lovimagines · 2 years
I have another idea plaguing me... One that I wanna write out. It'll probably also be posted in parts. I just can't decide who to write it for...?
A hero or a villain...
Who is an ADULT in mha you would like to see a fic for? I could do shiggy and/or dabi again but I also don't wanna do that again so soon... So I would like y'all's input! Thanks so much 🥰
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lovimagines · 2 years
[Alpha!Tomura x Omega!Fem!Reader x Alpha!Dabi]
[Part 2 of ?]
[Part 1] (please read that one first!!)
Summary: Your old best friend doesn’t seem to view you the same way he used to. The way he did when he was once alive.
Warnings: A/B/O! Possible canon divergence, swearing, Dabi being Dabi
Word Count: ~2,000
A/N: This has been one of the most fun fics i’ve ever written and I’m quite enjoying myself. It will get spicy, and will definitely have mature content later on, please keep that in mind! ALSO! MY BLOG IS 18+! THIS MAY NOT BE NSFW YET BUT PLEASE MINORS DNI!
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“Why the fuck would you bring ____ here?!”
“Dabi, shut the fuck up.”
You can hear ‘Dabi’ and Tomura screaming at each other. It was more of Dabi yelling while Tomura told him to shut up, repeatedly. When Tomura’s voice dropped, though, chills went up your spine. You sat on some dingy couch, not able to help but listen in on Dabi and Tomura. Your eyes were glued to the floor and you hugged yourself tightly.
The couch shifts and you reluctantly look over. The blonde from earlier is sitting beside you, smiling widely. Either she knows something that you don’t, or she knows something she shouldn’t.
“Do they know?”
You give her a confused look. “About what…?”
“That you’re…” Her smile somehow widens, and her voice drops to a whisper as she laughs out the remainder of the sentence. “That you’re an omega.”
“Hush!” You're quick to quiet her down, “But, that hasn’t come up, no…”
“Don’t worry! Your secret's safe with me!” She crosses an ‘x’ over her heart before winking, “That is until you go in heat…” She giggles and covers her mouth, “I’m Toga by the way!”
“I’d introduce myself but I’m afraid everyone already knows who I am.”
Toga shoves you, a little harder than she intended to, and you fall over onto the other cushion with a yelp. You sit up once you hear footsteps, and your eyes wander to the doorway. Tomura comes in, Dabi hot on his trail. Tomura is very much actively ignoring Dabi. Dabi is very much actively pissed.
“____, get up.” Dabi turns his attention from Tomura, to you. Your eyes shoot up to him and you're sent reeling back when you notice he mad he still looks. You can’t help but stand, and Dabi seems to realize. His expression drops, before a wicked grin spreads across his face. “____, you- You’re an omega.”
You’re sat there, blinking. Shigaraki looks from Dabi and to you, and you see him inhale sharply. Your throat is suddenly dry and you want to run. And fast. But, instead, you stand where you’re at, staring at Dabi and Tomura with a sense of fear. You hadn’t tried to deliberately keep it from them, specifically. But you were trying to deliberately keep it from literally everyone.
“You stink.” Tomura huffs.
Toga lets out a loud laugh, grabbing her stomach. You look at her with a defeated look. You straighten up, “Fuck it,” You mumble. Looking at Tomura and Dabi you let out a sigh, “Yeah…” Suddenly, you’re hit with a burst of rage-filled confidence, “But I don’t know why you care, exactly. Don’t you want me gone?”
Dabi’s eye twitches. There is a heavy silence. He begins to stalk towards you, a predatory stare in his eyes. You don’t fold. He circles you, inhaling your scent. Once he’s facing you again he meets you at eye level and the look in his eyes is striking a fear in your heart that you’ve never felt before.
“I could easily kill you, ____-”
“What’s stopping you?” You don’t bite your tongue, but you will soon wish you had.
“Me.” Shigaraki approaches the both of you, pulling Dabi away from you. The feeling of everyone’s eyes on you is starting to get under your skin. The feeling of absolute dread from your dead best friend hating your fucking guts is starting to cause your eyes to water. You’re so fed up with the tears you try to blink them away.
“Quit crying.” Dabi groans.
