listening2losangeles · 10 years
June Update!
Hi Folks,
These posts come so far apart. There is a lot swirling around us and we have only been in LA since November. It's hard to believe summer is here and soon we will be back in Chicago for the film fest planning and prepping.
One thing to update everyone on is that we *hope* to be home and in Chicago August-end of October. This was not part of the plan originally but we also had no idea what was in the cards for us. Two things have come into play. The 1st is that we were contracted via Flowfeel to shoot some projects in Indiana for Kosciusko county. The 2nd is that we will also be gearing into film fest planning during August all the way through the fest. We are really excited to see everyone! 
As far as what we are doing in LA here is the run down:
1. Brent just found an editor for A Short History of Drugs in the Valley. We start the process on Monday.
2. We have shot several pieces for the film fest youtube channel to help build our Youtube following and partnership with Collective Digital Studios
3. Jessica was in a Proactiv commercial which shot in San Francisco. I met some really cool people including Crystal Munoz Miss California Latina. She has contracted me to build her website actually.
4. Jessica and colleague Matt Geiler just launched a Kickstarter campaign that you should not feel obligated to donate to, but should be eager to share. It is representative of our comedy chops and shows you some characters that we've had in our repertoire since 2006 after Jessica and Matt graduated The Second City: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thecarbines/join-us-on-our-journey-to-create-a-great-indiegogo
5. Brent is also moving into the editing phase of his documentary on Michael Palascak so keep your eye out for that project to make its way to the forefront on either a downloadable platform or some other way. 
6. Lastly Collective Digital Studios will be attending the film festival this year to talk directly with content creators. It's going to be an exciting event this year.
Lots of stuff. Looking forward to a retreat to the Midwest! LA has been really rewarding so far.
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listening2losangeles · 10 years
The reason we moved to LA was to make a deal like this happen. Floored and ecstatic it came to us so quickly! Subscribe to the channel to keep up with our comedy adventures! 
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listening2losangeles · 10 years
Still Here, Skies are Clear!
Yo! It's been a couple of weeks since we have posted! Can't believe May is here. While at times we feel settled in, there are still moments we realize we are very new to LA and are still wrapping our heads around actually living here. It has taken a lot to overcome in order to keep moving forward. Much goes on outside in order to stay focused, and we feel appreciative of the support of so many. 
First things FIRST. As you know by now Jessica won the Price is Right. The experience was surreal and exciting. We spent 8 hours that day taping the episode and Jessica was determined to get chosen, and she did! We won a trip to Mexico, Italy, and China. Still waiting to solidify details. The entire day was a true testament to enjoying THE MOMENT. The hour of being part of the game was like a meditative journey and experience of pure fun and joy!! Drew Carey is awesome too.
The other update is that we signed a management contract with a huge digital content development studio through the Chicago Comedy Film Festival. This news is probably THE BIGGEST. We will announce more details after our upcoming meeting and official public announcement through the festival. Very exciting and a payoff of our hard work coming here and staying focused.
Very recently Jessica was called in for a TLC audition. It had been a long week, I was balancing many gigs and when I got into the audition they informed me that I MISSED my audition. It had been the day before and the role was already cast. I took it with good humor, but it was a lesson about putting your energy where it counts. I had spent that week fretting about things that I couldn't control, working on things that don't count, and worrying about too much that didn't serve me. The next day I cancelled some extraneous plans and made a vow to stop self sabotaging my time. Without knowing if this was going to work out, it has. I've aready noticed a difference in my energy and that I feel like I'm truly back to being focused. Los Angeles has a way of getting you in frenzy and sometimes you have to climb down from the tree and realize that your peace comes from within.
Los Angeles has brought us a lot of lessons about valuing our talents and being ok with the ups and downs of independently finding your way. We have both been very curious about how this was all going to go and we are finding that just by loving and living we make through each day and surprises are around every corner. It is not always EASY but we are still going and so far so good! 
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listening2losangeles · 10 years
5 Months
We are nearing our 5 month anniversary in Los Angeles. It's hard to believe. Everything feels so fast. So furious and tough at times. It's hard to explain to others the type of focus you MUST have in order to have the frame of mind to be ready for a last minute audition or just to work a 12 hour day on your feet or to be asked on a whim to be part of a scene with the principal actor, and you thought you were having a bad skin day on no sleep. So many unexpected emails answered with great feedback. So many days wondering if we had come here sooner, then what? It doesn't matter. Now is the time. We're here now.  And there's a coffee shop in Hollywood with gluten free donuts. Yes, that's right.
Jessica's Price is Right episode will air April 8th-don't miss it! We will be back in the Chicago/Indiana area for a visit in April and Brent will be filming a documentary of friend and comedian Michael Palascak as he does a hometown visit to Wabash Indiana to perform. Jessica will also judge her hometown theaters 1st improv competition April 5th. elkhartcivictheatre.org for more info on that.
