merelymelafia · 4 years
With Klance back on Fandometrics at the #2 position at the end of 2019, a vast amount of tumblr is reacting towards this ship with incredible negativity. Its being called everything from a crackship to fandom cancer to actual evil, itself - attaching a sort of ‘Kill The Beast’ mindset throughout other fandoms. And I don’t care who or what you ship at the end of the day - but this needs to stop.
Are there other ships that ARE canon and deserve attention? Absolutely. 
But what you need to understand is that the love you have for those other ships, the pride and happiness you have over the characters you support with all your being - we also have for Klance. 
It’s the whole reason we’re even on the year-end Fandometrics despite Voltron being over.
No matter how much you may wish to raise something up to the heights which you perceive it deserves - to tear down what other people love to place it there is a climb that only ends in divisiveness. 
I don’t think it’s incorrect to say that you will still love your ships and advocate for them at every opportunity, sharing in the communities that support what you take joy in - whether your ship is on the Fandometrics chart or not. I will do the same - and ship Klance no matter what popularity has to say about it. Because it makes me happy, because I love seeing its content. 
But no matter who or what you ship, or what fandoms you’re in, take joy in it for its own sake. 
Don’t use other’s expressions of love as fuel for resentment and hostility. 
Because that, is the true cancer.
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merelymelafia · 5 years
The obligatory Voltron S8 Rant...
Lets start with the basics.
You just know that they forced Allurace right at the end so it would make her sacrifice more impactful.
Because HOLY QUIZNACKING GOD, that relationship was NOT mutual.
Lance was so giving and so supportive the entire time - he would have hung the stars in the sky for her. And Allura, consistently, just wasn't.
He was someone she TOOK comfort in but didn't reciprocate in any way unless Lance initiated. He told her MANY TIMES he loved her and right up until the end she responded with changing the subject rather than answering him properly or returning the sentiment. It makes Lance look used - and HAPPY to be so because he's finally with the girl he's fixated on since Day 1!
Which brings up the stereotype for guys where, 'If you're persistent enough and keep pursuing someone (esp girls), eventually they'll return your affections.' Which, I'm sorry, but just no? Not only is that potentially annoying and certainly disrespectful as hell, but it can easily turn creepy and stalkerish. WHY WOULD YOU INCLUDE SOMETHING LIKE THIS??
And on the subject of Allura saying she loves Lance at the end... -INHALES-
YOU. 👏 DO. 👏 NOT. 👏 LOVE. 👏 HIM. 👏
You may care deeply for him as a friend, a paladin, and a part of your space family, but don't you give me this Love crap in a context that's clearly going to be taken as romantic BEFORE BRANDING HIS FACE SO HE CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT HIMSELF WITHOUT REMEMBERING YOU. WTF.
Lance was so clearly NOT her first choice.
Lance did NOT end the show with someone he needed as opposed to wanted.
Lance did NOT have a romantic endgame considering he's alone well into his adult life, stuck in the past, running a farm.
Not only did he deserve better but we were PROMISED better, only to be given THIS.
All they had to do was include ONE SCENE of Lance moving on as an adult (most likely with Keith because did you SEE how coded this show has been? Esp. this season??) and crap would have been decidedly better. But you know what we got instead?
Last minute montage of Shiro getting married to SOME FACE WE DON'T EVEN KNOW. And don't even have a NAME for. Out of ALL THE ALREADY ESTABLISHED CHARACTERS YOU HAD HISTORY AND CHEMISTRY WITH, YOU PULLED A 'SOME DUDE.' WTF... Also, can we all just clearly agree that Shiro has a TYPE. Holy crimes, their nameless Adam-clone wasn't even subtle.
In conclusion, it's often said that it's not the destination that matters, but the journey. In this case, however, the journey is truly what ruined the ending to their stories. There were so many other roads, so many better, higher paths, and here we all stand - abandoned in a mire of What Could Have Been.
No one ever addressed Keith attempting to commit suicide to save the team.
No one ever addressed Lance dying.
No one ever addressed Shiro's PTSD after he LITERALLY died and then got brought back in the body of a clone. Because, yeah, I'm sure THAT'S gone now.
They glanced over Hunk who had desperately wanted to see and help his family by letting him see them and having him IMMEDIATELY go back to war in space... only with food this time.
They glanced over the ramifications of child soldiers with Pidge by having her mom GROUND HER?? Because oh yeah, thats the sort of psycological treatment Pidge is gonna need.
And finally, SO IMPORTANTLY, they left Coran high and dry as the person he cares for most - his very purpose in life - died without even being able to say goodbye. You CAN'T TELL ME with all the Altean Power Ex-Machinas that happened in this show, that they couldn't have allowed them to at least mentally say their farewells in a place that literally fuses all realities and possibilities. WHAT. THE. HELL.
And now it's done. It's over.
I realize it's just a show.
