100% unclear why I just got this notification, but thank you (5 years later)!!! 🥰
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It Takes Four to Tango by @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world
Rating: T
Tags: i dunno, Fluff, Jealousy, Oblivious, Idiots in Love, Boys In Love, Ballroom Dancing, based on dawson’s creek, for other tags check out ao3 page
James and Sirius are jealous idiots because Lily and Remus are hanging out together. Don’t worry, it gets sorted. Based largely on the Dawson’s Creek episode “Four to Tango.”
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First snow of the winter!
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This is just James, Lily and Sirius
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James definitely called lily, "Evans" even after they got married and had harry, bc some old habits never die, to which lily would go ''that's potter to you, potter!"
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Haven't drawn in a while, so have a lily ;) i honestly applaud digital artists, this shit is tiring as hell but also fun.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter Characters: James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Dorcas Meadowes, Marlene McKinnon, OC - Phoebe Abbott Additional Tags: Fluff, Banter, Jily Challenge, Canon Universe, Background Relationships, dorlene, Friendship, Crushes, Marauders Summary:
Silly fluffy one-shot. Marauders-era Hogwarts students attend a New Year's Eve party and James learns that maybe this is the year he'll have a shot with Lily Evans.
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Olive Chapter 4
Summary -  A fancy restaurant. An enigmatic waiter. Hazel eyes, mad hair, a dimple, and Lily’s a goner.
What? An update? For Olive? This can’t be real (it is though, because it took me a painstakingly long time to finish this fic. Can’t say I didn’t enjoy it)
Read it here:
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16579799/chapters/38852612
FFnet: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13117515/1/Olive
Do share some comments and thoughts, would greatly appreciate it. xx
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For @hprecfest day 16: A fic that made you laugh.
I laugh out loud every time I read The Many Mistakes of Remus Lupin by @witchofimber! Remus, Sirius and Peter try to get James and Lily together - nuff said!
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@hprecfest Day 15: The Last Fic You Bookmarked
what would you do? by @sunshinemarauder
Ship: James/Lily Rating: Teen Relevant Tags: Canon Compliant, Pining, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Hogwarts Sixth Year, Fluff and Humor Warnings: N/A Word Count: 2,868
“You can be such a prat, you know, when you go around hexing people for the fun of it and acting like you’re the king of the castle. Sometimes I want to—” and here she starts getting agitated, her pale cheeks reddening rapidly: “—to shove your head down a toilet and leave you there until all that arrogance seeps out of your stupidly large skull. “But sometimes,” Lily continues in a way that he can’t describe in any way other than heated, and then says: “Sometimes I want to cut off all your air circulation.” That’s typical, James thinks, picturing her hands locked around his throat, staring him down with that scorching stare as he slowly perishes. Then: “With my mouth on your mouth.” His brain flatlines. -- Lily Evans has always had an effect on James. He's a total fool for her thick red hair, array of freckles, and bright green eyes. But he never once stopped to consider if he might have just as much of an effect on her, too, until one day... she snaps.
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AND THAT'S A WRAP! Last chapter is out now!! Thank you to those who have stuck with us throughout this journey! You guys are incredible, and I hope you like the end!!
I am so proud of this story. I am so happy I got to do it all with one of my best friends, @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world.
I hope you all like it as much as we do.
Chapter 15
Excitement danced beneath Lily’s skin and she slid into a skintight black dress. Marlene and Dorcas’ voices drifted in through her cracked bedroom door. The Marauder’s Den was opening, and Lily was dressed to kill. She slipped into her chunky pumps and pulled a tight bolero sweater on. She felt powerful, with hints of skin peeking out and her curves on full display. 
Grabbing her tiny bag, she reentered the common space to find her friends passing a bottle of wine between them. Crossing the distance, Lily plucked the bottle by the neck before taking a healthy gulp. Marley and Dorcas had come over earlier, claiming they needed help deciding on outfits for the opening. But when the pair appeared on her doorstep, they only had one outfit each, and a malbec in hand. 
“Damn, Lils, poor Potter is gonna swallow his tongue when he sees you,” Marlene said, and Lily had to admit that, even if they had misled her about their reasons for coming, she definitely appreciated the boost to her confidence having the two around supplied. Even Minerva seemed to agree, lifting her head from where it rested against Marlene’s thigh and offering Lily a soft meow that she took as approval.
“That’s the plan! Or, at least something like that.” Lily took another sip before passing the bottle back to Dorcas. She turned her desk chair towards the women relaxing on the sofa and sat down carefully to avoid wrinkling her dress.
“He’s gonna die,” Dorcas agreed. “You’re going to ask him out, dressed like that, and he is going to have a heart attack in the middle of the pub.”
“Don’t say that, you’ll make her nervous!” Marlene exclaimed. She gave Lily a reassuring smile. “He might pass out, but then he’ll be alright. Better than alright. You’re like something out of his fantasies.”
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Random, but I've been reading about cognitive science for some anti bias trainings I do, among other things, and THIS IS A REAL THING. Most of us are not dealing with apex predators or other actual life-or-death threats anymore, and so our brains activate that fight or flight (or freeze!) response when faced with things like unexpected phone calls, upcoming deadlines, making mistakes in an email, etc. So yeah, you *can* teach your body not to do that, but it's really hard, because it is essentially the way we have evolved. Brains, man.
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Top 10 characters
Thanks @stonecoldhedwig and @siriuslychessi and possibly others for the tag!
Ten characters, ten fandoms - name your top 10 characters in 10 fandoms, then tag 10 others to play.
