marvelssicarius · 26 days
The sin I crave
I think of my future and I see a husband and kids with a big house and a white picket fence but deep down that’s not what I want. I dig deep into my pulsing heart and I pull out a dark and shameful sin that’s dripping blood everywhere I go. I want to put it back and hide it forever but once it’s been dug out i know that it’s there, no matter how hard i hide it and try to clean up the blood that follows my every step, it can’t be cleaned up now that it’s been ripped out of my chest, i will always be born this way. I will always be a shame to god, I have committed a sin just for having these thoughts but I crave it so badly. Their scent of the vanilla, their hair flowing ever so gracefully in the wind, their beautiful voice, they’re smiles pull me into the sin that is women.
:Delilah Belov
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marvelssicarius · 26 days
I love life so if I’ve ever said that I would die for you. Know that I meant it.
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marvelssicarius · 2 months
Favourite sin
Tw: internalised homophobia. Mention of god and religion. Religious trauma.
Jennifer jareau x reader (no y/n)
You’re at a bar with the team after a tough case, throwing back shots and sipping drinks.
JJ catches your eye from across the table, smirking as she takes a shot. You and her had secretly been hooking up for a few weeks now––you didn’t talk about it. She insisted she was straight, that your situationship was just a way to casually blow off steam. And you had a devotion for god, you didn’t want to betray him by loving the one thing he says you shouldn’t.
You watch silently as she gets up and goes to the bar to order another drink. A man approaches her and puts a hand on her lower back, and you feel jealousy turning your stomach. You force your eyes away, looking down into your drink. You shouldn’t be feeling these things, it wasn’t gods plan, it wasn’t what he had intended for the human race, man should love women and women should love men, there wasn’t supposed to be a different option but when you look at jj you felt like maybe god was wrong.
You feel a tear fall down my face and you walk out the club to get some fresh air.
JJ notices you get up and storm out of the bar, immediately excusing herself from the man. She follows after you, pushing out through the double doors.
she calls after you, running until she catches your wrist. She spins you around to face her, pleading.
You look at her, tears staining your cheeks.
Looking at your tear-stained face, JJ’s own heart cracks, her eyes widening. She steps closer, resting a hand on your waist.
“Hey, hey,” she whispers, thumb rubbing soft circles on your hip. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“I- I can’t feel like this” you croak out between sobs
JJ’s brow furrows, confused. She pulls you closer, both hands on your hips as her eyes search yours.
*”Feel like what?” she murmurs. “Help me understand, baby.”
“It’s wrong..” you say as you look at her with pleading eyes, begging her to understand, to pull you out of these thoughts.
Her frown deepens, eyebrows drawing together. JJ gently cups your face, one hand tilting up your chin so you’ll look her in the eyes.
“It’s not wrong,” she says softly. “What we have isn’t wrong.”
“It’s sin”
“No, it’s not.” JJ shakes her head. “There’s nothing sinful about a girl liking a girl, baby. You can’t control who you fall for.”
tears fall faster and it gets harder for you to hold them back “I want to be normal… marry a man, have kids with a big house and a white picket fence. Not have riots because of who I love, not feel fear of being a victim of hate crime when walking down the street . I want to be normal”
Heart breaking, JJ pulls you into her chest and hugs you tight. She holds you close, feeling your body tremble against her. Her hands run up and down your back, soothingly.
”Oh, baby,” JJ whispers. “Please don’t say that. There’s nothing wrong with you. You deserve happiness like anybody else.”
“What’s happiness if I feel like this”
JJ pulls back, just enough so she can see your eyes. Her thumbs swipe the tears on your cheeks away, her own eyes filling with sympathy.
”Hey, look at me, Look at me.” She waits for your eyes to lock with her own, and she lets out a shaky breath.
”Happiness isn’t a one-size-fits-all thing. We all experience it differently. You’re not abnormal for not fitting into heteronormative bullshit.”
“I don’t want people to look at me and hate me because of who I love”
JJ keeps her hands on your cheeks, gently squeezing to keep your focus on her. She shakes her head.
”Screw those people. Screw anyone who tries to shame you or make you feel bad for being yourself. If they can’t see past who you love to find the awesome person you are, then they’re the problem. Not you.”
“I want to love you openly without feeling shame”
JJ’s heart skips a beat. She keeps eye contact, holding your gaze. She swallows, taking a deep breath. It’s on the tip of her tongue to say it, the three words that had been there for weeks. But she holds it back.
Instead, JJ softly brushes your hair out of your eyes and pulls you closer to her.
”Then don’t,” she whispers, and you can feel her breath against your face. “Don’t feel shame.”
you continue to cry “I can’t”
JJ wraps her arms tight around your waist, holding you securely against her. She rests her chin on your shoulder, squeezing her eyes shut for a second. She lets out a shaky breath.
”Yes, you can,” she says. “I’ll be right here, with you, holding your hand. We’ll get past the hard stuff together.”
“What if we get hurt?”
JJ pulls back, locking your eyes again. Her expression is serious. Determined. She cups your face, her gaze burning with emotion.
