lizzychanz · 24 days
First proper pic in forever. The background was AI generated, but the rest of it is mine. One of these days I'm gonna sit down and learn how to properly do a background haha.
Been on a Danny Phantom x DC crossover hyperfixation recently, so here's Danny cornered in an alley, I guess.
If the shadows look weird, no they don't.
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lizzychanz · 1 month
Man, I haven't drawn anything in nearly a year. I'm a bit embarrassed at how far I've slipped, but even if this is the first thing I've drawn this year, I'm pretty happy with at least the face.
Have a weird, generic-ish Link.
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lizzychanz · 2 months
Really hoping I don't come across as mean, it's just REALLY fun to talk about stuff like this.
In their defense, Detective Conan was never made to be enjoyed internationally. A young Japanese audience (the target audience) would neither know nor care that the American character isn't speaking English correctly. Japanese people don't speak English for the same reason Americans don't speak Japanese: it's not needed in our day to day lives.
While they are required to learn English in school, application is more akin to an American learning, say, French or Spanish or Latin in high school-- we can probably do well on tests, but holding a real conversation is out of the question for most of us (barring an exceptional few outliers).
They wouldn't have had easy access nor the money to hire proper English speakers (either for voice acting or for tutoring the already existing actors) at the time this episode aired. By the time a more international audience was a bit more normal for them, the deed had been done already for quite a few years, and the character in question stopped pretending she was bad at Japanese.
I've made fun of the English I hear in predominantly Japanese shows, simply because it brightens my day and makes me laugh. It's fun, it sounds ridiculous, and it should be an excellent reminder of who exactly the show was made for: not English speakers, or people looking to learn proper English, but young Japanese teenagers looking for a good story (or a bad story, I guess, depending on the writer haha).
I think the heavy stereotypes are super interesting, too, because it shows you what they used to think American women were like-- dunno if that's changed nowadays, or if the skimpy clothes are just different on account of media rules changing. I always found it hilarious that Jodie complained about how hard it was to get a job in Japan while essentially wearing LENGERIE THE WHOLE TIME. LIKE WUT? LOLOLOL
There's absolutely no way any real life American woman trying seriously to get and keep an overseas job would dress so unprofessionally, ESPECIALLY not if she was an undercover FBI agent who NEEDED to be there. She wouldn't have wanted to risk getting fired.
Anyway, it is absolutely fun to rag on them for inaccuracies to... well, just about anything, really. Let's just not forget it's a piece of entertainment made for their locals. I'm just glad the internet exists so we can share it.
Again, I hope I didn't come across as mean, or lecturing, or whatnot-- wasn't my intention at all, and I do apologize if anyone reads it that way.
Watching Detective Conan and caught up to the episode where an American teacher is introduced. However, the directors didn’t get a native English speaker (or someone who could imitate any American accent) so it leads to stuff like this:
The episode is FILLED with stuff like this. The American character randomly says English words, but they have a Japanese accent (not complaining about the accent, I just don’t know the point of why she’s just randomly saying English words as she sounds more fluent in Japanese than English 😭).
The fact that she also corrected a Japanese character with an accent who said the word “policeman” CORRECTLY the first time and then tried to tell him that the “right way” to say it is “POOR-IS-MAN” just had me laughing. Poor Megure is being lectured for literally nothing 😭
They really didn’t do any research for this episode. And I’m not saying that just because of the English, I’m saying that because THE PREMISE OF THE CASE OF THIS EPISODE IS THAT A GUY DIED WHILE PLAYING A FIGHTING GAME THAT PHYSICALLY HARMS YOU IF YOU GET HIT! HUH?! HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?!?! 😭
Also, in order to establish that this woman is American, they lean heavy into stereotypes: fair skin, blonde, blue eyes, revealing clothing, adult who enjoys video games (which I think was still taboo for adults in Japan to openly enjoy when this episode aired). But the best thing is, in her introduction outside of the flashback, she (I shit you not) plays a SHOOTING game and GETS A PERFECT SCORE WHILE DOING JUMP SPINS!!!
I would also like to say that this episode also provided us with this wonderful image:
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lizzychanz · 2 months
From the Desperate Revival. Episode 192.
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Once he comes back as Shinichi, there have to be moments in which Shinichi calls Ran, Ran nee-chan out of habit, and both of them just stand there staring at each other awkwardly
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lizzychanz · 2 months
Welcome to the fray. Glad you like the weather here. 😆
I've been a fan for about 20 years (dear lord has it really been that long) [careful Lizzy, you're age is showing], and I'm still surprised at how nice everyone is. If you're nice to us, we'll be nice in turn.
I don't rightly understand why, considering all the toxic fandoms out there, but I'm definitely not complaining haha. We're super chill usually.
