mayaaned · 1 month
shipping isn’t enough i need to make a bulletin board and connect all the ships with red yarn to show the crowd their freakish similarities
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mayaaned · 9 months
I've never seen anyone mention this before but sometimes I think Scaramouche was also inspired by Theo from teen wolf... They have so much in common, it just can't be a coincidence.
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mayaaned · 2 years
I never trust men who use “bitch” or “cunt” even jokingly tbh
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mayaaned · 3 years
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mayaaned · 3 years
the fact that EVERY song from K-12 somehow fits Girl From Nowhere series kills me
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mayaaned · 3 years
no, i don't take constructive criticism on my comfort character
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mayaaned · 3 years
daniel sharman has a habit of playing characters that are on the surface a dick and bad but really have a lot of other shit going on mainly dad issues and he has like this one friend whose pulling him out of his dark place and giving him hope I.E troy otto and isaac lahey.
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mayaaned · 3 years
Batjokes shippers left their morals at the tumblr login page
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mayaaned · 3 years
ed and lee never actually loved each other in s4. they were just replacing their ex partners (ozzie, jim) with each other.
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mayaaned · 3 years
hate seeing isaac getting hurt:(
Isaac, sweetheart no! Yes, your worldview and living arrangements and the people you live with have changed. Your reactions to trauma and outside stimulations can probably not be counted on as reliable or what will help you survive anymore.
So I get the fact that Isaac is asking Scott if he wants to hit him. He’s searching for something familiar, even if that is not the best thing for him to do. But his trauma responses have always protected him before and now he cannot rely on those outside forces to be what he expects them to be.
But Scott! NO! We do not tell an abuse victim that you aren’t going to hit him, and then find out that he maybe wanted to kiss your ex-girlfriend (who you have no right to monopolise, Allison is her own woman who makes her own choices.) and then throw him into a wall!
I don’t care if it was what Isaac likely expected. Isaac is always expecting to get hurt thanks to his abusive as hell father, that doesn’t mean anyone has to prove him right about what to expect.
Abuse victims may be expecting to be hurt but when you tell them you aren’t going to hurt them, you stick with that. You don’t move the goalposts on them.
Basically Scott cannot tell Isaac that he’s going to do one thing - in this case not hurt him - and then do the opposite, which is actually hurting him.
I am so sick of love triangles, why does there have to be a girl who has to choose between two guys? Why can they not all be friends, or you know be in a poly triad together.
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mayaaned · 3 years
okay but imagine if Fen would marry Margo instead of Eliot...
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mayaaned · 3 years
the way i would drop everything and everyone for this mf-
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mayaaned · 4 years
I think about “50 years… Who gets proof of concept like that?” literally every day…. Every day, I think about that. What’s more romantic and repressed and gay than having lived an entire lifetime with a man you love and raised a child with only to get back to your young 20-something year old real-world body and be too scared about all your flaws and emotional instability to jump back into a relationship with the man you love so very very deeply? To have had the proof that it works, and still at the end of the day be traumatized and paralyzed by your emotional faultlines and wounds and close off the relationship before it can even start. and only realizing how stupid it is to cut yourself off to such a receptive, loving relationship when you are forced to confront your emotional scars in your head when you’re possessed by a demonic force that on the daily opens new and new and new scars in the man you love…
Literally kills me. peaches and plums… mother fucker…
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