, simply staring into the distance. "Since the last case he seems really down about something Mycroft what am I supposed to do? My Wife is pregnant" John questioned angrily but there was definitely no bite behind it. "You go home to Mary, I'll take care of my brother, John" Mycroft ordered rather stoically. "Alright... If you're 100 percent sure..." john said whilst picking up his back and slowly made his way to the door. When no words to prevent him from leaving John mad an exit. As soon as Mycroft was sure John was gone he went and crouched down next to Sherlock. "Hey Shirley you alright?" When there was no response in the next 30 seconds, Mycroft thought Sherlock was asleep or ignoring him... that is until the figure all but launched himself into Mycroft, cuddling him fiercely. "It's alright baby brother all is well." Mycroft said hugging back his brother "we're both alright" "You're going to text me" came the muffled demand from somewhere on Mycroft's stomach. "Ok little brother as will you, this will be our own personal deal and we both won't get left behind, hey?" Mycroft reasoned. "Yes" although muffled it was clearly audible for Mycroft. Good. Sherlock thought just before he drifted off to his mind palace whilst cuddled into his brothers hold.
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Truth about Levi
Attack on Titan No one knew Levi's real age, they all laughed and joked about it but when push came to shove they didn't actually know. Then once again they were discussing it again when Commander Erwin passed by and caught hold of the conversation and to everyone he spoke from behind them making some of them jump. "Why don't you just ask him yourselves?!" The silence was slightly awkward for the group members so Erwin just continued after 5 minutes that felt like an hour. "- he would likely tell you, you know he trusts all of you completely" Scoffs and bitter laughs were came the reply to Erwin's comment. "Yeh, right him trust us your kidding right?!" Was mentioned from Jean "he probably would kill us if he had the chance and not think twice about it" "How long have you been with Levi, Jean?" Was all Erwin said. "Erm, about 3 years I guess why?" Jean replied to the out of the blue question. "So you've know him longer than anyone who's alive, besides me of course but that's... You don't know him at all do you.." Erwin trailed off while Jeans face went through shocked, horrified and ashamed all at once. Just then Levi walked past and gave them a smile that was beautiful and surprised them all, Levi never smiled. "What?" Was the collective question. "?" Levi looked extremely confused then went to understanding, just scaring the others more emotions Levi either didn't have them or didn't show them. "Oh, right Armin asked me the other day the answer is 17 and my job here is done" and skipped off happily, confusing even Erwin. "What did you ask him Armin was the question they were all thinking but Eren voiced. "Oh while you were all being stupid I asked him but 17 Jesus Erwin what were you thinking you said he's been apart of survey corps for what, five years!! That means he started at 12!" Arwin exclaimed "you know the worse part of it all he didn't know, didn't know his birthday or how old he was! What happened to him, Erwin?" Silence surrounded them Levi, Corporal Levi was 17 and Arwin's outburst had them all off guard. Just then Levi came skipping up to them again. "What's up?" Was Levi's question to all the horrified faces. "You're 17?" Erwin asked. "-yeh" Levi replied suspiciously. "What happened before you joined the Survey corps?" Eren and Mikasa asked in unison. "-before?" Levi questioned himself " a lot you'll have to be specific there" It was Erwin that replied "before I found you stealing in the underground". "- still a lot if you really want to know you have to be called, Jean yeah definitely Jean, Erwin, Armin, -Sasha?, Sasha, Petra and I guess Mikasa and Eren can come too, Hanji already knows the ending so I guess she'll want to know the beginning I'll go get her you can wait for me in my room, but only those names anyone else that even enters without asking me first I will personally slice you in half." Levi said with all joy vanishing from his mood and turning extremely serious and a look he would give his enemy. And off he marched but not before yelling " -and don't touch Anything!!" _____________________________________ When the collective group were gathered in Levi's room all just waiting for Hanji and Levi himself Just then Hanji stepped into the room looking like she was about to murder them all. "Hi" that was all she said then practical collapsed onto the bed beside them. "..." Silence nothing was said. Before someone exclaimed "where's Levi, Corporal Levi!!" Just as the person finished talking Levi burst into the room carrying load of items. "Hey" breath "I may" another breath "do you think - that - please" That was when they all noticed. Blood. Red and Everywhere. Erwin just stepped forward at the exact same moment Levi collapsed falling into Jean and Erwin. They all ran, leaped and sprinted with a speed they all didn't know they possessed, Levi still in Erwin's arms. Levi was successfully in surgery. For what they didn't know. All they knew what the 4 words rushing in circles through their minds - who. What. Why. How. Then the doctor stepped out and spoke relatively calmly. "He'll likely be alright, although the blood loss was pretty bad, if you had been any later I would be having a totally different conversation with you all" They spent the whole day in there accompanying Levi, waiting for him to wake up. That night when Eren woke up from a nightmare of his mother AND Levi being dead, looking for the comfort of him still being there only to find him missing. Well scared him to death. He all but leaped out of his chair waking Erwin and Petra, only them. But the keeping quiet was a failed attempt as Petra screamed when she spotted the empty bed effectively waking up all occupants in the room. Causing a young figure kicking the door down to get in. The figure they didn't realize was Levi due to the 3D maneuver gear until