maybeilovu · 1 year
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maybeilovu · 2 years
Word vomit
I am a sucker for giving characters small details about them personality wise that would probably only come up in tiny conversations or specific scenarios in like an rp or something. And they don't even have to be that small or big, ya know? Just like, think about it.
What is their favorite time of day? Why? Is it cuz of food, cuz of a certain reward around that time, a sight? An event? A memory? What about a favorite time of day on weekends versus weekdays? Does it change for certain areas, like when traveling abroad? Are they a morning person but would stay up all night kind of person? A night person that envies the way people see the golden horizon first thing in the morning? Would they make people stop and look at the sky during their favorite time of day, if its like sunrise/sunset sorta deal?
Favorite food? Do they have multiple, each for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and snacks? What about specific dishes? Specific preparations/recipes? Would they eat it if their parents made it but not anyone else? Not just "they like sweets more than spicy" NO! do they happen to have that one spicy food they actually do like? Like mild queso dip and chips or something? Do they combine sweets with spicy? What about sour? Umami? Do they prefer a certain texture of food? Would they like waffles crunchy or soft? Eggs soft or hard boiled? Scrambled or fried? Do they eat nuggets with BBQ or ketchup? What about both? How do they like their burger prepared, or their steak? Are they actually open to new food or do they just hate wasting food? Do they get embarrassed by their favorite food? Or maybe too excited, or both, when it's around? Or do they share it? Why do they like the food, anyway, is it diet reasons? Flavor reasons? Memory reasons?
They don't like something? Like bugs? What kind of bugs? Does it also include worms, and if so do they actually hate the creepy crawlies or do they just hate the thought of what they feel like? And so does that somehow include not-bug-creatures like frogs or something? What about bugs that no normal person would know about. Do they know the difference between a minecraft and irl silverfish; in fact, if they do, do they like the minecraft silverfish but would scream at the irl one? Do they FEAR the bugs or do they just not want them to coexist inside their home? Would they calmly/gently save a bee that flew into their house on accident but then screech at a moth? Would they actually be fine looking at bugs online or in like an exhibit but freeze when seeing the real thing in their bathroom?
Fashion?? Uhm, more please. Do they combine styles, do they use certain inspos, what are those inspos? Do they just get ideas from like instagram or do they make their outfits themselves? Do they prefer makeup or hair styling? Do they even style or do their makeup? Would they save certain types of styles for certain events, or is it all the same kind of thing? Do they switch it up often, if they like multiple?
PLEASE. It's somehow so fun, and specifying those details can really make characters feel a bit more real, at least to me. You don't have to, but really, when you make a character and want to work on those kinds of details, ask more questions than just "what do they like/dislike?" Ask questions you'd ask someone you're trying to befriend, or maybe friends you're like zonked with or something. You don't have to put it all on their character sheet, but really. Soz for the long post lmao
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maybeilovu · 2 years
ppl being like “abortion is okay only if you took all the “correct” measures first or if you were impregnated non-consensually” SHUT UP! abortion for “sexually promiscuous” people and sex addicts and ppl you call sluts and whores and people who have one-night stands and every single person who had sex because they felt like it! you do not have to reach a quota of suffering to “deserve” an abortion. abortion is not something you earn. abortion isn’t a moral thing like you protestants like to think it’s a fucking right and everyone deserves access to it and they don’t have to prove that they deserve it. pregnancy is not a punishment for sex and every single person deserves the right to terminate a pregnancy regardless of how they became pregnant. shut up
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maybeilovu · 2 years
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maybeilovu · 2 years
🍚 rice discourse y'all reblog and put in the tags your ethnicity and whether you use a fork to eat your rice
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maybeilovu · 2 years
ok not to be cryptic but deep deep down I want to be like Icarus. Feel the rush of adrenaline as the wax burns my back, feel the growing smile as I plummet to my death in a miserable, aching sense of satisfaction. I don't mean this literally, of course, I'm just saying that he must've been so happy. Even in death. And what I wouldn't give to at the very least grace Apollo's presence.
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maybeilovu · 2 years
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maybeilovu · 2 years
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maybeilovu · 2 years
Medication or not, I'm allowed to be depressed. I'm allowed to have episodes and I'm allowed to be overly anxious sometimes and I'm allowed to cry and I'm allowed to ask for help. I'm allowed to reach out to people and I'm allowed to be my own person. I'm allowed to miss doctors appointments and freak out over it a week later, I'm allowed to forget to take my medication, I'm allowed to cry like a whole ass baby because my family is falling apart. I'm allowed. You're allowed. You are allowed to be not okay, you're allowed to cope, you're allowed to take a step back and finally try to swim up to the surface and take that deep, ripping breath of sweet, bitter air you have been dying for.
but why do we both choose not to do so?
