malfoysquad · 3 years
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malfoysquad · 5 years
you can really tell who’s been on this site for 6+ years this week
most of tumblr: OH GOD TUMBLR’S DYING!!!!
old users:
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malfoysquad · 6 years
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Can someone from the Ohmtoonz and H2OVanoss fandom do this pls.
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malfoysquad · 6 years
Untitled (Chapter IV)
Main Pairing: H2ODelirious / VanossGaming
Other Pairings: Ohmwrecker / Cartoonz & I_Am_Wildcat / MiniLadd
Previous Chapters:
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Evan lays restless on his bed. The thought of messing with Jonathan’s life still running in his mind. He meant to ask for Brock’s advice, to tell him he’s stopping the plan but the mother hen was finishing the group’s History project alone and he’s pissed with him and the others. Brock, Evan thinks, is the most matured one in the group so it’s just right to ask for his advice.
But Evan just can’t wait until tomorrow to talk to him. He thinks of calling him again but he knows he’ll just get yelled at. Fishing for his phone under his pillow (which Brock actually said wasn’t a good idea), he goes through his contacts and calls another friend.
“WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK-” the one on the other line yells, “It’s two in the morning, Evan!”
He rolls his eyes, “Tyler, I know you weren’t sleeping, stop acting like I interrupted something.”
“I was playing Mario Kart, and was actually winning,” Tyler grunts, “Until your stupid ass called me. What do you want?”
“I need someone to talk to-“
“Evan,” the other sighs, “I know you aren’t that bright but calling me for advice is actually pretty stupid of you.”
“I’m meant to call Brock,” Evan shuffles out of his bed and starts walking aimlessly around his room, “But he just yelled at me.”
“He purposely missed my calls and then he called back just to hang up on me,” Tyler chuckles, “You should wait for him to cool down, no need to waste both of our time. You know I’m not good with heart to heart talks.”
“It’s about Jonathan,” Evan replies in a hushed tone.
“I’m all ears,” Tyler says seriously, “Tell me what’s the problem, child?”
“I can’t do it,” Evan mumbles, “I won’t do it.”
“This isn’t surprising, at all,” the other huffs, “Why? What did he do?”
“We went out on a date- shut up, let me finish- we went on a date today. And he was so innocent, so- so kind. He told me something about his past and Tyler,” Evan grits his teeth “It’s very tragic. I can’t possibly do this to him after hearing that.”
“Evan,” Tyler sighs heavily, “This is your problem. You spent what? Three to four hours with this guy, he shares some pity story about himself and he’s already a saint to you.”
“Jonathan- he isn’t the only person with a tragic past here. Richie knew about your situation, about how your parents abandoned you, how you were adopted by a couple, flew to a foreign country, ended up here to live a different life and still, he hurt you just like that.”
Evan blinks away his tears, his heart hammering in his chest. This is not what he expects to hear from Tyler. He expected cursing and yelling and a whole lot of whining. And truthfully, he prefers being called a bitch than being slapped with the truth.
“Tyler,” Evan sighs heavily, “Don’t even start-“
“What?” his friend demands, “Evan, we’ve been cautious with you since he broke up with you. Yes, we joke about what happened but we ‘re only doing that to help you understand that it’s not a big deal.”
“Not a big deal?!” Evan exclaims, tears threatening to fall from his eyes, “I- I was so scared to come out and when I finally did, I was so happy that someone accepted me.”
“We accepted you, Evan. We accepted you for who you are even before you met Richie and you shut us down when he dumped you. You acted as if you’d die without him and that hurts, Evan.”
“I-“ Evan starts, unable to reply as he tries his best to break down.
“We’re not holding that against you, we know Richie did everything for you, Evan. We all thought he’d be the one for you and-and look what he did. He threw you like trash when he got what he wanted,” Tyler continues on, “And Jonathan- he- he beat up Jordan.”
“But,” Evan finally finding his voices says, “Jonathan- he doesn’t deserve to be treated like this.”
“And you do?” the others sighs, “All I’m saying is, the likes of Jonathan, hell, all of us, we’re all living in the same world struggling- we aren’t allowed to get free passes just because we had it bad.”
“I understand that,” Evan drawls out, “I just can’t do it.”
“Really?” Tyler scoffs, “Let me ask you this- what if Jonathan didn’t share anything about his past, would you stop the plan? Tell me the truth.”
“No, I wouldn’t-“
And Evan’s chest starts hurting as he realizes he didn’t even hesitate to answer that question. He hates himself for still wanting revenge for what he experienced, he hates himself for wanting to make Jonathan suffer, to make him realize that the world isn’t perfect and nice people like him would just be taken advantage of, he wants him to cry and beg and suffer like he did when his ex-boyfriend tossed him like nothing. He wants to be Jonathan’s Richie.
“No, you wouldn’t, that’s right!” Tyler exclaims, “I don’t know why we’re having this conversation in the first place.”
Evan remains silent, still mulling over what Richie did to him.
“Evan,” Tyler calls out silently, “Stopping this won’t make you feel less guilty, it won’t make what you did, right. You already started this with the original intent to sleep with him. Plus, relationships- they don’t last long especially in our age. It’s Jonathan’s problem how he handles himself when you leave him.”