“Dabi, quit being an ass.” You turn around and find a tall woman standing there. “Leave her alone. She’s one of us now-”
“Magne-” Dabi looks like he’s going to combust.
Magne and Dabi seem to be thinking about killing each other, and you're stuck next to Tomura. You look at him and take a moment to take everything in. You inhale slowly and catch a musky scent. Suddenly you’re grounded. You notice under his arm is the stuffed animal you gave him earlier, he is still holding it. You feel yourself smile and then quickly realize the room is silent.
You look around only slightly worried this time, “What?” You give them all a funny look.
“You smell… Good!” Toga leans over, smelling you.
Seemingly without thinking, Dabi places his palm against Toga’s forehead and pushes her away. The blonde glares up at him and one side of her lip curls upward.
“Don’t get so close-” Dabi snarls. Something seems to click in his brain, you can almost hear the connection. He is quick to catch himself, “Don’t get used to her being here.”
“Oh yeah, that’s what you meant,” Magne laughs.
Tomura’s hand is on the small of your back in an instant, you can feel not all of his fingers are touching you though. He begins to lead you off while the others argue. “I’ll show you your room since the others have no fucking manners.”
The place is pretty dingy, but you agreed to come with him. You willingly followed a villain, thinking nothing about your future living situation. He showed you your ‘room’ if you could even call it that, and let you go.
“We’ll meet in the morning. We have a lot to go over.”
You nod and go towards your bed. You sigh a little too loudly as you lay down. The only things on your mind are Touya, your childhood, and how the fuck both of you ended up here. You try your hardest to not cry, but you can't help it. You decide it's best to cry now rather than later, in front of everyone, so you let the tears fall.
You hold yourself and begin to sob. Touya hates your fucking guts, you willingly became a villain, and you have nothing to comfort you. You briefly think about asking for that plushie back but you figure that would probably make you not a part of the league, much less life, any longer.
You hope tomorrow is better. You hope Dabi can at least warm up to you. And you hope you didn't make the wrong choice.
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The next day doesn't start out rough. You meet and become acquainted with the rest of the league. Toga is the nicest. Possibly the creepiest, but definitely the most accepting of you.
"So-" Toga is clinging to your side, staring at you with curious eyes. You nod at her, becoming curious yourself, "-why didn't you get into U.A.? Shigaraki said you were denied-"
Your eyes move to Tomura and your stare becomes blank. You blink once or twice and notice he doesn't care. You look back at Toga and rub your sweaty palms down your thighs.
"Aw," Dabi feigns sympathy, "you seem to have struck a nerve…" He pouts at you and you want to swing. But he can easily overpower you, or burn you to a crisp, so you ignore the feeling.
You keep your eyes on Toga, deciding ignoring Dabi is the best plan of action. "I haven't always been the most stable when it comes to my Quirk… they said I was a liability. It made it worse when I just… didn't pass the exam. I mean I'm sure I could pass now, but I'm a little old-" You begin to ramble. "That'd be weird, some woman going to school with teens, and the woman still can't even control what the fuck she's doing-"
"What is your quirk exactly?" Kurogiri politely interrupts you, stopping the rambles.
"I can… fix the probability of things. I'm very lucky, or, if I start to overthink the situation… very unlucky. That's where the problem lies. I almost killed some poor kid because I completely altered the exam. I didn't mean to! It just… happened. And when it did, I got the boot. Uh, very quickly. I can say though, I'm only alive now because of my Quirk. It's very useful when someone's holding you at gunpoint!"
You sound more cheerful than you intend to, causing the whole room to shift. But Toga is very intrigued, and seems to want to know more. Suddenly, it feels like it's just you and her in the room, and you're growing more comfortable.
"He pulled the trigger but nothing happened. It gave me just enough time to book it. I've been keeping to myself ever since, really. I mean, he-" you stop yourself. You don't want to say anything else once memories of that night flood back and you remember just why you don't talk about it.
Dabi, lounging on the sofa, gives you a funny look, "He? Who is he? What the fuck were you doing to be held at gunpoint? How did you get in that situation?" His voice is suddenly not so full of venom, he seems slightly curious, until he finishes his thought, "You aren't even a hero."