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maybeilovu · 2 years
My therapist once told me to personify my disorder as a monster.
Apparently, turning it into a piece of fiction would make it a bit better. A bit more approachable, easier to hide away or calm down when it got worse.
Too bad I'm a monster fucker lol
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maybeilovu · 2 years
My heart is a house of glass and steel
Every wall, every inch of floor, it is cold and cracked and creaking under its own weight. In the center is a furnace, burning and boiling and the pipes around the house are clogged with immense heat. And yet, the house remains cold. The glass cracks from the heat of the pipes, letting in more and more cold air.
I do not wear shoes in this house, my feet are broken and ripped from the bolts and shards across my broken floors. The steel is rusting from the rain the cracks let in.
I do not wear clothes in this house, my body shivers and aches as my skin burns. The pipes are too close for me to keep safe.
Occasionally, a pipe bursts, Shattering more glass and letting in even more rain and cold air. The rust gets worse, my feet become so blooded I cannot walk. My skin becomes even more burnt and scarred. I have every opportunity to fix the glass, to clean the rust off, and yet I do not. I put tape over the cracks.
The steel creaks, the pipes flood with more heat. The furnace continues to burn. I have every opportunity to call for help, to ask for refuge, and yet I do not. I paint over the rust.
The furnace will eventually explode under the growing pressure and the glass will break all around me, leaving the framework of what was once a beautiful home standing, crumbling. And I will watch it. Quietly. Willingly. Bleeding.
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maybeilovu · 3 years
while i understand the confusion its really fucking annoying when people misunderstand the words "transmasc" and "transfem" in ways that lead to misunderstanding a ton of other shit
"transmasc" and "transfem" arent just substitutes for "trans man" and "trans woman" respectively, theyre umbrella terms that include those, but they also include nonbinary people
"transmasc"= "trans men and nonbinary people who are identifying/presenting/transitioning in a masculine direction"
"transfem"= "trans women and nonbinary people who are identifying/presenting/transitioning in a feminine direction"
theyre terms that are specifically used to also include nonbinary people in conversations where their experiences are meaningful too, and because for obvious reasons trans men can have a lot in common w transmasc nonbinary ppl, and trans women can have a lot in common w transfem nonbinary people
so like, if you see stuff talking about for instance transmasc people and it says something like "transmasc people can still be lesbians" and your automatic reaction is "what, no, men cant be lesbians", realize that not all transmasc people are men!! nonbinary lesbians exist!! hell, you could still pretty much identify a woman and consider yourself transmasc because you go on t/have top surgery/etc, if you wanna (but of course ya dont gotta). Transmasc and transfem are explicitly inclusive of nonbinary people, and are umbrella terms discussing a wide variety of experiences
so like. stop conflating the terms with binary bullshit. even for binary trans people a lot of the shit people say here is still bullshit, but seriously yall realize how broad the terms transmasc and transfem are, stop trying to shove the people across the entire gender spectrum that those terms encompass into one of two boxes. not all transmasc people are men, not all transfem people are women.
(sidenote: no transmasc and transfem are also not synonyms with "trans AFAB" and "trans AMAB", for a lot of reasons but also just like, not every trans person considers themselves to be, like, transing towards the masculine/feminine, sometimes youre trying to trans off into the sunset or whatever. all im sayin is genders fucked.)
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maybeilovu · 3 years
Malachi is a homeless transgender youth in need of help, here are her donation links you can donate to:
Amazon wishlist
And here is her carrd with all of her donation links
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maybeilovu · 3 years
Black Queer person seeking financial help...
Long story short I’ve been struggling since May, my landlord illegally kicked me out of room that I was renting because of my service dog.
Since then I have been renting a room at this motel week by week which is $450 which is almost impossible
I’ve been trying to keep working but my hours of course has been cut a lot and I spend most of my money on food for me and my dog and transportation to work.
I’ve been seeing a lot of people donating to blm and LGBTQ+ stuff so I thought I could give this a shot and you guys and donate directly?
I have until next Friday to pay these people again or else I’m going to pushed out onto the street.
I really do not want to be on the fucking street especially with these heat waves and the new delta variant PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING!
Cash app: $asiapls
Venmo: @asia-Jefferson-1
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maybeilovu · 3 years
The person I reblogged this from is someone I enjoy seeing on my dashboard.
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maybeilovu · 3 years
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maybeilovu · 3 years
From high school! II got held back a year and graduated class of 2021 at the age of 19! I still wish got to graduate with friends but FUCK YEAAA!!
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