Jessica had an audition for Hotwire the travel site and a major music video this week. Both auditions went well and I felt at ease. It's nice to get the opportunity to meet with casting directors. Whether they cast you or not, they see your face and get to know who you are.
Brent is in post production for A Short History of Drugs in the Valley and editing is finally getting underway. We've been watching footage and it brings back great memories. 
Jessica has also worked on a couple of pilots and was featured in a scene with Kate Walsh on the new comedy pilot Bad Judge which was directed by Anne Heche.
Alright. Happy 5 Months y'all
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listening2losangeles · 11 years
Auditions: What Happens?
It occurred to me that I've never really explained any of my auditions and the process. For those who are here just starting out I hope you find this helpful. 
I had an audition for a comedy project that is being backed by a small distribution company on the Paramount Lot. They don't tell you a whole lot more about that project as was the case with this one. I just had to show up to the address with a prepared comedic monologue. I performed one that I'm pretty comfortable with and isn't Neil Simon. When I arrived the lobby was packed, which is pretty much the norm and a true testament to how much competition there is in LA. On any given time of day or day of the week if there are THAT many actors auditioning, that's a ton of aspiring artists. The space had several studios so there were several auditions going on at once. Now, even though we are moving into the digital age, don't do what I did and forget to bring your physical headshot/resume to a theatrical audition. When I got in the lobby I signed in on a sign in sheet and when they called my name and I went in a room for two Hollywood type guys. They asked me if I had a monologue, which I did and they slated me on camera and asked me to begin. When I was finished that was it! Even though the audition notice had said I would get sides (script) to perform, that was not given to me. You never really know why. It can be a good sign. It can mean they hate you. 
The next audition I had was a Converse ad,which is a commercial audition. Now for commercial auditions I've been told its actually unnecessary to bring your headshot/resume and I've actually heard the casting agent tell someone they don't need it. For this audition, I headed to another large space with multiple studios and multiple auditions. This was an even bigger and busier lobby with folks auditioning for Publix grocery store, Netflix, GNC, and other big name brands. Everyone around me looked like someone you've probably seen on a commercial. Everyone was also super friendly. They called 5 of us in off the sign in sheet and we were taken into the studio. They lined us up and slated us. Then they took about 2 minutes with each of us and asked us a little about ourselves just to feel out our vibe. And that was it! 
From this point they will do callbacks from those they like and then they will cast. 
That's what happens! But here's some REAL advice from some Hollywood butthole types: 
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listening2losangeles · 11 years
Game On
Brent and I have had a lot of interesting developments this week.Sometimes things happen and the days run together and we've forgotten to share with anyone. So I'm going to just update the ol' blog. 
Brent heard back from TWO MAJOR agencies about his screenplay. This is usually pretty unheard of as getting a response is about 1%. He is really excited to be having some dialogue. He got feedback from one agent which is also extremely valuable. And it was good feedback!
In a strange turn of events, after I, Jessica, got over a nasty sickness and started to bounce back this week, got my first comedy project audition at Paramount Studios.The audition is tomorrow. I have to perform a monologue and read sides.
Additionally, on the set of Parenthood yesterday, while doing background work, I hinted to the PA that I was interested in stepping up if they needed anything more substantial. It resulted in being pulled as a stand-in for Mae Whitman. It was totally unexpected but totally worth it. I got to chat a bit with the crew and show that I can take direction and have experience. It could result in more stand in work. Game on! Also saw Ray Ramano yesterday which was awesome, as I'm a huge fan. 
One thing about doing background work, that I've mentioned before, and its worth mentioning again-you never know what each day could bring. You have to make it work for you and its all about networking. I have met, just this week, two filmmakers on set who gave me valuable information and we exchanged our contact info. I also stood in line for catering in front of a principal actor who refused to cut in line and eat first with the crew. A real class act, whoever that guy is, because I don't always keep up with names. But he told the PA who asked him to move up, that he just would not be doing that based on principle.He was a reminder that background is an element to filmmaking this is just as crucial as anyone else.
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listening2losangeles · 11 years
Saturday Night Live from LA
It's Saturday night in LA. The wind smells like jasmine. We are working diligently on several projects and getting ourselves organized because we are gaining some momentum but need to put the brakes on and take a breather. 
1. Jessica was requested for a new comedy pilot audition at Paramount studios next week!
2. Brent worked alongside Alyssa Milano's stand-in on the sexy show Mistresses on Friday. 
3. Watch the 2/27 episode of Scandal for Jessica. Watch one of the first couple of episodes, not sure which one, of Growing Up Fisher premiering this week. Jessica was featured on an episode.