You're so tired you, you want to snap, and before you can bite your tongue you do. "He isn’t important. Anyway, you don’t fucking care about me anymore-”
Dabi looks like he's about to break your neck. “You don’t know a fucking thing about me!” He stands up and you feel the urge to cower. You stare at him with furrowed brows, and your face drops.
“No!” You stomp your foot, “Maybe I don’t know anything about you. But I used to! I knew that you were my friend. That you did care for me, as much as some kid could! Then you fucking died. You were gone and I was left alone. No closure other than your fucking jaw bone being found. I don’t know what happened… But I know I mourned you, I grieved you!” Hot, angry tears are falling down your cheeks and by the look on Tomura’s face you ‘stink’ again. “I fucking cared about you. Not a day goes by where I don't miss Touya.”
You pause and rake your fingers through your hair. Your breathing is ragged and your chest is heaving. Snot nosed and crying. But you aren’t done.
“But, but-” You stumble, and words aren’t working.
“‘But- But-’ what? Speak up.” Dabi takes a step closer to you.
This causes you to scowl, and hard. You take a step back from him and tear in again, “I miss Touya, but I don’t fucking know you. You are nothing to me! I won’t bother you about your damn past. As far as I’m concerned, Touya is dead. Always will be.”
The room is silent and Tomura is smiling widely. You push past Dabi and you see him tense, like he’s going to grab you, but he doesn’t.
“You aren’t a very submissive Omega,” Dabi growls, causing you to stop.
You turn back to him and your fists clench, “Good!” You scream, every ounce of you tensing up. Your eyes screw shut and your voice cracks. You turn back around and begin to walk off, until Tomura speaks up.
“____, stop.”
You freeze. You turn back to Tomura and cock your head. Out of your peripheral vision you swear you can see Dabi tense. His face contorts and he waits for what’s coming next.
“You’re training with me today. Everyone else can get back to their duties.” You only nod, fear pouring into you again. Dabi begins to protest and Tomura puts a hand up, “Fuck off, Dabi. Go do something productive.”
“Fuck that, and fuck you! And fuck her!” He points at Tomura and then you. You lean in closer to the blue haired villain and want to die.
“You’re just mad because you have no bitches.”
“And your crusty ass does?!”
“Dabi,” Tomura, seemingly a little bothered, sends Dabi on his way. “Go. Do something. Productive.”
Dabi groans and leaves. Leaving you with Tomura, all alone. You were alone with him before, but it was different. You were in a public place, and you weren’t even part of his team yet. Now, you were one of the villains, he knew you were an Omega, and he did not have to hold back the way he did before in public.
You hope that training goes relatively easily and you get done quickly.
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lovimagines · 2 years
I have chapter two written and i wanna post it but also dont wanna like.... spam these chapters out and burn out... oof
i love the direction i have it going though! And can’t wait for y’all to see what’s happening next!
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lovimagines · 2 years
Just thought I'd drop in and say I posted the first chapter !! Looking in to getting an AO3 so I can post on there as well ❤️
Hi it's been like 4 years lmao
Anyway... I'm currently writing an a/b/o shigadabi x reader, and was just curious as to if y'all wanted me to post it on here? I already have one 'chapter' written and remembered I had this blog so I thought I'd pop back in to say hello and interest check that.
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lovimagines · 2 years
[Alpha!Tomura x Fem!Omega!Reader x Alpha!Dabi]
[Part 1 of ?]
Summary: You find yourself having fun at an arcade when a stranger approaches you, offering you a position within his team. Things go south, quickly.
Warnings: A/B/O, possible canon divergence, swearing. (Please politely let me know if I missed something/need to tag anything else!!)
Word Count: ~1,900
A/N: The ‘____’ is your name! THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING A/B/O!! I’m very new to it, and have done research, but I’m still learning! Also quick note, reader is close to Dabi’s age in this! At the very least, reader is meant to be 18+! I also haven’t written for BNHA in literally 4ish years? So... please go easy on me! One last thing, reader is written as neurodivergent! This is a kind of a self indulgent fic, but i wanted to leave it sort of vague so a lot of people could read it! -Beth
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The universe seemed to be out to get you. For the longest time you assumed you were quirkless, you assumed you would be an alpha, and you assumed you’d have your best friend forever.
