maplepeachtree · 3 years
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(via The Knife in My Back)
TW! mentions of abuse and blood! DNI if you are uncomfortable! Please for your sake! ^^ -Maple
I can't feel anything
why is it dark?
why am I falling?
why is it cold?
am I dying? am I already dead? what's going to happen to me?
I could open my eyes, ever so slightly. My hand was covered in dried blood. I felt cold, even though I knew it must've been a hot night. I clutched my shirt. everything seemed intact. I gingerly sat up, one of my eyes felt swollen and hurt like a bitch.
Looking around I observed a large factory puffing smoke in the distance, it was pretty late, at least, I thought so. A few steps away there was a small creek, not even, a puddle more like. I stared at my reflection: One of my eyes was badly bruised and a fresh cut along the side of my face was oozing sticky, hot, red blood. Hell, that's what I looked like. I smiled bitterly; my usually fluffy white hair was soaked with sweat. My uninjured eye looked sadly at me, my red pupils piercing me in the heart. memories of last night flooded my brain.
The sharp sting of glass cutting soft pale skin, blood running down my face, blinding me. The slap of an unkind hand. The sensation of numbness spreading through my body, trying to make the pain a little less bad. It was as if I was watching myself in third person, something about it made it easier for me to deal with.
"Ha... Can't really go back... Dad really does hate me huh? fine pickle you got yourself into buddy." I say to myself.
Maybe this is all a god's grand plan because just as I stood up, it started raining... Hard. So, there I was. A lanky nineteen-year-old. With no money or fame to my name, I stood there, taking in the smell of heavy rain, the smell of freedom. I was free from that household. I ran away for a reason.
what now?
I trudged along the side of the streets of Yokohama. Not fully understanding my predicament. My eye still throbbed but hey, at least it stopped bleeding. I checked my pockets for some loose change, eh nothin' much, just a couple of bucks.
Rubbing my face, I walked into a cheap looking cafe. Got a bunch of weird looks, but that was expected, can't really blame either, so when I heard hushed whispers of them assuming I was some sort of street punk, it's not like I was really angry.
"Street kid."
"Wonder where his parents are."
"Ugh, look at him, disgusting how children are brought up thinking they can do whatever they want."
"Eww. I feel bad for his parents. Imagine what they have to deal with!"
Phrases like these aren't uncommon for me to receive. I've grown used to them. Occasionally they'll sting a little, but it gets easier I've learned.
'Not really. Who am I kidding? It hurts like hell still. I want to bash these people's faces in. I want them to feel my pai-.'
I shook my head. My fists slightly shaking. No matter what, I would never. Ever. become my father. I wouldn't do that, not a chance. I took a seat at the table and waited. No idea what I was waiting for, but fate has a strange and elusive way of interweaving fates together.
Maybe, if I hadn't sat at that table, the waitress wouldn't have tripped over the man's coat while bringing me a coffee. And if the man's coat hadn't been tripped over, a card wouldn't have fallen out. If the card had never fallen out, I wouldn't have reached out and picked it up. If I had not picked it up, I wouldn't have read the card. If I hadn't read the card, I would have never known this man's name.
But for the better or for the worse. I picked up the card and read:
'Mori Ogai: Leader of the PM'
(Author's note>>> The main character is NOT based off of any authors, I just wanted practice writing for him lol. The story setting takes place before Dazai leaves the Mafia, Rampo is a year older than my beloved Tsu/OC <3 Right now, I am just giving some background before we get into it! Ty for taking the time to read this!) - Maple
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maplepeachtree · 3 years
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