they spotted their face. Erwin stood up and yelled. "What the hell are you thinking you're injured and you're wearing you're maneuver gear and are out of bed" Erwin yelled and Levi just took, totally different to how he usually acted. "Get back in this bed now God Dammit" "No" Levi replied finally with a slight edge of fear, scaring all the occupants, especially when his breathing picked up. "Erwin I think he's having a panic attack" Hanji said, supplying the information needed. "Yeh but Why?" "I don't know like he said I only know the end." I took forever to try and calm Levi and they were about to give up. When a; "Levi please wake up" was heard from Eren and an even quieter "Bro please" from Jean, got him to snap out of his panic attack. Signaling the end with a weak "hey guys what's up?" Reliving them all, and the tension all seemed to disappear. "-Levi" Eren and Jean practically breathed "what happened?" "I- well I guess I have to tell you, huh. - Dad came to visit" Levi said indicating to his stitched up wounds Some painful sounding breaths were made, indicating to the shock of the truth. "What but- why?" Eren asked but stopped due to Levi's raised hand. Levi then clapped saying " alright story time kiddies- okay then you should probably know a few things then first off do you know if the proffessy?" At their shaken heads in the direction indicating that they do Levi continued. "Alright so first of all I am half American, a quarter French and the rest of my DNA is that of a Titan." "What!!" They all exclaimed. "Doesn't that mean you're like Eren?" Jean questioned. "Well no you see Eren was injected by the DNA however my -cough- fathers mother was quite simply a real Titan." Levi explained yet still not completely answering the question. "Also don't worry about the age thing Eren I've had to take care of my self since I was three" "-three" Eren whispered amazed and showing a slight shimer of sympathy. "Ok now our wonderful story begins now are you all comfortable? Good now..." Levi began acting mor like his age. "My mum was fully American, ha last American on this ruined planet. Gave birth to a baby boy on Christmas Day- that kind of sounds like a great story like religious or something wait it is oh well." That information brought gasps and some new questions to light for everyone listening. "Alone while her drunken Husband was off somewhere beating the crap out of some stranger for no apparent reason.3 years later my mother died on the same day of my birthday and Christmas Day it's like hauntingly scary the idea that so many people are celebrating on the day of someone's death- fucking celebrations..." After a few deep breaths Levi continued " anyway after that my father blamed me for her death and such, the beatings got worse and worse and worse. Built a load of things that year too which was fun" Levi said standing up to lift up a painting on the wall that revealed a small door in the wall, Levi then pressed on 7 unknown digits into the machine. A few seconds of absolutely nothing happening then the whole wall moved revealing a large room with a sofa and a puppy and load of pictures, that simply reminded them all just how young Levi truly was. Then they saw a wall with loads of pictures linked up with each other and that was when they realized; Levi blames himself. "Levi-" Erwin began both bewildered that his friend/younger brother had this technology at this time and at the thought that he blamed himself for every survey corpse members death. Deciding to drop it he instead asked "where did you get this technology from?" "Made it, like I said I made a lot of stuff" Levi responded. "This isn't stuff Levi this is amazing!" Jean expressed throwing his hands up in the air.
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What do you know about Tony Stark
Fanfiction Avengers Tony walked into the kitchen feeling very down about a recent view of himself, not that he'd admit this to any human being but he has an extremely low self esteem and there were so many people that hate him that he wouldn't even need to include himself to list a few thousand that would agree that he was a bastard. But his weaknesses had to be hidden while there were strangers living with him, no break downs in front of the Avengers. Tony still being in closed in his own brain didn't notice the human flying towards his stomach until he felt it and the kitchen cupboard making contact with his face. Then watching a few star struck avengers look at him worryingly was slightly dazed. Then the world began to spin into a mix of emotions and colours, then black. ———————————————— Captain America fell onto the unusually comfortable sofa, he now realised that flashbacks took a lot out him. After spending roughly an hour of recalling the flashback the faint sound of food steps stumbling around outside the room he was relaxing in. Then a distraught figure came into view the visible sight of tear stains on his face. The figure went to take another step then heavily swayed around the area he was standing in. Steve instantly went to the unknown being in front of him after stabling the human Steve caught sight of who the figure truly was and she nearly fell himself. Tony Stark. The broken figure in front of him was Tony Stark. That took a while for Steve to take in. Well he had to ask what was wrong of cause it was Tony Stark crying, how could he let this go? So he took a step towards the figure of Stark and looked deep into unseeing eyes nearly sent Steve backwards. But he called to the man in front "Stark? Stark? Stark! Tony!" He wasn't replying what was Steve supposed to do? He didn't know what to do. His instincts was to get more people to help snap Stark out of his trance. After 10 minutes a group consisting of two assassins, a super-soldier and a scientist with an alter ego where forced into a room to come across a sight that would drive away any normal person, but they weren't normal like I said Avengers but even being some of the most powerful people in the world can be surprised from somethings and this was definite one of the scariest for them all. Tony Stark standing dazed and lost in thought