This is really hard! Do I *have* ten fandoms?? We shall see. Here goes nothing:
1. James Potter, HP
2. Vi Sovari, Night Angel Trilogy
3. Pacey Witter, Dawson's Creek
4. Zaf Ansari, The Brown Sisters
5. Kaz Brekker, Six of Crows
6. Lorelei Gilmore, Gilmore Girls
7. Molly Carpenter, The Dresden Files
8. Eugenia Huxley, Rescued from Ruin series
9. Dorian Ursuul, Night Angel trilogy (that's cheating, I know)
10. Ruth Kabbah, Ravenswood trilogy
Some of those are romance novels, but if they're part of a series I think they count as fandoms. And I named two characters from the Night Angel trilogy, but they're both REALLY good characters, so I'd argue I had no choice. Like I said, this was really hard!
I am not active enough to know who's played and who hasn't, so anyone who wants to should play. But I'll tag a handful of folks anyway:
@dreamsofbrightstars @littlejeanniebean @matrixaffiliate @kittycargo @shehatedhimnahshedidnt
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@magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world and I posted Chapter 14!! Only one more chapter left! I still cant believe it! Read the new chapter here!
The next week flew by in a whirlwind. James and Sirius barely left the bar, making sure the place was fully ready for opening. Five more days. Yay. 
It really was exciting, they had been working hard for this and now it was actually becoming a reality. What James had assumed would just be Sirius’ thing that he’d help out with had turned into something James was really proud to be a part of. 
So, when Sirius began panicking Monday at three in the morning because he found a few places where the paint didn’t quite meet the molding, James only felt annoyance for a second. Okay maybe two, but he then calmed Sirius down and threw on a pair of joggers before heading over. Messy paint wasn’t really a middle of the night kind of emergency, but once James was up he figured he might as well head on over there to keep Sirius from going mad.
James wasn’t upset the next night, either, when Sirius called to tell him about a nightmare he’d had where cat hairs had gotten into several people’s drinks, and then those people turned into cats, and then the cat turned into a witch, and then Snape came back and gave them negative 200 points on their health inspection. James reminded him that Snape was no longer the health inspector and, in any event, neither of them owned a cat. That seemed to reassure Sirius quite a bit. 
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I can't believe we're closing in on the end...
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@magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world and I just posted Chapter 13!! Read it here! We are closing in on the end! 2 Chapters to go!
I can honestly say, this is the project I'm most proud to be a part of. I am so proud of this story, and I am so thankful I got to write it with one of my best friends! I love you so much V!
Chapter 13
Over the course of the next week, Lily tinkered with the website, had a pitch meeting with the owners of the Greek cafe (they seemed interested!), and went out with Marlene, Dorcas, and another friend of theirs called Mary. Dorcas was amazing, open and affectionate and motherly, with a fierce protective streak when it came to her friends. Mary was quiet, but secretly hilarious. Between them and the boys at the Marauders’ Den, Lily was starting to feel like she belonged here, in a way she hadn’t felt in a long, long time. It was nice.
Mostly. She definitely liked that she had been so easily welcomed into this friend group. But there was one person with whom she would’ve liked to be a little more than friendly. It was ironic, really– she could've missed out on the opportunity to know James at all if she hadn't given him a second chance after he missed their first meeting, and now it felt like she had missed out on the opportunity to know him on another level by shutting down his romantic overtures so thoroughly at the beginning. Now – respectful, considerate prat that he was – he had moved her firmly into the platonic category, and he seemed comfortable keeping her there. Sure, she and James had exchanged some emails over the past few days, but they were polite, professional emails with updates about the website. There was no banter, no flirting, no nothing. 
The photos, though, were another matter. When Lily received the proofs from the photo shoot, she didn’t want to overanalyze them. Really, she didn’t. But she was a human woman, with a heart and a brain, so she really had no choice. And there was so much to analyze. 
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Or start from the beginning here!
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@magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world and I have done it again! Chapter 12 is live now!
Chapter 12
James wiped a rag over the bar for the third time in as many minutes. The tall, broad-shouldered black man seated across from him chuckled and brought a large hand down on the shiny surface with a smack. "I think it's clean, mate."
"Right," James muttered. "Cheers, Kingsley."
"Yeah, Potter, what's got your knickers in a twist?" Fabian Prewett asked, leaning forward in his seat next to Kingsley. "This isn't the real thing, the grand opening is still a month away. Today's just a trial run, yeah?"
"Right, this is just practice," Gideon added. "You're acting like it's the championship match."
"I'm not, it's nothing. I just want everything to look good. For the photos." Without his permission, James' eyes flicked towards the door. Marlene was near the main entrance, talking to the photographer. Alone. James purposely turned away and went to adjust the crossed swords hanging behind the bar again. He hated to admit Sirius was right – it did look better with two.
They were shooting photos for the website today, and when Lily had replied to James' email, she reminded them that they wouldn't want to just show a bunch of shots of an empty pub. So, James had invited the rugby team and Marlene had invited a couple of girlfriends to give the place some life. Four of the lads from rugby had arrived so far, including Marlene’s brother Daniel, as well as Marlene and two friends. Neither of whom was Lily. Where is she???
"Actually, he's acting like Mum when Nana Prewitt is coming over," Fabian said, laughing as James turned a couple of liquor bottles to make sure they were perfectly aligned, with the labels facing out.
"No, he's acting like Molly used to act when Arthur would come visit, do you remember? Everything had to be perfect .”
“Ah, so James, who’re you nesting for then?” Fabian asked
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Jily fandom moving from Oct to Nov
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Happy Jilytober, y'all! 😁🎃🧙‍♀️🪄
Toes-Out Tom, a Jilytober crack fic by me and @midnightelite.
Just a taste:
Voldemort’s tone turned defensive. "I'm plotting to take over Great Britain and then Europe, instituting magical rule on a scale never before seen. That doesn't leave a lot of time for skin care, you know."
😆 Enjoy!
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