What is Gnosis?
gnosis is an altered state of consciousness that allows you to bypass the limitations of your rational mind and tap into the raw power of your will to achieve a desired outcome. It's a state of focused concentration where all your attention is narrowed down to a single point, shutting out distractions and amplifying your intention. Chaos magicians view this state as essential for working magick because it allows us to bridge the gap between will and results. We of course employ various techniques (potentially limitless in number) to achieve this state.
Sensory deprivation is a method where one deprives the senses of external stimuli to achieve a state of deep focus. This can involve practices as simple as spending time in a darkened room while wearing a blindfold and using earplugs, or as deep as you want to take it. As all distractions fade, your inner world becomes amplified, creating a space for gnosis to emerge.
Emotional Ecstasy is a technique that creates a heightened emotional state through activities like drumming or dancing. This intense emotional energy can act as a gateway to gnosis.
Inhibitory gnosis is a technique that involves entering a meditative state akin to a trance. Utilize slow, rhythmic breathing and progressive muscle relaxation to quiet the mind and body. Techniques like self-hypnosis and visualization can also be employed. In this deeply relaxed state, you become more receptive to gnosis.
Indifferent Vacuity is a method that involves performing a magickal working in a detached, almost nonchalant manner. The idea is to minimize the focus on the desired outcome itself, allowing the subconscious mind to take the lead and move into to gnosis. This generally requires one to be experienced and proficient with performing said ritual.
Approaching gnosis with a trickster mentality. Employ absurdity or silliness to disrupt your usual patterns of thought and open yourself to the unexpected. This can lead to a state of gnosis by breaking down rigid mental barriers.
Examples of a few more complex methods involve achieving gnosis via channeling a servitor's experiences, or via lucid dreaming in tandem with Dream Incubation techniques.
I would go so far as to say it’s a necessary study and essential skill when it comes to being a practicing occultist/witch/chaos magician/ceremonial magician et el
For context, a practicing occultist is one who has taken their work beyond study and into performing the acts themselves.
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The term Liminal Space is something you hear a lot on the internet in 2024 but it’s been an obsession of mine for a very very long time so I feel responsible for providing some more information as there’s a lot more to it than being an aesthetic. In a magickal context, liminal space refers to a transitional phase or state of existence, often symbolic of being on the threshold between realities or realms. It's a potent space for magickal workings because it's believed to be more porous and receptive to influence.
Liminal spaces represent a state of in-betweenness, where the old structures and boundaries have dissolved, but new forms haven't yet solidified. This impermanence creates an openness to change and possibility. Because the familiar is temporarily suspended, liminal spaces can induce a state of heightened awareness and receptivity. Practitioners might use this space for introspection, divination, or to connect with the unconscious mind. Liminal spaces are often metaphorical thresholds between the ordinary and the extraordinary. Magickal rituals frequently incorporate symbolic liminal spaces to facilitate transitions into altered states of consciousness or to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual realms.
A few more specific examples of how liminal space can be used in a magickal context:
* The Space Between Sleep and Wakefulness: This hypnagogic state is often used for dream incubation or astral projection practices.
* The Wilderness: Many cultures view wilderness as a liminal space, away from the constraints of civilization, which can be conducive to deep communion with nature and spirit.
* Urban Areas: creating defined spots of liminal space throughout a city can be a powerful agent of change.
* Sensory Deprivation: Limiting external stimuli can induce a liminal state, making the practitioner more receptive to subtle energies or inner visions.
* Ritual Space: The consecrated and protected space created during a magical ritual functions as a liminal space, existing outside the ordinary flow of time and space.
I’ve been meaning to write this up for a long time now and I hope it’ll give you a broader scope of what liminal space actually is and how you can utilize it to create change in your personal life 🙏💜💜💜💜
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Post-Eclipse echos into the ether
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divination series:::day 22
Antique Anatomy Tarot
Momento Mori Oracle
manifestations. redemption. purification. supplications. you’ve done all you can and whatever could be set right has been set right.
