metalheadgf · 5 years
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The real leader of Finland. (via KellyWeill)
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metalheadgf · 5 years
I wrote this a long time ago on a different account but here's another thing to read ❤
If Harry Potter was Full House
James and Lily surviving the war
Remus and Sirius moving in with James and Lily because “I don’t know how to take care of a child!”
Remus and Sirius getting S/O and having children 
Growing up with the most supportive family ever
Sirius getting really upset when parts of the family are fighting with each other
“I just don’t want this to end up like my family.”
Being in no danger of this at all
Remus getting really scared every full moon that he’s going to hurt somebody
Harry crushing on Sirius’s daughter
James teasing him because Harry and Sirius’s daughter live two doors away
Sirius finding out and trading rooms with his daughter
He says it’s because he wants to be close to Remus around the time of the full moon
It’s really because he doesn’t want Harry to get any bright ideas
Harry moving on because it’s not going to happen with Sirius’s daughter
Sirius getting really offended 
“Oh, So my daughters not pretty enough for you, eh.”
Him getting over it in 5 minutes 
Getting a pet cat
Remus being the most protective cat mother
“No Sirius we can’t name it Sirius!”
“No Sirius we can’t feed it bacon,” 
“I don’t care if it’s turkey bacon!”
Babies in leather jackets
Sirius being the cool uncle
The Marauders making nice with Severus
Severus becoming part of the family
Severus reading with Remus and helping him with his monthly problems
The Marauders calling Remus’s monthly problem his period
Just the best family in the world to be a part of
Literally every boy growing up and being over 6ft
Knocking heads on door frames
everybody being exceptionally attractive
Just a good looking bunch of people 
having a Library room for Remus and Lily
Ron coming over and loving it because there is so much family just like at his house
Wizards apparating around as they please
It would be great.
 I did a thing and I hope you like it. I worked on it for awhile because I am not creative. This was originally a thing I did on @aveeragemusings blog and I guess she liked it and I like her so yeah. This is literally the first thing I’ve ever written that’s not total garbage so I hope you like it!
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metalheadgf · 5 years
Drip, Drip, Drip...
How did I end up in this situation. Me, of all people. A 14 year old with great potential in life hiding in a bathroom, fearing for her life. My dad is dead. The only family I have left, gone. The pollution took my other family members away frim me along time ago. It's just me on my own now, I guess. I don't know what happened exactly but the only thing I'm sure of is that I will not die today. I stand up in my bathroom.
The damned faucet, it's leaking sounding through the eerie silence. Drip, Drip, Drip. I've always hated that damned faucet. I walk to the door slowly turning the knob and pushing forward. I poke my head out and turn around, my fathers blood still staining the ground and island counter in my kitchen from a month or so ago.
I found him dead laying on my kitchen island, his blood slowly dripping onto the floor. I still remember the sound it made.
Drip, Drip, Drip.
I'm haunted by that very memory, I hear that noise when I least expect it, when I'm starting to feel something again I get reminded of that noise. I walk to my room, my face completely emotionless as I walk pass the kitchen. In my room I get my backpack and start packing all the necessary items so I can leave this house, the house that once held so much love. I pack some clothes and some useful items for the journey ahead of me. I packed three jumpers, four pairs of pants, a couple jackets, underwear, a journal, a stuffed lamb I've had forever, a family photo, a blanket, a small pillow, and a letter from my mom. I leave my room going to the kitchen, in there I find a small kitchen knife and put it carefully in the smallest pocket of my backpack being careful not to damage something. I go to the pantry and get some canned food and bottled water, I got some ravioli and canned peaches. I go to pack the can opener and then I leave. I treck through the autumn leaves covering my yard, they crunch beneath my feet. I don't know where I'm going but atleast I won't have to deal with the memories that reside in that god forsaken house.
Piper Elizabeth ©
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