lindsayannegua · 8 years
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Vegan cookies ‘n’ cream cupcakes / Recipe
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lindsayannegua · 8 years
Becoming Vegan, Carbs aren’t the Devil
During my senior year in college I decided that I would try going vegan in order to see if it would clear up my acne. I was already a vegetarian who didn’t eat much milk, except for cheese, and occasionally ate eggs, so I didn’t think ti would be that hard. What’s important to note is that for the most part I am gluten free, so my options were already limited in the dinning halls. At first I felt great because I didn’t feel gross and knew that I was only putting the best in my body. However, there were also various negatives, like making it hard to eat with friends who wanted to have chicken wings for dinner and it made it actually made it harder for me to find food sometimes because my school loved having things with either milk, cheese, or gluten in it. Most importantly it didn’t change my acne, this is when I came to the realization that my acne was caused by stress and wouldn’t get better until graduation. 
Even though it didn’t clear up my acne and it was hard to find food on campus, it was during this time that I felt the best about myself. I never felt sick or bloated from the food, and even started to lose some weight, which I am never self cautions of, but it didn’t hurt. However, it’s important to understand that one has to have a balanced diet that contains more carbs to make up for the lack of fat, and that going vegan doesn’t mean that all you eat are salads, veggies, or avocados. Actually most vegans don’t eat avocados because they have too much fat. Now that I have gone back to eating meat, since I have been home, I have recognized when I feel my best, and made sure that the majority of my plate is carbs with a small portion of veggies and meat. 
Yes, I said carbs. Too many people believe that carbs are the reason why they gain weight. That might be true for people who eat a lot of pasta or bread, however it’s because of the white flour and sugar content rather than that fact that they are considered a carb. Since I am gluten free I live off of rice, quinoa, potatoes, and other simple carbs that are filling and great at giving your body the energy it needs to keep going throughout the day. I would usually start my day with a gluten free bagel and fruit to boost my metabolism and keep me going until lunch rolled around. 
Now your probably wondering, what about the protein? How can you live off of carbs, doctors have always said that protein is the most important aspect of your meal. Ever heard of quinoa, beans, mushrooms, and tofu, these are great sources of protein that are meatless. When I decided to become vegetarian, I began to realize that I enjoy these sources of protein more so then meat because they don’t make me feel sluggish afterwards. I also felt better because I knew that no growth hormones were going into my body. 
Even though I have begun to start eating meat again, I don’t eat it all the time and I also live at home, which means that my mom usually makes dinner and goes grocery shopping. I didn’t want this post to be about why everyone should go vegan because I know that everyones situation is different, but instead to concentrate on that it is possible for someone to be vegan while living off of dinning hall food. When I finally move out of my parents house, I hope to go vegan again, because it was the best that I ever felt about myself. I hope that you learned something from this post and give veganism a try someday. 
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lindsayannegua · 8 years
Life After College
This past May I graduated from college. I was so relieved to not have homework and get my weekends back. However, it’s disappointing to not have my friends a mere 2 minutes away. I blame debt on the fact that my friends and I can’t afford to live anywhere else but home.  Now that September has arrived and people are going back to school, I realized how much I actually miss my campus. We’ve all tried to stay in touch through text, phone calls, and Skype, but it’s not the same. Unfortunately, I wish that I could say that life after graduation is this magnificent time where you get your dream job, a great apartment that you can afford to decorate, go out every Friday and Saturday night with your friends to the coolest clubs in town, and everything else that people dream about when they are leave college. However, if you are able to pull through, get the job you want, and begin paying off your debt, it’s definitely all worth it. 
Currently, I am working as an intern for a great non-profit organization, have found a new passion in blog writing, I have been able to visit a couple of my friends this summer and made some great memories. I just have tried to make sure that I stay sane through this transition by doing things that I want to do, and not concentrating on what “your supposed to do.” I ending this with a quote from one of the best TV shows in the world, Freaks and Geeks! The reason being that, “we're all unhappy. That's the thing about life.” 
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lindsayannegua · 8 years
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almost famous (2000)
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lindsayannegua · 8 years
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lindsayannegua · 8 years
Don't try to make me grow up before my time....
Little Women
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lindsayannegua · 8 years
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lindsayannegua · 8 years
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lindsayannegua · 8 years
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Bringing Up Baby, 1938
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lindsayannegua · 8 years
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random character appreciation: Hildy Johnson
“If you want me, you gotta take me as I am. Don’t try to change me for something else. I’m no suburban bridge player, I’m a newspaperman.”