crying life definitely got a whole lot harder then before. After coming out of a dazed spell the Avengers came together to discuss what was going to happen. After 7 minutes 35 seconds of discussing a certain hawk got slightly agitated and began to stand seemingly at the same time as everyone else but a loss of footing cause a domino affect to apply and everyone crashed into each other, everything would have been fine if there wasn't a ill member unaware of everything going being sent into a kitchen cabinet. This caused everyone stared worriedly at the figure crashing into a piece of kitchen furniture and his eyes going from seeing to closed in a forever second. The instant the shock was gone the rush to check Tony was alright was next then a rushed phone call to the ambulance and anxious wait for them to arrive took seconds. ———————————————— At the ambulance no one stood still it was slightly intimidating for Bruce Steve was marching up and down the corridor and Clint was jumping left to right like he was preparing to fight someone and Natasha had disappeared somewhere a long the way which scared Bruce more than her being with them. The door thatTony had recently been dragged into four hours ago had not been opened, was giving him an even bigger scare than anything else, this was his friend. His only friend. And he was in the hospital. He could admit it he was scared and he could feel it, Hulk was too. "Stark family?" A voice called to the group causing everyone of them to turn in the direction of the noise. "No" Steve began just to be shut down by Bruce. "Yes, well I certainly am and this is his TEAM" "Well I am Rhodey, Tony's brother in a way I guess but in definition his best friend you probably haven't heard of me if you don't look that sad - Huh I thought this would have been good for him" Rhodey seemed to begin talking to them and then deciding to himself. "We only know that Tony gave us a home and LOTS of food but that's all we know about the guy - oh and that he has a very high self esteem-" Steve began "Nope sorry but Tony, my pal has the lowest self esteem l have seen and I meet a lot of people with low self esteem, I work as a general in the army just to let y'all know but now ya do so- anyway Tony God I hope he's alright, What the hell happened?" Rhodey questioned the clueless avengers all slightly star struck by the comments made. "Well?" Rhodey repeated himself after 5 minutes of silence. "I'm sorry, but in most ways we aren't sure- you see Steve here, got us down when he was unresponsive to visual, verbal or physical movements, that is until there was a domino affect that came across all of us and we all went flying at him and he well went into the a kitchen counter and saw us for a moment then his eyes closed, and, Oh God I hope he's alright, he's my only friend you know got me to stop thinking I'm a monster and all but now-" Bruce's quick and unscientific explanation surprised everyone but the emotion behind the ending took them of guard. "Umm I'm sorry Bruce but he didn't do that we did as a team" Steve explained quickly that caused everyone to turn not expecting him to deny that Tony could have done that. "NO! Do- did you think you were a monster- NO I did and did you welcome me- NO you stayed clear of me and did you jab me and make me feel SAFE -the answer is NO you didn't do that- Tony did so DON'T. YOU get to say shit" Bruce yelled at Steve seemingly angrier than anyone had seen him and he ironically was turning slightly green but it weirdly enough disappeared midway through the outburst. "Wha-" Steve began but a reluctant comment stopped him. "I may know why, he well, you know, treated you normally, well like a not-monster- I don't know if I personally should tell you but he well, you know what, this is his to share not mine... But he probably wouldn't mention it so well the short story is that Tony considers himself a monster and well your opinions of him and that you constantly voice them isn't helping not that it matters he's always believed it since he was, I think he said he was - six when he truly started believing it" Rhodey began in a normal voice then reducing himself to a whisper. The 30 minute silence that followed was interrupted by an anxious looking doctor. "Hi there, General James Rhodes I would like to inform you that, well no one here besides a Bruce Banner? are permitted to know of Mr Starks health reports" "Oh" Rhodey replied "ok but this is his team so if me and Bruce could possibly find out what exactly is wrong and we could decide if we let his team know?" "Yes of course if you both wouldn't mind stepping to the side?" The doctor quickly supplied them. Instantly Bruce and Rhodey power walked to a far away spot leaving behind the confused remaining team members with nothing left to say. ———————————————— When the doctor seemed to be absolutely sure that there was no sneaky assassins hiding and listening began to explain the different injuries of Tony. "The extent of Starks injuries are quite mixed from old to new and minor to extreme. You see there are many scars upon the arms, which indicate self harm but there were strangling marks of purple surrounding the neck-" the doctor paused to allow the listeners to understand the first section of the collection of injuries. "There were also small signs of rape, that we had chemically checked to confirm and as much as I regret having to explain this but he has been raped many times. But there is a long time differential and the rape had been treated correctly. There is signs a dangerous concussion that cannot be confirmed until he awakens but there are multiple broken ribs, punctured lung, a sprained ankle, brake in the wrist and multiple fractures and brakes in the different fingers, many burns and scars littered across his body some more dangerous than others. But overall that is it the mental state may be less calm considering the trauma." And with that the doctor left the scene to leave Rhodey and Bruce to deal with the news on there own. "He- oh God, he got raped, that, oh no. How could we-I not notice that he-he should have told us or me or you" Bruce fell on his