“Yeah,” Evan nods to himself, “Yeah, you’re right.”
“I am?”
“Uh-huh,” the Asian absentmindedly replies, “I-I’ll continue the plan. Thank you, Tyler.”
He hangs up even before Tyler can respond and lays on his bed with his jumbled thoughts. A voice in the back of his head asking when did he became such a monster.
Here’s a short chapter for you, guys. I’m very thankful to everyone who found my story interesting. (´。・v・。`) The next chapter will be posted some time on Monday, please watch out for that. Again, all feedbacks are appreciated. (❁´3`❁) ♡
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malfoysquad · 6 years
Untitled (Chapter III)
Main Pairing: H2ODelirious / VanossGaming
Other Pairings: Ohmwrecker / Cartoonz & I_Am_Wildcat / Miniladd
Previous Chapters:
Chapter I
Chapter II
“What do you mean you’re not walking me home?” Jonathan wails on his phone, “You always walk me home!”
“HEY!” Luke exclaims on the other line, “Don’t make me feel guilty. I promise I’ll make it up to you tomorrow. I just really need to finish this project. It’s due the next day and I haven’t done shit.”
“Where’s Ryan?” Jonathan chews on his lips, “Ryan can walk me home!”
“No, he can’t,” the other sighs, “He got that doctor appointment remember?”
Johnathan just whimpers. He doesn’t like walking home alone. Sure, he’s friendly but he doesn’t really have close friends beside Luke and Ryan he can ask. Asking acquaintances to walk you home is just weird and he knows that.
“Okay,” he kicks the dirt beneath him and hangs up to Luke singing his apologies. What’s he suppose to do now?
Walking home alone while seeing others with a group of friends just seem too lonely. He doesn’t want to be alone with his thoughts when he’s sad or upset, he starts over thinking and that’s never really a good sign. Jonathan sighs and decides to go back to school. Maybe he can find something to do.
The halls aren’t really empty. In fact, it’s still buzzing with students on their way to different clubs. Jonathan hasn’t really bothered to join one because he doesn’t really know what and where he’s good at.
“Jon!” a voice calls out to him. He turns and sees Evan sprinting to him.
Evan is wearing a white shirt, the school’s sweatpants and a pair of black sneakers. Despite his face gleaming with sweat, his hair is still somewhat styled perfectly.
“Hello,” Jonathan beams up at him, “What’s up?”
Evan smiles at him as he catches his breath, “Nothing, really. I just found out almost all my friends are in detention so I’m just hanging around. How about you?”
“I’m also just hanging around,” he looks down, hiding his pout, “Luke and Ryan aren’t with me, as you can see.”
“Well,” the other nudges him, “Would you like to go out on a date with me?”
Jonathan almost always knows what to do and say in most situations. He learned to adapt well and adjust himself in order to respond accordingly and properly, to avoid any conflicts and to please other people. But this is just too surprising for him. Never in his life has he dreamed about being asked out on a date because- what the fuck why?
“I mean,” Evan panics as he waits for his response, “We can just eat out, I don’t know why I called it a date bu-“
“Don’t you have basketball practice?” Jonathan asks him curiously, effectively cutting out his ramblings, “Harvey’s in my class, he said something about preparing for a league or something?”
Evan chuckles, “I don’t think we can practice properly with Brian, Tyler and Daithi in detention. The last time I checked, the captain was just bullying some new members.”
Jonathan blinks up at him, “Bullying?”
The taller student pats his shoulder reassuringly, “Don’t worry. It’s nothing serious.”
After mumbling a quiet “Okay,” Jonathan grins and asks, “Are you paying?”
“Hm- what?”
“For our date!” His face lightening up, “Are you paying for our date?”
The taller student just laughs and pulls him out of the school.
Evan has no idea why he left his friends in the basketball court to go on a spontaneous date with a stranger- well, not really a stranger but he might as well be. He bets his friends would be furious at him for ditching them and would need to treat them out some other time.
“Where are we going?” Jonathan asks as he put his seatbelt on from the passenger seat.
“What do you want to eat?” the other leaned on his seat as he waits for an answer.
His “date” fakes an offended look and gasps, “How dare you ask me out without knowing where to go? That is just rude, sir. Rude!”
Evan chuckles then proceeds to start his car, “Let’s go to Jihi’s, then. They have good cheeseburgers.”
“I once saw a shark eating a cheeseburger,” Jonathan mumbles as he opens the car’s glove compartment filled with stacks of CDs.
“That’s not something you hear everyday,” Evan shakes his head at the thought.
“I saw it on a game,” the other absentmindedly replies, flips through the CDs and gasps, “You listen to Spades?!”
“It depends,” Evan smirks, “Do you like them?”
“Yes, I do-“
“Then they’re my favourite.”
“-I remember watching them with Luke,” Jonathan recalls as he plays with the CD on his hand, “It was raining and everyone was singing. Everything was so peaceful and-“
Evan notices the crack in his voice and assumes something bad must have happened so he changes the topic, “So you’re a barista, huh?”