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lindsayannegua · 8 years
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lindsayannegua · 8 years
How to do social media
For the past month I have been helping find content and manage the social media platforms for the organization I am interning with. I have been trying to figure out what type of content do our audiences engage the most with. The first week I attempted to find articles that were empowering, inspiring, and would connect well with our messages. It seemed to work for the organization’s linkedIn account. My first week had some of the best comments and the most likes ever. However, it’s important to note that known of the articles had attached to those posts. As a result, I formulated an experiment to figure out if people only like and comment on posts if they have time to read the article attached. Unfortunately, when I tried to write posts were I sited the article, it didn’t seem to gain the same amount of results. What made the organizations audience so engaged that first week? What content should we be pushing in order to gain the most engagement and become “trendy”? Can we find the exact content that they want whilst maintaining the our mission for the platform?
When talking with the Digital Marketing Associate, we discussed some possible hypothesis and experiments to figure out why our audiences was so engaged that first week. We decided that I would do some content analytics to figure out what posts people were engaged with the post, where they are from, and the key words that our audiences are looking for when they scroll through social media. This is something that I will be starting soon, so I can’t talk to much about it, but I do believe that this will help. The reason being that the more likes and comments the organization receives on social media the more people find out about them, the more job applications they receive, and the more organization and companies want to potentially work with them. Unfortunately, I wasn’t sure if this would exactly change anything, was it just a fluke?
I haven’t done much content analysis, so I can’t say if this has worked, but I wanted to write this post to explore how important of a social media platform LinkedIn is for people and businesses/organizations. For many people social media is something they believe they have already mastered because they have a couple hundred to a few thousand followers on Instagram and Twitter. It’s important to recognize how each one of these social media platforms are different and how a person, company, or organization can gain followers, recognition, and inspire more people with their mission and work. That’s why I decided to write this post, and hope it helps any person who decides to go into social media and digital marketing as a career. 
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lindsayannegua · 8 years
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Why is it that summer seems so far away, but when it finally comes, it flies by in a blink of an eye. - Santa Cruz 2014
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lindsayannegua · 8 years
Minimizing My Life
During my senior year of college, I realized that I enjoyed staying busy but, organized. One of the first things that allowed me to feel both busy and organized was by getting rid of the clothes that I didn’t want anymore. Unfortunately, I wasn’t ready to part with many of my clothes, so I just decided not to bring them to school with me. This worked out great, but when I moved back into home, I couldn’t put everything in my room. This forced me to revaluate my life and finally get rid of the stuff that I never wore or used since high school. Here are some tips on how to conquer the clutter and find out who you really are. 
Take every single piece of clothing out of your closet, dresser, and every other place where you keep your clothes and put it on the floor, your bed, anywhere were you can see everything. This will allow you to actually see everything that you own, so you don’t throw something out that you might regret. 
Tip #2- GO ONE BY ONE 
Make three or four piles, depending on your preference. There should be one for keep, maybe, and throw away, a fourth one could also be keep for now, these are he items that you think you want to keep now but aren’t sure if you will actually ware. Once you go piece by piece through the clothes, you will be able to evaluate your clothing and figure out what goes with your style more. 
When you are finished with your plies and think you can start putting things back again, think again. First go through your maybes and put them in either your keep or donate/throw away pile. Then go through your yes pile and see if there is anything that you actually don’t want or don’t need. 
Tip #4- TRY IT ON
By trying on every single item of clothing, you will be able to know for sure that what you want to keep actually makes you happy. The reason why this comes after go through it again is because many times people think that things fit, but once they try it on they begin to find issues with it that they couldn’t see initially.
Once you have defined what it is that you actually want to keep, you can finally put your clothes away and move on to the next area in your room, house, apartment, etc. until you are happy with what you own and get rid of the junk in your life. 
By separating this into sections you are slowly going through the intense, but fulfilling process of getting rid of the junk in your life. By doing this at least a couple times a month, I have felt better about my life and everything that I own, do, and even the people I surround myself with. 
Now, I do still buy things, however I have a better sense of what I want to own and what I shouldn’t, even though I might initially want to. I have also began to spend less money, and instead save it up for the pieces of clothing, room decor, and other things that I really want. If you feel as if you have all this stuff but don’t know who you really are, then its time to revaluate your life and find out who you really are. 
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lindsayannegua · 8 years
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S'mores Pudding Bowl
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lindsayannegua · 8 years
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Jane Birkin
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lindsayannegua · 8 years
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Stanley Kubrick: “A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what’s behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later.”
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