You know something I've noticed? Y'all (The dcmk fandom) are really fricken nice like wth??? /pos. in the last month and a half I've been hyperfixated on it I haven't really seen any issues with the fandom. and I know that most (if not all) fandoms have their bad side and all but I haven't come across that at all. Unless you count some of the really unhinged ao3 fics but thats a given tbh. and that a good portion of yall are just tired of aoyama's shenanigans. Y'all are just really fricken nice and now it seems that everyone doesn't really care who you ship and doesn't start fandom wars over it? awesome so shout out to yall :D
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lizzychanz · 2 months
Reblogging again to add:
Heiji finding Shinichi reminds me of this comic:
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Except he botched their first meeting, and came back to try and fix it.
I still can't believe that Heiji went all the way to a Sherlock Holmes fan meeting, who he doesn't even like that much, just because he wanted to see Shinichi. Meets Shinichi once, he's down bad immediately
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lizzychanz · 2 months
Think of it this way: here's this insanely smart kid who has to live around people who can't keep up with his intelligence and who don't share a passion for detective work. Perhaps the only person he can even relate to is his dad, and we all know how awful THAT relationship is. He has absolutely zero equals among his peers.
Along comes this upstart he keeps being compared to, and he's LIVID. He's never met someone on his level before, so he has absolutely no reason to believe this prissy Tokyo boy everyone's talking about can keep up with him. So he goes on a mission to show everyone how overhyped his East counterpart is.
Except he gets his metaphorical ass handed to him.
And the guy in question wasn't even trying to compete the way Heiji intended.
So he goes home to reevaluate his world view. Realizes immediately that he still has no one he can really talk to the way he needs on an intellectual level, and he CRAVES intelligent interaction. The Holmes case aired before cell phones and email and proper internet, so he does the only thing that's really feasible for the time period.
He knows Shinichi is a Holmes otaku-- it's been mentioned in the magazine interviews he'd read when first presented with the prospect of another detective. So he finds a small gathering (might as well be a mini convention, if we're being honest) for other Holmes fans hoping to bump into the other teen to be able to talk shop, as it were. Test the waters, see if a proper friendship can be established so they can exchange contact information.
Because for all the friends in Osaka he has, only Shinichi is a detective. Someone HIS AGE with similar interests (even if he's not a big Holmes fan) and a level of critical thinking on par with his own.
He's a man dying in the desert of intellectual stimulus, and Shinichi is a glass of water.
TL/DR: Heiji has a niche special interest and found another person with the same special interest. He realizes he might have botched the chance for friendly interaction, and tries to find Shinichi again to maybe apologize and bridge the gap he made on their first meeting.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
I still can't believe that Heiji went all the way to a Sherlock Holmes fan meeting, who he doesn't even like that much, just because he wanted to see Shinichi. Meets Shinichi once, he's down bad immediately
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lizzychanz · 3 months
I miss the old art style so, soo much. If the newer episodes could look even half as good, I'd be a happy camper.
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Desperate Revival Shinichi Kudo and Last Wizard of the Century Heiji Hattori you will always be famous.
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lizzychanz · 6 months
I mean, I typically don't expect anyone to like my stuff because it's suuuper weird.
I'm pretty shy and self-conscious, so this is the first fic I've ever posted publicly and I'm still shocked when I even get comments on it haha.
(I really only call it little by habit at this point, since it wasn't a big project when I started. I know I started posting about 4 years ago, buuuuut I came up with the concept waaaay back in 2010 [yikes]. Wouldn't necessarily call it dedication so much as a hyper-fixation, really. I've got multiple variations of this one concept that I plan to post sometime in the future. It's more of an obsessive outlet at this point haha)
And now I'm rambling. Still super happy you like it enough to want to draw from it. 😊🥰☺️😁
(Also also, the confrontation scenes were my favorites to write, so I'm glad you found them striking).
now I wanna do fanart of the last of three of my favorite fics (I love a dozen shorter, completed ones, but I feel personal attachment to those three longer ones if that makes sense) it's a little... high concept though
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lizzychanz · 6 months
I honestly didn't think my weird little fic would get any fanart, I'm so surprised! I'm so glad you enjoy it enough to doodle from!
Thank you so so so so much for reading AND for doing some fanart! I'm so utterly happy and shocked right now haha 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
now I wanna do fanart of the last of three of my favorite fics (I love a dozen shorter, completed ones, but I feel personal attachment to those three longer ones if that makes sense) it's a little... high concept though
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lizzychanz · 1 year
I don't usually self promote, but I figured I'd drop this here anyway. If anyone's interested in a really weird and dark ShinRan fic, then here's one. It's weird. Just a warning.
And here's the cover for said story, taken from the inside cover of vol. 95. Colored it myself.
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lizzychanz · 1 year
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lizzychanz · 1 year
They're not the covers, but someone posted the menu images. Hope you can make do with these.