”Then we’ll get hurt together,” she says firmly. “We can handle it. I don’t care what anyone else thinks. You’re worth it, baby. You’re so worth it.”
“I don’t want to live in fear”
JJ nods, her heart clenching. She understands your fear. She’s felt it herself. She brushes her thumb against your jaw, her eyes softening.
”I know, and I don’t want you to feel afraid. I want you to feel safe. Protected. With me, you always will be.”
“Even though the world hates us for who we are?”
JJ brings you back into a tight hug, burying her face against your shoulder. She holds you as tightly as she can, murmuring into your skin.
”I don’t care what the world hates us for. It doesn’t matter when I know, deep down, that you’re worth it. You’re worth putting up with the bullshit for.”
“I’m scared”
JJ pulls your face into the crook of her neck, holding you close. Her breath hitches as she feels the wetness of your tears on her skin. She feels your body trembling, and it makes a lump form in her throat.
”I know,” she whispers. “I know you’re scared. I am, too, if I’m being honest. But if we’re scared together, we’re stronger than ever.”
“What if someone hurts us?”
JJ feels pure anger run through her veins at the thought of someone hurting you. Her grip tightens around your waist, pulling you ever-closer. She grits her teeth as she speaks, her voice firm and resolute.
”I won’t let that happen to you. To us. I’d fight tooth and nail for you, I swear on my life.”
You nod as you take a deep breath as the tears start to calm down “You’re my favourite sin”
JJ lets out a watery laugh, her body relaxing slightly at your words. She pulls your face back from her neck, gently tilting it up to look at her. JJ’s expression is a mix of determination and something else… something deeper. She locks eyes with you, her gaze intense.
”You’re the only sin I care about,” she murmurs.
“Could go to hell but we’d probably be fine” you softly smile as you look at her
A small smile tugs at the corners of JJ’s lips, some of the tension in her face easing. She shakes her head, resting her forehead against yours. Her eyes flutter shut as she speaks.
”Baby, if heaven can’t accept us for who we are, I don’t want any part in it. Not without you."
“I’m starting to think that heaven might actually be hell and that hell is heaven” you look into her blue orbs, with love and determination
JJ’s smile grows. She gently takes your face into her hands, holding you close. She can see the love and determination in your eyes, and it makes her heart throb in the best way imaginable. She chuckles softly, her mouth a breath away from yours.
”If you’re my heaven, then I don’t care where we go,” she murmurs. “As long as you’re with me, that’s everything I could ever want.”
“I’m already in heaven with you”
JJ feels her heart do a back-flip in her chest. A small gasp escapes her lips as she takes you in. The way the streetlights cast shadows on your face. The way your eyelashes flutter when you blink. The way your mouth curves into an easy smile. JJ’s eyes go half-lidded as she pulls you closer, her nose brushing yours.
”You’re my slice of paradise,” she whispers, the words coming out on a shaky breath. “You’re my everything."
“you’re my favourite sin”
JJ shivers, her breath hitching. Her grip on you tightens, her hands on your waist like an anchor. Without another word, she presses her lips to yours, pulling your body against her own. Her mouth moves hungrily, conveying a thousand silent words in a single kiss.
You kiss her back, savouring the taste of her lips. If jj was eve and you were sin, then you understood why eve took a bite of that apple, cursing all women for eternity
The kiss deepens, JJ’s tongue slipping into your mouth. Her hands move to tangle in your hair, holding your head against hers. She pushes you, backing you up until you’re pressed against the wall of the club, and JJ’s body is flush against yours.
after a while you pull apart and you rest your forehead on hers
JJ pants slightly, her eyes still closed as her forehead rests on yours. One hand gently holds your nape, the other on your hip. She takes deep shuddering breaths, trying to calm her racing heart.
“I don’t care that I’ll burn eternally,” she murmurs, her voice low, “so long as I’m burning with you."
You look deeply into her ocean blue orbs, it feels like you’re drowning with love “I love you for eternity”
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marvelssicarius · 2 months
Dangerous attractions pt1
(You are a business woman and secretly a mafia boss, you became one of the prime suspect in the murder of your business competitor and she is interrogating you alone)
"Spill everything you know and maybe we could work out a deal" Olivia said as she walks around in circles
You lean back in the chair and cross your arms and gently shake your head "I don't know anything, I didn't know he was dead until you came here and accused me of killing him"
"Oh stop playing stupid, you are the one who has been wanting to murder him... and now he's dead so... just confess"
She leaned against the desk, looking at you with such fierce eyes
"I've never wanted to murder him. I don't like him but I've never wanted him dead" you exclaimed.
"Bullshit you are in a competition for the most successful business owner right now and he was getting ahead of you"
her eyes scanned you from head to toe
"Yes he was but I wouldn't kill him for it. I work harder, try to get ahead of him"
She crossed her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes at you
"You are denying the crimes you committed and you expect me to believe you..?"