Within a long, drawn out several years, those things were proven to be very wrong. You lost your best friend. You had a horribly powerful Quirk. And once you hit puberty, it was revealed you were an Omega.
Life couldn’t get more rough. So you thought.
U.A. High School seemed to be a good thing that could be going for you, when you were younger. But, once you failed the hero exam and were told you too… ‘Unstable’, you were sent packing. Your Quirk was ruthless, and very much so unstable, but you thought someone would be able to help you with that.
Years passed and when you did not show any interest in any of the alphas that would present themselves to you, your parents were growing tired. Eventually you ended up moving out and living with Quirk (curse) on your own.
It proved difficult but you did it, all by yourself for a while there. And then your life is completely flipped again when a villain presents himself to you, asking for you to join him and his cause.
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You hum to yourself as you walk around an almost empty arcade. You don’t allow yourself out often, due to the hell that is your Quirk, so when you do let yourself enjoy the world around you, you soak it all up.
“Hey lady!” A kid screams from the other side of the arcade. There aren’t many ladies in the arcade, causing you to turn around. You look and some boy is rushing you. You reel back and cock your head at the kid. He gets to you, bends over and catches his breath, then begins to talk once more. “Is that your initials on the race car game?”
You snort, “Yeah, how did you know?”
“I saw you use that thing the other day. I wanna race you. I wanna beat you!” The kid sounds determined. You only nod and let him lead you to the game. You take a seat on the metal, barely padded chair and grab the steering wheel of the game. The little boy gets on the game connected to yours, right beside you, and readies himself.
You start the ‘race’ and are quick to get in the lead. Within the time limit you destroy that little kid. You notice once the game is finished he is the third on the leaderboard. Someone’s under him.
“Hey kid.” A voice comes from behind the both of you and you turn around, “Get up, it’s my turn.”
The kid doesn’t question it and he quickly excuses himself. The tall man sits down, and looks over at you. His face is obscured by his hood and his long, blue hair, but you can definitely feel his eyes on you. Your grip on the gaming wheel tenses and you avert your gaze.
You begin to get up, but you’re stopped. “No. I wanna beat you. You are the first one, right?”
He was second place. You groan. “What do I get if I win?”
“I don’t know, what do you want, _____?”
You freeze. You hadn't told him your name. With knuckles turning white, you stare at him for a moment. You look back at the screen in front of you and your jaw clenches tight. You inhale sharply through your nose and wonder how someone’s found you. You then have to rack your brain to remember if you took your suppressants that morning.
You're sure you have, so you calm down slightly, but you’re still terrified. You ignore his earlier comment and mumble a ‘let’s get started’ and both of you start the race. You're tense but you don’t let that throw you. You’re still able to win, and with ease.
“Ok. I won.” Your throat is dry, it’s hard to swallow, and your hands are aching. “Now what?”
“Well, it’s only polite if you let me talk to you after beating me that badly.”
You can’t tell if the niceness in his voice is forced or if he’s just… awkward. You want to believe it’s the ladder. You agree to talk to him and stand from the game. You look at him with big, worried eyes, and take a shaky breath.
“I’m not going to murder you or something,” His voice is low, gruff, and almost confused sounding.
“Oh.” That made you feel worse honestly. You’re back is to one of the walls and you inhale sharply. “Um, can I ask how you know me?” You are sure he hears you gulping down your spit. “I mean, I don’t even know you…”
The man gives you a wide smile and backs you into the wall. Your back hits the cool brick and you’re cornered. ‘Oh, and he isn’t going to kill me,’ you think to yourself. You watch his Adam's apple bob and feel yourself drawn to him momentarily. Something about him was enticing, but you couldn’t tell if it was your heat coming soon or if you just thought he was mysteriously sexy.
His hands grab either side of his hood and it drops, revealing blue hair and blood red eyes. You go to gasp, and a dry hand is covering your mouth, one of his fingers lifted above your skin. He shushes you and you’re struggling to breathe out of fear. You wanna just crumble, fold even, but you don’t. You stand frozen, watching the League of Villains leader staring at you. His eyes bore into yours.
