mandulabogesz · 5 months
I haven't posted here for a while...
Christmas Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Magnus Bane, the New York bestselling author, is about to ruin his own career. He runs away to Scotland to escape the scandal for two weeks. In the end, he stays until Christmas….or forever? Nature, castle, animals, and a grumpy Duke.
Jace, I'm genuinely sorry for what I did to you...Relax, Jace is okay, he is super cute.
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mandulabogesz · 10 months
Malec Christmas story writing mood...
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mandulabogesz · 10 months
"People Walk Dogs Late at Night in the Suburbs" is a narrative short film - an erotic thriller..."
God have Mercy on us...Matthew...an erotic thriller...indie again....
I'm going to pour all my money into indie filmmaking.
Whatever...support them
👉 LINK 👈
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mandulabogesz · 10 months
WIPWednesday :)
Chapter 8 of 'DIVERSE' *Sound on
>>LINK to AO3<<
(Malec fic >> crossover-ish with RWRB and High Strung movie)
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mandulabogesz · 10 months
When the AO3 writer messes up
When you switch to writing the Henry-Alex part after writing the Malec part, and even if you wanted to, you couldn't have messed up the names more. I didn't know what I was taking on when I started this fic…
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mandulabogesz · 10 months
I have started writing my Christmas story. I swear it's going to be a sweet, funny story, even if it doesn't seem like it at this point. I will post it around Christmas :)
Until then, here is the link to my Christmas story from last year.
>>> LINK <<<
The pic is for the new story
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mandulabogesz · 11 months
Queer Bedtime Stories
Bedtime Stories 4 - The mug with cats on it, and random naughty thoughts
It's out on AO3 >>> LINK <<<
Kinda funny, kinda hot Alec Lightwood on his knees in different situations
"Okay, here's the deal: can we pretend this never happened and I didn't tell my new boss that I'd like to see him on his knees?" said Magnus, as he stepped up to his boss, who was searching for words, and picked a piece of lettuce from his hair.
"Okay, can we pretend you didn't see me kneeling in front of a garbage can and digging myself up to my elbows?" asked the incredibly embarrassed Alec.
"I think it's a fair contract. Well, I haven't formally introduced myself yet. Magnus Bane."
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mandulabogesz · 11 months
'DIVERSE' - CH7- Confused
Chapter 7 is out on AO3
>> LINK <<
"Okay, Who did you knock up? Rita?"
"God, no, what are you thinking?"
"Jesus? Is it Julie? You said she had a boyfriend, right? My God, is she going to keep the baby? You totally screwed up, honey. A baby can ruin your dancing career. Do your parents know? And Julie's parents?  Jesus, does her boyfriend know? Doesn't he play hockey? Alex, you're dead. He's gonna kill you."
"Nobody's going to kill me, for God's sake, I didn't knock anybody up. Especially not Julie. Have you seen her boyfriend? He's a 6'6” goliath. I didn't put a baby in anybody. Jeez Nora."
"OK, I don't get you at all now.”
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mandulabogesz · 11 months
'DIVERSE' - chapter 6
In the locker room, Alec took out the sandwiches and didn't stop until Magnus had at least a few bites.  Meanwhile, he bent down  to take off his ballet slippers. He was horrified when he saw Magnus' bloody toes. 
"Magnus, do you dance with injured feet?"
"The Master always says, ballet takes effort."
"It's not okay. It's fucking not okay Magnus." He gently wiped the blood with a wet towel. Then he threw everything into Magnus' sports bag and slung it on his shoulder. Then he tossed Magnus on his shoulder too. When he protested, he shushed him. 
"Just let me take care of you."
Chapter 6 of 'DIVERSE' is out on AO3
>> LINK <<
NOTES: This story is like a crossover but actually it isn't a crossover. Alex loves Henry, Magnus loves Alec... As it should be. I plan to write it in a way that those who aren't into both fandom will enjoy it too.
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mandulabogesz · 11 months
Queer Bedtime Stories - 3
'Peas and carrots'
👉 LINK 👈
When the tattoo artist turned to him, Alec forgot how to breathe. It wasn't just the business card that was impressive. Its owner was too. His honey-colored skin was covered with tattoos. But not the kind Alec had usually seen. They were delicate, thin lines. Nothing ostentatious, no color, just graceful lines, tiny drawings, tendrils that made him...gosh...gorgeous. This man was gorgeous.
'Hi, I'm Alec." 
"Hello dear. Magnus Bane." Magnus held out his hand, cursing Catarina mentally for not preparing him for sending a Greek God to him. The man was tall. Taller than he was. And either the Gods had been gracious to him, or he'd spend all day in the gym. Okay, Magnus, pull yourself together, you need to ink a God. 
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mandulabogesz · 11 months
FirstPrince x War Of Hearts
RWRB meets Shadow Hunters.
Any Shadow Hunters fans here? You will love this edit. The iconic song from S1 Ep12. This one is my fave and best edit yet. Hope you love it. ❤️
Do reblog if you liked it so it reaches fans of both the fandoms.
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mandulabogesz · 11 months
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mandulabogesz · 1 year
Queer Bedtime Stories 2 - 🍆 Pic
"Cat, have you completely lost your mind? We don't even know who he is. What if he's a psycho?"
"He is hot as hell, and that's pretty enough for me. I mean, for you. Stop being so fucking boring, Magnus. You used to be into everything stupid. Where has your fire and courage gone honey?"
"I left it somewhere around my 30's."
"Exactly. You're 35 and lonely and boring. Live, Magnus!"
👉 LINK 👈 It's out on AO3
Sweet dreams :)
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mandulabogesz · 1 year
Chapter 4 of 'DIVERSE' is out on AO3
Read the warnings!!!
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mandulabogesz · 1 year
Chapter 27 of 'The Law is the law. Maybe...' is out on AO3
"I can't cook, but I make great pancakes. I can't pay too much for the rent, but I'm an excellent handyman. And I'm supposed to be good in bed. So I can pay you in kind... Alec said, then slowly brushed his fingertips on the soft lips of the man sitting next to him…I love you Magnus Bane. 
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mandulabogesz · 1 year
Sometimes our souls need a dose of golden honey treats, a short sweetness before we fall asleep. So I decided to write a few simple short stories. I'll put them together as if they were chapters, but each one will be a complete short story. They will be sometimes hot, sometimes cute, sweet or fluff... Kind of mature bedtime stories.
Read, enjoy, and sweet dreams.
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mandulabogesz · 1 year
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Matthew forgetting all of this info has been made public by him. 😂 [ 1 2 3 ]
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