mekitandco · 6 years
How's that Toddler so small?
[hi, i use sliders and omsp resizers, please send ooc questions to my ooc blog (bearandbrave)]
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mekitandco · 6 years
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L I F E  H A P P E N S
Yes, it's us! back once again after another prolonged absence, Life is so wild and full of appointments, therapy, activities etc that it's hard to get a moment to sit down and pour my thoughts onto paper (well... virtual paper) but since I have a moment I thought I would share a few pictures and give a little update.
First of Bear and Sacha turned three in January and are full of it! Three is such a fun age as they are so curious and smart.
Bear has been in a more intensive therapy schedule from around October time last year he now does PT, OT and ST and is coming on leaps and bounds with his communication and language (all be it sign language for the most part but we are fine with that!) 
Sacha is still the cheeky little firecracker he’s always been and is still complete besotted with his best Eoghan. He does a little dance class and loves it! I can see it becoming a real passion of his, but of course we’ll follow his lead with that.
Remy was just a little baby when I last posted here! He’s now a newly turned one year old, with a head full of hair and a sense of humour I hope he keeps forever! he is such a joy to have around and we are so blessed to have him in our family!
Hope to see you soon! we have huge news, we are so excited to share with you! and no im not pregnant!
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mekitandco · 6 years
beautiful ladies!!!
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mona visit @tinyadventurers
Keep reading
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mekitandco · 7 years
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5 months with Remy!
This months has been a whirlwind. Remy is growing like a weed and has officially hit 21 pounds and is showing no signs of stopping! He is still exclusively breastfed but is definitely interested in food, grabbing at ours etc. which is not at all surprising as he loves eating but he wont be starting solids until 6 months. He is sleeping just as well as before and has dropped one of his night feeds which i personally appreciate as im getting longer stretches of sleep. 
m i l e s t o n e s
can sit fairly confidently 
babbles away to us and to himself
reaches out for/can hold toys 
recognizes his name.
the rest of us.
The last month of summer has been really lovely, we've spent so much time together as a family playing outside and going on little adventures. The twins are doing really well and are full of energy. I’m soo excited for the next few months with the season change and all the festivities that brings.
until next time! x
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mekitandco · 7 years
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another little one?
If you haven’t already heard one of my best friends gave birth to the most precious little girl,  Aiobhe Katherine O’Doyle. We decided ahead of time that we would take little Eoghan when El went into labour. Lochlan brought Eoggy over at around midnight and he was pretty sleepy obviously so we had a little cuddle to settle him and then popped him in a travel bed in our room just in case he woke up a little confused. Although he’s at our house a lot but never stayed over but luckily he slept very peacefully. As you can imagine Sacha was extremely excited to wake up to his best friend and as it was a very special day they got to have a treat breakfast of vegan banana bread muffins.
thats all for today, catch you later, bye!
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mekitandco · 7 years
Cake or pie?
 cake every time... who picks pie over cake?
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mekitandco · 7 years
What’s your favorite smell in the whole world?
new baby! 
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mekitandco · 7 years
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month number  t h r e e.
Updates- We had to register Remy's birth this month (in Ireland we have until 12 weeks to register birth/name) and we made a couple of changes to what we originally announced his name would be. After many late night conversations, we decided to go with Remus Boone as his given name and he’ll go by Remy as a nickname.
Stats- Remy now weighs 16 pounds and is measuring at 24 inches long. He is still sitting at the 97th percentile for weight and 98th for height.
Feeding- He still eats around seven million times a day... well slight over reaction but boy this little one is a hungry pup. We probably nurse around 9 - 10 times a day for around 10-15 mins each time.
Sleep-  If there's one thing the little one loves as much as food its sleep. Over the course of this month, Remy has begun sleeping from 8 pm all the way through until 3 am! He then he has a slightly longer feed then longer then goes back off to sleep until 7 am. 
Little Remy facts
love’s to be outside.
loves making us laugh (I swear this kid has the best sense of humour already)
likes to stare at lights. 
Bear, Sacha, Kit and I.
I finally feel like we’re getting back into the swing of things, we’re back at meeting up with our friends regularly and going to all our usual toddler groups/classes and even signed Remy up for baby sensory which we both love (for real it's so relaxing hahah). Overall things are going great and I feel incredibly lucky.  if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask! catch you later, bye!
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mekitandco · 7 years
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@raggmaggy: sacha dressed himself for coachella… but we’re just going to the library [its also pissing it down]
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mekitandco · 7 years
happy birthday to one of the cutest, funniest and most sweet natured little ones i know! we love you eoghan!
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Eoghan Malachi is TWO!