words seemingly, ashamed of himself and absolutely confused of what to do in this situation. And for an hour and a half Rhodey discussed what they had to do for Tony to get better when an alarming notice sounded throughout the hallway along with about 6 doctors and nurses rushing into the room Tony had been dragged into 7 hours ago. ———————————————— Tony was slowly climbing out of the depths of darkness and to the modern room that he instantly recognised as not his room and it scared him. Then the quick beat of a monitor speeding up and everything began to fade when an alarm sounded throughout the room and an electric shock pushing him back to darkness ended his quick climb to consciousness. ———————————————— Tony woke to a dog pile of sleeping avengers and his best friend who he unthinkingly hugged Rhodey, not realising his mistake until the other awoke. "TONY!!!" Was the screamed comment given by Rhodey , slowly waking the surrounding people, Heros. "Wha-" he coughed and it hurt. "Hap-" another cough wracked his sore body. "Hey Tones, well you see you had punctured a lung and the only reason you're here is because you were having another depressing episode and then got domino'd and passed out from a concussion. Water!" Rhodey finished with passing a bottle of water and a glare. "-Sorry" was all that left the billionaires mouth and that scared the avengers more than anything. "..." The odd selection of people stared at the billionaire in confusion and complete worry. "Man of iron! How are you my friend I have heard of your downfall from shield brother Clint I do believe you will recover quickly, Yes?!" Thor pronounced loudly and happily to the other members of the room. A cough of hard and uncomfortableness resounded through the the room then a weak reply came from the last person the expected. "Thor my pal, and trust me you are one of the few people that I actually believe won't betray me. But No this isn't something you just heal from like my physical injuries but I've had depression from the first moment my fath-Howard hit me, which was when I was 4, twenty years of believing that I deserved it and still believe it now isn't something you just heal from. -Sorry" "Depression, I understand. But Tony why is it that your father hit you and did he do it more than once?" Thor quickly questioned Tony. "Why because he couldn't find Steve and then when I made a small mistake in building a weapon at the age of 6 and when a problem with work occurred, SHEILD by the way not- well both really then at the age of six he trained me to be the best assassin in existence, failed at that to I guess but being tortured by SHEILD suits then went to MIT for 2 years got raped there and bullied so you know not just him but mainly him-" another coughing fit wracked Tony's body. "Assassin-" "SHIELD-" "Howard-" "Rape-" Were the different noticeable words that were recognized from the rush of words that left different people's mouths. "You- an assassin funny seriously" Clint said "what -" Clint was stopped mid sentence by a knife from the desk by Tony's hand landing directly next to Clints face and left standing unwavering in the wall. "Happy?" Tony raised an eyebrow "Proof enough or do I have to kill someone to prove it to you just because a SHEILD assassin kills people doesn't mean we all do although I guess I've done it more often than not to be fair ooh actually I've wanted to ask forever ; Tasha when did you first kill someone?" Tony asked with faint cough afterwards with a completely straight face which was more creepy than not. "Well?" "Er? Eight why..? " awesome - what about you Clint?" "... 7 but technically I wasn't an assassin" "Awesome awesome sooo any one else ever killed anyone?" "- Tony... Why are you asking this?" Rhodey questioned "Why because if they want to know me then I gotta know them right because if they think I'm gonna share personal stuff like this and not find out anything about them, then they're more stupid then I originally thought" Tony replied. "-" Steve looked slightly wary " I haven't killed anyone directly but I guess If there's anything you want to know just ask Tony." "Sure. Now I killed someone before I was an assassin to but can't be joyful in saying it was an abusive father like Clint but I guess its ok, I grew up getting kidnapped when I was six I was kidnapped and I'd been there for - 7 weeks, 3 days and 4 hours and I was greeted by a face which was ordered to kill me and ironically I killed him and ran back to the place I feared more than death but hey I had a job to do for my mother..." Tony trailed off. "-6 ..." Clint looked at Tony in the eye. "Hey Tony who here do you actually trust?" "Well - Rhodes- obviously, I mean he's my brother and all, Bruce, you hmm realistically just you three but even then there's only one person I would trust with my arc reactor but oh wait no that's just me." "What about Pepper?" Natasha question and Rhodey almost growled at her. "Calm Rhodes, Pepper had been cheating on me with Justin hammer another person who betrayed me. You know I never really told you about the only people I trust and why have I? well... Rhodey here rescued me after being raped by Justin Hammer, someone I believed was my friend, and his pals at a party. By the way Thanks Rhodey you have no idea what you stopped me from doing there. Been pals; no bros since. Bruce hmm I dunno it just happened I felt bad cause he treated himself like a monster when the only true monster is me and The friendship just happened not much I can say about it... So try not to betray me, Bruce. Clint, I dunno if you remember but when you were I think you were 12 and I was 6 we met when I was running through the street and coincidently ran, quite literally into you and I have no idea what you were doing but you looked after me and promised me we were gonna meet again I guess we did and all" Tony paused to smile it was a happy memory after all. " you generally talked me back into life and you are the reason as dark as it seems that got me to fight and kill the guy that kidnapped me and keep living I would have given up if it wasn't for that promise" 😊 Silence reigned them