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Braids and Waves hairstyle of the day
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Princess Rope Braid
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New Year nails!
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Halloween nails :)
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Blue :)
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Outdated :(
Will post late nail art pics in a bit :)
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Random thoughts on a Monday
Wake up at 3am. Leave the house at 4am. Prepare the day's lessons. Conduct classes. Make comments and progress reports. Go home. Sleep. Wake up at 3am the next day and it goes on and on for 5 days.
Am I not getting tired of doing the same things everyday? No. My job is something that's not routinary. Everyday is something brand new. You've got to prepare different lessons for different student because they've got different skills and different personalities. Some are really good and some learn fast, while others claim that they're good but they pick up so slow. There are kids, adults, and even directors of big companies and 20 plus years professors. They can bring out the best in me, and even the worst in me. "Good morning, how are you today?" is only one of my spiels in class. I ask the same question everyday but I get different answers each time I ask it. That's what I'm telling you about. I may do the same procedures everyday, but I experience different results everytime I log in and log out of the class. (to be continued..)
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Lazy and slow Monday.
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Good night! :)
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I'm the Biggest Jerk
I'm not an easy person to be with. I know that. I probably won't even try to make it easier for you. I'll be really difficult at times. It may seem that, at times, I don't want you, and I don't like you, but I do. I'll be a challenge, because I'm not the sort of person to let people walk all over. I'm not someone who puts up with bull. I'm not the person who will give you sympathy comments. When I say something, I mean it. If people are mean to me, I'll throw them out of my life. I'm annoying, I'm hilarious, and I'm the worlds biggest jerk. I'll make you want to scream and punch walls; i'll ruin your day but save it at the very last minute. I'll drive you crazy and, sometimes you'll hate my guts. But even through all that's going to happen, and I swear it will, I have an amazing side to me. I do. I have a giant heart. I'll always be there when you need me. Even if my life is impossibly knotted, I'll try and untangle yours by listening and loving. I won't stop caring about you, not even if you push me away. You're different from everyone else, and I like that. It's refreshing to find someone different in this world, because way too many people are the same..
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with sigil hehe
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3 years ago. University pageant (Philippine Normal University-Manila)
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Cutest pet's sleeping position~
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This is my favorite hairstyle! :) Girly, fresh, cute and pretty! Will try tomake a tutorial for this hairstyle :D
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Our relationship ages but we stay the same.
The taste is always sweet year after year.
The time is a marker of the meaning we have,
and the significance grows with our love.
To my partner in crime, diary, bodyguard, coach, foodtrip and drinking buddy, trivia guy, baby, hunny, babe, beb, bibi, mahal, darling, lovey, sweetie, bunny, tuts, my besfriend, and the man who owns my heart.. Thank you for your never ending love ♥ Happy anniversary to us! May the Lord continue to bless our relationship ♥<3
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