#sin rants
alpimerealmsystem · 9 months
A rant about different kintypes
SO as a reminder. Hybrids that don't exist, fictional animals, and so many others, are still real kintypes. If you identify as a griffin? Go ahead! You're a griffin, even if it's not real to us you still have that connection and identity whether it's psychological or spiritual. Any identity is valid, everyone has so many different experiences. If you're a fictional character, nice! That's awesome, I'm happy for you for learning about that and finding out! You're not any less valid just because the thing may not be real, it's fine if it isn't. Hell, you may have the spirit of a fictional character, THATS SO FUCKING COOL! That's such an amazing discovery for yourself! Oh? You have a psychological connection to a fictional character or creature? Awesome! So many others do to, you're not alone! You're some kind of creature that's not of this world (voids, demons, angels, etc) damn! It's an awesome feeling to be able to learn that about yourself!
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oldtowrs · 2 years
lotr fandom really out here only liking fanfics and edits. no comments, no reblog… and you wonder why your fucking fandom is dead. you killed all of them. and you’re gonna kill me too if you don’t cut it out.
if you’ve been serial liking my lotr stuff recently and you think this applies to you, it does.
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maybeilovu · 2 years
Word vomit
I am a sucker for giving characters small details about them personality wise that would probably only come up in tiny conversations or specific scenarios in like an rp or something. And they don't even have to be that small or big, ya know? Just like, think about it.
What is their favorite time of day? Why? Is it cuz of food, cuz of a certain reward around that time, a sight? An event? A memory? What about a favorite time of day on weekends versus weekdays? Does it change for certain areas, like when traveling abroad? Are they a morning person but would stay up all night kind of person? A night person that envies the way people see the golden horizon first thing in the morning? Would they make people stop and look at the sky during their favorite time of day, if its like sunrise/sunset sorta deal?
Favorite food? Do they have multiple, each for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and snacks? What about specific dishes? Specific preparations/recipes? Would they eat it if their parents made it but not anyone else? Not just "they like sweets more than spicy" NO! do they happen to have that one spicy food they actually do like? Like mild queso dip and chips or something? Do they combine sweets with spicy? What about sour? Umami? Do they prefer a certain texture of food? Would they like waffles crunchy or soft? Eggs soft or hard boiled? Scrambled or fried? Do they eat nuggets with BBQ or ketchup? What about both? How do they like their burger prepared, or their steak? Are they actually open to new food or do they just hate wasting food? Do they get embarrassed by their favorite food? Or maybe too excited, or both, when it's around? Or do they share it? Why do they like the food, anyway, is it diet reasons? Flavor reasons? Memory reasons?
They don't like something? Like bugs? What kind of bugs? Does it also include worms, and if so do they actually hate the creepy crawlies or do they just hate the thought of what they feel like? And so does that somehow include not-bug-creatures like frogs or something? What about bugs that no normal person would know about. Do they know the difference between a minecraft and irl silverfish; in fact, if they do, do they like the minecraft silverfish but would scream at the irl one? Do they FEAR the bugs or do they just not want them to coexist inside their home? Would they calmly/gently save a bee that flew into their house on accident but then screech at a moth? Would they actually be fine looking at bugs online or in like an exhibit but freeze when seeing the real thing in their bathroom?
Fashion?? Uhm, more please. Do they combine styles, do they use certain inspos, what are those inspos? Do they just get ideas from like instagram or do they make their outfits themselves? Do they prefer makeup or hair styling? Do they even style or do their makeup? Would they save certain types of styles for certain events, or is it all the same kind of thing? Do they switch it up often, if they like multiple?
PLEASE. It's somehow so fun, and specifying those details can really make characters feel a bit more real, at least to me. You don't have to, but really, when you make a character and want to work on those kinds of details, ask more questions than just "what do they like/dislike?" Ask questions you'd ask someone you're trying to befriend, or maybe friends you're like zonked with or something. You don't have to put it all on their character sheet, but really. Soz for the long post lmao
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nyxofdemons · 11 months
okay so the main criticism i've been seeing against episode 8 is that beelzebub (among other things) is "too nice" to be the sin of gluttony, because she's an attentive hostess, because she expresses worry over blitz's excess drinking, etc., and i wanna talk about it.
the thing is, i feel like this complaint is rooted in the most basic, somewhat cliche idea of the sin of gluttony, and a somewhat boring approach to bee's character in general. the idea is that, as the sin of gluttony, bee should be encouraging over-indulgence, excess, and the self-destructive aspects of party culture and drinking.