I can’t believe it’s been two whole years since my baby boy was born! Time really does fly! We had a small little woodland themed party – just a few close friends as Eoghan can still be a little shy around new people and we really wanted him to enjoy his day. And it looks like he sure did!
Thanks for helping us make Eoghan’s day so special! @mekitandco & @kiwimama
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mekitandco · 7 years
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Our second month with our precious little, rowdy Remy.
stats - Remy now weighs 14 pounds and is measuring at 23.5 inches long. He is the 97th percentile for weight and 98th for height!
feeding - Remy is still doing amazing with nursing, he still latches like a pro and feeds around 8 times a day. We tried him on a bottle this month and he took to it really well! I don’t plan on using a bottle but it makes me feel alot better knowing he can take one in case of emergency.
sleep - Remy stays up with me until I go to bed around 10/11pm, he wakes up at 2am for a feed and then again at 5am then he’ll sleep until about 8:30am. We still co sleep and it working perfectly.
little remy facts
a total smiler!
loves attention
loves starring up at the mobile above the changing table 
Bear, Sacha, Kit and I.
This month has been a whirlwind! Kit had his first weekend away with the band, I had expected/prepared for it so I think I handled the stress pretty well. Bear started speech therapy twice a week and we are giving homework to do at home after each session. Sacha is still as energetic as always but I've made sure to put that to good use by asking him to grab nappies and muslins etc. Overall things are going super well and I'm super grateful for it.
if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask! catch you later, bye!
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mekitandco · 7 years
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sacha exploring the new house.
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mekitandco · 7 years
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Hello there! We have a parent chat on discord for all parents, its a lot better than GroupMe or KIK! You can discuss EVERYTHING with other parents, exchange tips and tricks in parents, share photos etc. 
Why is discord better than the chat websites/apps mentioned?:
You have more control over members.
You can create roles to organize your members such as moderators.
You can ban or kick problematic members and spammers.
No need to create separate chats for out of character due to channel creation.
Voice chat.
Chat rules:
No name calling or bullying.
Respect each other.
No homophobic, transphobic etc. behavior will be tolerated and will result in an instant ban.
Debate in a healthy way, don’t yell or got angry if someone has a different opinion to you.
If you read through all that, congratulations, you can now join us and we look forward to seeing you there!
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mekitandco · 7 years
we had such a lovely day! can't wait to do it again next week 💖
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Play Date with @mekitandco!
Since the weather was nice, we decided to invite Mag and the gang over for a little play date! It might come as a surprise to a lot of you, but my lovely husband, Lochlan, has been friends with Mag for a long time. 
It was lovely to see her – and her lovely babies. Sacha and Eoghan had a lot of fun chasing bubbles around the garden, whereas Bear stayed close to Mag as he was a little overwhelmed. And little Remy was a dream; so snuggly and calm. I didn’t want to give him back!
All in all, it was a great day, and I can’t wait to see them all again!
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mekitandco · 7 years
wcif a baby basket from last post? (:
it was a gift from a friend.
[please send ooc asks to my ooc @bearandbrave]
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mekitandco · 7 years
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A month with our darling little, remy augustus.
This whole month has been such a blur, but in the best way possible, it’s been all cuddles, nappy changes and feedings and I wouldn’t change it for the world. He is such a little joy and I can’t believe there was a time before he was with us.
stats - remy now weighs 11.4 pounds and is measuring at 23 inches long. He is the 97th percentile for both!
feeding - This little one is a pro nurser he latches perfectly and nurses about 9+ times a day for up to 20 mins! (he must have inherited his dad’s appetite).
sleep - He loves eating so much that he still wakes up 3 times a night for a feed, but he’s content to go straight back to sleep after he has a full tummy. Remy co-sleeps with us and that’s working very well for us.
little remy facts!
he hates to be swaddled
he looooves sacha
he loves being in the baby wrap 
Bear and Sacha
I thought I would write a little on how Bear and Sacha are doing it having a little one around. Sacha is doing amazing, he absolute adores having a baby around which I knew he would as dollies are some of his favourite toys. He’s been super helpful with bringing me nappies and blankets etc. Bear has struggled a little with sharing me which again I knew that would but a slight issue but he never takes his frustration out on the baby. He has started nursing more, he had dropped down to around once or twice a day but now he wants to nurse whenever the baby does which is a slight issue as I don’t want to say no but on the hand, Remy getting the milk he needs is a priority so I often distract him with snacks, books and cuddles etc. He’s not a fan of the crying either but I don’t blame him haha.
if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask! catch you later, bye!
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mekitandco · 7 years
would you like more children?
Not anytime soon but I would love to adopt one day.
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