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listening2losangeles · 11 years
Workshops and Websites and Writing and Life
Hey folks!
We are still here. Still in Hollywood.
Many of you know that Brent and I and his parents went to The Price is Right last week. The episode we were on airs April 8th! Really excited to watch it and see if the cameras caught us acting nutty! We had a great time.
Jessica continues produce some content with her friend Matt Geiler. If you visit my facebook page: facebook.com/jesnhardy you will see episodes go up every week of their new web series. 
Brent is now moving into editing our feature film and seeking a team of folks in LA who want to join him on that journey. We are really excited. We also revamped his website
We both are writing a lot and making sure we stay healthy and focused. That's hard to do sometimes as life comes up and what not. But all in all, we are still plugging away. 
Oh! Also, on April 5th we will be returning home to our hometown and to be part of The Elkhart Civic Theater's 1st Improv Festival. That is my hometown theater and I will be offering a workshop there during the finals that day. Improv for Actors. $20 and 18 and over. Here is the facebook EVENT While we are there we will be having a viewing party to watch The Price Is Right episode that we attended. This will take place on Tuesday April 8th and when it gets organized we will let you know in case you want to come join us, eat some food, and have some drinks while we laugh at ourselves.
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listening2losangeles · 11 years
Lots and Lots
*lots of little links in the post-one I am only sharing here with our tumblr followers!
Hi Everyone! It's been a week or so since we've updated this blog. Our intention was to write more often but things have been hustling along and we are trying to balance online life with real life. In fact giving up Facebook has been one of the hardest things to do for Jessica but has proven to be most helpful in focusing on real life goals! But who knew how hard it would be to limit your online use! 
We were both in Colorado last week skiing with family. Brent stayed behind in Denver to shoot a music video for the band The Motet. They play to a sold out audience on Saturday the 26th at the Filmore. Flowfeel Films will be producing the video as well as we will be updating our website very soon, it is down at the moment. 
Randomly, on a shuttle bus in Steamboat, we met a guy who referred Brent to a literary agent at one of the larger agencies in Hollywood. Who knew!? 
Jessica is back in LA. The first order of business I needed to take care of was a prank phone call to Payless Car Rental. They caused us 24 hours of grief, a lot of money, and time during our trip this week. The only way to cope with that BS (besides trying to recoup the money) is to give them a douse of good ol' trickery.
I also had a video audition for a SAG project that I submitted while in Colorado but did not hear back. My friend Karen had taken me to a workshop when I first moved to LA and the first thing we discussed is that when you audition "you are not getting the job." and "it's a chance to act on a Sunday." With this advice in mind it was awesome to prepare and have a chance to act on a Sunday for someone who asked to see me. That is the attitude that has helped me along!
I also was contacted by an agency to meet with them but it turns out its a bogus agency with a horrible reputation. Which, trust me, if I had the time I would have gone just to have some material to make a video out of! 
The background work is chugging along for both of us. Brent has done True Blood and a Jack Black movie. For the Jack Black movie he played a Middle Eastern protester in the street. Cars were on fire and major stunts were going down at 2am. All for the Hollywood screen people. 
I was on the set of Gone Girl last week which was a huge cattle call. But I got put near the action and the cameras and was able to watch David Fincher give Neil Patrick Harris and Rosamund Pike direction for about 5 hours. It was mesmerizing to watch Rosamund Pike do take after take after take after take after take and generate the same emotions each time. David Fincher is a director who certainly has a lot of liberty to make each take absolutely perfect. His approach is very precise and he pays very close attention to detail. I felt so grateful to be able to observe and absorb. Oh, and you will see my friend Jonah and I walking by during a scene. Each time we had a different story. One time we decided that when we walk by the camera we are talking about how he just shit his pants in the bathroom and I want to adopt a baby. 
Keep an eye out for us in some featured background roles:
Brent on Brooklyn 99 as a perpetrator fighting the officer
Jessica on Growing Up Fisher as a client having dinner at a diner with Fisher (J.K. Simmons) and his friend. (during this scene I had the best time chatting with J.K. Simmons and his co-star as well as discussing the business with their awesome stand ins!)
Also, here is the latest episode of my new web series with comedian Matt Geiler 
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listening2losangeles · 11 years
Jessica's is starring in and helping produce a web series. Episode 1. 
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listening2losangeles · 11 years
Yoga and Fred Armisen
Just took my first official resident yoga class at Yoga Works. It was intense but I liked it. I kept thinking how knowledgeable I felt thanks to Shannon and Laura back at Yoga in Bloom in North Webster Indiana. They set me up to really know my basics and know myself when it comes to yoga. I need more yoga practice in 2014 and this was a great start. Then I came home and taught Brent some poses to prepare him for his first class here soon! 
