lunamonroe Β· 24 days
Dante’s inferno is where we got the basis of the idea that hell is fire and brimstone. Honestly, hell is probably a lot more boring. We each have our own hell, so like someone out there in their own hell could be living eternity waiting in line to use the bathroom, but the line never ends for them and they never go either. Lmao that would suck. The feeling of having to take a shit and to never be able to go? Definitely could see that as a possibility of a hell for someone. Of course my idea of that hell is cause I gotta go poo, so yeah.
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lunamonroe Β· 2 months
Sabbats Masterpost
The History of Samhain
Samhain Facts
Samhain Correspondences
Samhain Crystals
Samhain Colors
Samhain Plants
Samhain Incense & Oils
Samhain Animals
Samhain Foods
Samhain Ritual & Magick
Samhain Deities
Samhain Altar Ideas
Samhain Activities
Last Minute Samhain Ideas
The History of Mabon
Mabon Facts
Mabon Correspondences
Mabon Crystals
Mabon Colors
Mabon Plants
Mabon Oils & Incense
Mabon Animals
Mabon Foods
Mabon Ritual & Magick
Mabon Deities
Mabon Altar
Mabon Activities
Last Minute Mabon Ideas
Lughnasadh/Lammas History
Lughnasadh/Lammas Facts
Lughnasadh/Lammas Correspondences
Lughnasadh/Lammas Crystals
Lughnasadh/Lammas Colors
Lughnasadh/Lammas Plants
Lughnasadh/Lammas Incense & Oils
Lughnasadh/Lammas Animals
Lughnasadh/Lammas Food
Lughnasadh/Lammas Ritual & Magick
Lughnasadh & Lammas Deities
Lughnasadh & Lammas Altar Ideas
Lughnasadh & Lammas Activities
Last minute Lammas Ideas
Litha History
Litha Facts
Litha Correspondences
Litha Crystals
Litha Incense & Oils
Litha Colors
Litha Plants
Litha Animals
Litha Foods
Litha Deities
Litha Altar Ideas
Litha Ritual & Magick
Litha Activities
Last Minute Litha Ideas
The History of Beltane
Beltane Facts
Beltane Correspondences
Beltane Incense & Oils
Beltane Colors
Beltane Crystals
Beltane Plants
Beltane Animals
Beltane Altar
Beltane Food
Beltane Deities
Beltane Ritual & Magick
Beltane Activities
Last Minute Beltane Ideas
Ostara History
Ostara Facts
Ostara Correspondences
Ostara Colors
Ostara Crystals
Ostara Incense & Oils
Ostara Plants
Ostara Animals
Ostara Food
Ostara Altar Ideas
Ostara Ritual & Magick
Ostara Deities
Ostara Activities
Last Minute Ostara Ideas
The History of Imbolc
Imbolc Facts
Imbolc Correspondenses
Imbolc Colors
Imbolc Crystals
Imbolc Incense & Oils
Imbolc Plants
Imbolc Animals
Imbolc Food
Imbolc Altar
Imbolc Ritual & Magick
Imbolc Deities
Imbolc Activities
Last Minute Imbolc Ideas
The History of Yule
Yule Facts
Yule Correspondences
Yule Crystals
Yule Colors
Yule Plants
Yule Incense & Oils
Yule Animals
Yule Foods
Yule Ritual & Magick
Yule Deities
Yule Altar
Yule Activities
Last Minute Yule Ideas
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lunamonroe Β· 2 months
Witchcraft and poetry are inseparable for me. What is a poem but a spell, every word woven with care and intention? A poem has the potential to craft new worlds, to open a portal into unseen realities, to rewild our hearts and souls. Poetry is spellcraft.
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lunamonroe Β· 2 months
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lunamonroe Β· 2 months
November 10, 2022 | 10:32 pm
(I found some old updates in my drafts that I’m just gonna post now)
Today I felt a burning in both of my palms. As if my soul was lighting a fire deep inside of me. I felt the urge to light a candle and speak to it to ask questions. After I felt my basic questions were answered I blew out the candle and felt the burning hot feeling go away.
Afterwards, I still would see the aura of the candle, it was a hot pink fuchsia color. The color stayed until it led me to a few books on being more religious and/or spiritual. I feel like it was a sign, I felt a part of my spirit or even my spiritual guardian in the candle flame. It was a real surreal feeling.
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lunamonroe Β· 2 months
My Favorite Shifting Tools
Reya's 4 day Reprogramming guide.
The way Peter Cawkwell talks about shifting.
The Reality Shifting Handbook by Mari Sei.
Works by Neville Goddard on the LOA
Shifting Podcasts and story time videos on YT to help get me excited.
I am Meditations inspired by Neville Goddard.
Alunir Meditations, Mzrahki, Witchsbrew222, and Meditative Mind all on You Tube.
MysticAlchemy's subliminal and affirmations on You Tube.
The Honest Guys Guided Meditations and Sleep Stories on You Tube.
Sound Baths.
Flame Mediations and saying Mantras.
Incorporating magic into my shifting journey.
