merlinscloset · 4 years
Heya, i think i sent in a request about Hijikata here but it never seemed to pop out? I'm sorry if i sound pushy or anything
If it’s the request I think you’re referring to, then yes I have it. It’s not written yet and I sincerely apologize for that! I’ll try to get it out asap.
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merlinscloset · 4 years
Siegfried (Headcanons)
Can you please do headcannons for Siegfried who has a fem!master that struggles socially but wants to get closer to him? Like he notices she stumbles over her words or her hands shake when she tries to talk him etc. How would he handle it? Thanks! -Anonymous
>Siegfried really strikes me as a silent but observant kind of guy.  He’d notice his master was trying really hard to talk to him but was having difficulty.  He wouldn’t address it with his master right away though.  He simply thought that these difficulties were the result of them having first met and it was still kind of awkward.  
>But when he saw that their problems persisted, he would try to talk to his master about it.  He just hesitates because he sees how nervous his master gets when talking to him.  He will try to sit down with his master but if she gets too uncomfortable, he won’t push her.
>He applauds his master for trying their best - he definitely notices their effort.  He makes note of the steps they make, whether it be that they held eye contact for longer or they made it through a sentence without fumbling over words.  He makes sure to praise his master where praise is due.
>When she finally gets to a point where she could talk to him as equals, Siegfried lets out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding.  It is actually refreshing for him to have someone who wants to get closer to him and he’s happy to have helped his master.
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merlinscloset · 4 years
Siegfried (Headcanons)
Could you please do headcannons for how Siegfried would act if he began to develop a crush on his female master? Like would he tell her, would he tell anyone? I know in lore he had kremheild but part of me feels like he still has no idea what he's doing in regards to relationships lol. Thanks! -Anonymous
>He has no idea what these feelings are at first.  He doesn’t understand these feelings of need to be close to his master at all times, and how he can’t seem to take his eyes off of her.  He views their relationship as purely professional but his heart is screaming at him something totally different.
>He’ll keep quiet about it at first; hoping that these feelings will go away with time.  But it seemed that the more he tried to ignore the feelings, the more intense they became.  His master couldn’t even walk by without his heart rate accelerating.  It was really becoming a problem.
>He’d be the type of person to give himself pep talks in the mirror.  It kind of helps him figure stuff out when he verbalizes his problems rather than mull them over in his head.  He realizes what his feelings are towards his master, and it helps him put together a plan to go about it.  
>It takes him a while to work up the courage.  He knows he shouldn’t be feeling so nervous; it’s just his master and they’ve built up a relationship with trust and respect, but he can’t keep his stomach from turning.  He ends up just blurting it out, not thinking that he should decorate his words a little, but it’s still endearing.  
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merlinscloset · 4 years
Archer!Gilgamesh, Cu Chulainn (Headcanons)
Gilgamesh archer, Cu Chulainn relationship headcanon with someone you is oblivious to there advances please -Anonymous
A/N: So for this one, I’m just going to assume you meant standard 3-star Cu; but if you didn’t, feel free to send another ask!
>Your obliviousness is starting to royally piss him off now.  You can almost see the steam coming out of his ears each time you don’t register his flirty compliment.  He’s trying so hard to get through to you and still exercise some modicum of decorum as a king - mainly to flaunt and impress you with his kingly status.  At first, he thought you’re obliviousness and ignorance were adorable, but it wasn’t until after his 11th invite to join him for dinner that you took as purely platonic that he started getting miffed.
>We all know Gil would straight up propose if it meant getting what he wanted, and he’s honestly at that point with you.  He just wants you with him so badly he’s willing to join your lives together right away if that’s what it takes.  Now if you were to realize what he’s going for and if you don’t want marriage, he’ll take a step back.  If it means just courting for the time being, he’ll settle for that.
Cu Chulainn
>This man is the epitome of determined and relentless. Really, he finds your obliviousness super fun and will continue to flirt with you just to see your looks of confusion.  Now like Gil, there are times where he gets pissed and wonders how someone could be that dense, but he doesn’t give up.  Every day he has a new pick up line and his eyes are always to your clothing or hair to find something to compliment.  This man is driven. 