but she's the queen bee. she clearly explains that she can feel the "energy" of everyone at her party, and i think that's very important to analyzing exactly what gluttony means to her. instead of indulging in food and alcohol and drugs and being selfish (as gluttony is generally expected to be about), bee feeds on the ENERGY of the demons around her. and in order to get the best energy she can, she needs to be making sure everyone is actually having FUN and having a good time. gluttony, in this sense, is about EXTRAVAGANCE, having the best quality of everything, rather than just everything in general.
i also think this is why she was so put-off by blitz's actions. when he chugs the entire barrel of alcohol and then is absolutely wasted beyond all reason for the rest of the party, he's NOT actually engaging in her sin. he's not being gluttonous; he's not drinking to have a good time or to indulge or to have fun - he's drowning himself in alcohol because he's trying to forget and ignore all his problems, which is a sin much more akin to pride. his energy feels bad to bee because he's not having fun, he's deeply hurt and trying to distract himself by being self-destructive, which is NOT what her sin is about.
(also, remember, this is supposed to be part TWO of the finale. meaning, this episode (and the introduction of bee's character) directly goes hand-in-hand with the introduction of asmodeus, who's entire club IS about indulgence and depravity and everything you'd expect from the sin of lust. bee and the gluttony party are meant to be a direct foil to the energy of ozzie's.)
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neon-does-things · 2 years
Emotionally and Mentally drained. . . And it's gonna get worse.
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kkolg · 27 days
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Blank Canvas - Jakeneutron
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toubledrouble · 2 months
You know what we should bring back?
Older christianity. I mean the anti government, anti military, community based christianity. The one that cared the most about peace, equality, mercy, kindness, and radical love. The one with shared property. The one that didn't conform to society but instead existed mostly outside of it. The one where noone considered one sin worse than another because in the end, we are all sinners trying our best to be better.
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lilithsaga · 11 months
Gluttony Is Not Just Excessive Eating
Yes, it is a main component of gluttony, but that's not all it is!
(And yes, this is also in response to people complaining about how Helluva Boss's Queen Bee-lzebub is not fat despite representing the sin of Gluttony)
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Gluttony's etymology originates from the Latin word gluttire meaning "to gulp." This is to emphasize how someone can over-indulge in food and drink.
While gluttony's base definition focuses on the act of overeating and overdrinking, it is also important to note how people overeat and overdrink.
Many church leaders dating back to the Middle Ages have expanded on gluttony in one way or another. But the most popular interpretation comes from St. Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologica. He goes over 5 different ways that gluttony can tempt us!
Laute – eating food that is too luxurious, exotic, or costly
Studiose – eating food that is excessive in quality (too daintily or elaborately prepared)
Nimis – eating food that is excessive in quantity (too much)
Praepropere – eating hastily (too soon or at an inappropriate time)
Ardenter – eating greedily (too eagerly)
The fact that there are at least 5 different ways gluttony can be interpreted is already incredible enough.
But it is also important to note that the first 3 ways focus more on the eating of food while the last 2 focus more on the speed in which food is consumed. Also, the food in question doesn't just refer to quantity, but quality of food can be seen as gluttonous too!
So, with that out of the way, how does this all relate back to Queen Bee?
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Throughout both the song "Cotton Candy" and the majority of the party itself, she encourages her guests to eat and drink to their heart's content.
Whether that be enlarging their food, offering giant kegs, or raining candy down on the guests, there is no doubt to anyone that she is encouraging gluttony from her guests. (At least, in the party-girl hedonistic approach and not to feed one's sadness like in the case of Blitzo).
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Since excessive food and drink can often make a person feel good, I like the idea of an extroverted party-girl representing gluttony. And she is a fun character with both her performance and making sure her guests are well entertained and taken care of. It's honestly a refreshing take on the deadly sin.
The main point here: you do not have to be fat to be gluttonous.
As long as you have the core concepts of inspiring gluttony, I think that's all that really matters in the end, and Queen Bee knocks it out of the park.
And lastly, while this might be a headcanon more than anything else, I bet all of that dancing and flying is amazing exercise.
If she is putting that much effort into her performances and parties, she must be moving around a ton to organize, rehearse, and interact with everyone. So, if people out there really need a reason to why she is not fat, that's just my thought.
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Anyways, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. I honestly just wanted to rant to get it out of my system.
Feel free to let me know your thoughts! I'm sure there is probably more about the topic that could be covered by others but I just wanted to rant about my perception of it all. Thank you!
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m0ther-of-p3arl · 1 month
holy shit yeah ok thats how you write an album
i'm in shock
this shit is fucking. it's so good. i'm
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artofkhaos404 · 5 months
We are imperfect beings and God is just.