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divination series:::day 21
Antique Anatomy Tarot
Momento Mori Oracle
pages are messengers concerning attributes we need to adopt right now and this one brings a message of mental fortitude, seeing things from every angle, thinking ten steps ahead, and acting in accord with your personal paradigm concerning right and wrong. There also needs to be a reexamination of something in your life that you’ve been nurturing for a while now, it could be it a plan or a situation. You’re not going to be able to win this one on your own however, you’ve got to cooperate more effectively with external factors or forces in some way. And it’s incredibly important that you do win btw, as it’ll not only be a win it’ll also be a fix. You may not be used to thinking in those terms but you should consider trying to for a while. This one is a bit more cryptic than the rest of the series but I trust and have faith that it’s going to resonate with whomever it’s supposed to.
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divination series:::day 20
Antique Anatomy Tarot
Momento Mori Oracle Deck
Some jobs have to be done alone, for many reasons. Much like tending to the dead, being a tarot card reader, or being a writer, all personal examples but there’s an infinite number available.
Our work can also be a gift, something that too many people don’t understand. There are many who do thankfully, but I’m legitimately sad in my heart for the ones who haven’t been able to yet. You can, it’s a choice, whether people like to hear that or not- it’s still a choice. Not an easy one I’m not trying to minimize the magnitude, but some people believe in their hearts that it can’t be that way for them *right now* for whatever reasons. Maybe you haven’t found the right work yet? Legitimate possibility. Don’t be afraid to expand your horizons with this in mind, you’re guaranteed one life. Or maybe you do love your work and still can’t love your work, if that makes sense. It’s still a choice, most people can (save the neurologically unable) reprogram their mental/emotional health. If not completely at least try to which in many cases is enough to make it manageable thus in itself creating tangible results.
In any case whether you like it or not some jobs have to be done alone. It’s best to accept and enjoy that. If Hemingway has taught me anything, and he’s taught me a lot, it’s that we’re all born bitched and we all die in the end.
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divination series::::day 19
Thoth Tarot
Incredibly concise message today: let your higher self work, let it seamlessly inform your movement. WSB do easy is kind of letting Jesus take the wheel except you’re also Jesus lol don’t get lost in the void with that one though it’s only a metaphor 👀
surrender to the process today and let your instincts alone guide you. overthinking any of the things is the enemy.
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divination series:::day 18
Paracelsus’ Dream Tarot
Barajas Playing Cards
The Knights are all active cards, they denote movement and forward momentum. The Wands of course correspond to the element of Fire, and here we have readily apparent Fire element personality traits on full display: all the charm, charisma, confidence, courage and recklessness. You won’t miss it. You couldn’t miss it even if you wanted to.
Double Ace of Cups. We’re in an especially long all day Void of Course Moon transit with a Triple Conjunction between the Moon/Chiron/North Node… 2 Ace of Cups energy fits this deep liminal space intensity perfectly.
The takeaway: don’t get ahead of yourself making moves today because nothing is as it seems.
Also: for these purposes you need to think of liminal space as a magickal concept and not existing solely as some weird internet negative space aesthetic buzzword lol
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divination series:::day 17
Marigold Tarot. Messy Desk.
The 7 of Swords is the lone wolf. The lone wolf is sometimes a lone wolf due to his own volition, sometimes not, but either way it will do whatever it needs to do to survive and that’s not always pretty, and it’s not always looked on so kindly by others. Lone wolves are the keepers of secrets who work behind the scenes, they truly need no one. Some people are just like that and sometimes this works for them, but sometimes it works against them. In this circumstance it’s not helping and it’s time to let go of whatever it is that’s giving you pause, let it go and go with it… whatever it is. You can’t say it is what it is if you don’t even know what it actually is just yet 💥
You can be a realist without being a pessimist. You can stay true to yourself without discounting others perspectives. You can be a hard worker without being an obsessive workaholic. Find the healthy middle ground between being a total isolationist and having all the people all up in your business- it exists. Find that and you won’t miss the essential lesson here that you have yet to learn, because unfortunately for the lone wolves you’re not going to see this one by looking in the mirror.