"I didn't commit any crimes" you say frustrated
she leaned forward towards you
"Then prove your innocence"
She moved closer to you, till her face was merely inches away from you. Her eyes bore into your own.
"Convince me you had nothing to do with it."
“When was he killed?”
"He was killed last night between the hours of 9 PM to 11PM"
“I was in New Jersey doing business around then”
"How do I know you are not lying?"
she remained standing in front of you, her arms folded across her chest
“James can corporate my story “
Olivia raised a brow
"James? And who is he? And why was he with you at New Jersey?"
“James Taylor, he was with me, he's my business partner”
her eyes narrowed even more as she hears the words
"Then where is this James Taylor... let me see him"
“He should be in his office”
"Let's have a look shall we" she motions for you to get up
"Let's see what your partner has to say"
She leads you to the office, hands on your wrist as she walks you along and when you are in the office, she goes to the man leaning against the desk
"You must be James Taylor"
He nodded, looking at her
"And you must be?"
"Detective Olivia Benson, NYPD"
She held out a hand for him to shake, which he did
She glances back at you then to him
"May I talk to you in private for a moment?"
he glanced back at you then at her
"Sure, no problem"
She pulled him to the side and motions for you to stay put
"I need to ask you a few questions"
he crosses his arms before speaking "sure ask away"
olivia noded "last night... what were the two of you doing in new jersey? cand you give me the time line of the events?"
he shrugged "yeah we were there to visit the headquarters of one of our business partners. The night started at about 9pm at the restaurant, dinner was until 11 and we continued to chat in the hotel room until around 12am"
she raised a brow as her eyes narrowed, clearly not impressed with the story.
"you both spent four whole hours alone in a hotel?"
he nodded "yeah.. we are business partners, we're not dating or anything" 
she studied his expression, trying to figure out if he's lying to her.
"alright, do you have any proof of you being in new jersey last night?"
he took out his phone from his pocket and showed her the hotel booking, the dinner reservation at the restaurant and the time stamp of when if finished.
she nodded, looking over the proof he showed her, the hotel booking and the dinner reservation did have the name James Taylor and the timing was spot on.
"And do you have any other proof showing you both were together the entire night?"
he showed her some security footage of them together leaving the restaurant and entering the room at the hotel
She watched the security footage with a keen eye, noting every detail. The footage did show them leaving the restaurant together and entering the room at the hotel.
She turned back to him, seeming satisfied with the proof
"Alright, thank you Mr Taylor"
He nodded before walking back to his desk, while she went over to you
"He checks out."
You nod knowing he would.
She studied your face, looking for any signs of deception
"Which brings us back to you"
“Why? I was with him?”
"Why did you lie about your reason going to New Jersey?" She said testing me to see if you’d slip up.
“I didn't? We were there for business”
She raised a brow at you
"Right...business... then what were you both doing together for four hours afterwards?"
“Dinner and then we went to the hotel to sleep”
She crosses her arms over her chest
"You slept in the same room?"
“No” you said factually.
She tilted her head, studying your face.
"So then you stayed in separated rooms?"
“Yes we did” you said starting to get frustrated with all the questions
She seemed a bit skeptical by your response. She paused for a moment before speaking again
"Do you have any proof of you being in New Jersey in a different room from him?"
“I do” you show her receipts and security footage.
She looked through your proof, checking to see if it was valid.
The receipt did show the room numbers and the time it was paid for, while the hotel footage showed you both entered different rooms.
She nodded, seemed satisfied with this proof as well
"Everything seems to check out"
She looks back to you, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly
"But I'm still keeping an eye on you"
Okay *yoi said calmly*
She let out a sigh, clearly frustrated that all the evidence pointed towards your innocence
"Alright... you're free to go"
“Thank you detective” you say walking off and continuing with your work
She watched you leave, taking in every detail of your figure as you walked off. She couldn't help but find you intriguing.
But for now, she had a murder to solve.
Even after you left, she found her mind still on you. She couldn't shake the feeling that there's something about you that she couldn't put her finger on. The more she thought about it, the more drawn she felt towards you. But she had to focus on the case at hand.
She couldn't let herself get distracted.
once Olivia left you went to one of your workers “get rid of the trash” you said hinting for him to dismember the body.
Meanwhile, Olivia returned to the crime scene, going over all the evidence they had gathered so far. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something missing. The investigation was going nowhere, and the lack of evidence was starting to drive her nuts.
You had gotten a call about one of your business partners thinking of ratting you out to the cops, so you payed him a visit.
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marvelssicarius · 3 months
I swear if one of y’all don’t write some fcking Sam smut ima actually go mental😀
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marvelssicarius · 4 months
*the avengers at the hospital getting their blood drawn*
A nurse comes into the waiting room “miss Y/L/N come with me please”
You stand up smiling and follow her.
(10 minutes later )
*someone screaming *
Tony “ is someone being murdered?”
Nat “no it’s Y/n, she’s scared of needles“ she says as she’s reading her magazine .
Y/N comes into the waiting room with a tear stained face.
“Sup guys, that wasn’t even scary”
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