Therefore, He does not expect perfection out of us: only remorse for our sin and the willingness to get back up when we fail.
Repent and try again.
Remember not to compare your spiritual journey to those around you, either. Like in life, we all mature at different rates and none of us are better than the other.
Whether your sin of habit is as complex an issue as sexual immorality or as difficult to break as habitual lying... all sin is the same in the eyes of God. We each have our own struggle. What is thoughtless for you is a war for me. I may never understand why your battle is your own- hell, you may not comprehend it yourself! But what's amazing is God intimately knows each and every struggle you have and will ever face. Jesus is the gateway to eternal, pure empathy for the corrupted human heart.
He knows it's difficult for you...
He also knows you're trying.
Try again.
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kaethefangirl · 19 days
And I'm back, women in anime are depicted so terribly its wild. I just wanted to come and say, fuck elizabeth (nnt/7ds), fuck orihime (bleach), and fuck hinata (naruto, but fuck her a little less cs i kind of like her)
It makes me angry that in almost every shonen, the main character has a personality and a life and things that they go through and have to overcome... and then theres the love interest. Always airheaded, always soft spoken, always kind, with no willpower at all. In bleach, I would ship rukia with ichigo so hard if she wasn't perfect with renji.
Bleach was actually insane because literally every female character had a personaltity except Orihime. I do like that Fairy tail is set apart from the rest because Lucy is kind of sort of the main character so she gets to have a personality too. Fanservice is like an obvious thing that I hate about anime and it takes away so much. If an anime was a 10 before factoring the fan service, it would be brought down to a 7 or 6 afterward. Orihime sucks over all, 2/10 love interest.
I'm pretty sure most of my hate of Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist) is stemmed from the countless anti-winry fanfiction I've read but she's a great standalone character. The only flaws I see in her is that she does the crying for the male mc thing, which is really out of character for her when I think about it. She has willpower, she's strong and independent, if anything she'd be travelling with them and staying strong for them because she understands that she's a liability if she breaks down crying at every bruise they get. That's more in character to me, but I suppose she is also a teenager so... I can't be too mad at her. All in all, Winry is an amazing female love interest. 9/10 love interst/mc.
Haruhi from Ouran Highschool really breaks the stereotype and gives us a refreshing view on women in anime. She wasn't obsessed with love, she didn't really care too much about anything. She wasn't the typical "yells at you for literally anything" female mc, or the "nice shy and airheaded" female mc. She wasn't even unique and I love that, she's genuinely a regular ass girl, and she was so hilarious. She's probably my favorite girl in anime if I'm being honest. 10/10 female love interest/mc.
Let's talk about Elizabeth. Elizabeth from 7ds is such a disgrace.. She sat and let Meliodas molest her and didn't care at all. You can tell when an anime is written by a man, and not to knock ALL anime written by men because there's some amazing ones out there, but things like that just make it so obvious. Diane and her obsession with Meliodas was weird too, it seemed a bit too much like a harem anime in season 1 and bits of season 2. Elizabeth was the typical soft spoken and overly kind love interest that I hate. Not a drop of personality there and then she has to blush with everything she says.. All in all, 0/10 love interest.
Last but not least, my dear Tohru Honda... Words cannot describe how much I love her. On the outside it looked like she was the typical soft spoken and overly kind female mc but she actually blew my mind. Her willpower is incredible, the fact that she stayed after finding out what Kyo really was and refused to leave. It wasn't a weird kind of moment where she was just blushing and refusing to leave because that's what the writers decided she was gonna do, but it was actually a great scene that showed who she was at her core. I loved how at the end of the series she disagreed with Kyo. "I might be nice but I do stand my ground." God, I love Tohru. It's like her kindness was genuine and real and so was her worry and concern for the Sohmas. All in all, 10/10 female love interest/mc.
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alpimerealmsystem · 9 months
What's with anti-endo people?
Look, my system was originally discovered because at the time it was completely spirtual. I told friends and shit I had lil people living in my head with their own distinct personalities, appearances, voices, handwritings, EVERYTHING and they could take control of me at any time. That was from spiritual beliefs. My inner world is a universe filled with creatures most would call fake, unreal, fantasy, but it's been this way since I was 9? 10? And originally all 30 of my alters were completely related to these spiritual beliefs and what I thought and everyone else thought was my imagination. Now I do have alters that relate to trauma, they were never prominent, but they did develop (at least the first one did) at age 4. But now every plural blog I look at is like "anti endo" or even anti mixed origin systems and it's like holy shit. I am an endogenic system, I do believe that's where I primarily originated from for whatever way whatsoever, that's what was always most prominent but I'm not allowed to go to so many blogs because I'm mixed origins. If I was just endogenic like I was at 9-11 or so then I wouldn't be allowed on most blogs. For whatever reason my brain formed itself as a mixed origins system, and at the time those trauma related alters weren't present, but even if they still weren't my brain did form as a system also due to spiritual beliefs. It's not my fault my brain did this, it's not my fault I grew up this way, it's not my fault I have these beliefs, I was taught never to be against spirtual stuff and fantasy, i was never taught dragons, mermaids, gryphons weren't real so i grew up with that. My mind created a reality in which they were, in which I had a world where they were, in which they were me, how is that my fault? Why the fuck am I banned from so many blogs for how I was raised?