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divination series:::day 16
Jaws Playing Cards
You have to let your higher self line you up to keep things in order, even if the order is imperfect. you’ve got one life you can guarantee on don’t waste it being bored, boring, broke or unhappy.
Don’t be a sad ghost 🤍🤍🤍
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divination series:::day 15
Loteria Oracle Cards
Tu me traces a puros brincos como parjaro en la rama.
You've got me jumping to it like a bird on a branch.
El que nace pa'maceta no sale del corredor.
He who is born to a flower pot won't leave the corridor.
We cannot force people into our plans, and we must accept that not everyone will be receptive to our ideas or what we’re trying to accomplish. Your efforts will prove futile in these circumstances and further attempts of persuasion will only breed suspicion and anxiety. Continuing on this trajectory will be counterproductive to your cause. It truly is what it is sometimes.
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A bit of inspiration 🍓🦇
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divination series:::day 14
1+4=5 is a number of all of the elements coming together in perfect union, such as in a pentagram or pentacle, for one example.
Paracelsus’ Dreams Tarot
Love in general can be a dirty bomb sometimes but the worst of the fallout is over, and a better future is coming faster than it may feel at the moment, which is the silver lining if you’ve been going through it in the mix or stuck in a web of any painful situations, chapters, eras, moments, incidents, phases, or episodes. Romantic love is one of the least fair parts of being human, you’re at your happiest until it goes off and having gone rancid you stab one another in the middle of the chest with very large chef’s knives. And then you were dead and feeling bottomed out, powerless and at your worst mentally/emotionally/physically. But the worst is over, and now you’re undead yet amongst the walking, either together somehow defying geometry or apart.
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divination series:::day 13
Paracelsus’ Dreams Tarot
Lucky 13
There are as many different kinds of love as there are people, and not all blessings look the same. Don’t close your mind or your heart, spiritual breakthroughs and epiphanies will sail right past you and you won’t see or hear a single trace of it. Not all people are trash, not all gestures are made with sinister ulterior motives behind them. Being gracious is an art form, and just as essential as being generous. Remember that.
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divination series:::day 12
Hieronymus Bosch Tarot
1+2= 3 which Pythagorus believed to be the perfect number, but spanning cultures, religions, and philosophies 3 symbolizes wholeness, harmony, and highest fortune both spiritually and materially.
Things are coming together and going according to plan. Which is a nice feeling, and one we should take the time to consciously sit with and enjoy for a bit on occasion.
But what if it all looks like some sort of clusterfuck on the outside, or doesn’t make sense to some people or make sense to anyone at all? It doesn’t matter. Only 2 things matter:
1: do the people (if any) who you feel should know what’s going on with you (for whatever reason) actually know? Yes? Good. Those are the only people that matter. No? Go about your business and fill them in. They are the only people that matter. Do not let this give you anxiety, just make it done.
2: that you love what you’re doing, you’re steadily working in the most effective and efficient way, and actively moving toward your goals and your highest potential. One’s work is sacred, and I’m not talking about glamorizing the grind. Work isn’t work if you love what you’re doing with your life, if you love your purpose. Does this not currently apply to you? Make your work the process of making that your total reality. That’s your work for now, creating your foundation for that way of life. That work is just as valid, and the journey should be as engaging and bring you as much happiness as the destination will.
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divination series:::day 11
Marigold Tarot
What do you want your life to look like? Where do you want to go? Both literally and figuratively. Removed from what’s expected from you, what do you truly want? If you don’t have immediate answers to these questions it’s the time for some serious contemplation.
Life is a gift. It’s time to fully live for yourself.
The 7 of cups is my favorite card. It’s a complicated card, as far as tarot cards go, and has layers of meaning. It can be falling into dreams or escaping from reality, but it can also be indicate a spiritual epiphany.
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