On my way out of the studio I saw Fred Armisen hanging out near a parking meter. Someone asked him if he's on SNL and he quietly said yes. Poor guy probably just wants to get to his yoga class. Or just feed his meter quietly like Portlanders do.
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listening2losangeles · 11 years
Happy New Year!
Hi Everyone! Happy New Year! Brent and I had our New Years Goals meeting last night and feel like we have decided some direction for our first year in LA. 
1. Brent will be writing and directing his first live sketch comedy show
2. Jessica will be focusing on auditions and some paid nonspeaking work
3. Editing A Short History of Drugs in the Valley (Brent's feature film)
4. More yoga (Brent too!)
5. Way less personal Facebook use (Jessica) I will continue to update my professional page because its important for me to have that if I'm going to get serious about my goals.
6. Jessica and comedian friend Matt Geiler will be releasing some short web videos "Acting Tips by Linda Connors and Kent Squeerion" . We put together about 13 episodes back in November and plan to start releasing them soon.
7. Sponsorship and promotions for Chicago Comedy Film Festival
We think that's simple but now that I just wrote it out, maybe not! LOL
Wanted to also let you know a couple of episodes you MIGHT see me on
January 7th Trophy Wife
February 27th Scandal
Glee (Nationals episode)
While these are all non speaking background gigs, I still think its fun to watch and see if I can spot myself in the 2 seconds I could appear. I can't tell you exactly when to look for me due to confidentiality so if I see myself I'll post again and let you know after it airs.
Oh, and Brent found a vacuum for our apartment and it works quite well! Here's to sucking it all in in 2014!
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listening2losangeles · 11 years
Not an LA song, but has the feel and all the movie magic references. 
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listening2losangeles · 11 years
Tumblr media
We had a nice festive holiday yesterday out in Claremont with our friends the Geilers. Now were in Redondo Beach for 3 days soaking up ocean air and feeling the nice breeze. Photo from our condo look north toward downtown RB. 
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listening2losangeles · 11 years
Season Greetings - Catching Up
The last full week before the town shuts down for the holidays was a packed, busy one for us. 
Jessica did two 14 hour days on Glee, then a 10 hour day on an indie horror film, followed by a 12 hour day on Gangster Related. Good to make that money and got a Union Voucher for one shoot, so that was a nice surprise. Sister Ashley is in town and we've been showing her around with hikes in the Canyons, dinner at Sur, followed by drinks at Stout. We have an X-mas Eve party tonight to attend and then tomorrow the main day in Claremont with the Geilers. 
Brent had another virtual pitch for two reality concepts he is shopping. He also did a 12 hour day on Rake as background. 
Hope to get more thoughts on the site for you next week, once we come down from the holiday "cheer" :) 
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listening2losangeles · 11 years
Vince Guaraldi - Greensleeves (A Charlie Brown Christmas: Original Soundtrack Recording of the CBS Television Special)
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listening2losangeles · 11 years
Christmas in Los Angeles?
Well I'm going to say it. It's cold in Los Angeles. Ok, reach your hand out and fake smack me (Jessica). Hey, I had to sit outside in the cold today on set for hours and it was cold people! Ok ok, enough now. 
Brent wrote a post or two this week but he's on set today and I got off set early (hooray!). It's been a crazy 2 weeks. Between the two of us we have been on several sets and most of the time it ends up being 13-14 hour days. Some days I can't remember from last week! As you may know on Monday however we snagged red carpet VIP tix to the premiere of August: Osage County and saw Meryl Streep, Dylan McDermott, Julia Roberts, Ewan McGregor, Abigail Breslin, Juliette Lewis and other celebs as they celebrated a fabulous wonderful film! We highly recommend it and it was very surreal as well as the film itself hit home in many ways and resonates with anyone raised in the Midwest
I spent two days on Glee this week. I can't talk about ANY specifics but it was fun and I had heard those kids are divas but they are actually super funny off camera and very down to earth.
Today I was in a feature horror film starring Jamie Prestley. She is cute as a button.
No auditions right now as we are just doing peon work to make some money. But we are excited for pilot season and hope to get busy again after the holidays seeking representation and auditioning. Even though I am so exhausted, there is something about being here and being a part of the industry that ignites me. 
On January 4th I will be directing a kids show at the Neon Venus in Hollywood. The kids are going to act out an episode of Frasier. The show is called Sitcom and you can visit them at notreadyforbedtimeplayers.tumblr.com!
I took public transit for the first time to set and I loved it! LA has their train system together and clean!
My sister is coming in three days and I am SO looking forward to having her here and taking the week off for some fun. I have a few days at the beach planned. Be jealous! 
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