And that must have worked because he stops fiddling with the CD and sends Evan a smile, “Yes! And I’m pretty good at it.”
“I bet you are,” Evan winks at him and stops the car in front of a brightly lit diner. He gets out of the car hurriedly and opens the door for his date and curtsies.
“You look stupid,” Jonathan just laughs and skips inside.
The diner is big with its high stripped walls, black and white tiles and numerous glass windows around. Most of the customers are families, milkshakes and burgers on their tables. The smell, although resembles their school’s cafeteria is much more appetizing.
Jonathan chooses a table on the back where a glass window faces the bay near the diner. “So I can see the sunset,” he explains.
They both find it hard to choose what to eat after seeing the long list of choices on the menu so Evan closes his eyes and randomly points on the menu.
“Me and my friends always do this when we take a long time to decide what to eat,” he laughs, “It’s risky but effective.”
Jonathan tries excitedly and ends up with a kiddie meal comprised of a mini burger, small serving of curly fries and sugar-free iced tea. It is a bad choice but comparing to Evan who has to order a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a cup of hot chocolate, he can’t complain.
Evan is not even surprised when he finds himself having fun in the company of Jonathan. Somehow, he’s completely different compared to his friends. He’s a genuine person who isn’t afraid to be himself. It feels like he had known him for a very long time.
“You know,” Jonathan starts as he stare at one particular group of people to their left, “I envy these people.”
Evan looks at them and assumes they’re a family. They look really happy, the father is joking around with his sons while the mother just shakes her head, a small smile on her face.
“Back in the car, I-I told you something- something about watching Spades with-with Luke,” he continues, fingers drumming on the table, “I was supposed to be on a- on a- hmmm- a road trip with my family. It was- it was raining an-“
Evan suddenly has a feeling of dread as he listens to Jonathan stammer, he holds his hand and says, “You don’t have to tell me anything-“
Jonathan stares at him and smiles, “It was raining and-and they crashed into something, I don’t remember. My dad- he and my sister- they died and I wasn’t able to say goodbye.”
“Pretty grim background story for a first date, huh?”
Evan remains silent for a few seconds before asking, “Why are you telling me this?”
“Because-because I know you and your friends are curious as to why I’m so nice to people- oh don’t act so shocked. Tyler is pretty loud,” Jonathan chuckles and continues, “I loved my father and sister so much, when they were gone, it was so sudden and I knew I had to be kind to other people- you know, just in case it’s my last interaction with them.”
Evan gulps as he finds himself at loss for words to say. He just simply squeezes the other’s hand, hoping it would be enough to comfort him.
“You don’t find it ridiculous, though?” Jonathan looks at their intertwined fingers, his face heating up, “Luke- he- he doesn’t really like me being so open to people.”
“I don’t find it ridiculous but I understand why he doesn’t like it,” Evan mentally punches himself, his chest aching, “There are just a lot of people out there that could take advantage of your kindness. The world is cruel, you know?”
“You sound just like him,” Jonathan sighs, “But- you wouldn’t, right? I mean, I feel like- you and your friends, aren’t like OTHER people. You do get in trouble sometimes, I know that- but you wouldn’t intentionally harm others?”
“That’s why I told you my story,” Jonathan suddenly beams up at him, “You’re a good person, even your friends. They’re good people.”
Evan wants to throw up upon hearing that. He suddenly has the feeling to call Brock and tell the others he isn’t doing the deed with this guy. Jonathan is such an angel in his eyes, he understands why Luke’s so protective of him.
He sighs as he quickly gathers his thoughts, “Thank you,” Evan mutters, “Thank you for thinking that and you know- for sharing your story.”
“Are you okay?” Jonathan blinks up at him, concern filling up his eyes.
“I just suddenly feel sick,” Evan chuckles, ignoring the growing ache in his chest, “It must have been the sandwich.”
“That sucks,” the other frowns as he starts playing with his remaining food.
And Evan notices it again. The way the tone of his voice drops.
Jonathan pouts as hesitantly replies, “I want to walk to my house and I was hoping maybe you can walk with me but now you feel sick and stuff.”
“I can walk you home, it’s no big deal,” he doesn’t know why he says that when he should actually head home, probably inform his friends that he’s backing out, leave Jonathan alone and pretend nothing ever happened.
Jonathan just faces him with a big smile, “Maybe some other time.”
Evan nods as he stands up, “I’ll drive you home.”
The trip to Jonathan’s house is comfortable. They would talk about some random stuff they think about and complain about their friends.
“That’s why I think Brock and Ryan should meet,” Evan drawls out, “They’re both mom-materials, they need each other to whine about how stupid their friends are.”
“I agree,” the other nods, “But you have to talk about Marcel eyeing Ryan hungrily. Luke won’t like- that’s my house right there.”
Evan chuckles as he remembers how thirsty Marcel is for Ryan, “Your house is so dark.” He observes as he notices that Jonathan’s house is the only one without any lights on in the neighbourhood.
“Mom’s probably in the hospital,” he says as he unbuckles his seatbelt , “She’s a nurse.”