Comfort Character Audios.
Hand Scripting in scrapbook journals for my DRs.
The Letter of Gratitude and 3-6-9 methods of manifestation.
Creating Playlists for my DRs.
Walking my pets and listening to the sound bath the "Singing Oaks" in the park make.
Talking to my pets about the new daddy they are about to have.
Channeling and Oracle/Tarot Readings.
Remember, you don't need any of these things to shift. I just found them helpful for my personal journey.
I am not affiliated with any of these links, I just like them.
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lunamonroe Β· 2 months
I slept through the eclipse, so rip. It would have been nice to see. Every eclipse I have had a chance to see, I have slept through it. LMAO. My body is like fuck you; I don’t give a fuck about the sun, the moon, or whatever; I need sleep.
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lunamonroe Β· 2 months
Something of mine I lost two years ago came back into my life. It feels weird losing something that I thought I would never see again just for it to come back into my life. I'm glad that it's back, though, but it feels like I'm in one of those movies where a loved one comes back from the dead or something. I guess I see it as a small gift to have this back in my life.
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lunamonroe Β· 2 months
Internal Illumination
Written by: Luna Monroe
O Lightbringer,
Illuminate the path with thine celestial glow,
Spread thine enlightenment to and fro,
Guiding souls through darkness' ebb and flow,
Thine light illuminates me whenever I shall go
In thine radiance, shadows cease to grow,
With thee I shall never feel low.
In thine presence, my spirit's colors glow.
Thine brilliance, a beacon, forever aglow
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lunamonroe Β· 2 months
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lunamonroe Β· 2 months
HAIL LUCIFER! and Hello Luciferians!
He loves/offering ideas:
Poetry, music and arts in general
(write poetry and leave them for him, write for yourself too, pros are good, listen to music with him, appreciate artworks with him)
2. Mints (Spearmints are good, leave them for him in an offering bowl)
3. Chocolates (offer them to him, treat yourself to chocolates)
4. Aloe Vera (if you have tattoos, take care of them with Aloe Vera, he loves tattoos)
5. Getting tattoos (he admires a rebellious nature)
6. Marlboro Reds (smoke them with him, light them up and leave some for him, let it burn, set intentions)
7. Lemons (leave slices in your water tumblers, he will bless them)
8. Cheeses (especially Brie cheeses)
9. Bones (chicken bones are good for him)
10. Snakes (adopt snakes as guides, they make good familiars for Luciferians)
11. Red Roses (leave them for him, buy some for yourself)
12. Red Strings (to seal your spell jars)
13. Meat pies (indulge in lots of meats, his favourite snack)
14. Lavender essential oils (leave them on your altar for him to bless, put some behind your ear for relaxation)
(to offer or for him to bless)
2. Rose Quartz
3. Citrine and any sun crystals (good protection crystals from him directly, let him bless them)
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lunamonroe Β· 2 months
Luciferian Morning and Evening Prayers
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Morning Prayer
Dearest Lucifer,
You, who is both
Morningstar and the Sun!
I greet you, I offer you my love.
You, who shines in the sky,
Please, shine in my heart today.
Evening Prayer
Dearest Lucifer,
You, who is both
Eveningstar and the Shadow!
I greet you, I offer you my love.
You, who flies through the sky,
Please, cover me with your wings tonight.
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lunamonroe Β· 2 months
Some offerings / devotional acts for Lord Lucifer
- poetry (or art of any kind)
- self care in his name!
- a dedicated candle dressed with herbs that are associated with Him
- prayer in the evening, trusting Him to sit by your side until you fall asleep
- prayer in the morning for a good outlook on the day
- music! playing music, writing music, listening to music,…
- therapy
- taking your meds
- sharing a drink with Him (coffee, tea, wine, anything)
- shadow work!!!
- watching the sunrise
- any kind of magic in His name
- divination
- trying out new things and getting out of your comfort zone
- human rights activism
- focusing on yourself
- questioning authority and standing up for yourself
- enlightenment, learning and pursuing the arts
- studying philosophy
- befriending your local neighbourhood crows
- getting Him scented candles that smell like His associated herbs
- making Him a Pinterest board
- making a playlist with songs that remind you of Him
- learning how to properly ward and protect yourself (magically)
- dedicating a piece of jewellery to Him (and asking Him to bless it)
- making a journal for Him (digital or analog) with prayers, tarot spreads, offerings and information about Him (I recommend this for every deity, honestly it’s really useful and a great way of showing devotion)
- learning more about Him and common misconceptions associated with Him (especially in Christianity)
- wearing clothes that radiate His energy and make you feel confident
In the end, any offerings you give Him are valid and will be appreciated, as long as you put some thought into it. Don’t worry if you can’t give Him the things you’d like to give Him, He will accept anything that comes from a place of love and devotion.