>He won’t go to the extreme like Gil, but he will be blunt and tell you exactly how he feels.  He doesn’t really care about rejection and whatnot, he just hopes that he comes across clear enough that you understand what he’s telling you.  If you do, prepare for an immediate invite to get some food or watch a movie.  If you don’t, prepare yourself for the puppy eyes.
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merlinscloset · 4 years
You might have answered this already, but who’s your top 5 favorite servants? :)
I did top 3 male and female before, but that was a while ago. So this’ll be kind of a ver. 2!
1. Ozymandias (Rider)
2. Katsushika Hokusai (Foreigner)
3. Romulus-Quirinus (Lancer)
4. Edmond Dantes (Avenger)
5. Arjuna (Alter) (Berserker)
It’s always so hard to pick! I love a lot of the servants.
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merlinscloset · 4 years
I hope you’ve been getting enough rest hon!! Please make sure to take breaks and treat yourself now and then!! :D
Thank you, sweet anon! I’m hanging in there!!
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merlinscloset · 4 years
Hey guys! I’m gonna be working on requests a lot tonight, and while I’m doing that, I thought it would be fun to let you guys ask any question you wanna ask me! Anything at all! Send them via the ask box and I’ll answer those while I’m writing!
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merlinscloset · 4 years
TOOOORRRRIIIII!!!! My little penguin please continue to take all the time you need to recover! The whole covid situation is a major writer's block nightmare and I would know (T▽T) Sending love and simp energy ( ˘ ³˘)♥
AAHHHHH Tsuki!!! Thank you so much! I’m steadily coming back, but it takes a village.  and you know i need all that simp energy for my pathetic ass
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merlinscloset · 4 years
Caster!Gilgamesh (Headcanons)
Hey, how are you doing ? I'd like to request hcs for Caster Gilgamesh with a master who feels guilty about the events in Uruk. Like they feel like their one job is to protect everyone and yet they failed to save so many people, and even the King sacrificed himself. I hope you're ok with that ? Thanks ! -Anonymous
>As soon as he gets wind of his master’s feelings, he is on his way to speak with them.  But his wording might be a bit harsher than anticipated.  In his own Gil-ish way, he reminds the master that it is not their place to feel guilty over what happened.  Being king, the repercussions of everything that happened should be weighed on his shoulders.  
>It’s not that he doesn’t understand where the master’s feelings are coming from.  He’s knows about extreme guilt and regret, especially when trying to save people.  He’s just looking at it as; the master was an outsider to Uruk at the end of the day.  Granted, they helped out tremendously and played a huge part in saving Uruk, but they had no prior attachment, and were just there to resolve the singularity.  He holds firm to this point of view when speaking to the master.
>He feels moved that this outsider feels so strongly for those who were lost and the damage done to his country.  He commends them for that.  He ends their encounter with the advice to look ahead to the future.  Isn’t that what the Grand Order is all about?  He reminds them that they have a lot more that they must accomplish, and it won’t do them any good to dwell on what technically happened 4,000 years ago.
A/N: I’m back! It feels so good to post again, and I’m gonna try to get as many requests typed up as I can while I’m grinding the summer event! Thank you all again for being so patient, I love you all!
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merlinscloset · 4 years
Is this blog still active?
Yes! This blog is still active. I haven’t been posting and I sincerely apologize. I’ve been meaning to address this so now I guess is a good time. Things have been super hectic in my life with the COVID pandemic and all. My mental health wasn’t the greatest before the pandemic, but now with this crisis and the pressures of life; it has taken a downward turn. I have been steadily improving and not a day goes by that I don’t try and sit myself down to write some requests. This blog and every one of you who takes out the time to read what I put out mean a huge deal to me and I will be back very soon. I apologize to those who have been waiting on requests, I type up my oldest requests first so they will be published soon. Thank you all for being so patient with me, I love you all and merlinscloset will be putting out more content very soon!
Mod Tori
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merlinscloset · 4 years
Hello! Can i get a shoutout if you don't mind? There are just not enough fgo blogs, so i decided to make one myself!
Absolutely! Glad to see another FGO blog!
If you guys have a chance, you should check out this blog!  Their Fate content is very creative and wonderfully written! I’m sure you all will enjoy!
