lloyd-doodler · 10 years
You fear what you can’t touch I fear you.
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lloyd-doodler · 10 years
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ALLSTON — Four members of a Boston University fraternity spend three nights in jail and face a court hearing for doing something that literally hundreds of thousands of University students across both the United States and the rest of the world do every weekend, sources close to the Boston...
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lloyd-doodler · 10 years
plug in tablet, open ArtRage, stare at blank screen, close program, unplug tablet... repeat as desired.
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lloyd-doodler · 10 years
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In Your Eyes - okay, so I'm obsessed with Say Anything. Get over it.  Does this qualify as enough of a doodle to belong here to you, senor rafepringle? -_-
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lloyd-doodler · 10 years
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I have so many issues with this movie. None of which have anything to do with the quality of the thing. I just simply cannot wrap my head around the implications of food that comes to life. It does my head in.
Sentient Fruits and Vegetables: First of all, let's talk about the simple idea of sentient vegetation. For example, the strawberry. It's basically a walking, talking, thinking, intelligent berry. Fair enough, but what does it eat?
Does it still photosynthesize? It can't, because it's no longer attached to the roots of the strawberry plant. So does it perhaps have to physically consume something? Is it herbivorous? If it eats plants does it eat other sentient plants, and if it does, does that make it an herbivore or a carnivore? Even if it eats regular, non-magicked plants, where does it go? Strawberries don't have digestive tracts. 
Maybe they don't eat at all, and they just kind of rot away because they're severed from their leaves and roots. And how fucked up is that? But the pickles eat SARDINES. Regular sardines. Your average fish. Which still exists in this weird living-food universe, which brings me to...
Reincarnation: Okay so get this, right? There are Shrimpanzees. Which means, someone caught a living shrimp, beheaded it, shelled it, cooked it, and brought it back to life as another living being. 
Shrimp are already alive. There's no need to anthropomorphize shrimp, because they might be food, but they're also animals. That simply blows my mind. Same with burgers. So a cow died to make some other type of animal-like living food product? How does that even begin to make sense? Just let cows be cows, why they gotta be burgers?
P.S. If you were to eat a Shrimpanzee, would that qualify as sea-food or no? 
Prepared vs raw: This brings me to my next issue with this movie. Some food-animals are prepared foods. This includes shrimp, tacos, burgers, and pickles. Others, though, are raw ingredients of foods, like leeks. They even still have their roots. There's no consistency between what gets made into living food-animals and what doesn't. 
You could maybe say that meat-foods are prepared and vegetation is raw, but that wouldn't explain the lettuce in the tacos, or the walking, talking pickles that are roaming around. 
And finally, my last issue with this film (for now) is:
Intelligence: You would think that if you're going to bring inanimate objects to life with the same machine, via the same process, that they would all have the same intelligence level, maybe. But here, that doesn't seem to be the case. Instead, you have some foods that are brought to life with animal-like intelligence, while still others are brought to life with near-human levels of intelligence.
Why is this the case? Why do some foods get to be more intelligent than others? I don't really have an answer. Though, thinking about it, maybe the idea is that the zombie animal-food-animals are the less intelligent ones, because we're afraid to give beef tacos feelings because it's not a stretch to say cows have emotions, but this is less true of onions.
Though, if I had to guess, I would say the onion swings back and forth between menace and depression. But that's just one opinion.
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lloyd-doodler · 10 years
Hope you don't mind
Well yesterday I came into contact with my Wordpress blog for the first time in months. Needless to say looking back through the blog was a mixture of embarrassing, amusing, and even surprising in some parts.
When I made that blog I was someone other than myself. I was living under a tent of anxiety, sadness, and anger, and I needed somewhere to vent the feelings that plagued me. I wrote with no inhibition, because I didn't care whether anyone read it. I didn't care if my words fell on Deaf ears, or no ears at all. I just couldn't confine them anymore. 
I made the decision not to disclose my name because I didn't want that blog traced back to the me that I show in public. Now, however, I finally feel like myself again. I'm laughing more, I love unconditionally, I wake up happy in the mornings (well - maybe after a cup of coffee or two). 
For this reason, I deleted my Wordpress. I don't need to separate my words from myself, I'm not divided anymore. Therefore, I hope you won't mind when my musings pop up here now and again.
I made this blog because I wanted somewhere to put my doodles, and I still want that. But that's not all of who I am or what I do, and I don't want to separate aspects of myself for the sake of having a themed tumblr.
Compartmentalization is for the birds.
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lloyd-doodler · 10 years
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lloyd-doodler · 10 years
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Silence - it's a quandry,
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lloyd-doodler · 10 years
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lloyd-doodler · 10 years
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Shadow of myself - Do you ever just feel stuck? Like you have this feeling or idea, and it's there in your head but it just wont come out? That's how I feel when I pick up my tablet. I can see the things that I want to put on the screen, but I cant make my hands or my computer realize my goals.
I feel stuck, left to absorb all the feelings I can't get out, and when the feelings I want to get out are the reasons I've been feeling like a shadow of myself, it's a problem. I feel like a facade. I'm linoleum on an ugly concrete floor. 
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lloyd-doodler · 10 years
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Penny for your thoughts - omghelpmei'mstuckinpuns
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lloyd-doodler · 10 years
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Afternoon Delight - Feeling punny. Also: hi. I've been taking a drawing class this semester, so all of my doodling time has gone there. Oopse.
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lloyd-doodler · 11 years
Not a doodle
I want to live a quiet life. Some people, they want fame. Others, they want money, but me? I just want a quiet life. 
Sometimes I think about leaving the world without anyone to remember I was here at all, and it scares me - to live and die, leaving no mark or impression. What kind of life is that? But it's selfish to want people to remember you, isn't it? And of all the things I want to be in this life, selfish is not one of them. People may not know me for anything when I'm gone, but I'll be damned if they know me as selfish while I'm here.
All I want is to help people. I want to live knowing that my existence, as small as it may be, changed someone else's life for the better.
But doing that is hard. You either need money or you need time. Often, you need both. And I... well, frankly, I have neither. 
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lloyd-doodler · 11 years
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Dreams are for the birds - Idk, this looks like poop. I've been neglecting my tablet and this page a while. :(
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lloyd-doodler · 11 years
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lloyd-doodler · 11 years
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Focus - help me, I'm staring at a blank screen.
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lloyd-doodler · 11 years
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My Pen Doesn't Have Feelings - My friend wrote a really cool poem and I doodled this as a result of reading it.
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