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thinking about the special illustration they did for the special 20th anniversary Bluray box collection
just putting the product description
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lizzychanz · 2 years
My first post on this account here on Tumblr was a short fanfiction in german and it seems that I never posted it in english. Since then and because it is a Silvester (New Year's Eve) story I wanted to post it on New Year's Eve. However every year I missed that day. ^^' So I am posting it now as a little filler until I write something new. AND I finally tried myself in writing Heijis accent in english! (or is it more like a slang? Somehow both). The reason I didn't included his accent until now is because I'm way too unsure of the english language to fully grasp it so ... Fell free to tell me how well I managed that.
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Conan leaned slightly forward on the railing of the balcony and looked up at the still dark night sky. He enjoyed the silence a bit, the soothing chirping of the crickets and that he got away a little from the hustle and bustle that was going on in the house right now.
Ran, the uncle and he had been invited to a New Year's Eve party by Sonoko. Actually, he hadn't wanted to come, but sitting around at home all alone hadn't been an option either.
Although..., slowly he wondered if it would not have been the better choice. Now he was standing out here alone, hiding from the joy with which the others were celebrating the new year. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't fake a happy smile anymore. For him, 2019 was not a new beginning, not a new opportunity, not a reason to be happy. He was still stuck in this child's body and had been for a year now.
A sigh escaped him, but it was immediately drowned in the torrent of sudden loud music. Someone had opened the door to the balcony. He did not turn around, he would soon find out anyway who it was that so abruptly put an end to his rest.
"Now now, moping around lonely in the cold ain't gonna cut it Kudo."
Conan turned to the newcomer in surprise. He would have expected anyone, but not him. "Hattori?! ... What are you doing here?"
"Well, celebrating, I guess. I was invited too."
"Is that so?..." Shinichi was aware that his tone towards his friend was not appropriate, but he just didn't feel like talking.
Heiji noticed this immediately and simply stood silently beside him, leaning back against the railing. He, too, turned his attention to the starry sky and lingered that way for a few minutes. At some point, however, Conan let out a snort.
"What do you want?"
"Nothin', just keepin' ya company."
"I don't need company. And if you're here, I bet Kazuha's in there too. Why don't you go and see her?"
"Kazuha's in there havin' a good time with the other girls right now, she's fine. But I'm not so sure about ya."
"And how is that any of your business!!!", Conan unintentionally got loud and wheeled around to Heiji. A moment later, he looked guilty to the ground and muttered, "Sorry..., please just leave me alone. I don't feel like company right now."
Heiji seemed anything but impressed by Shinichi's outburst of anger. "You don't really think I'm just gonna leave my best friend lonely at a party like this! I know for a fact that it won't make yer mood any better."
Shinichi remained silent.
"Kudo, either ya gotta tell me what's goin' on now, or I'm gonna have to make ya do it some other way. Whereby... I think I already know." Shinichi just gave him an indifferent look. "It's because of your rejuvenation, isn't it? The girl still hasn't figured it out." When Shinichi finally showed the first emotion, but then immediately looked away again, he went up a notch. "And Ran's in there celebrating, probably wishing for nothin' more than for Shinichi to finally show up in the new year."
Now the little boy finally wheeled around to him, eyes twinkling. He had his attention. "What do you want, Heiji!!! If you already knew, then why are you still asking me!!!"
"So I'm right.", Heiji stated matter-of-factly. He turned around and dangled his arms over the railing. "Why? Because ya wouldn't be talkin' about it if I wasn't. But listen Kudo. I'm yer friend. Ya can talk to me. That's what friends are for!"
"I know that, but-"
"No buts!", Heiji interrupted him and looked at him with seriousness in his eyes. "Ya hold back a lotta things, all the time ya want to master everything by yourself, but ya don't realize that it'll only make ya unhappy. And not only you. Ran called me because she's worried about ya!"
"Ran what?", Shinichi blinked several times in surprise. "Wait... Kazuha isn't here at all, is she? And you weren't invited at all, either."
Heiji shook his head slightly. "She was terribly worried about what was wrong with ya. She said you'd been like this for a while. So she contacted me an hour ago asking for help, I hopped onto the next train, and here I am."
Shinichi just looked at his friend for a long time, then cleared his throat. "You do realize that there are enough people who would take advantage of your willingness to help?"
"Maybe, but then that's how it is. But that doesn't change the fact that I wanna help where I can."
"You really are amazing Hattori." Shinichi smiled slightly.
"No more incredible than you," he replied with a laugh.
"Ran did- She sent me a text message..." Heiji looked in astonishment at Shinichi, who started opening up out of the blue. "She wishes me well..., and that I finally get this case closed." His fingers visibly clawed into the wood of the balcony and his voice sounded bitter. "I just can't do this anymore. All of this. Running around as Conan, watching her suffer.... and lying to her. Do you understand?" Shinichi lifted his gaze, pain reflected in his eyes. Heiji had never seen his friend like this before. He had probably had an even better grip on his emotions so far than any of them had ever been able to guess. Still, at that moment, Heiji was grateful to him for dropping the facade.