“Sh, we don’t need to alert anyone, though I’m sure your Quirk could help us…” You only nod a little. “I have a proposition for you, ____,” his face drops, looking more serious now. You let him speak, without interrupting, you aren’t sure you want to say no anyway. “I know how the heroes treated you. You were thrown out like some animal.” Tears prick your eyes as he continues to speak, bringing memories up that you did not want to think about. “I know that must eat away at you.”
You shut your eyes, a couple tears falling from them.
“I think we can help you. Just as much as you could help us. We’d benefit each other greatly.”
It takes a moment. But you open your eyes once more and nod. You nod in agreement, in agreement of everything he just said. You were hurt by U.A, quite tremendously. And maybe, the league could help you with your so-called curse.
His hand falls from your mouth and he’s quick to pull his hood back up. You inhale sharply, your breath catching as you catch Tomura’s scent. You hoped and prayed that he could not catch your scent. You exhale slowly and look at Tomura with a curious gaze.
“Can we stay here a little longer though? I don’t get out often… And I wanted to get a prize before leaving.”
Tomura groans but gives you a reluctant nod. You smile at him and begin your walk towards the claw machines. Tomura is hot on your trail, watching you closely as you reach the machine. Without him even asking, you begin to tell him what you’re doing. “I like to get prizes every time I go out! They’re souvenirs, I guess.”
“Your Quirk makes it easier.”
You expect it to sound like a question, but he ends it as a fact. He knows. You are almost uneasy. He knows more about you than you’d like, and you’re far too scared to ask how.
“How does your Quirk work exactly?”
You wanted to hit him with a ‘how do you not know that?’ but you did not. “I’m unsure, really. I think about the outcomes, the probability and… it changes. I’m not very good at it, even now. Little things are easier, though. Like this-” You put a quarter in the claw machine, “Which one do you like?” Tomura gives you a confused look and points to a random plushie and you nod. “It’s easy to fix this outcome. It's easy to luck out here.”
The claw goes down on the plushie and you easily bring it to the opening. You drop it and bend over, pulling the plushie out. You stand up straight, Tomura’s eyes not leaving you. You extend your arm and give him a goofy grin. When he doesn’t immediately take it, you frown. You pull the plush back to you and Tomura cocks his head. You avert your gaze once again and Tomura is trying to process what just happened.
“You wanted to give me-” You interrupt Tomura with a nod. He sighs, “I thought you kept them.”
“No, not always. I mean, I love to collect things, but sometimes other people need them more than I do. I like to think that it gives them a bit of my luck.”
Tomura is unmoving for a moment. Wheels turning. You can tell he’s thinking really hard about something, but you’re unsure as to what.
“Give me that damned stuffed animal.” Tomura takes it from your grasp, fucking it under his arm as not harm it, and you smile widely at him. “Can we go now?”
You nod. Tomura leads you out and you two set out for wherever the hell he was taking you.
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When you reach the hideout, you feel your nerves acting up. ‘Fuck, my suppressants,’ you can’t help but freeze in your spot. Tomura’s hand grips your waist and he begins to pull you forward. You start walking again, trying to push your worries and fears away.
The door of the hideout opens and you stand beside Tomura like some terrified animal. Everyone in the general vicinity looks at the both of you. Your wide fearful eyes, and Tomura pulling you closer, as if he didn’t want them to jump you.
“Who is she~” The blonde girl speaks up first.
“This is-”
Another person enters the room. A person covered with staples and scars. Another Alpha. Your eyes lock with his and for a moment, you feel nostalgia. And not the good kind. The kind that makes your stomach turn and tears well up in your eyes.
“Who the fu-” He stops himself. Tomura is glaring at him, and his eyes are just stuck on you. You want to run, but the grip Tomura has on your side is debilitating.
He knows you. More than Tomura does. He knows you.
Those eyes are unforgettable and you're suddenly very aware of why you felt so sick.
“You two know each other?”
You’re stuck in your spot still. You watch as he begins to make his way towards you and you cower into Tomura’s side. You thought you would never fear your best friend. But you also thought you’d never, ever see him again.
“How the fuck did you find her?” He’s pissed. ”Get her the fuck out of here. Right now.”
You blink at him, tears forming. Tomura’s grip somehow tightens, and you’re left standing beside two alphas who look like they’re ready to rip each other’s throats out.