“So you’re all alone until she goes home?”
“Pretty much,” Jonathan replies as he fishes for his phone from his bag. He tosses it to Evan, “Save your number. Give me your phone.”
Evan shakes his head as he laughs, “So you liked our little date?”
“I suppose so,” he giggles as he types in his number on Evan’s phone, “Don’t mind the ten missed calls from Luke and Ryan, they just like to check up on me from time to time.”
“They care a lot about you, huh?” Evan returns Jonathan’s phone and quickly checks to see what contact name the other set on his phone.
“Yeah,” he jumps down out of the car and winks, “I hope you do as well in the future. Bye, Evan.”
AHHHHHHH! Feedbacks are highly appreciated! Thank you for supporting me. (*´˘`*)♡
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malfoysquad · 6 years
Untitled (Chapter II)
Main Pairing: H2ODelirious / VanossGaming
Other Pairings: Ohmwrecker / Cartoonz & I_Am_Wildcat / MiniLadd
Previous Chapters:
Chapter I
“Jonathan Dennis, huh?” Brian wonders out loud, “That name does sound familiar.”
It’s Saturday and Evan, together with his friends are hanging out in Daithi’s house. His house isn’t that big but his father always makes the best steak so they always agree to hang out there.
“Yeah, dude!” Tyler looks up from his phone, “That kid who’s obsessed with blue. I think I may have gone to the same school as him when we were little. I remember his eyes.”
“Brock, Evan and I have classes with him,” Marcel added, “He’s a bit goofy but we haven’t talked to him.”
Evan looks up from his laptop as he tries to remember what Jonathan looks like. In all honesty, he doesn’t really pay attention to other people apart from his friends, maybe that’s why it’s hard to recall his face. He does, however, knows that the guy has stunning blue eyes.
“Wait,” Anthony holds his hands up, “You guys haven’t talked to him yet? He’s super nice! One time, he borrowed a pen so he starts calling me, “friend.” He even returned the pen to me after the class!”
He sighs as he shakes his head, “What a nice guy.”
“And yet you’re okay for Evan to play with him?” Tyler asks.
Evan’s stomach drops as he hears how nice this guy is. But in the back of his mind, he remembers how kind and sweet Richie was to him and all guilt flies away.
“Yeah, this is fun!” Anthony grins as he adds, “It’s not like he’s a complete angel.”
“What do you mean?” Brian perks up, intrigued.
“There was this rumour last year, I think- I don’t know why you guys forgot- but they said he beat up Jordan- you know, that guy who left school in the mid-“
“Oh shit,” Tyler mumbles, “I remember! A lot of people actually gave him shit for it. Maybe that’s why he became nice and stuff.”
“Why are we not aware of this?” Daithi asks as he twirls a breadstick in one hand.
Brock chuckles, “Because we’re probably too busy taking care of Marcel? He did have an accident last year.”
That day Evan saw Jonathan smiled at him, he already had thoughts of backing out. But his friends are too invested in this little plan now plus, if he beats up exes then Evan has more reasons now to fuck him up.
“He does have friends, right?” Evan frowns as he sets his laptop down.
“Luke and what’s his name?” Daithi plops down beside Brock as he tosses the box of Uno cards to his friends, “The quiet guy who Marcel thought was cute?”
“He is cute,” Marcel defends himself and grins, “If I’m not straight, I would totally chase his fine ass.”
“Anyway,” Brocks laughs, “We’re not here to explore Marcel’s sexuality. We’re here to do that History project and help Evan out a bit.”
“We have a History project?” Brian frowns.
“I take History?” Anthony looks around confused.
“Yes and yes,” Evan chuckles, “So what am I going to do? I’m not even sure if he’d like me.”
“Oh please,” Marcel winks, “Everyone would do you.”
“Again,” Brock swats Marcel, “Not here to explore your sexuality.”
“I mean,” the Asian drawls out, “I have a class with him. But for a person who is supposedly “friendly” as Anthony said, he hasn’t talked to me since ever.”
“And that changes now!” Tyler shouts excitedly, “Borrow a pen or something.”
“You are so lame,” Brian scoffs, “He works part-time at a coffee shop near my house. Maybe we can visit him?”
“How’d you know where he works?” Daithi looks at him suspiciously, “I thought you said you stopped stalking people?”
The other just waves him off and tosses his phone to Evan, “Social media, baby. He looks cute wearing an apron, by the way.”
Evan stares at the picture in front of him. Brian is correct, he does look cute (and also doesn’t look like he could beat someone up, then again, never judge a book by it’s cover). Jonathan is shorter than him, he’s pretty small and Evan assumed he’d be bad at sports. He has short brown hair, a pretty fair complexion and red cheeks. In the picture, he was smiling so bright, eyes closed and Evan is a bit bummed out that he can’t look at his blue eyes.
He doesn’t know how long he has been staring at the picture but he knows it must have been longer than normal because everyone is quiet and Brock lays a hand on his arm, “You know you can always back out-“
“I-I am not backing out,” he declares, full of determination.
‘I’m not going to be the weak one this time.’
