lizaluvzyu-blog · 12 years
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lizaluvzyu-blog · 12 years
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lizaluvzyu-blog · 12 years
So you are a liar, that's cute. Everyone loves them, ;-] I won't follow you, I'm actually pretty done waiting my time on a crazy, lying, desperate attention seeking twat. I'm sorry you have so many problems, I shall pray for you and your family.
Good for you?
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lizaluvzyu-blog · 12 years
I'm so excited.
I get my phone turned back on tomorrow. Fuq yeah. 
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lizaluvzyu-blog · 12 years
Why is it, that you literally brag about your problems? Post them ALL over the internet. People who seriously have problem don't do that, I don't know you and I don't know your life. All I know is that you don't seem to be suffering from anything besides attention whore syndrome. I'm sorry, but I saw one of your tags and I clicked on your blog and it is very confusing. I don't understand why you feel the need to say the stuff you do, people like you give other real sick people bad names. jsyk
You're right, you don't know me or my life. This is my blog where no one in my rl is on it. So therefore, I complain. Don't like it? Don't follow. Simple as that.
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lizaluvzyu-blog · 12 years
I just keep thinking..
Of Sunday night when Tyler kept on taking my face in his hands and telling me I was pretty. Go. Away. I. Hate. Men.
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lizaluvzyu-blog · 12 years
Reblog if you’re suffering from depression, anorexic, insecure, or if you've ever took a knife to your wrist. Then check your inbox.
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lizaluvzyu-blog · 12 years
So, my Mom has a memory problem. I usually tell my Mom when she forgets/ is doing something she shouldn't, but I didn't just now. :|
I'm a recovering pain pill addict. Annnnd. My Mom just gave me 10 Clonopin and 5 tramadol for my foot that's in pain. I'm soooooooooo tempted to just take it all, end all my pain and suffering for the night.
But, I can't.
Fuck my life. I feel like crying.
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lizaluvzyu-blog · 12 years
On the inside
On the outside, I seem like some bubbly outgoing person, who loves everyone and everything. On the inside? I'm dying for someone to love me, to pay attention to me. I know it's pathetic, I know I'm pathetic. I just want to be wanted.
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lizaluvzyu-blog · 12 years
Just talk to me.
I don't wanna be fucking lonely anymore.
Message Me/Ask Me/Hurt Me
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lizaluvzyu-blog · 12 years
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lizaluvzyu-blog · 12 years
So. Fucking. True. 
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lizaluvzyu-blog · 12 years
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lizaluvzyu-blog · 12 years
I love this.
I love it when my stomach is so hungry, it literally hurts too much to sleep.
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lizaluvzyu-blog · 12 years
We weren't even a thing.
But I'm still so fucking upset over this shit.
:| I hate my life.
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lizaluvzyu-blog · 12 years
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lizaluvzyu-blog · 12 years
So, I'm a fucking MESS.
Alright, so my best friend and I did the Salt and Ice challenge a couple days ago. I swear to god, I think my hand is going to fucking fall off. I have anti burn and itch cream and some cotton taped onto my hand where it burns. Even though I did it three other places, the palm of my hand is where it hurts the most. Yay for fucking me. :| Also, I don't know how (maybe from walking so much, eh?) I walked with my guy friend to his house the other night, and when I got home the next morning I looked at my feet cause they were killing me, and it's purple and blue on the bottom. Oh joy. So, my Mom being a previous  nurse, splinted it, and told me to keep off it. I'm getting the 'oh you poor baby' treatment now. Fuq yeah.
But, it's hard to walk at 2 in the morning to my kitchen to get some food. I'm starving like a motherfucker. Oh well, it's probably good I don't go eat, I'll just feel guilty while eating it. ~_~  So, my life is one big whirr right now.
Eh, whatever.
I love you all.
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