“No.” That’s all Tomura says at first. He isn’t backing down. There is a short pause, “This is _____, our newest team member.”
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lovimagines · 2 years
Hi it's been like 4 years lmao
Anyway... I'm currently writing an a/b/o shigadabi x reader, and was just curious as to if y'all wanted me to post it on here? I already have one 'chapter' written and remembered I had this blog so I thought I'd pop back in to say hello and interest check that.
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lovimagines · 5 years
Still getting back in the groove, and also thought maybe we could start writing yandere things?? I need inspiration bad, and i thought us doing some prompts might get us back into the groove of writing longer, more intense requests!!
As always, you can request up to three numbers per character! And you can send in some poly requests too if you’d like!
Yandere prompts
1. “Baby, I asked you a question. If you know what’s good for you, you better answer me.”
2. “Why do you let others stare at you like that? Do you like the attention? Then, I guess you wouldn’t mind if I did this.”
3. “You think you’re some sort of saint, but you’re not.You call me sick, but you’re the real monster.”
4. “I want to mark you in front of everyone.”
5. “I love you so much, you have no idea to what limits I’d go to prove that to you.”
6. “Be good for me baby. We wouldn’t want to see those tears again.”
7. “I’ll be your slave.”
8. “You can at least pretend to love me.”
9. “I’m the only one who could ever love you.”
10. “Say that one more time and I’ll make sure you can never walk again.”
11. “When you agreed to be mine, you gave me the right to do whatever I wanted with you.”
12. “I will take all the pain if it means you’ll smile.”
13. “I need to break you so I can forge you into the perfect lover.”
14. “Red is the perfect colour on your skin.”
15. “You look the best when you’re at my mercy.”
16. “Don’t make me hurt you.”
17. “I’m a starved predator and you’re my only prey.”
18. “Killing for you is my favourite hobby.”
19. “Dedicate yourself to me or else.”
20. “You’re here because I want you to be.”
21. “It’s for your safety. You’ll see.”
22. "What? So you love them more than me?”
23. "C’mon, smile for me! It’s not like I’ve done anything yet.”
24. “Don’t think of it as a ‘punishment’… it’s more of a lesson.”
25. "How else would they know you belonged to me?”
26. “I’m trying to help! You had a problem, and I fixed it!”
27. “You’ll be safe as long as you stay with me.”
28. “I’ll love anyone else like this again. You wouldn’t take that away from me, right?”
29. “I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t have you.”
30. "You’re so vulnerable right now.”
31. “Just tell me their name and I’ll make this all better.”
32. “It’s like you were made for me.”
33. “I’m doing this for us.”
34. “I won’t be as nice next time you misbehave.”
35. “If you’re not going to talk, I’ll make it so that you can’t.”
36. “Even if you don’t enjoy it now, you’ll learn to.”
37. “I could kill you if I wanted to.”
38. “I’ve dedicated myself to you! It’s only fair that you do the same.”
39. “Don’t say you’re lonely, you have me!”
40. “It’s your word over mine. Who do you think they’re going to believe?”
41. “I’d never hurt you. Not unless you forced me to.”
42. “I love you, and I’ll do anything to prove it.”
43. “You’re calling me a monster? Who do you think made me this way?”
44. “Be good for me this time. I don’t want to see you cry again.”
45. “I saw you last night…you looked beautiful.”
46. ”God, you have no idea how amazing you are, do you?”
47. “I don’t wanna hurt you, baby.”
48. “You think that I’m watching you? Don’t flatter yourself…”
49. ”This world doesn’t deserve an angel like you.”
50. ”I think they might be a problem. Don’t worry, love, I’ll take care of them for you.”
51. “I’ll do whatever it takes if it means we’ll be together forever, my sweet.”
52. ”You will do what I ask.”
53. “If you just do what you’re fucking told then we wouldn’t have a problem, would we?”
54. ”Where’s that smile I’m looking for, sugar?”
55. ”So…do you want your underwear back?”
56. ”Sweetheart, I have to mark you. How else is everyone gonna know you’re mine?”
57. ”You’ve been so good lately, my pet. Don’t make me have to punish you…”
58. ”I fucking need you more than I need to breath.”
59. ”If you leave me, I’ll die!”
60. ”I know you liked them, sweetie, but they were keeping you away from me.”