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yurihotline · 3 months
"STUPID FAGGOT LITTLE COCKSUCKER" will never be unfunny to me bc im afraid if it does become unfunny people will become misogynistic towards Yukari again, it LITERALLY fixed fandom's interpretation of her as inaccurate as it is.
is it inaccurate? Yeah, obviously. Is it funny? YES. Is it better than the old persona fandom view of calling Yukari a bitch for just being a teenage girl? absolutely. I'd much rather have hater Yukari jokes than those uh. "interesting" takes about how she acted in the answer
EDIT 3/10/24: here's the tags incase someone reblogs it with just #persona or smth bc half the post is in the tags
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And this one for good measure
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honey-olive · 3 months
Chapter 142
a rant~
This chapter gave us a gut wrenching set-up
We get Myrtle and Sixtus having a small moment together which talks bunches about their relationship. They really love each other. Myrtle is able to be vulnerable with him. And Sixtus listens and wants what’s best for his big bro. Sixtus tries to cheer him up, and when Myrtle has doubts, he makes sure to bring back hope.
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Look at how hopeful Myrtle’s face looks!
And everything to be just taken away from him the moment he sees his own father gift what he needed most to another. Give what he needed to their actual child. Like the last nail in the coffin sealing his fate. Showing him his not as important. That he was never meant to belong.
(Also, side note, I agree with what @winterlogysblog shared in this post. I think King had either already tried using the drug of Yore on Myrtle, or he knows it won’t work. Myrtle does not have an illness, it is because he is reacting to the air in the fairy realm that he gets all these symptoms. Taking it won’t change his situation.)
Also Tioreh being so scared that if Nasiens is her biological brother that will somehow replace Myrtle. It is so sad. Specially considering Tioreh is very young. What has she seen? Fairy child is brought back, human child is taken out. If they take in Nasiens, then it seems logical for her parents to throw Myrtle away. (Sweet girl got me crying with her too)
And finally concerning King and Diane as parents… I’d just say it’s complex. They should have probably discussed many things with Myrtle before, but at the same time,I try to understand them. People were already whispering about the relatedness between them and Myrtle. Myrtle already felt so alienated. They probably didn’t want to exacerbate any of those feelings. But they will be facing the consequences, all at once. I feel we’re in for a whole lot of family drama.
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jordankennedy · 8 months
raymond fielding died before they invented video games but i think he would have been a “first person shooters are corrupting the youth of our nation” kind of guy
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zeroducks-2 · 3 months
Let’s talk Helena Wayne bc like it’s criminal that we barely get anything about her and that they completely changed her origin and family (the bertinelli mafia family) to add her into the main comic book line.
im torn bc I love both versions of her :(
But I wanted Dick to share some older siblings trauma with her and for Damian to have that “blood” sibling bc I think that would have completely rocked early Damian’s shit. All his life, he was told to be the true heir of Bruce Wayne, but it turns out he has an OLDER SISTER BRUCE HID FROM TALIA AND RA. Idk I just think that would have crushed his lil murder ego and made for some interesting sibling moments and an interesting dynamic.
Lastly, can we talk about how the Batfam fandom completely stole all of Helena (Bertinelli)’s character traits and gave them to Jason??? Im sorry but when in the material source has Jason ever been super devout and catholic? Helena is the religious one, why am I reading about Jason’s apparent Catholicism in fics and HC dumps? Also Jason (besides his Robin days) has never been this savour and protector of the woman and children of Gotham, that’s very very veryyyyyy clearly a trait from Helena and strongly ties into her backstory as a child who suffered coming from a rich bloodline of syndicate crime. And don’t think this is me bashing on Jason, bc it’s not!! I love Jason Todd - but for who he is. Not for this weird fandom version of him who is either still suffering from the craze the lazarus pit puts you through, or this Joan of Arc of Gotham character either.
I'm gonna be honest with you, this character confuses me a bit. I know that Bruce and Selina got married and had a daughter in their Earth-Two incarnations, and this daughter is Helena Wayne, who's Dick best buddy and a vigilante in her own right called Huntress.