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merlinscloset · 5 years
Nero Claudius (Headcanons)
Nero x shy S/O headcanons -Anonymous
Nero Claudius
>They do say opposites attract.  Her s/o’s shy nature perfectly compliments Nero’s outgoing and boisterous one.  Because she is not shy in the slightest, the Emperor doesn’t really understand her s/o’s hesitance towards being in social environments.  Although she acknowledges her s/o’s disposition, Nero never hesitates to take her beloved s/o by the arm and parade her throughout the streets of Rome (much to her s/o’s dismay).  She doesn’t do it to make them uncomfortable, she just really wants to show off her great s/o!
>Nero is definitely the one to initiate any form of affection.  Nero is naturally a very affectionate person, and it’s her preferred love language, so she’ll constantly be squeezing the life out of her s/o.  Also, take warning, the first time the Emperor saw her s/o blush from affection, Nero vowed to destroy anything and anyone that came in the way of her sweet s/o and their adorable blushing face.
>Since learning of her s/o’s social hesitation, the Emperor has designated certain spaces to her s/o if they ever need to get away from a social gathering.  Nero has made it especially clear to all of her staff and guards that no one is permitted to enter these spaces; only the Emperor and the s/o are to enter.
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merlinscloset · 5 years
Mata Hari, Circe, Chevalier d’Eon (Fluff)
May i request a Fluff Headcanon for M!master and Either Mata Hari, Circe or Deon? these 3 seem to always be sidelined or they are goofed on too much. you are free to choose who ever suits you. sorry -Anonymous
A/N: How about I do all three!! So sorry this took so long, hope you enjoy!
Mata Hari
>On her days off, Mata Hari loves to walk around towns from the various singularities and be a tourist.  And she’ll always want to bring her Master.  The two of them will walk together through the streets, with Mata occasionally dragging her Master into a shop or bakery.  Mata will then insist they stay to see the sunset in the singularity; that peaceful moment with her Master puts Chaldea and this whole ordeal out of mind for a minute.
>If they have a minute, Circe will throw out the suggestion of playing in the snow with her Master!  She is always looking out the windows of Chaldea, out at the blanket of white that covers the landscape.  Circe longs to touch it, to feel it’s sharp, cold touch.  And there’s no on else she would rather share that experience with than her beloved Master.  Immediately upon going outside, Circe will be down on her knees piling snow together, and as soon as her Master’s back is turned, she’s throwing that snowball directly at him.  Good luck winning that snowball fight.
Chevalier d’Eon
>If this pair has sometime off, d’Eon has plenty of ideas for how they could spend it.  One of these ideas is going shopping.  Chevalier has definitely wondered how her Master would look in clothes other than Mystic Codes.  Cue d’Eon dragging their Master across the eras to try on various clothing.  It may seem to be an odd excuse for getting out of Chaldea, but as long as d’Eon is with their Master, then they are content.
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merlinscloset · 5 years
Merlin (New Year’s)
May I request a New Years kiss headcanon with Merlin 👀? I wanna know like how he times it and plans it. Or even he messes up like the idiot (but very adorkable) he is 😂 -Anonymous
A/N: Doing this request just in time for New Year’s! Accidentally made this a little like a scenario, but hope you enjoy nonetheless!
>This dude has been planning this moment since September.  He loves this tradition, and to him, there’s nothing better than sharing a lovely kiss with his s/o to bring in the new year.  Better yet; if this is the first new years with his s/o, his excitement is practically tripled in anticipation.  He loves to kiss his s/o any day, but this one will be extra special to Merlin, because of the meaning behind the tradition.
>He has this whole thing planned to a “T”.  He and his s/o will be attending the Chaldea New Year’s party together.  They’ll socialize, but, a few minutes before the clock strikes midnight, he’ll lead (read: abruptly teleport) his s/o to a secluded spot overlooking the mountains.  He enlists Fou to bring Merlin a bouquet of flowers from Avalon for him to give to his s/o.  Then, he’ll kiss them when the clock strikes.  Now he waits...