Jonathan is so thankful he has something to do during the weekends. Sure, a lot of students choose to laze in the house or hang out with friends when there’s no classes but no, not him. Lazing around, alone with his thoughts and alone in his house is something he hates to do (imagining it makes him shiver) and he can always hang out with his friends in school, anyway.
He’s working in a coffee shop as barista, he fills in for his cousin during the weekends because his cousin has a daughter to take care of and he, well, he doesn’t.
“When are you going home, Jon?” Luke wails as he finishes his third glass of lemonade (in which Ryan insisted isn’t good for him), “Let’s go see a movie.”
“Mr. Luke Patterson, I am not your boyfriend,” Jonathan tuts as he wipes some porcelain mugs, “Why don’t you two go out and do couples stuff?”
“We don’t feel like going out without our son,” Ryan explains as he cut his cake in half. A half for him and another half to the stray dogs.
“Ryan,” the barista giggles, “You don’t have to save something for the dogs. Chocolates are bad for them. You can eat your whole cake.”
“Oh,” he blushes as a smile makes its way to his mouth, making his whole face light up.
Somewhat Luke finds it adorable because he gives Ryan a kiss on his cheek, “You are so stupid, sometimes.”
Jonathan rolls his eyes at them before heading to the counter as he hears a bell.
He is not one to blush and be shy but right now, he feels flustered for no reason at all. Or maybe because the group of friends, “strangers” as Luke explained several times in the cafeteria are there, and in front is the set of familiar brown eyes he saw that day. Jet black hair, perfect skin and breath-taking smile. He’s taller than Jonathan (yes, a lot of people are taller than him), he knows Evan plays in the basketball team so he does a have a pretty body (Jonathan shakes his head at that thought).
“Uhm,” Jonathan gulps and thinks about dogs and cats for a second to collect himself.
Behind him, Ryan nudges an almost dozing Luke.
The barista smiles and Evan and his friends swear they’ve been blinded by how bright it is.
“Good evening!” he greets, “May I take your order, friends?”
“I’m sorry but,” Tyler raises his hand, “Did you just call me friend?”
Evan whips his head at him and sends a glare to his friend.
“Yes, I believe I did. So, what do you guys have in mind?”
“We’ll have two iced coffees, three chocolate frappes, and one kiwi iced tea, please,” Evan recites and he prays that it didn’t sound too rehearsed. They already looked at the menu online, wrote down their orders and well, Evan was picked to pay the bill.
“Because you love us and you are rich!” Marcel said.
“Awesome,” Jonathan grins, “Name please?”
‘As if you don’t know his name.’
“Evan,” the other replies with a smile as he takes out his wallet.
“Evan,” the barista repeats, “That’s- that’s a beautiful name.”
And somehow, Evan feels the stares his friends are giving him so he just smiles bigger and thanks him.
“I’ll call your name when the order is ready,” he returns his credit card and goes to work on their drinks after saying hello to an overly-excited Anthony.
“He remembers me!” he gushes to his friends when they are seated.
“Why is that important, dumbass?” Tyler snorts and takes out his phone, “It’ll be easy, Evan. Don’t worry. He’s too nice and probably would jump on anyone who flirts with him.”
Evan just shakes his head as he watches Jonathan make their drinks with the help of his colleague. If he’s not mistaken, he catches a glimpse of both Luke and Ryan on the back talking closely and looking at them from time to time.
“Dude, who are you texting?” Marcel leans closer to Tyler, “You’ve been tapping since this afternoon.”
“None of your damn business,” he glares at him and finally, pockets his phone.
To his dismay, Jonathan didn’t call him but the lady who is also in the counter named Judy.
“Here you are, darling,” she says, “Can you carry all these?”
“Yeah, no problem!” he nods, “I can make two trips. My friends are awfully lazy.”
“I can relate to that,” a voice says behind him, “Let me help you.”
“No,” Evan blinks down at him, Evan isn’t sure if it’s possible for a person’s face to be this close and yet still look appealing, “It’s okay, Jonathan.”
The barista playfully squints his eyes at him, “How’d you know my name, huh?”
The taller guy smirks and points at his name tag.
“Ah,” he chuckles, “I’m just kidding. Anyway, call me Jon. Jonathan is too long.”
The trip back to his friends is awkward, or maybe it’s just him. He can feel the stares he’s getting from his friends and the burning glares that Luke and Ryan sends his way. Evan hesitantly looks down at the barista who’s still smiling, eyes ahead.
“It’s the first time I see you and your friends go here,” Jonathan starts and chuckles, “Normally, I just see Brian.”
“Yeah,” Evan replies, thinking carefully what he’ll say next, “He lives nearby, maybe that’s why.”
Jonathan just nods and places the drinks on their table with a grin, “Enjoy your drinks. I’ll see you all in school.”
“THANK YOU, JONATHAN!” Anthony happily exclaims as he giddily claims his drink.
“Aww,” the barista coos, “You’re welcome, friend!” and then he retreats back to the counter after sparing Evan another look.
“Alright,” Tyler ducks his head lower, “There is something wrong with him and he’s creeping me out! I bet you under his two cute dimples rests the monster that almost broke Jordan’s face.”
