lunaamethystus · 3 years
Havent posted in a while but I will soon be posting some new items in my etsy shop, I am working on mini ritual kits in coffins, just waiting on the materials to come in 😊
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lunaamethystus · 4 years
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↟ 𝐀 𝐌 𝐄 𝐓 𝐇 𝐘 𝐒 𝐓
For centuries, Amethyst has been thought to be a remedial for many ailments. In many cultures, it is prescribed to lighten nightmares and cure memory loss, and in the past it was also believed to assist prophecy and visions and to bring riches and power to its owners. Throughout the Middle Ages, powerful and rich monarchs have used Amethyst as a symbol of royalty, and it has even been used to decorate crown jewels, and adorn catholic crosses. In Greek mythology, it was dyed purple by the tears of Dionysus, the god of wine and revelry, and was said that it could prevent the bearer from becoming excessively drunk. It has been one of the world’s most revered stones for all of its known existence. Found all over the Earth. It is also part of the quartz family. Introduces balance, inhales spiritual awareness, promotes psychic abilities. A true healing stone of the mind and soul, its properties are endlessly good.
Chakras: crown and third eye
Zodiacs: virgo, sagittarius, capricorn, aquarius, pisces
Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune
Elements: Air, Water
Sacred numbers: 3
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lunaamethystus · 4 years
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lunaamethystus · 5 years
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Edible Flowers and Their Properties
Arugula Blossom (attraction, abundance, psychic power) Basil Blossom (protection, love, abundance, purification) Borage (happiness, protection, courage, peace)  Calendula (protection, love, healing) Carnation (strength, protection, creativity, stability)  Camellia (abundance, love, happiness) Cilantro (protection, peace, love, health, abundance) Chamomile (calming, love, healing, protection, warding) Chive Blossom (protection, warding, love) Chrysanthemum (protection, warding, happiness, love) Dandelion (healing, purification, divination & psychic power) Dahlia (abundance, strength, creativity, self love) Garlic Flower (protection, healing, warding) Hibiscus (love, divination, creativity) Kale Flower (abundance, strength, protection, healing) Lavender (calming, protection, healing, purification, peace) Lilac (luck, wisdom, psychic strength) Nasturtium (happiness, love, purification, protection) Orchid (love, abundance, creativity) Peony (luck, protection, abundance, stability) Pansy (love, calming, self reflection, change) Pea Flower (abundance, love, friendship, protection) Rose (love, happiness, peace) Snapdragon (purification, protection, strength, perseverance)   Squash Blossom (creativity, vitality, healing, balance) Strawberry Blossom (love, abundance, luck, healing) Violet (peace, protection, healing, luck)
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lunaamethystus · 5 years
My personal go to techniques out of these are incense, candle light, water, and physical contact. My bedroom doesnt get much natural light so I work with my own energy and that from a candle or water.
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lunaamethystus · 5 years
♡ Witchcraft Masterlist ♡
Basic Witchcraft Sigils Spell Writing 101 Energy Work Masterpost Correspondences Candle Colour Meanings Crystal Correspondences Crystals Masterpost A Spell Masterpost
Energy Work Energy Work Masterpost Cleansing Correspondences and Masterpost Cleansing Methods   Enchanting an Item How to Enchant an Object Simple Enchantment How to Enchant Enchanting Items How to Enchant Items Charge items
Correspondences Masterpost Another Masterpost Smells Love Candle Colours Herbs
Healing Crystals Uses Healing Crystal Masterpost Crystal Correspondences
Spell Masterposts Gentle Witchcraft Wake-Up Spell Self Care Masterpost Room Healing Household Healing Everyday School Spells Finals Week Spells Pen Enchantment  
Tips and Ideas Witch’s Morning Routine College Witchcraft Ideas Tea Ideas
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lunaamethystus · 5 years
Tagged by @urban-witch-tales
Rules: Answer 21 questions then tag 21 people you want to get to know better
Nickname: here it's Amethyst, outside Alice, Sabbath, Sabs (real names sabrina)
Zodiac: Sun Pisces, Moon Leo, Rising Sagittarius
Height: 4'11-5'0
Last movie I saw: The Witch on Netflix
Last thing I googled: how to be better at digital art
Favorite Musician: i dont have a favorite musician but i have a favorite band and thats Ghost B.C
Song stuck in my head: Ritual by Ghost lol
Other blogs: @sanguinewitch666 (other witchy stuff mostly around sanguinarian stuff) @xxbloodplayxx (kink stuff lol)
Do I get Asks: No, but i wouldnt mind answering
Blogs following: a whole lot lol
Amount of sleep: what is sleep?
Lucky Number: im not sure im a walking omen of bad luck lol
What Im wearing rn: Black flowy shirt and black leggings and black boots... with one pink sock and one purple sock lol
Dream Job: anything with art
Dream trip: I would love to go to Italy
Favorite food: I will literally eat anything but my go tos are burgers and fries and PASTA!!!