61. ”You’re mine, do you understand? You belong to me.”
62. ”Cry for me, baby.”
63. “I know it hurts, honey, but that’s what happens when you don’t do what I say.”
64. ”I just want to show you how much I love you…”
65. ”Don’t worry, my love, I’ll protect you.”
66. ”The next time they touch what’s mine, I’ll cut their fucking arm off.”
67. ”You’re so cute when you’re struggling.”
68. ”If you don’t take your clothes off, I’ll take them off for you.”
69. ”Just give into me, love.”
70. ”I’ll lock you up and throw away the fucking key if you ever even think about doing anything like that again, do you hear me?”
71. ”I wish you would just let me have you…”
72. ”I just want us to be happy. I had to kill them.”
73. ”I’ll do whatever the fuck I want to you, got it?”
74. ”Is it so hard to love me?”
75. ”I hate it when they look at you…so fucking much…”
76. ”You know you’re mine, don’t you?”
77. ”Do you really think you can get away from me?”
78. ”I know everything about you, darling, and you’re so perfect.”
79. ”I’m madly in love with you.”
80. ”You’re all I ever think about.”
81. ”If you don’t kiss me, I’ll slit your fucking throat.”
82. ”You’re such a pretty little thing tied up like that, baby.”
83. ”Tell me how much you love me.”
84. ”I’ll carve my name into your back if that’s what I have to do to let you know you’re mine.”
85. ”Why’re you crying? Aren’t you happy to be with me?”
86. ”I’ll kiss away the pain, doll.”
87. ”I’m sorry, honey, but you made me jealous. They had to die.”
88. “Do you think I like hurting you? Because I fucking love it.”
89. ”You don’t even know how lucky you are. I protect you and provide for you. Don’t act so ungrateful.”
90. ”It’s okay to love me. Please love me.”
91. ”I could fucking kill you right now, you know that?”
92. ”Don’t test me, darling.”
93. ”You think I’m jealous? Trust me, buttercup, you haven’t even seen jealousy.”
94. ”I want to tell you I love you until my throat bleeds.”
95. “You enjoy what I do to you.”
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lovimagines · 5 years
I need to find our character list and update that... Anyway, we write for Stain now!
If you ever want us to write for certain villains/heroes, just send in an ask and I will try my best to become acquainted with the character so I can write them!
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lovimagines · 5 years
Hey do you still do request? If so would bloody nsfw be acceptable?
Yes that is acceptable! Thank you for asking!
Also, i just want to apologize for taking another break. While it was work kicking my ass before, life has now decided to send me into a downward spiral and it’s gotten really hard to write. We still have stuff half finished so hopefully we can get those completely finished and out soon(ish). Thank you all for being so patient with us!!
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lovimagines · 5 years
Hello, its been a while. But I’m back because I love yall so much!
Just wanted to say, I don’t think we have many requests for Bakugo... so if you wanna send in requests for that hedgehog hair lookin ass.... please do!!
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lovimagines · 5 years
I know a lot of the stuff you write is NSFW but do you do requests for fluff/sfw?
Yep, we sure do! We love fluff! Also, apologies for not posting in a while, the both of use have been working nonstop but hopefully we can get back to posting soon! Thank yall for sticking by us!
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lovimagines · 5 years
Tumblr gets on my nerves oof
i believe some of our asks have been eaten?? I’ve been looking through and some asks are just... gone? only a few i think, but i don’t remember what the requests were. Why must Tumblr be Like This
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lovimagines · 5 years
What have you don't for Giran already? I don't want to send in something that's been done
We have yet to do anything for Giran! We currently now have one request for him, and it's about helping him recover from current things happening in the arc!
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lovimagines · 5 years
Hmm... we have at least 1 request for most villains from the league, but I noticed we don't have any for Giran, so if y'all have any requests/prompts or anything the like,,,, please send some in we love that man...
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lovimagines · 5 years
Do you have any requests? Its been a few months and I don't think mine went through.
We do! We have a lot in drafts at the moment (I’m scatter brained and work on several things at once), you’re more than welcome to send it back in though! We wanna try to get some requests finished this weekend. Due to anxiety and depression on my my end, there is a backlog of them. I will try my best to get some requests out this weekend!
