mhaverse-writes · 4 years
blonde boys are ruining my life! (bakugou x reader)
summary: everything about bakugou rubbed you the wrong way. ever since the first day you met him, you had been at each other’s throats. you absolutely hate him. right?
word count: 3.2k
authors note: happy holidays everyone! here’s my secret santa gift for @bakugoustanaccount . hope you enjoy, lovie!!
warnings: cursing, minor depictions of violence, tension galore, reader is implied poc
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you can't explain it, but everything about bakugou pisses you off.
wait no, you absolutely can. bakugou is a self-obsessed, boorish asshat with no respect. he barrels his way through every situation with little afterthought, always choosing the most destructive solution to his problems. and you can say—with a mild sense of pride—that you are one of those problems.
from the first day of school, you were one of the few students that bit back at the boy's barking with an arguably equal ferocity. in fact, sometimes you actively antagonize him for the hell of it. to the most displeasure of your classmates, you and the blond’s bickering is a recurring and nearly practiced normal. normally, you’d put some thought in how your actions affected your friends, but when you were entangled in your hateful dance with bakugou, all your consideration flew right out the window. classmates be damned—someone needed to put this jerk in his place, and it sure as hell isn’t gonna be midoriya. for now, you are more than happy to bear the burden.
christmas break is around the corner, but that obviously doesn’t matter to mr. aizawa as he works your class down to the wick. grueling training exercises, practice missions and workout routines—the works. now that it’s the last day before break, you’re worried that it will only push aizawa’s sadistic tendencies.
“good morning, class.” he greets with his usual curtness. you all chatter out a response, shaking from the cold. only todoroki seemed virtually unperturbed by the chill. stupid heat quirk. you thought, shuffling from one foot to the other. even bakugou is hugging himself for warmth, though he’s taking great care to make it look like he isn’t. with how much he sweats naturally, it must be even worse for him. you smirk at the thought.
“for our last exercise before break, we will be playing a game,” aizawa drones. everyone perks up at the mention of a game. is aizawa actually gonna go easy on you today? beside you, mina grips your arm and pulls you close to whisper. but before she can even get it out, aizawa continues: “in this game, we’ll need two team captains.”
hands rise, but aizawa ignores them. “bakugou will be captain of team blue.” as expected, a smug smirk stretches at the boy’s face. you scoff. why aizawa continually gives him leading positions is beyond you. surely, he has to be aware of bakugou’s mansion-sized ego? well, at least you are. making a show of rolling your eyes, you hide a fake snort behind your hand. as if trained to your noises, bakugou nearly snaps his neck in half with how quickly he looks at you. you easily counter his death-glare, raising your eyebrows in a silent challenge. he lets out a small ‘tch’ before wrenching his head away. 1 point for me. you thought, a tiny shot of satisfaction darting through your body like a drug. maybe you were the sadist.
“ugh,” groaned mina, looping her arms around your neck and leaning close to whisper discreetly into your hair. “you two wanna kiss so bad, it’s embarrassing.”
you snicker indignantly, reaching around her arms to flick her on the nose. bakugou glances side-long at you, of course he thinks you’re talking about him. well, technically you are, but that’s beside the point. he’s a self-absorbent prick. but why have him just think? you say your next words while looking directly at him: “i don’t even wanna breathe in the direction of him, mimi.”
“cause he be smelling so good,” mina easily counters, draping her head on your shoulder. you can’t see her face, but you know she has that shit-eating grin. “like burnt sugar and daydreams.” you cover your mouth, exaggerating holding back a laugh. bakugou looks like he wants nothing more to come over and rip you apart. he’s more than welcome to try it. you’ve never been close enough to him to smell him, but there’s no way he actually smells like that. more likely, old gasoline and axe body spray.
“why don’t you kiss him then?” you say, not breaking eye contact with him as mina twists one of your stray curls between her fingers, none the wiser. 
“i would never break your heart like that, hun.”
“is there something you’d like to add, (y/n) and ashido?” aizawa’s voice easily cuts off yours. you straighten up, but mina stays firmly attached to you with little care. 
“no, sir, sorry,” you mumble out, face hot. it’s bakugou’s turn to snicker. you dig your nails into your palms and pointedly avoid looking at him.
“good, considering you’re the captain of team red, (y/n),” aizawa says. you stiffen. even mina lifts her head off your shoulder to stare at aizawa in surprise. captain? you roll the word over in your head. you definitely aren’t the weakest of 1-a (mineta will always have that spot) and your quirk was a solid one, but rarely were you put in a position to compete against one of the big three of the class. everyone turns to you, then bakugou, who looks about ready to kill someone. well, more than he usually does. you could hear the collective ‘oh shit’ going off in everyone’s heads. they knew no matter what game this was, it was about to go down. aizawa, the frickin’ sadist.
the game aizawa chose was dodgeball. dodgeball?! this guy is a freak!
before the game had even started you and bakugou were heated. throwing out insults and jabs like your heads would explode if you didn’t respond in time. kirishima—who had you had picked first for your team to spite the fuck outta bakugou—had whispered to you before the game started: “try not to kill each other, yeah?” it was useless to ask, he knew, but he had to try. you glanced at bakugou, who had seemed weirdly angrier watching you and kirishima talk.