Play any instruments: i wish
Languages: English, beginner Spanish, beginner latin
Favorite songs: fuck i love this question: dance macabre, cirice, Elizabeth, and absolution by Ghost B.C, voices, and eternally yours by Motionless in white, wings of a butterfly, join me in death, funeral of hearts, right here in my arms, and killing lonliness by H.I.M
Random fact: im not good with this question but I guess a random fact would be that i have a Jack of all trades personally i want to learn everything about what im interested in, witchcraft for instance i started with scrying and dream work and i branched out to learn about tarots and crystals and other forms
Describe your aesthetic: on my page, warm and purple lol irl goth and cold
Who shall I tag: I'll do this part later because for some reason the blogs i follow arent popping up
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lunaamethystus · 5 years
Ok so I was going to make a entry/post about color correspondences and i found this site where you can shop by color for items that can be used for spell work or decoration or clothing, check it out im going to deff look through it
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lunaamethystus · 5 years
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Sub: thank you so much to @brujapedias for finding the original artist, putting a link to their work here!!
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lunaamethystus · 5 years
So accurate, witchcraft and magick is in everything we do everything is a ritual.
Things that are not true for all witches (even if they are true for you):
-The “Rule of Three”
-“Witches don’t believe in Satan!”
-“Witches can’t be Christians.”
-“Witches don’t hex or curse.”
-“Witches never practice magick for self-gain.”
-“Witches don’t use spirit boards.”
-“Witches believe in karma.”
-How about you do you and don’t try to tell other witches what to do/be? 
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lunaamethystus · 5 years
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Some witchy aesthetic pics for tingles
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lunaamethystus · 5 years
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lunaamethystus · 5 years
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The stone for February is Amethyst (my birthstone) some of its associations are
Celibacy, piety, sobriety, luck, marital fidelity, protection from baneful spells, and prevention of home-sickness. The patron deities that are connected to amethyst are Sacred to Buddha, Dionysus, Bacchus, Diana, and Artemis. Amethyst is a birthstone to Pisces (MEEEE), Aquarius, and Aries.
Back in the old days some bishops wore amethyst rings as a symbol of celibacy, some still do to this day.
Amethyst is a great tool for scrying and meditation. It can be worn to cleanse/heal and purify the body and mind. Its great for balance, and preventing nightmares and irrational fears. The color purple alone is a powerful color the correspondences for the color alone are the element of air, the planet jupiter, direction of East, The Crown chakra and the number 7.
I personally connect sexuality, mysticism and power to the color purple. It is my favorite color and i have been told my aura is purple! This is a great and powerful stone and one of the major stones that are part of most starter kits. Again i will link the site of my sources.
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lunaamethystus · 5 years
This is cute
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little witchy idea~
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lunaamethystus · 5 years
Keep the precious babies safe !!
What causes damage to crystals
Water: Angelite, Azurite, Boji Stones/Shaman Stones/Moqui Marbles, Calcite, Celestine, Desert Rose, Halite(rock salt), Himalayan Salt, Hematite, Jet, Lapis, Malachite, Moonstone, Pyrite, Selenite, Unakite
Salt: Angelite, Azurite, Calcite, Carnelian, Hematite, Jet, Kunzite, Kyanite, Lapis, Labrodite, Lepidolite, Malachite, Moldavite, Moonstone, Pyrite, Selenite, Tiger’s Eye, Topaz, Ulexite/TV Stone
Sun/UV: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Aventurine, Calcite, Celestine, Citrine, Fluorite, Jade, Jet, Kunzite, Lapis, Malachite, Quartz, Sapphire, Sodalite, Super Seven, Topaz, Tourmaline
Heat: Cinnabar, Emerald, Moonstone, Sodalite, Unakite
Acid: Apatite, Sodalite
Everything: Amber, Opal, Pearl, Turquoise
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lunaamethystus · 5 years
Fellow Art Witches
So again I was up all night with a strong inspired energy. I am a artist so i always have ideas for another painting or another drawing or another crafting project. Working on art pieces put me in a meditative zone, along with listening to music while painting or drawing. So while i was up literally until the sun came up i was browsing and found a really good youtube video about incorporating witchcraft into your art. You can take your canvas or paper out and throw some fresh dirt on it, splash some essential oils on it, smoke it with sage, rub herbs on it, and once you paint it you can put symbols on it. You can do ANYTHING magickal to it. And you can always go back and add to it so it can grow with you on your journey. I will deff keep you guys posted if i work on a physical magickal piece, but for now im dabbling in digitial art, which you can still add symbolism and other elements. There are NO limits.
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lunaamethystus · 5 years
Yes this is a very helpful tip. I would bring my own rocks that i would collect from the beach or the wooded areas from neighborhoods so i wouldnt disturb the area or any nesting animals near by. I was always extra of course and used sticks and rocks to make a pattern lol
do NOT cast salt circles in nature
I briefly mentioned this in another post, but it deserves its own
Salt absorbs all the water in the soil, ruining it and killing the plants, also making it inhabitable for new plants to grow
cast salt circles in your house, on sidewalk, etc, but do NOT do it on the earth, ruining the plants life isn’t worth it!!!
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