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lovimagines · 5 years
Quick Reminder!!
Prompts are always open! And we’ll accept prompts for almost all characters from MHA! You’re more than welcome to ask if we’ll write a certain character, but I will go all out for these prompts, writing for people are I’m not used to writing for, so I can get more comfortable with other characters! So we will write for people not on our rules list!
Here are the prompt lists I’ve reblogged if you’re interested!
When requesting prompts, you can send several prompts for one character, OR! If you want, you can request several prompts for several characters at the same time! Hope this makes sense, it’s getting long lol
Happy requesting!!
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lovimagines · 5 years
Are those number prompts still open?? If so can you do 7 and 46 for our boy Shiggs please? You’re so funny and awesome love you!!
AAAAAAAAAA THANK YOU!! Being told im funny makes me thrive tbh. Hope you like this one! It’s a little shorter but I like it!
You stood in your room looking at your mirror. You ran your hands down your dress, smoothing the fabric and you sucked in air through your nose. You cocked your head and wandered to your bathroom for a brief moment.
You grabbed your lipstick and reapplied it, the dark red color matching perfectly with your beautiful dress. You looked yourself over, hoping you looked inconspicuous enough to pull this dumb mission off. You were obviously going to turn heads, but you were sure everyone was at this party.
You walked from your room and stopped once you saw the window open. You froze, your heart pounding in your chest. You had closed that before even getting dressed. You must have forgotten to lock it though. Your eyes wandered around the room until you looked to your right and locked on to someone browsing your closet.
“Yo! You got some cute shit in here, things I’ve never even seen you wear.”
The blue haired man turned towards you, his hair falling in front of his unmasked face. He tilted his head at you gave you a confused look. He watched you closely, taking in your whole outfit before stepping closer to you. You noticed he was wearing a glove, some of the fingers cut out, he obviously came over for some action.
Once he reached you, he placed his hands on your hips and his eyes locked with yours, “You look stunning.”
Your fave began to heat up, “You’re not supposed to be here.”
You whispered to him, your voice was barely audible. He smirked down at you and leaned down, his nose touching yours. He closed his eyes momentarily before opening them again, red, intense eyes meeting your soft ones.
“When will you learn how to take a compliment?”
“When you learn how to not break and enter.” You swallowed hard, waiting for his reaction to that statement. You didn’t walk on eggshells around Tomura, your quirk left you capable of controlling the situations you were in, so you didn’t fear him. But you did know how he could act at times. “How did you find my house anyway?”
Tomura had been seeing you for a month now. Or the two of you were hiding away from everyone for a month now. The two of you had met during a League of Villains attack, and you were able to get away unscathed. Tomura was immediately enamored with you.
“I have my ways.” Tomura quickly changed the subject, “What are you doing tonight?”
“Someone who is under a microscope is throwing a party. I’m to investigate this person-”
“Can I come?” Tomura interrupted you, “Can I be your plus one?”
“No, baby, no.” You shook your head, “Having you by my side, as amazing as that would be, is quite the opposite of inconspicuous.”
Tomura seemed to relax as soon as you called him baby. But his grip tightened once again when he realized he couldn’t go.
“Okay,” Tomura huffed, “look, I won’t go with you-” You knew what that meant, he was going to go, whether you liked it or not, but he wasn’t going to be with you, “-just know word gets around fast in the underground world of villainy Y/N. I’ll know if anyone looks at you the wrong way. And-” he paused, his hand moving to your face, a finger rubbing soft circles into your cheek, “I will kill anyone that looks at you the way I look at you.”
Chills ran down your spine. You thought about what you had gotten yourself into when you had decided to meet up with Tomura a month ago. You didn’t want anyone else to look at you the way Tomura did, but the thought of him offing anyone that did so was scary to you. You weren’t one for murder, or villany in general, and now you were caught up with one of the baddest of the bad.
“Okay,” was all you could whisper. You gathered your thoughts and quickly came up with a plan to keep Tomura at bay, “I know you’re not supposed to be here, but, if you’re still here by the time I come home, we can do whatever you want tonight, just me and you.”
“That…” Tomura ran two fingers down your cheek and your breath caught in your throat, “that sounds like a plan.”
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