lovejaybird · 2 years
Good news for you, this August 23rd.
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lovejaybird · 2 years
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A book crystallized in the ocean
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lovejaybird · 2 years
yeah,,, I'm just gonna make sure i don't get cursed real quick.
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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lovejaybird · 2 years
fuck it, this is the true epitomy of tumblr.
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Dildo Generator
Online 3D experiment by Ikaros Kappler which is described as a “Extrusion/Revolution Generator” ….
Created with three.js, you can alter the bezier curves and angle of the form, and is designed with 3D printing in mind (models can be exported and saved, as well as calculated weight in silicone).
Try it out for yourself (if you wish) here
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lovejaybird · 2 years
(ʘ‿ʘ✿) “what you say ‘bout me”
(ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿ “hold my flower”
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lovejaybird · 2 years
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My co-dev and I have been working for three years on this game...and it's finally FINISHED. It's called Terranova, and it's a game about 2000's fandom nostalgia and queer girls on the internet.
It has...
A nostalgic interface that transports you to a time before Twitter
A full ten hours of story, complete with romance, drama and plot twists galore
A LimeJournal for you to blog about your life
Fully functional IM to chat your friends and Solitaire to waste time while you chat your friends
Your choices matter; three unique endings based on your choices
Roleplay. Lots and lots of roleplay.
If you like any of the above, come check it out!
Terranova is available on itch.io and Steam.
We're only two devs and don't have the marketing budget of a triple-A game.
Please reblog and share. 💚
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lovejaybird · 2 years
i’m obsessed with this
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and then, two months later....
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lovejaybird · 2 years
Not gonna take a fucking chance.
Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
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I am risking nothing
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Will not risk.
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sorry followers :(
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lovejaybird · 2 years
that’s enough emotions for a whole year. ciao
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lovejaybird · 2 years
It is not a lie, or a method of getting attention. It happens, and attention should be brought to it.
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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lovejaybird · 2 years
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lovejaybird · 2 years
Incorrect Quote #1 (Marvel MCU edition)
Peter: Let me show you a picture from last night that really upset me Tony: Okay, but in my defense, Harley bet me 50 cents I couldn’t drink all that shampoo. Peter: That’s not what I wanted to- you drank SHAMPOO?!
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lovejaybird · 3 years
Chaos (also a heads up)
I have fallen to a hole of Overwatch, Undertale, The MCU, and MHA, so i have decided to do random incorrect quotes. Generated by incorrect quotes generator, none of them are my idea, or original work.
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lovejaybird · 3 years
Here we are back again for a 48 hour log off protest of the current version of Post+.
October 2, 2021
12 am Eastern Time/Atlantic Standard Time
1 am Chile Standard Time/Brazil Time/Argentina Time
4 am UTC
5 am BST/London/West Africa Time/West European Summer Time
6 am Central Europe Time/Central Africa Time
7 am Moscow Standard Time/East Africa Time/Eastern European Summer Time/Arabian Standard Time
8 am Gulf Standard Time
9:30 am Indian Standard Time
11 am Indochina Time
12 pm (Noon) Hong Kong Time/Australian Western Standard Time
1 pm Japan Standard Time/Korean Standard Time
1:30 pm Australian Central Time
2 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time
5 pm New Zealand Standard Time
October 1, 2021
11 pm Central Time
10 pm Mountain Time
9 pm Pacific Time
8 Alaska Daylight Time
6 pm Hawaii Standard Time
If you don’t see your time zone, or unsure which to use, click HERE for the checker!
We’ll be running countdown posts leading up to the main event!
We’re logging off for 48 hours! So, for example, if you log out on October 2, 2021 at 1pm JST you’ll log back on October 4, 2021 at 1 pm JST!
Also! Our Australian friends, take note that daylight savings/summer time ends in certain territories on October 3rd!
Exhibits A, B, C, D, E
Tumblr recently announced a new feature called Post+ meant to help content creators make money while keeping a cut to help maintain the site. Not a bad idea, right?
The problem is that tumblr actively encouraged the use of Post+ in conjunction with fan works. Which is, despite the way they continue to side step it, highly illegal. Not enough people are aware of that fact.
Our mission is to force tumblr to either rebrand the Post+ feature as something for original content ONLY and/or offer a means to help the site survive outside of monetizing fan work. We want the see tumblr thrive but Post+ has the potential for ruining everything. Give us a better option, @staff ! In fact, HERE are some options!
Optional avatar and banner to use!
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Banner credit to @adairctedgibbgirl ! Thank you!
You can also spread the word on ALL social media (Twitter/TikTok/Facebook/Reddit etc) and reblog this post. Another option, if you’re using the mobile app, is to leave an honest review (be polite, be concise, don’t spam) on the App Store of your choice! The best and easiest way to protest is DON’T USE POST+!
We got tumblr to temporarily hide the original Post+ posts and possibly made wip a thing. So who knows?
Keep checking @postplus-protest for updates and further info, especially updates to this post! Thank you, all of you, for participating or boosting!
Remember to reblog, use the hashtags #postplusprotest and #tumblrlogoff2021, and SPREAD THE WORD TO OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA!
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lovejaybird · 3 years
Riddle me this: what would each of the royal family members reactions be to walking into your room and seeing you crying?
My darling Bluebird, thank you so much for a lovely request.
Toriel would definitely rush to your side entering Mom mode. She'd likely try to hug you as gently, yet securely, as possible, and hum or gently sing to calm you down. She would wait until calm down a bit, before asking what's wrong. She'd also try to take your mind off whatever upset you.
Asgore would likely be less knowledgable in this feild, but he'd still try. He'd hug you and try to let you know you're not alone. That he's here. Once you calm down, he'll offer some tea, to relax your nerves. He's not the best, but he gets credit for trying.
Asriel, like his mother, will rush to your side. This little sweetheart can't stand anyone being sad or upset, so he will try to help no matter what. He'd hug you, and try to calm you down, asking whats wrong. If it's something he can help with, he will. If this requires a parent, he'll go get one. NOBODY deserves to be hurt.
Frisk would probably start worrying, and pull you to them, then just let you cry, rubbing circles into your back. After, they will probably pull you to Toriel, to find out whats wrong
Chara in my humble opinion, is a Tsundere. But one with a heart of gold. They'd likely be similar to Frisk, but quicker to pull you towards Tori, since they're not as sure about comforting people.
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lovejaybird · 3 years
I GOTTA try this sometime!
OK to make a font out of your own writing
go here
instead of printing it off just use this blank thing that way you dont have to scan it or anything
so fill that out by pasting it in any art program and whatnot
then save it and upload it to that site
and itll give you an option to download it
so do that and then install it BAM
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lovejaybird · 3 years
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