“no promises, red.” you smirked. 
and thank god, you didn’t make that promise. the game was a bloodbath. aizawa had barely blew his whistle before bakugou raced to grab a ball, eyes zeroed on you. the whole game you both targeted only each other, which surprised absolutely no one. however, when denki made the mistake of jokingly throwing a ball your direction, bakugou shouted at him: “she’s mine!” you chose to ignore the weird flip your stomach did at hearing that. probably just nausea from moving around so much, or something.
now, almost everyone is out. no quirks were allowed, so it came down to pure dodging skill. with everyone too afraid to get in between your little pissing contest, you and bakugou easily were the last ones standing. balls flew back and forth like rockets, but both of you were too stubborn to even think about letting them hit you.
“are you even trying?” you sneer after narrowly dodging another ball, flexing the rubber ball in your hand like a stress toy. “i thought you’d be more of a challenge, firecracker!” you can almost hear his teeth grinding from across the field.
“shut up, dumbass! i’ll smash your face in so bad, that old nurse won’t be able to make it pretty again!” two balls in hand, he slams them together for emphasis.
“you’re welcome to try, loser!” you shout back, mouth running before your lagging brain catches up with it. eyes widening, you fall out of your battle stance the tiniest bit. did he just call me—?
before you can even finish that thought, bakugou lets out the loudest war cry you’ve ever heard in your life, hurtling the two balls at you at the same time. snapping out of your stupor, you use your own ball to smack the first one away. pain shooting up your arms from the sheer force of it.
you aren’t fast enough to keep the second one from slamming square into your nose. a sickening crack reverberates through your skull, and your face explodes with a sudden warmth. you didn’t even make it to the ground before the world went black.
gonna kill him i swear to god!”
pain. that’s the first thing you register. you wince one eye open before hissing and closing it again. has world always been so fucking bright?
“miss shuzenji, i think she’s waking up!” uraraka voice bleeds into your ears, a normally melodic sound bringing nothing but a dull throbbing in your head. you shirk away from it, but the simple movement causes a wave of nausea to plague your stomach.
“will you all let give her some room to breathe? stop crowding
” everything becomes muffled again, but you recognize that voice. recovery girl. you’re in the infirmary? but what even happened—? then, everything comes rushing back to you, cold as ice. your eyes fly open, no longer caring about the pain.
“i’m gonna kill him!” you snarl, voice coming out rough.
“hey, that’s what i said!” mina’s head pops into view, and you realize you’re laying on a hospital cot.
“and ‘don’t crowd her’ is what i said!” recovery girl hobbles into view, shooing mina away from the cot. she then comes to stand beside you. “can you sit up, honey?”
it takes a second for her words to register. instead of responding, you grip the edges of the bed before dragging yourself up. a hand comes to rest on your back, which you realize is momo helping steady you.
“how long was i out?” you rasp, hand coming up to touch your nose. it wasn’t broken anymore—you must have been unconscious when recovery girl used her quirk on you. you silently thank god for that.
“about 20 minutes. your nose was completely busted, i was so scared!” you feel the tugging of hagakure on your sleeve. you groan, eyes rolling into the back of your head. you lost. he was never going to let you live this down. you can already hear bakugou interweaving his victory into every future argument to come. you were done for.
“you should’ve seen aizawa,” uraraka adds, leaning against the edge of your bed. “he was so angry, it was kinda scary.”
“i was angry!” you finally notice jirou sitting in a chair across from you, jacks waving around. “that jerk aimed for your face on purpose!”
“you had a concussion and a broken nose,” explains recovery girl, ignoring the ranting of your peers. “i fixed both for you, but you’re gonna have a bad headache for the next couple of days. you’re virtually fine, but i want you to stay here for the rest of the day, just so i can keep my eye on you.”
“thank you, ma’am.” you bow your head slightly, but recovery girl merely waves you off before turning to your visitors.
“i’m sure miss (y/n) has enjoyed your company, but it’s time for you to let her get some rest.” the collective protest from your girls brought a tiny smile to your face.
“but she just had a 20 minute nap, doc!” cries mina, making you giggle. momo ushers her and the rest of the girls to the door.
“she’s right guys, we can check on her later,” she says. they all collectively say ‘bye’ before shuffling out. mina however, lingers in the doorway with a grin.
“don’t worry, girl! we’ll kick his ass for you! 
