logunovacom · 9 years
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Работа backstage кропотливая, творческая, я бы сказала ювелирная! В новом блоге на logunova.com расскажу о 3 феях создававших мои чудесные образы сегодня! Немного интриги не помешает, я считаю важным показывать пальцем на настоящих профессионалов! Жаль, не пришла эта идея раньше, но я еще по всем пройдусь =)
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logunovacom · 9 years
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Поправилась, в купальник не вмещаюсь .... Беда, ёпта😜✅😂 (at SportLife Tower)
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logunovacom · 9 years
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Мы последнее поколение людей, чьи детские фотографии не были сделаны с помощью телефонов. Продлитесь традиции тепла семейного очага как можно дольше, изо всех сил. ________________________ We are the last generation of people whose childhood photos were made without phone. (at True Burger Bar)
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logunovacom · 9 years
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perfect healthy vegan dinner with protein 🌱Nut 🌱fried onions 🌱Brussels sprouts 🌱a little bit of sea buckthorn oil and balsamic
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logunovacom · 9 years
Dark angel
Dark Angel Have you ever noticed that God moves in a mysterious way? Have you ever found yourself in a situation you couldn’t even imagine? Once you meet a sight of another person and feel that something is wrong, that your heart is trembling and your palms are sweated. Not only heavenly bodies have the gravity, but the peoples’ souls as well. You want to take care of your person, without expecting anything in return, you take him as he is, you don’t want to resist, change him and demand anything, you just admire his entirety and curiosity. His habits don’t irritate you, even if you don’t share them but somehow they become very special and enigmatic for you. Do you think you can get over everything? Maybe, but the person's freedom is infinite, it opens an incredible field of events which you can never get used to and they will never bore you. But what if this person is a wild and thorny animal which knows only defensive position? Who is always self-conscious, can never relax, ready for everything and doesn’t afraid of anything… What can you do for him to trust you? There’s no way, you don’t have to make a point in doing it, as such person knows the people’s nature too good and that’s why he calls himself ‘animal’. Animals are better that people, they don’t betray or offend for advantage, don’t humble and lie for profit. The animal won’t kill his prey for pleasure, he etas to live, but not lives to eat. In such situation you have to become the animal s well, for this special person to take you to his band.
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logunovacom · 9 years
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Work with Sergey Vinnik is a pleasure that will soon be on LOGUNOVA.com Thank you for understanding, the first man, who did not want to undress me!)))
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logunovacom · 9 years
I demand your attention !!
It’s hidden in the children’s cry and bad behavior, all the kittens, puppies and parrots need it, your bloody-minded concierge, mumbling neighbor, all your ex-, future and current boyfriends and girlfriends, everybody. The worse is the person, appearing in your mind, the more #ATTENTION he needs. The active social network users need attention as well. The more often they make a post of their breakfast, the more they need likes => attention and appraise at least of somebody. Here one can say, “You’re also an active user, so you also need the attention?! #LOL” Actually I’m also a live #person and I’m not perfect nor saint. I’m not a pure glass without flaws or scrapes, but the attention I try to attract deals with the proper #lifestyle. I disdain whores that’s why I posted a comment on the Facebook about the gym, as I don’t like when people show the “spectator” their fiesty lives. As there’re so many young girls, #someone’s daughters who watch this and thinks, “I want to #live like they do” and they don’t understand what is behind these happy, glossy smiles of “home-made” it-girls. Once my friend made a remark about them, saying that they are just more expensive whores. So, speaking about my posts, they just reflect the reality, they show what to do to make your ass perfect without using chemicals and damaging your health, what to do to make your hair and nails looking great and make your eyelashes longer than ever before. Because the fake beauty isn’t an etalon. One can blame me that I’m jealous, but I don’t mind all these manipulations with tuning, injections, etc., I’m against all these to be to play off the real, natural beauty as it deceives the people. I’m not