Gryffindor Yule Gowns
Gryffindor Yule Ball
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A Virgo in Gryffindor would be a fish out of water, but that is actually what makes them so unique to the house. Everyone would know Virgos for their great work ethic and extreme intelligence. On top of that, it can be argued that they are the most fair and moral out of all the signs in Gryffindor. In fact, they often seem like they’re completely obsessed with being good people. Even though they’re hard workers, they will have their fair share of in-class daydream sessions due to their amazing imaginations and fantasies. Expect influential Alchemists from Gryffindor Virgos.
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A Pisces in Gryffindor will be quietly courageous. They will be more likely to accept the painful truth than other signs in this house. Pisces will be especially compassionate here and will often become the unofficial counselors of the common room. Everyone will trust a Pisces to help them or keep their secrets. Unfortunately, Pisces students will rarely make high marks. Not because they are unintelligent (in fact they are highly intelligent), but because they stuff their heads so full of fairy tales and dreams that they can’t focus on course work. Expect many Healers from Gryffindor Pisces
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An Aquarius in Gryffindor will quickly become known as the Crazy Social Activist, but in an endearing way. They will be the students who show up to class with their pajamas (inside-out) under their robes because they spent all night hanging flyers for Freedom Rallies. They will defend their opinions to the grave and will not tolerate any kind of agenda that seeks to harm another being. However, they do get stressed very easily and tend to lash out at those who they believe are causing the stress. Expect particularly talented Wand Makers from Aquas in this house.
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A Capricorn in Gryffindor will be very reliable and resourceful. They are the go-to people if you need immediate help and want to make sure you won’t be abandoned at the last moment. They have the ability to be exceptional students if only they could get their heads out of the clouds long enough to study. They will have a deep fascination with the creatures swimming in the Black Lake due to their astrological symbol being part mermaid. Expect wonderful Care of Magical Creatures students from Capricorns in this house. 
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A Sagittarius in Gryffindor will be the ultimate jokester. Despite their high intelligence, they generally won’t make very good students because of their desire to do everything at once. They may gain a scary reputation due to their inability to let mistakes slide. You can be sure that if you make a mistake, it’ll be a Gryffindor Sagittarius who corrects you. They will be outstanding extraverts and regardless of their reputations, they will get along with just about anyone! Expect future Professors from this sign.
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A Scorpio in Gryffindor will be a walking contradiction. They will be known as fearsome leaders but will walk alone on a daily basis, jumping back and forth between being loners and social butterflies. They will have a wicked competitive streak and will not accept defeat. Scorpios in this house will be exceptionally passionate and wise, but will not show these aspects of themselves to just anyone. They will also be tornadoes of emotion and can change moods as fast as the weather. Expect extraordinary Defense Against the Dark Arts students from Scorpio Gryffindors.
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A Libra in Gryffindor will be more thoughtful than a typical Gryffindor student. Instead of jumping into everything head first, they will weigh out all their options before they act. They will also have a massive obsession with justice. Unfortunately, this obsession could cause problems for Libras as they may take matters into their own hands if they feel like justice has not been served. Libras in this house will always stick up for the underdogs, no matter what happens to them because of it. Expect strong Aurors from Libras in Gryffindors. 
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A Leo in Gryffindor is right at home. In fact, Gryffindor and Leo share a common animal: the lion. A Leo in this house will be immensely popular due to their exaggerated confidence, friendliness, and charisma. However, they will be extremely sensitive to criticism and will fall apart if rejected. Leos here will be the ultimate drama queens and will have a reputation to confirm that. If Leos can step out of the lime-light long enough to study, you can expect some amazing Transfiguration students.
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A Cancer in Gryffindor will be extremely supportive of their house. They will be the ones to go to every Quidditch match and scream until their throats go raw. Cancers will be especially loyal to all their friends, regardless of house, but if someone makes fun of Gryffindor, there will be major problems. They will also be very sentimental and will often get caught day-dreaming in class. However, sometimes their deeply ingrained idea of the “Hogwarts experience” will interfere with their actual course work. Cancers in this house will also be exceedingly romantic. Expect excellent Divination students from Cancers in Gryffindor.
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A gemini in Gryffindor is a mischief master. The other Gryffindor members will take advantage of gemini’s cleverness and use them to get ahead. The gemini Gryffindor is more likely to be spotted in the library flirting and studying than on the battlefield, as the gemini tends to be a hopeless romantic. The gemini will be the wizard to lose points for their house by getting into clever but pointless debates with their professors. Expect many Daily Prophet writers from this sign.
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A Taurus in Gryffindor will be much less temperamental than other Gryffindor students. However, if you push a Gryffindor Taurus too far, the result will be disastrous; after all, Taureans are not known for allowing themselves to be taken advantage of! They will have an uncommonly strong moral compass and will most likely end up being everyone’s go-to advice guru. Expect extremely loyal friends and lovers from this sign.
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An Aries in Gryffindor will be a natural-born fighter. They will especially want to cause a lot of mischief and will most likely fight regularly with other students due to a short temper. However, they will always be honest and open about what they are feeling and will protect the people they love no matter what. Expect many great Quidditch players from this sign. 
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