Brock chuckles as he distributes napkins to his friends (which Brian declines with a huff and a silent, ‘You ain’t my momma.’).
Tyler is right, Evan thought. There is no way someone could be that cheerful, it’s disturbing how he’s so different from the past Jonathan they keep referencing. He isn’t a psychiatrist or anything but he feels like he’s hiding something behind his never-ending smiles and overflowing friendliness.
“-and he stabbed his kids with plastic forks!” Daithi shakes his head disapprovingly, “Those are the people you need to look out for. Not that kid who’s too adorable and could literally balance a cup on t- HOLY SHIT! HE’S BALANCING A CUP ON TOP OF HIS HEAD”
And sure enough, at the back of the shop, they see Jonathan with a cup on top of his head giggling like a child as his friends laugh at him with tears on their eyes.
“Whatever,” Tyler shrugs, “Just let as know, bud if he’s beating you up or something.”
Evan rolls his eyes as he grins at the barista. Richie’s laughing face resurfaces in the back of his mind and adrenaline just surges through him.
“Let’s do this, boys.”
All feedback and suggestions are well appreciated. (*´˘`*)♡
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malfoysquad · 6 years
Untitled (Chapter I)
// ALRIGHT! This is something that I wanted to do for myself. When I was studying, I used to write fanfics pretty often, it was my hobby and it was something I loved doing but after graduating, I stopped. I had a job and it consumed most of my time, so I never really got the chance to write... So I'm going to try and write something about a ship that I really really love (H2OVanoss). My writing might be a bit wonky and my grammar might be a little off but spare me haha I know I need more practice.
The story won't have a summary, won't even have a title. Please leave me some nice feedback and some tips, that'll help me out a lot. Enjoy! (*´˘`*)♡
Main Pairing: H2ODelirious / VanossGaming
Other Pairings: Ohmwrecker / Cartoonz & I_Am_Wildcat / MiniLadd
Evan Fong doesn’t consider his friends bad guys. Yes, they're a little bit too loud in the hallways, a little bit too confident about themselves (Evan decided they aren’t arrogant, no.) and a little bit too careless. They don’t bully other students, they don’t cause too much of a ruckus except for Tyler and Brian of course, who are both always (if not in the basketball court) in the library bickering and complaining of boredom because of detention.
So when his friends pranks other students and do something stupid, he's always up for it. But today is a tad bit different. Not long ago, he found out his first boyfriend after coming out just used him for sex. Not that it was his first time doing the deed but he did liked, (even loved, he isn’t sure anymore) the guy and what he did affected him emotionally.
His friends, upon finding out what happened devises a plan to help Evan heal and get some kind of revenge.
“It’s pretty simple!” Marcel exclaims, “Just do what Richie did to you to the lucky guy OR girl we choose.”
Daithi laughs, “Okay, so what chick flick did you get this from?”
“Oh come on,” Marcel complains as he pouts at Evan, pointedly ignoring what his Irish friend said, “It would be fun! I promise.”
“This could also be like, the last shit we do!” Tyler adds, eyes getting wider with excitement, “This is our last year in high school and it’s about time you do something reckless”
Evan sighs, “This is stupid and all of you know it. I will not have sex with someone and dump them as a last “hurrah” of high school or use them to ‘heal’ myself.”
Tyler bounces up and down on his seat, a sight they only see when he really wants something done, “We know it’s stupid! I'd do it with you if I could but everyone’s afraid of me.”
“How about Brian?!” Evan demands, “He lives for this kind of shit and yet you didn’t suggest this when he got dumped.”
Daithi chuckles as he swirls his spoon on a bowl of chili (or so the school wants you to think), “But he got over it for two days! You've been sulking for a month!”
“Sulky Evan is not fun,” Marcel nods, agreeing to what the other said.
“Even Mark's threatening to kick you out of the basketball team,” Tyler snickers, “He said you’ve gone too soft, even gone too far to say he'd fuck you to make you feel better but he's straight.”
Evan looks at Brock who, he just notices is being awfully quiet. Usually, if the group is planning something out of the line he would be the first one to raise his concerns.
“Don’t look at me like that,” the “mother hen” of the group exclaims, “I know I shouldn’t agree to this but, Evan, you've been neglecting a lot of stuff since he broke up with you. We know it must’ve hurt but for God's sake, you have to stop wasting your life just because Richie fucked then dumped you.”
“Yeah!” Tyler slams his hand on the table, startling other eating students around them, “Fuck, Richie!”
“FUCK HIM!” Anthony shouts as he sits beside Tyler with his lunch tray, “Who’s Richie?”
Evan purposely looks away and decides it’s better if the others explain what happened. It’s not like he hasn’t move on. It’s just too painful to remember. He was the first boyfriend Evan had after coming out and his confidence really plummeted down when he found out he's not taking the relationship seriously.
“Anthony, our dear new friend,” Marcel starts as he holds back his laughter when he sees Anthony's excited face.
“OH MY GOSH, TELL ME!” he shrieks.