for a short while. "So the reason you trust me is because we met when we were younger - wait a second TONY your 24!!" Clint exclaimed "Yes and yes" Tony expressed with no denial. "- no way" was the effective comment. "Way. BTW Clint what do you want for your birthday?" Tony said. " how do you know my birthday?" Clint questioned watching him searching for signs of lying. "Trade secret" was all Tony said before swinging out of bed to everybodies fear. "Tony!" "What?" Tony replied clearly bothered. "Where are you going?" Rhodey said. After no reply He demanded. "Where. Are. You. Going. Tell. Me. NOW." "... Home" Tony said after a long sigh. "Tony your injured" "Rhodey you should know more than most that I have stayed home with way way way worse." Tony complained. "If your 24 when did you graduate university?" Steve questioned. ".. I was 16. Why? And I have had control of the company since I was 20. Again why?" Tony asked again. "Hey Tones... Did I say you could leave" Rhodey almost stropped at his friend who was still getting ready to leave. "..." Tony paused for a slight second almost considering sitting down, which was worrying Rhodey more than anything Tony was always sure of himself, always. "Err. I don't think I need to be here Rhodes but I'm sure I can rest at home. You know how I feel about hospitals." "Ok... I'll go with you" and with that Tony and Rhodey left behind a very confused team and a thoughtful Clint. "Hey!! Wait up!" Clint screamed after Bruce as he also began to leave the room. "-" "I guess we better go home then guys" Steve said hurrying the team out of the hospital room. _____________________________________ When they all arrived they were greeted by a scary as hell sight. "What. The. Hell." Steve stated to the sight of Clint, Tony, Bruce, Rhodey and Loki sitting watching the TV like one of them wasn't a worldwide, scratch that Galaxy-wide criminal. "Not hell, you idiot Jees... Steve its called TV you know the flicking thing that is modernly used to keep us entertained, I mean wow did you go back in time again!?" Tony growled at the lack of knowledge. "Not. That. Him." Steve said angrily pointing at Loki " Loki." Tony just rolled his eyes and pointed to Steve and said "Steve" then himself "Tony... Smart ass " "Loki is a criminal Tony how long has he been here?" Steve said. "Erm. He's been here for I have no idea. Whatsoever." Tony said getting up to go to the cupboard. "You know I have learnt something, brother" Loki said to Thor whilst keeping an eye on Tony. "Not only do you have a great asset on your team but that dear old, well young Tony here doesn't drink alcohol as in at all that's something as is the whole piano and singing thing he's got going for himself." Loki smiled. "Brother, did you just call me brother?" Thor asked worriedly. "Well yes brother. But I must say Tony here has quite the talent in making people laugh and join his side when he needs to and I don't quite know why but I seem to be someone he wants on his team..." Loki replied. "Wow" Thor mused. "Sing sing sing sing" Clint chanted as Tony walked past a beautiful piano. "No" Tony said not even considering the plead. "Please" Clint asked. "Fine" Tony said with a slight annoyed tone to it. Little girl terrified She'd leave her room If only bruises would heal.. A home is no place to hide Her heart is breaking from the pain that she feels Everydays the same She fights to find her way She hurts she breaks she hides and try's to pray She wonders why-ey Does anyone ever hear her when she cry-eys Today she's turning 16 Everyone's singing but she can't seem to smile They never get past arms length How could they act like everything's alright (oh no no) Pulling down her long sleeves To cover all the memories that scars leave She says maybe making me bleed (well maybe making me bleed) Could be the answer that could wash the slate clean Everydays the same She fights to find her way She hurts she breaks she hides and try's to pray She wonders why-ey Does anyone ever hear her when she cry-eys This is the dark Before the dawn The storm before the peace Don't be afraid cause seasons change And God is watching over you- He hears you Everydays the same She fights to find her way She hurts she breaks she hides and try's to pray She'll be just fi-ine Cause I know he hears her when she cry-iys Everydays the same She fights to find her way She hurts she breaks she hides and try's to pray She'll be just fi-ine Cause I know he hears her when she cry-iys She'll be just fi-ine Cause now she hears her when she cry-iys Happy?" Tony concluded his song leaving a speechless team sat in the room. While placing down a guitar none of them even noticed until it was being carefully put away by Tony.
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Kyle's Past - a Home and Away Fanfiction
“You’re on your own’
Brax’s words cut deep, but Kyle kept a blank face just like always.
He never let it show, not all of it anyway. never let anyone see how broken he really was.
"if you want to be part of this family again, you’ve got to prove it to me”
But why? why should he bother? Tamara was right he didn’t have a place here, he never would, he would never be accepted as a true member of his family and they would never love him like they did each other.
The only family he had was dead, it was time to accept that. it was time to accept that he had no one, that he was alone.
He watched Brax drive away, he sighed, defeated.
He wasn’t surprised, he had expected it; he knew that eventually he would screw up and Brax would realise he wasn’t worth the trouble just like everyone else had in Kyle’s life.
Everyone but his dad.
That was the depressing reality of Kyle’s relationship with his father; it wasn’t love or loyalty that kept him obeying Danny’s every command, it was an all-consuming, over powering need to feel loved and accepted, something he knows he never really got. when his dad died he’d felt free but also more lost and empty than ever.
Kyle sent a withering glare at the caravan before picking up his stuff, dumping it inside and leaving to find something to numb the pain and resentment he could feel building.