>He’s on pins and needles at the party.  He wants it to be midnight already and it’s only 7 o’clock.  But he has to remain calm and collected.  He doesn’t want his s/o to get a hint that he has something up his sleeve.  The hours painfully continue to tick by.  He’s looking at the clock every minute, waiting for the moment he can make his move. 
>Finally, the clock shows 11:45, and Merlin can’t wait another second.  His s/o was talking to the other servants at the moment, but Merlin’s window is finally here, and he’s not letting all the planning go to waste.  He grabs his s/o with a quick “let’s get outta here”, and teleports to the outside halls.  He starts with compliments and praises, and after a few minutes, the magus snaps his fingers, giving the cue to Fou.  Nothing happens.  Snaps again.  Still nothing.  You can almost see the ‘error, please reboot’ message go off in his head.  Eventually, Fou comes around the corner, lacking any flora.  The beast sees Merlin, sticks out his tiny tongue, and continues walking.
>The magus simply stares for a minute.  He had this all planned.  It wasn’t a huge hiccup in the plan, granted.  But he wanted this night to be special.  His s/o looks on in amusement before looking at their watch: 11:59.  His s/o taps the magus on his shoulder, and as soon as the magus looks up, he gets the kiss he so looked forward to.  He’ll deal with (and probably get kicked by) Fou later.
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merlinscloset · 5 years
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Hello everyone! Hope you all are having a great and hopefully relaxing holiday season!!~
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merlinscloset · 5 years
Merlin (Relationship)
If the ask box is still open, can I possibly get some Merlin X Female Master? I'm a big Merlin fan aaaaa,,,,, -toasterdeity
A/N: Merlin headcanons coming right up!
>If Merlin is attracted to his Master, any Master-Servant relationship boundaries have flown out the window. Merlin’s Rank: A flirting skill comes out ten-fold when he’s around his Master.  His eyebrows are getting such a workout with how much he wiggles them at his Master.  The compliments are seemingly endless, and his Master has pretty much given up on getting him to stop staring at her from across the room.
>Even if a relationship were to happen, Merlin would not stop with his flirting.  In fact, all of the compliments and simple touches with have much more of a romantic undertone to them.  He’ll rest his hands on his Master’s hips and may even get a little grabby.  That damn pervert.
>No matter what day or time it is, he will shower his Master in gifts.  Be it flowers or jewelry or clothing, he always has something to surprise his Master with.  Although, the gifts aren’t tailored to his Master’s tastes, but really more to his.  There are some outfits that Merlin would love to see his Master in.  Totally not suspicious.
>As someone who can see all of the present from his tower, Merlin knows quite a lot about the world.  And because of that, one of his favorite things to do with his Master is to take them traveling!  He tells them all about the history of certain areas, and even some legends that make up that history.  This boi will flaunt to anybody. 
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merlinscloset · 5 years
Mordred (Kissing hc’s)
Well as i recall in the game it is said that mordred dislikes being treated like a girl, but she also hates being straight up treated like a boy. Overall, she acknowledges her gender but medieval mindset had different ideas about girls ^_^;;; A-anyways! XD i was actually going to ask a mordred headcanon from you if its okay and i stumbled upon the whole mordred and her pronoun topic! If it is alright, may i ask for mordred kissing hcwith fem!s/o master ??>\\\< Thank u♡
A/N: Mordred is complex, damn.  
>Since Mordred holds their knight status to a high regard, they won’t be so keen on PDA.  Out in public, their Master is their Master.  There won’t be any affection there.  Maybe a slap on the back or a headpat, but that’s about it.  Now when they’re in private?  Those formalities if mordred has any will go right out the window.
>Mordred is really inexperienced, having never had a romantic relationship before, and just not too familiar with affection entirely.  So their s/o will have to take the lead with that.  As Mordred becomes more comfortable and familiar with affection, they will definitely shower their s/o in all that they can give.
>Mordred, having B+ rank strength, is needless to say very strong.  And they are not always aware of how strong they are.  So when it comes to kissing, Mordred is extremely rough.  Not intentionally, but the s/o will have to tell them to take it easy if that isn’t her cup of tea.
>Mordred is definitely one for longer and deeper kisses rather than short ones.  They say that it brings them closer as a couple each time.
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