"Maybe... ya don't have to." Shinichi looked at him lacking understanding. Heiji chose his words more carefully now. "If ya wanna tell her..., then do it. 'Cause even if ya put her in danger like that..., it's not just guns that can kill a person, Kudo." Heiji's gaze wandered inside through the window. "And is she really safe just 'cause she doesn't know about your transformation...? Ya gotta know if that little piece of security is really worth what ya're givin' up. There's no guarantee, on either side."
Shinichi averted his eyes from him. A silence fell between them for a while as they simply stood side by side, looking up at the stars as if they held an answer for them.
"Maybe... you're right."
At that moment, the bells of Tokyo's church tower began to chime and colorful rockets made their way into the sky with a loud roar.
The guests of the party rushed onto the balcony where the two friends had been standing alone until only moments before. However, Shinichi no longer minded. Because now he had a New Year's resolution to look forward to. Yes, this year would be different. And whether he would keep it as good or bad in memory, was probably only known by the stars, who began to completely drown in the exploding color spectacle.
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lizzychanz · 2 years
I dont even understand what's to be embarrassed about. Ran's definitely embarrassed, since she's only started seeing Shinichi in a romantic light... like maybe a year ago? (Episode 162, the plane flight to America). I need to refresh my memory on that. But it's obvious she wants to talk to him.
Shinichi? He's been smitten since day one, even if at the time he couldn't understand those underdeveloped feelings. He's been pining after her basically his entire life, and now they're dating and he can't even manage a phone call? What??
Rum's time is coming, if the next few chapters goes the way I think. I'm not sure why he's been quiet this whole time-- Amuro himself said he was a very impatient person. But again, the end of the last chapter gives me high hopes for actual plot continuation. (And possibly an explanation as to why Haibara doesn't seem to find anything amiss with Rumi? She's sus af, and only Shinichi seems to be aware of it???)
GOSHO STOP FANSERVICING AND JUST... please.... ? Plot? Romance? Foregoing those, I'd take more Heiji before more of whatever he's been dishing out (No really, please more Heiji. He's my favorite character and he's being done so, so dirty).
Shinichi's next appearance? I'm still waiting for him to have a proper phone conversation with Ran, since that STILL hasn't happened since they got together.
That being said, with Ran's birthday not happening yet (since apparently Gosho has something important planned for that), and us coming to what FEELS like the calm before the storm (hopefully), I want to say his next stint with adulthood should, theoretically, involve both birthday and plot. Hopefully. It's Gosho, though, and at this point I'm fed up with his recent shenanigans.
Oh yeah. I mean, YEAH. Them actually having a conversation would be great lmao it was so disappointing to learn back then that they hadn't really been talking because of embarrassment. That's just stupid and (in my opinion) very lazy writing on Gosho's part.
I definitely agree that having Ran's birthday there seems like the most plausible thing. He's kept it a secret for a reason. It's time to use it now.
I would appreciate it even more though if there was BO plot intertwined with the romance too. Like I've said. Rum is right f*cking there, you know? Lmao let him do something!
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lizzychanz · 2 years
I also liked the older eps-- my favorite years being between 2000 and 2003. They looked their best in the anime during that time, I think.
throwback to when conan looked like an actual child, y’know, till 2008/the 500s eps…
Ah yeah. The old conversation about the animation style. The thing is that while the manga has changed a little (because gosho has perfected his drawing style of course it would evolve) Conan (and others) still have the innocent young look to them. I would say that the teens even look younger than in the more older files.
The problem is the anime. It's just- not good. The old animation made the teens look older, that's true, but it had this... Charm to it overall. It's just not the same. And Conan was definitely way more adorable before. Wait no, forget that. EVERYONE looked better before. But it is what it is I guess lmao
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lizzychanz · 2 years
I mean, it makes sense given the time line. If he's 16 in the 1st episode (1996 for the anime, '94 for the manga), then he'd have grown up in the 80s. Shinichi, the 80s baby. That, and the early 90s was an awkward time when the 80s was still trying to be relevant and not ready to let go.
Of course, that's from a purely American standpoint. Can't really speak for Japan.
There's this one thing that I secretly adore, and I can't even justify why. I think it's just that my brain makes the connection and it just feels right for some reason... And that is Shinichi being 80's realness.
There's something about him that just gives me 80's synths. Maybe it's just the vibes from the first time we meet him in tropical land with Ran. Maybe it's the jeans. The colorful windbreaker. The sneakers. The fluffy fringe. I don't know. Am I... The only one?
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Anyway I need these vibes back. It just speaks to me.
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