It was night now, Kyle stumbled down the beach away from the river boy party he had just left, a bottle of jack in his hand.
He kept walking until he could no longer hear the music and let himself fall carelessly onto the sand, he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the little bag of pills, buying them was how he ended up partying with summer bays most loved group of Neanderthals.
He wanted to forget, to escape from all the hurt he had felt and caused over the last few months.
He opened the bag and poured the entire contents of it into the palm of his hand, he stared at the five or six little blue pills for a second, then; just like he had done so many times before, he put his hand to his mouth, tossed his head back and swallowed.
Several moments and a few more mouthfuls of alcohol later, he started sweating and shaking, his breathing started to get shorter and he had one last panicked thought that maybe he had gone to far this time, before he laid back on the sand and was swallowed into the darkness of yet another overdose.
* 2 hours later* *In the Braxton House*
Brax was passing round the kitchen.
Heath looked up from his laptop to look at Brax. “What’s wrong, Brax?”
Brax looked up at him, “I don’t know, I feel like something REALLY bad has happened but you and Casey are completely fine so why am I worried?” Brax finished by running his hands through his hair.
“Maybe it’s not happened yet?”
“No no no it’s definitely already happened but..”
“Brax dude it’s probably nothing don’t worry”
“Yeah…” Brax sat down next to Heath. Then he suddenly shot up “Kyle!”
“Huh- what about him Brax?” Heath said once again looking up towards his brother.
“He’s the one in trouble! Heath we have to go”
And with that Heath and Brax went speeding towards the trailer park.
*10 minutes later* *at the trailer park*
The car doors slammed shut and Heath ran into the trailer, quickly followed by Brax.
“In here there doesn’t seem to be any-” Heath was cut off by the sight in front of him. Kyle was slumped forward clutching a bottle of pills, with another one resting on his foot, all were empty. And Kyles chest wasn’t moving, barely moving.
Heath then ran up to his brother and dropped by the floor of him and rested his head above his baby brothers heart.
“Brax he ain’t got a Heartbeat call 999! Now!” Heath was silently praying his baby brother would be ok as he pressed down on to his brothers chest, falling into a constant rhythm.
“Heath? Heath! HEATH”
“Huh Brax what is it” Heath said breaking his constant rhythm.
“His heartbeats back, you brought him back. And the ambo’s here bro” Brax said looking relatively relived but then turned to Kyle with an intense look of pure worry and anxiety.
Nate then came running in.
“Heath Brax I need you to help me lift him to the ambo there’s a shortage at the hospital then one of you can ride with the other can meet us at the hospital okay?” At the minute head nods he nodded “Good. Okay now one two three” Kyle was in the air and within minutes he was in the ambulance with Nate checking his stats.
“Brax you go I’ll meet you there” then quieter “take car of him”.
*4 hours later* *in the hospital waiting room*
“When can we go in” Were the first words out Brax’s mouth said at the moment Nate stepped out of the room where Kyle had been taken in just 3 and three quarter hours ago.
“Is he alright” Heath questioned in a slightly resigned voice.
“As you could have probably told form the moment you arrived he overdosed. We managed to get most of the drugs out of his stomach but many of them were already absorbed. He is awake but the drugs are working slightly differently with him he’s well, he can’t lie so to speak” Nate said squaring in on both men in front of him. “You can go in but be easy okay?”
“Yeh” Heath whispered then all but ran state into the room Kyle was in, closely followed by Brax.
As soon as they’d entered the room they saw a tired boy, not the Kyle they remember. “Hey” Kyle whispered.
“Hey Kyle are you alright” Brax asked walking up to a chair and pulling it towards the bed.
“Am I ever?” Kyle replied.
Heath and Brax shared a look, Nate must have been telling the absolute truth about how the drugs were reacting.
“Um Hey Kylie what was you home life like before us?” Heath said trying to move the conversation onto a lighter topic. But by the dark look that crossed over Kyle’s face he could tell all the- wait the one time he told them was a lie.
“My mom died- suicided when I was 5 came inside from the garden only to find her, blown her brains out” Kyle whispered.
“Wait wait wait you said your mom died 15 years ago when you were 10. Are you like younger than Casey?!” Brax asked suddenly very desperate to get the answer.
“What oh um yeah” Kyle said looking at his lap now.
“Dude” Heath breathed he really was his BABY brother.
“Um so yeah now you guys can push me around even more”
“Wait what” Heath said just below a shout.
“You know what happened in the near 14 years?” Brax quickly questioned cutting Heath off.
“I survived” was Kyle’s response.
“Yeah but what actually happened?” Heath said now intrigued.
“Got adopted for 7 years he well he locked me in the shed, that was my room, he also beat me up… and I… he… I …” Kyle stuttered.
“He abused you Kylie, wait he did he like sexually abuse you… oh god tell me he didn’t Kyle… please” Heath all but begged.
“Can’t” Kyle whispered.
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ALAN!! A Thunderbirds are Go Fanfiction
The anniversary of their mothers death was hard for all the Tracy boys, especially now that their dad was missing. Jeff would usually comfort them all, with the exception of Alan of course. As he would be off somewhere reliving the one terrible memory of his mother, none of his brothers knew about his memory. 