Then I know Helena Bertinelli, daughter of a mafia lord who was introduced in the late 80s in the preboot comic continuity, and was a quite murdery vigilante called Huntress who Bruce didn't accept because she "reminded him of Barbara" (you gotta love DC's excuses for sexism and ableism lol it's not like Barbara was dead just paralyzed. Also it did not look like Bruce gave a shit about it at the end of TKJ that Joker had crippled her - "she reminds him or Barbara". LMAO Bruce).
Then post reboot the title Huntress was given back to Helena Wayne, however Helena Bertinelli is ALSO there and she's ALSO called Huntress? She appears in the Grayson run where Dick is an agent of Spyral, and she seems to be Italian-American but I don't think her origin is the same as in preboot? Also I have no idea about Helena Wayne's continuity post reboot - when she was conceived, who raised her, how did she become a vigilante, neither I have any idea where to find this info.
I agree that if she had been raised by Bruce it could have made for an interesting dynamic amongst the bats and birds. It did in Earth 2 even if only Dick is just there - they're not siblings but they also aren't not siblings? The dynamic is murky and I love murky. Pretty sure it would have changed everything for Damian as well, especially the fact that she would have most likely been the first object of Damian's need to prove himself worthy, instead of Tim.
That being said, not much of what you mentioned is fanon about Jason.
Jason had an arc in which he's a priest. Pretty normal that fans HC him as devout or anyway catholic.
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Father Todd in Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint Vol. 1 - this is an AU in which Jason was never taken in by Bruce and was never Robin.
As for the whole "protector of women and children" thing, you probably know that Jason was born in extreme poverty, his father was in and out of prison and his mother died of overdose. He is very much a child who suffered because of a broken system, and given how harshly he reacts when women and children are the recipient of violence "in his Robin days", is it really that strange that fans assume he carried these traits in adulthood?
We see him being sweet and protective to kids many times, or anyway losing his mcfucking shit when children are being harmed (like in Brothers in Blood). Imo that of Jason caring about vulnerable people is barely a headcanon, and I don't see how this would make him the Joan of Arc of Gotham either - if I'm being honest ALL vigilantes should care about minorities and vulnerable people, it's the other way around that is weird as fuck (like that arc in which Dick almost dies to prevent this guy from shutting down Bludhaven's casinos, like what the hell was Tim Seeley thinking exactly).
That being said, I understand your frustration if the character you like doesn't have recognition. Trust me I do! There's a lot of them for me too, especially female and/or non white characters who had maybe 1 run ages ago and then got forgotten by DC, and I would REALLY LIKE to see them more, and to see them acknowledged more by the fans (from the top of my mind, Jenni Ognats or Patricia Trayce).
But this isn't fandom's fault. As I mentioned before, Helena Bertinelli as a fleshed out character was a thing between 20 and 30 years ago, and most of tumblr's userbase was either very young or not born yet. DC forgot about her, stripped Huntress from her to give it to Helena Wayne, then brought her back but as an agent of Spyral and it really doesn't look like they care. Fans can't be held accountable for the fact that she's simply not there. They didn't "steal" Helena's traits to give them to Jason; this implies a willful and malicious intent from people who saw this character and decided her features fit another character better, and it's obviously not what happened - people barely know Helena Bertinelli exists if at all.
Also - I said this about Jason already and I will repeat it a million times: Jason wasn't picked at random from the sea of DC characters to be people's blorbo, he resonates with fans for a reason. Under the Red Hood is a deeply emotional and relatable arc for many people because it's the story of how a child was failed by every single person who was supposed to protect and guide him, and then was failed again as an adult victim who demanded to be seen and heard and acknowledged, and instead was silenced again. It's heartbreaking to see how many people see this and say "this is me, this is what happened to me", but it is what it is, and most of all there is no taking this away from Jason's fans. DC tried to villainize him, to make him look and sound like a madman, to make him unhinged and deranged and they had Tim suggest that "maybe it's the Lazarus Pit that drove him mad", but it didn't work and fans still love him and still consider him a symbol of how "bad victims" are treated worse than their abusers, and keep being retraumatized by a society that prefers turning a blind eye to violence than deal with the issue at its root.
And lastly, bitching won't get you anywhere. I am the living proof that the right way to make people interested in something is to be passionate about that something. You want more folks to pay attention to Helena Bertinelli, then since DC won't do anything with her, the most effective thing you can do is post about her - write essays, draw her, write fics with her, create webweavings and moodboards, commission this stuff if you don't have the skills. Complaining that she should be the recipient of fandom love won't make anyone more interested in her.
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