jealous to the sucking bitches; I just can’t imagine how much they should drink to “earn” the #Mazeratti… Actually, I spoke about the attention here… How all these girls deal with the attention? Bluntly. They are the reflection of their lonely and empty existence with themselves, so they must make the image to be adorable and desirable. Isn’t it a poor show? All the bright emotions, cries, shouting, offences, all these demonstrations show that the person is demanding the attention to his personality and is looking for appreciation. At school, kindergarten, university, at work, on the street, in relationship. EVERYWHERE!!! People #DEMAND THE ATTENTION! But why do they need the attention from the outside? Why can’t they appreciate themselves on they own? One makes so much for the rest to be fouler in his eyes, as it’s easier to abase someone that to work on his own. It’s easier to find someone who has more weight than to go to the gym, it’s easier to find the sillier person that to start improving yourself, it’s easier to suck than to find the job, it’s easier to find the victim than to be it. The excessive attention is harmful! Everyone is waiting for #miracle from you – the secret of happiness and you drink like a fish from the loneliness, they are waiting for the secret of perfect skin and you hide the breakouts in the iPhone program, everyone wants to know the secret of your perfect shape and you show up your boobs and don’t eat at all to make a good photo for insta, using your attractive posses. Everyone is asking to share the secret of your beautiful hair and you spend lots of money for the hair stylists, and can’t do anything with your shedding hair. Later you are upchuck will all this stuff, you want to run away, but there’s no way to do that as there will always be someone who can see you “not done up” and it will be a catastrophe. It’s so funny and cute, that the #Universe is in fits, asking “More, nullities, more!”
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logunovacom · 9 years
Это максимально откровенно
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logunovacom · 9 years
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Утреннее шоу "Пробуддись".... Все норм....
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logunovacom · 9 years
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Сидела сидела на занятиях актёрского мастерства, увидела длинные волосы, сделала это и закрепила шариковой ручкой. 🤘🏽 (at FILM.UA Group)
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logunovacom · 9 years
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He knows how to make people laugh learn and make best hair , a fabulous hair . Love u so much @patrickkalle Thank u for exclusively selfie 😘🙈 Forever @farouksystems 🤘🏽 (at Конференц зал БЦ Інком)
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logunovacom · 9 years
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Моя сексуальная до обморока Украинская Моника @anastasiasamburova Владелица моего любимого цветочного бутика @showroom_fanfantulpan моя милая меня сегодня спасала ! Могу подвести итог сегодняшнего вечера! Все мужики СВО! Цените себя и не позволяйте никому размазывать себя по стенке , спасибо, Мур, за плечо поддержки !😚🤗❤️💋 (at Ресторан-яхта "ЧАЙКА")
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logunovacom · 9 years
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If a person has sad #eyes, maybe he knows something in this #life. (at Москва Тверская Улица)
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logunovacom · 9 years
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The first time in many months without a normal sleep It first week when I get pleasure from a dream, but I don't want to open my eyes. I'm happy in my dreams so much that ... Obviously, I'm an adult madamе... and how dо u feel your age? (at Москва Тверская Улица)
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logunovacom · 9 years
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Мне нравится как ты лжёшь .... Photo by @colorsstudio
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logunovacom · 9 years
Большой flat 2 #макскорж Артист, которому удаётся собрать зал с ещё большим количеством пришедших на концерт, но с той же программой .... Я таких ещё не встречала артистов! Макс со своей командой раздавал людям воду, чтобы каждый выпил хотя бы по глоточку, потому что было очень жарко особенно у сцены, просил людей с уважением относиться друг другу и не давить людей вокруг, а распределиться так, по фан-зоне, чтобы всем было комфортно. Такого артиста стоило придумать, но он существует, и его творчество пульсирует в миллионах плейлистов. Искренне люблю #МаксаКоржа 💗👏🏽 (at Kyiv, Ukraine)
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logunovacom · 9 years
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Если шо, я зарегилась
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