But perhaps the one thing Voltron always tried to inspire became it's greatest Achilles heel:
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merelymelafia · 5 years
voltron s8: is Like That
literally everyone with common sense that KNEW it’d happen but stayed up anyways:
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merelymelafia · 6 years
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I know this isn't exactly the content you're here for BUT IT'S IMPORTANT TO ME. So here, have a process collage. 💜
40% of the world's armed forces use child soldiers. - UN Estimate, 2017
This was an Ad Campaign targeted towards liberating child soldiers I did for my Design Process IV class. It was one of three mazes I made and by far, the most troublesome xD
Built from 4mm EVA Foam with a poster board base; this was built, painted, shot, and composited in under 24 hours with a lot of determination and tears.
If you want to learn more about child soldiers, what's being done, and how you can help, please visit:
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merelymelafia · 6 years
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My submission of Estrella by @elentori-art for the DrawThisinYourStyle challenge that I did a while ago. Also available on my instagram~ (I really just need to transfer everything on my instagram over here. For real.)
She was going to have her oversized, comfy shirt... but then I had too much fun designing the tattoos and felt bad at the prospect of covering them up >> The censorship petals were sort of a pain after that decision though lol Oh well xD -shrugs- 
I like the warmth and her slanted eyes probably the best, though. ^^
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merelymelafia · 6 years
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Another D&D character of mine, Meiyiri’shi the Kitsune.
I was very inspired by all the kitsune art (which I’m positive 90% of came from Otome games XD) with their red eyeliner and traditional garb and just how beautiful and magnificent they’re portrayed as. Obviously, when my next campaign rolled around, I wanted to make one for myself xP Thus, Iri was born!
For the record, she’s a rogue. -dies- XDD
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merelymelafia · 7 years
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My newest D&D character, Nimalai. A 5e, Haunted One. Also posted on my Instagram~
I just scanned my sketchbook then digitally colored over everything, that’s why there’s a wonky line at the bottom and you can still see my pencil marks xP (Also, I’m really lazy but shhhh…)
Haven’t been able to draw much fun stuff lately so Nim was a breath of fresh air for me~
Holy carp, that was a lot of tattoos to do though >> Nim. WHY.
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merelymelafia · 7 years
Listen, I can support Keith going off on his own, chasing after answers through the Blade of Marmora rather than staying with Team Voltron. I can even handle Shiro-ex-machina's sudden reinstatement as the Black Paladin because he really IS a true-born leader.
But what I'm NOT okay with is HOW LITTLE anybody even CARED once Keith was GONE. Not a single mention of missing Keith, worrying if he's safe, or reminder of Keith's absence in conversation with the exception of Allura taking on the role of Keith in their propaganda campaigns. Not even in a negative way after having been so frustrated with him! He was just GONE and everyone was fine. Which is NOT how relationships work.
And you'd think Lance at least would notice! This is, after all, one of his biggest insecurities playing out before his very eyes; only happening to someone else! Keith was the LEADER of Voltron and it turns out - no one needed him after all. And they hardly seemed to even notice when he was gone. Keith has all the skills and potential - and he was easily replaced.
Lance has to already feel replaceable as it is! What with Allura piloting Blue now. You'd think if anyone would notice how painful the sudden replacement and apparent forgetting of Keith was, it'd be Lance.
But nope.
Everyone behaved 100% normal despite their leader, teammate, and friend literally disappearing from their circle.
I'm not saying the team should have mourned Keith's departure. But when someone you care about leaves, you miss them. You're reminded of them in little moments. You wonder how they're doing, ESPECIALLY if their activities include repeatedly going on life-threatening missions! But there was none of that. Instead, there was a subtle, brushed off theme of, 'Dont worry about it - here, have some new characters to interact with instead.'
And THAT is not okay.
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merelymelafia · 7 years
dreamworks: *separates keith from the rest of the team*
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merelymelafia · 7 years
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I told myself I would stop doodling these two on my breaks.
I have no self-restraint.
So here’s another small headcanon for you: I imagine that Cole is actually the one who has the hair skills and Mouse usually gives no cares about how messy his own hair is. But because Cole’s always getting dirty, all those showers make his hair reeeaaaally soft and Mouse likes to braid it for him~ @hootsweets
Again, would have sent this privately over Hexcomic.com but welp... I’m technologically challenged and still can’t figure it out. Yay~
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merelymelafia · 7 years
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“Look at what we can make together.” 
-cough- These two actually rearrange my internal organs to be made of cheese and fluff -cough- 
Also known as: Sudden fan art is sudden. @hootsweets (Would have totally sent it to you personally over your website but I couldn’t figure out how, if there is such an option.)
I have a small headcanon that even though Mouse is the wild one, Cole always ends up being the one covered in dirt and getting scraped up by the end of the day. xP 
Hope you have a lovely day, Sweets.
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merelymelafia · 7 years
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This fucking fish is going to be the death of me
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merelymelafia · 7 years
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merelymelafia · 7 years
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Urbosa, Gerudo Champion ↳ Now I can take this personally.
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merelymelafia · 7 years
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And HERE’S the finished product! Prince Sidon and Link! =^3^=
I STILL haven’t played this game yet *screams into a pillow* but I luuuv Sidon, he’s so adorable and I can see him being the coolest big bro to Link<3
Like my art? Want to support me? :D ✦ ✧ Buy Me a Coffee  ✦ ✧
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merelymelafia · 7 years
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hey guess who’s alive
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merelymelafia · 7 years
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how to make tea
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