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lunamonroe Β· 2 months
I had a weird dream that I took DMT or some psychedelic. I didn’t realize I had to go to high school, so I started going and walking down random hallways as the drugs kicked in. As I was walking down the hallways, I noticed people there that weren’t there. I realized I had taken what was showing me the spirits and souls of the people trapped in the high school. Eventually, I came across giant storage containers. There were about 12 of them, all stacked on top of each other. I snuck into them. It was full of mementos. So I spit on one of them, and it released the soul of whoever was trapped inside of it. And then there was a flashback. A kid who was paralyzed and perceived to be brain-dead. He started to move, and the nurse was happy. The doctor and the other nurse were upset, and it turns out those two were trying to kill the kid. I kept spitting on random artifacts/momentos because I realized they had people trapped in them. After all, they were murdered. And each time, I spit on something. I like unmurdered them. The class was packed, too, and I was walking through and saw random coworkers there, too. And they are all doing after-school clubs. Then I woke up.
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lunamonroe Β· 2 months
Small ways to connect with and honor Lucifer
Contemplate the stars.
Learn something new.
Share some fruit with him.
Take care of yourself.
Boost voices of marginalized people.
Explore his depictions in art.
Study philosophy.
Learn and correct misinformation about snakes and other villanized animals.
Light him a candle and contemplate the fire.
Write them little thank you notes.
Play music that reminds you of them, and invite them to listen with you.
Do something that brings you pleasure.
Donate to organisations doing work connected to what he stands for, like fighting oppression and helping oppressed people.
Write a list of things you appreciate about him, then try to do the same for yourself.
Learn about their history.
Simply talk to him.
Sing them a song.
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lunamonroe Β· 2 months
Alternatives to physical altars for witches and pagans who can’t practise openly:
If you don’t have the money or space for an altar or you live with someone who does not support your craft, there are a few altarnatives for you to consider:
this could contain incense, prayer cards, a tea light, small crystals or some herbs
- easy to hide and portable
- inconspicuous
- inexpensive
- simple to make
- you can’t keep a lot of things in there
- you can’t really use it for offerings unless they are very small
- not very customisable
this could be in the form of a tumblr blog, a Pinterest board or a simple notes page
- simple to make
- very customisable
- unlimited space
- easy to hide
- you can access it from anywhere
- you can get very creative with your spells and offerings
- useful for shadow work and divination, since you can document your progress
- very easy to navigate and organise
- you can’t make physical offerings
- no physical spell work (like jars or candles)
an analogue notebook that you can use like a mix of a journal / grimoire / altar
- very versatile and customisable
- you can use it as an altar to place physical offerings on
- easily portable
- useful for a lot of different things
- great for small offerings (like pressed flowers and herbs, photos, drawings and poetry / prayer
- useful for shadow work and divination, since you can document your progress
- easy and cheap to make
- inconspicuous
- no unlimited space, if you fill it up you need to buy a new one
- no offerings larger than the book
- difficult to navigate if you don’t have a good index system
- not great for physical spells like jars or candles
this can be an altar space that you build in games like Minecraft or animal crossing
- somewhat customisable
- very fun to build
- you can make offerings like Minecraft flowers or dressing your character up in clothes that remind you of your deity
- playing the game and putting energy into it can be an offering in itself
- unlimited space (depends of the game)
- no physical offerings and very limited options for spells
- how much you can do depends a lot on the game
- good video games and consoles often cost money and are thus not accessible to everyone
- no (or very limited) options for writing down prayers and the like
- limited option for devotional acts
Whatever your altar space looks like and whether you even have one at all, remember that you are still valid and your gods love you and understand your situation.
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lunamonroe Β· 2 months
** This is a personal reading, all directed towards and reflected upon my own experience. Feel free to indulge in my advising with me, or witness them just as they are!
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A lot has changed. Not all good things by any means, however I look forward with a positive mindset and a keen eye for opportunities ahead! I tend to only contact Lucifer when I find myself stressed and encumbered-- but today, I seek nothing more than guidance for what lies ahead.
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Reversed. Insecurity. Disorder.
Before I seek further guidance, I must always reflect on where I have been up until now. A visit from a nurturing mother reversed speaks loudly to how I have been feeling as of late-- I lost my sense of purpose, my plans were displaced, and I have been struggling to gather my bearings.
The time for basking in the lows of my shortcomings is over--it is time to get up, pick up my pieces, and move on. I can turn the sensitivity of my current wound into empathy and aspiration-- all I need is time.
Reversed. Transition. Resistance.
Unfortunately, I find myself guilty of being a brick wall in my own recovery. Such a change as I am facing now felt forced and harshly imposed, and I have a miserable habit of resisting anything that doesn't come to me naturally. It is time to put my hostility aside, and take a more willing approach to what I am going through.
I cannot control what fate does-- however, I can control how I react. Perhaps it is time to reflect more strongly on such reactions.
Upright. Imprisonment. Restriction.
Finally, I find the answer to my future-- and funnily enough, it was something I had intuited from the very first card draw. Above all adversity I've been facing, the biggest threat to my improvement has been the limitations of my own beliefs. I can do better and I can move on-- however no one save for me can catalyze that.
Now is the time to feel empowered, and to make strong choices. Leave behind old fears and insecurities-- No one but Lucifer may judge me now.
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