“Richie is Evan's ex-boyfriend. He's from another school, right? Turn’s out he just wanted Evan's booty. After getting what he wants, he just broke up with him-“
“Oh wow,” Anthony interjects, his smile still intact.
“I KNOW! Anyway, Evan really liked him so he's still hurt and stuff,” Marcel finishes as he pats Evan's shoulder.
“Then I think it’s good that you do what they say,” the newcomer grinned, “It’ll teach you to not get too attached to people and in the future, A LOT of people will fuck you up so might as well get used to it.”
“Where did that came from?” Tyler chuckles.
Evan sighs for the hundredth time, “This is still stupid. Can’t Daithi do it?”
“Hey, hey, hey!” the man in question complains with bread still in his mouth, “I’m not the one here with unresolved issues.”
“And it’s not like he CAN do it,” Marcel shrugs.
“Yea- wait. What did you say, bitch?!”
‘Fuck it,’ Evan thought, how bad could it be? Students in high school fool around anyway, this is normal. Right?
“If I say yes,” he says carefully, eyeing his excited friends, “How are we going to decide who?”
Tyler stands up with a determined look on his face, “The first person who enters the cafeteria will be the one!”
They all wait expectantly, Anthony and Tyler literally cannot contain their giddiness. But all smiles fall when Mrs. Graham, the old English teacher opens the door.
“I am NOT fucking that,” Evan says a little too loudly that the students behind him starts to whistle and laugh.
“The first decent person to enter?” Brock suggests and they wait again.
A freshman with acne gingerly opens the door, her shirt is stained and her hair looks like it hasn’t been washed for weeks.
“No. I am most definitely not going to violate a young girl.”
Tyler fake gags and reaches for Evan's back, “Don’t worry, bud. We got you.”
A group of students enter and his friends start bickering and yelling at each other.
“Let’s choose that one with the pigtail,” Daithi suggests, “She looks like she needs some good fucking!”
“Fuck that shit!” Marcel pushes Daithi, “Look at that handsome one behind the c-“
“I don’t know why you guys are my friends,” Brock sighs as he scans the group, also adding some people in the mix.
“NO, NO, NO!” Tyler cackles, “Let’s pick the tall one! Evan will be reminded of Richi- sorry, Evan- but yeah! Choose him!”
Evan just rolls his eyes as he rests his head on the table. He doesn’t really care to know who they choose, he trusts them to make a good decision.
“Hey, Evan!” Anthony calls out, “Give me one colour!”
“What fo-“
Jonathan Dennis waits patiently on the side of the busy corridor for his friends. His hands are stuffed in his favourite blue hoodie as he tries to count how many people are wearing blue, occasionally grinning and talking to students he knows. It’s already fifteen minutes after the lunch bell rung and he knows for sure that his two good friends are probably fooling around somewhere, he grimaces at that thought.
“My beautiful sunshine!” a voice suddenly echoes through the now almost empty corridor, “We are sorry to keep you waiting, princess. You are such a good friend and we are so luck-“
“Fuck you, Luke,” Jonathan punches his friend's stomach playfully and then moves closer to his other friend who is obviously trying to look anywhere but at him, “You look suspiciously flustered today, Ryan. What did Luke do to you?”
The taller man gulps and stammers, “Well. You see, Jon. We kind of did it o-“
“I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT!” Jonathan exclaims as he puts his hand on Ryan's mouth.
“Hey! Don’t touch my baby's mouth,” Luke laughs as he places himself in between the two, “Let’s go and eat something disgusting, okay?”
Jonathan and Luke has been friends since they were little. Their mothers were best friends and would always be around each other during occasions. Truthfully, Jonathan didn’t like Luke at first because he was mean. He was that kind of child who would put salt on snails and worms, destroy ant hills and throw rocks at frogs. And Jonathan was, well, as his mother would describe him, “a sweet little angel.”
“Luke, honey,” he hears Ryan's smooth voice say, “I know you like me but please don’t touch my butt in public.”
And then there's Ryan. He has always been around. Jonathan remembers that he's always in front of the class, barely talks with anyone and looks down when walking in school. That changed when Luke happened to accidentally spilled orange juice on Ryan's research paper during one of his over the top re-enactment of Beauty and the Beast. Ryan was so close to crying that Luke swore he looked like an innocent bunny and the rest was history.
“What do you think is for lunch?” Jonathan asks as he hears his stomach complaining.
“I have no idea,” Ryan chuckles, “But I know it isn’t going to be good. I told you we should just bring lunch from home.”
“My mom would smack my head if I ask her,” Luke frowns, “I’m a grown ass man.”
“I’m sure you are,” Jonathan mumbles as he waits for other students to enter the cafeteria door.
Once they are in, the smell of cooking oil invades their noses and suddenly, the thought of asking his mom for a packed lunch sounds like the best suggestion Ryan made since forever. As he's dreaming of curry, stew and roasted chicken, Luke nudges him on the rib.
“Why are they grinning at us?” Luke asks cautiously, his hand already intertwined with his boyfriend.
Jonathan looks up and sees a group of familiar people so he smiles brightly and waves at them.