How could he tell them and cause them the horrible pain of knowing a mistake watched their mother die.
 Usually Alan would spend the worse day of his life on a yearly basis in his tree that leaned over the water and cut his arms while calmly reliving the memories again.
 But this wasn't a usual day as John had returned from 5 for a vacation for a short while and the forgotten Tracy felt even more alone. So he sat there in the tree clutching a dangerously sharp knife to his neck crying. Just as he was about to apply pressure to his neck a scream caused him to turn. 
 It was John. Alan felt the lifeline knife he held be ripped from him and followed by a loud splash. The knife landed in the pool. Gordon was not going to be happy. Alan turned to racked sobs and clung to the human in front of him. That was when John realized this was the first time the youngest Tracy had cried in well over 7 years and...
 it scared him. John felt himself tremble at the clear scars on his baby brothers arms. Self harm his brain supplied and his trembling slowly turned to silent tears as he asked the question he needed an answer to.
 "Why baby?" Alan just looked up to his second eldest brother with tear filled and asked him.
 " John, can you answer any of these; what was my best friends name in primary, middle or even secondary school or maybe what's my favorite color like right now or I know what is the thing I'm scared of the most" Johns blood ran cold he knew exactly what Alan was talking about.
 The forgotten Tracy.
 "Oh I'm so sorry. Alan I am so so sorry" John weeped and clung to his younger brother whilst listening to his brothers heart beat assuring himself that he had saved his brother in time
 "There's more" usually Alan would be totally against this but he really wanted to let out all of his pain to the nearest person that just happened to be John. "You know I say I don't remember anything about mum?" At Johns nod Alan continued "well that's not entirely true you see I remember mum scream out in pain of her injuries on the side of that cliff, before she remembered that I was there and tried to keep it in. I remember her screaming at the emergency services and dad to get me out first and I remember all the life leave from her fingers as she finally died of her injuries and I remember dad crying over her dead body and growling at me I remember going to the hospital on my own with nothing but the memoir of my mother dying and my much loved father blame me. As much as he does - doesn't anymore. I still do and always will.”
“ Johnny I killed our mother"
 "Oh Alan how could you keep this to yourself all this time?" John cried at the sudden words and clung to his little brothers small frame. After what felt like a short while of long cuddles and crying. The silence was interrupted by a small voice berried with Johns chest.
 "Johnny" Alan said in such a pain and small voice that made johns heart break at how young he seemed to sound like. For a 16 year old it was way to small. 
"Yeah Baby?" John asked his baby brother. 
 "Can I stay on 5 with you? And bring 3 with me?" Alan questioned he new it was irrational but he didn't think he wanted to stay on Tracy island for a while or at all if he had the chance.
 "I'll discuss it with the bros baby, but I'm sure it'll be alright" John replied finally realizing he was going to have to tell his brothers what had happened. And get the knife out of the pool. John picked up a worn out Alan and carried him to Johns temporary room to sleep through the remainder of the day. With Alan safely inside John had to go tell his brothers.
 Maybe having the knife now John might just be able to defend himself from 3 potentially worried (and murderous) brothers.
 John slowly walked into the living room to see a worried bunch of brothers eyes quickly snapped up to John as he walked into their line of sight.
 "Where've you been?" An impatient voice came from one of the sofa. Gordon.
 "-With Alan" John supplied.
 "Yeh well where's he?" Scott questioned looking around.
 "In my room, asleep." John replied still trying to figure out how he was going to explain the issue with his brothers. 
 "Whys he asleep it's only like 6 o'clock he hasn't even eaten dinner - all today actually" Scott once again questioned.
 'Ah perfect moment to tell them' John thought.
 "Perfect moment to tell us what" Scott said suddenly getting worried as was Vergil and Gordon. 
 "Damn I said that out loud" John said. "Well Scott this afternoon I stopped our little brother from committing suicide... Wow great way to put it Johnny great way to put it." 
"He WHAT!" Scott practically screamed as did Gordon and Vergil.
 'Well now they know' John thought. "Yeh and he wants to stay on 5 with me for a while and I'm not waking him up neither are you he's worn out from crying so much" John ordered.
 Some silent agreements were heard and John sat down with his brothers to discuss what they were planning to do with Alan's living arrangements. 
 2 and a half hours later a tired Alan woke up and slowly walked down the corridors to the main living room. He was damn hungry. Just as he walked in the room 4 heads snapped up to him and he fell backwards from the sudden attention and landed on the ground. 
"Ow-" Complete silence remained in the room and none of the heads turned away from him and he decided that it was probably the fact he hadn't cooked food. "Wait I don't usually cook so why are you all staring at me!?" 
 "Ummm- Alan you- wait you can cook!" Gordon lost his words by the sudden realization of what his brother just said. 
 "Yeah... Do you want some food?" Alan said with a slight unsure tone in his voice. 
 "Anything!" Gordon said happily, seeming to be completely forgetting his long conversation with his older brothers just minutes ago. 