Luke grabs his hand and pulls it down, “Why the hell are you waving at them?!”
“They’re my frien-“
The taller man glares at him, “Jonathan. I will repeat this again. Not everyone who smiles at you is your friend, okay?”
“Sweetie,” Ryan places a hand on his cheek, “What did they do to you?”
Jonathan cackles at them, “They’re my classmates!”
He looked back at them again thoughtfully, “I think.”
“Oh, dear,” Ryan mutters and pulls both Luke and Jonathan to line up for their food.
“You have to be careful with people, Jon. I’m serious,” his best friend lectures, “You get too attached to people. You call strangers your friends, that is not safe.”
Jonathan looks down at his tray, “It’s not like I'll take candies from stra-“
Luke and Ryan both give him a stern look.
“Okay, maybe I will. But I can handle myself! I’ve been blessed more than hurt by being nice to other people.”
“There’s a difference between being nice and being stupid,” Luke says before biting on his sandwich. “This tastes awful.”
“Listen to your father," Ryan jokingly adds, “I’ll bring cookies tomorrow, so cheer up.”
Jonathan pouts at him more.
“I will not bring you milk, Jon,” Ryan chuckles as he picks on his food, “Seriously, how do they expect us to eat this. This is not good for us.”
“You always say that and yet you are the one who finishes our food,” his boyfriend replies.
“It’s worse to waste foo-“
“What if they have always been collecting our leftovers to feed stray dogs, don’t you ever think about that?” Luke retorts.
“Oh, no,” Ryan looks up at him sadly, “I’ve been depriving dogs of food?”
Jonathan shakes his head at the scene before him. His friends are really too good to be true and he’s very lucky to have them. He will not stop being nice to people despite their warnings. Imagining more people like Luke and Ryan as his friends makes him warm.
He stabs his mashed potato and looks around as he felt a pair of eyes watching him. There, in the centre of the room, he sees brown eyes intently on him. He does what he always do.
He smiles.
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malfoysquad · 6 years
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These boys, I can't.
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On Delirious’ latest Fortnite video (yes, the one with the face cam), if you skip to 13:52, you’ll see Luigi behind Delirious. And guess who used to have Luigi as a player model in GMOD? Yeah, it’s Vanoss. I’m just so confused ‘cause it’s so random??? It’s still cute though. ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ (I haven’t really finished the video yet, I just had to fangirl before continuing)
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malfoysquad · 6 years
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On Delirious’ latest Fortnite video (yes, the one with the face cam), if you skip to 13:52, you’ll see Luigi behind Delirious. And guess who used to have Luigi as a player model in GMOD? Yeah, it’s Vanoss. I’m just so confused ‘cause it’s so random??? It’s still cute though. ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ (I haven't really finished the video yet, I just had to fangirl before continuing)
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malfoysquad · 6 years
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Why do I feel like Delirious and Vanoss played together during Valentine’s Day??? And also, they were extra fond of each other??? (๑´∀`๑)
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malfoysquad · 6 years
Cartoonz: Would you go out with me?
Ohm: Sorry, I'm busy.
Cartoonz: With what?
Ohm: I'm working.
Cartoonz: What are you working on?
Ohm: An excuse...
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malfoysquad · 6 years
Delirious: Why are we lying in the parking lot?
Cartoonz: Your hook shot knocked you unconscious.
Cartoonz: So I laid down next to you so everyone would think we were chilling.
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malfoysquad · 6 years
Vanoss: So Delirious asked me to be his fake date to his cousin's wedding so he could avoid the usual "Are you seeing someone?" questions.
MiniLadd: I've read enough fanfics to know this shit will end with you two declaring your love for each other.
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malfoysquad · 6 years
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Primrose Everdeen
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malfoysquad · 6 years
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You’re in love with him, and he’s in love with you, and it’s like a goddamn tragedy, because you look at him and see the stars, and he looks at you and sees the sun. And you both think the other is just looking at the ground.
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malfoysquad · 6 years
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Thank you for staying with me. (♡˙︶˙♡)
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malfoysquad · 6 years
H2OWildcat's friendship
Daithi taking a rest (finally).
Ohm making Cartoonz play games that he like.
Delirious "why didn't you send HALP :(" tweet to Vanoss.
Delirious using " :( "
Cartoonz calling Delirious "little brother."
The squad's overall success. <3
Things I think about to make my day better:
Delirious calling Vanoss “Evan” literally all the time
The book of raccoon facts Evan got Delirious for Christmas, like oh my god. If that’s not the cutest thing ever
“If we get out of here alive, will you kiss me?”
Evan calling Del “Jon” so casually in the new heist video
How Evan loves to tease Delirious and makes him a main point in whatever video he uploads w/ him (same with Delirious’ videos)
Evan’s noticeably lighter tone with Del
How Evan isn’t mean to Delirious at all, kind of doesn’t laugh along with the jokes the other boys make. He knows when enough is enough and doesn’t go too far; genuinely cares about him
Listening to Want You and enjoying Evan’s success (and maybe pretending it’s to Del)
Rewatching all the old vids of everyone!! Feel free to add things that make your day better in the bbs squad :)
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