 "Okay" Alan said and turned to the kitchen and started cooking with a smile on his face and the older brothers realized why Gordon had decided to get his brother busy with cooking. 
 Not long later Alan came back into the large living room with seven carefully stacked trays on practically every part of his body. (Nowhere private or wrong just arms, head and arms and legs). Which made all his brothers stare in adoration with the same question running through their brains 'when could he do that?'. 
 "Okay that's yours and yours and yours and yours and Brains and grandmas and mine" and with that he skipped out of the room leaving four stunned brothers. When he returned he had a Brains and Grandma in front of him. He was pushing them in the room, smiling and they were to. 
"Food" Alan said and collapsed on the sofa and started to slowly eat, as did everyone else and after a few seconds of eating everyone's eyes went wide. "What is it bad?" Alan asked look between the six pairs of wide eyed eyes. 
 "... No" Scott said slowly. 
"Alan this is AMAZING!" Scott and Gordon said in unison and a couple of frantically nodding heads agreed. 
 "Well... If you don't want to eat it you don't have to." Alan said clearly not believing a word of what they had said. 
 "Oh Alan trust me it's great!" John exclaimed and Alan seemed to believe him slightly but not completely.
"Okay..." Alan said in a small voice. 
After they all finished Alan collected all the plates and went to wash them up. The four brothers now would probably be a good time to tell Brains and Grandma about Alan. Just as Scott was about to tell them John stood up and caused Scott to snap shut his barley open mouth with an audible click.
"What? I'm going to talk to Alan and help him with... you know washing up. You can tell them. But I have stuff to do." John stated and ran off after Alan. With John and Alan left the remaining brothers explained the current issues to the unaware family members 
----------- Will I write a follow up maybe, maybe not that's up too you
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TBNRFrags/BajanCanadian Fanfic  (Preston Centric)
Preston’s POV.
Today i just didn’t know what to do. I mean don’t get me wrong greatest job in the world but the world just seems to be going a downward spiral for me. 
I walk into our favourite cafe with the AMAZING pancakes that i just cant get enough or at least i did i have recently gone off them. In fact I’ve gone off all food. When was the last time i ate? i found myself wondering as i walked straight in and spotted my friends all smiling, without me. 
Faking my smile, i quicken my pace to reach them.
They quickly notice my presence which is definitely new.
Hi Pressy! Lachlan I realise, Mat.
Hi Lachy, how ya? i reply faking a happy tone, but none of them notice.
Good. Hey guys lets play while we wait to order K? He asks quickly
Everyone looks to me as i hadn’t said anything to signal that i had heard or wanted to play
Umm... O- Wait What are we playing? I ask quickly. But i must have screwed up somewhere along the lines because they are all loking at me like i am from another planet.
You mean you don’t know dude we play it all the time! Jerome anounced attracting attention. to our table, although we’re like literally the only people here besides the workers.
No i don’t know so can you like, actually tell me or shall i leave like every single other time? I ask getting what i realise is slightly angry. They didn’t even notice i was missing! 
Truth or Dare. Mitch says in a dejected tone and i feel kind of bad. 
Oh Ok i can play that if you still want me too.
Yep Ok Lets go Mitch you start Jerome Bounces.
Err Truth? He says but it comes out as  question and i can’t help but smile.
Do you have a crush on Preston. Vikk questions loudly.
All is silent. I am choking.
Why would he want to go out with a dumbass, ugly, fat, gullible, depressed cactus like me?
Everyone’s looking at me now like i just said my thoughts to them. Wait!
Did I say that out loud? I ask skeptical of myself. 5 nods.
Well Fudge
I ran. Not sure where i am going to or where i am now but i have got to get away from them.
Where am I, I wonder looking around me. this is Mitch’s flat. Shit. I left my car at the cafe. and my keys. wow. i am an idiot.
Mitch’s POV.
He ran. The guys all sat startled before running off as well. While i sat still shocked. Then I noticed the car keys he had left on his seat. I better go and look for him and a car was quicker anyway, right?
--------------------------------------4 Hours Later--------------------------------------------
Alright I was way to tired to continue this. We all decided to go home for the night an hour ago, it was about 2 hours ago that i finally as they put it I realized my feelings for the smaller man. 
I arrived home and noticed the smaller figure on my apartment floor, shivering.
I knelt down only to discover the skinny man had slashed, scarred shadows on his skin then i noticed his face, Preston.
I carefully picked up the dangerously light man and side stepped into the small sofa area in my temporary apartment and started poking the boy in front of me.
Preston wake up I silently begged the small man. Please. 
A weak cough came from beside me.
Hey.. Preston you know I love you right?
Really?! Preston’s voice was so unsure that it broke Mitch.
Yeh. Yes I do. Preston smiled. a real smile that made me face the truth that I may not have actually known this man but I did know I loved him.
Our lips interlocked Preston instantly giving over to Me, Willingly handing the control over to me and it gave me a sense of pride and the day ended like that me and the beautiful boy besides me laying on my bed, his head in my chest and sound asleep. 
Then it hit me the guys will all be looking for him in the morning, Oh well i decided and placed a gentle kiss on his head and slept
Hi Guys hope you enjoyed my first Fanfiction =)
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