“out!” recovery girl shucks a pillow at her, which mina easily dodges. she blows you a kiss before running off. without your friends near, exhaustion easily overtakes you. you really had given it all in that game. despite your headache, sleep comes easily to you.
you jerk awake, moaning at the beating your head gives you in response. a dull pain pulls at your cheek and you rub, before looking up at the last person you wanted to see right now.
“did you fucking flick me?” you snap. bakugou crosses his arms, indignant, even though he totally did.
“not my fault you sleep like a bear,” he says. a beat of silence passes between you two. then, you abruptly sit up, reach over and smack him as hard as you can in the chest. he coughs from the force if it, slapping your hand away. “ow! the hell’s your problem?!”
“my problem?! my problem is you put me in the infirmary over a game of dodgeball!” you shout, before your eyes widen in realization. looking around, your suspicion is confirmed. recovery girl is nowhere to be found. and if she kicked your friends out, you can’t imagine she’d let your attacker in. “did you sneak in here? 
“wh—no!” he denies it, which you’re pretty sure is a gut reaction to disagree with everything you say. “the old lady had just stepped out for a break so i let myself in.”
“you were waiting for a chance to sneak in?” you ask, incredulous. suddenly, the thought of bakugou hiding around a corner  plays on repeat in your mind. you can’t help but laugh.
“oi, what you laughing at, dumbass!” he shouts, but not too loud. is he worried about being caught? that makes you laugh even harder.
“i’m laughing at you,” you manage between chuckles. “you’re a moron.” bakugou sniffs, turning his nose up like he smelled something rancid.
“says the bitch who let herself get hit in the face.”
“oh yes,” rolling your eyes to the moon, you lean your elbow against the railing of the cot and rest your head on your hand. “i just ran straight into that ball. ran my ‘pretty’ face right into that motherfucker.”
you don’t miss the way bakugou freezes, mouth hanging open with a retort caught on his tongue. was he hoping you had forgotten? scoffing, he decides the ceiling is far more interesting to glare at than you.
“you that self-obsessed? ‘pretty’ isn’t the word i would use,” he grumbles. is he pouting? he’s pouting. adorable. you blink, squinting at yourself. adorable? where did that come from?
“but, you literally did,” you grin up at him. he blanches, snapping his neck towards you. 
“no i didn’t, you god damn nerd! you hit your head too hard!” you let out an honest to god snort, nearly falling over yourself in laughter. bakugou’s seething, growing surprisingly quiet as you got it all out. as fun as teasing bakugou is, you find yourself sobering quickly as the reality hits you like a truck.
“you called me pretty,” you say. the lack of teasing in your voice seems to scare bakugou. he opens his mouth to probably deny it again, but you beat him to it: “why did you come here bakugou? to gloat? you’re doing a pretty shit job at it.” 
bakugou grows silent, his frown slackening slightly as he studies you. a second stretches into eternity. under his shameless scrutiny you feel your face grow hot. you’ve rarely seen him without his teeth bared at you. he looks
weirdly nice.
“um, hel-looo.” you wave a hand in front of his face. bakugou sighs, like this entire moment wasn’t brought on by his actions alone.
“i was
” he scratches the back of his neck, looking uncharacteristically askance. “i just felt bad, okay? i didn’t hit your dumb face on purpose. i thought you’d at least be competent enough to dodge it.”
is he
apologizing? bakugou??? well, of course he couldn’t do it without insulting you, but it was probably the closest you’ll ever get to a real one. a foreign warmth spreads at your chest and you fight down the urge to smile at him. apology or not, he’s still bakugou katsuki. a self-absorbed jerk. but—your rationality argues—would a real jerk go out of his way to sneak into the infirmary just to say he’s sorry?
“awww, you were worried about wittle ol’ me?” you tease. it’s a force of habit at this point. you can’t help to push his buttons. he fumes, metaphorical steam blowing out his ears. he begins to stomp away and your heart strangely sinks.
“ugh, whatever. go back to bed and snore like a dog—!”
“bakugou, wait!” throwing your blankets off, you slide off the bed to try and follow him. bad idea. head spinning, you stumble backward and careen towards the ground. concussion number #2 here you come.
an arm wraps around your waist, dragging you forward. letting out a sharp shriek, you brace your hands against bakugou’s chest to avoid slamming your face into it. his hand stays around your waist and the other grips your elbow to keep you from swaying. my god. you think, looking up at him with wide eyes. this close, you’re enveloped in his scent. he really does smell like burnt sugar, mina wasn’t lying.
“you’re so fuckin’ clumsy,” bakugou says, voice quiet as if he’s telling you a secret. in the empty infirmary it still felt so loud. “no wonder that ball hit you.”
“oh shut up,” you hiss, smacking him lightly on the chest, beginning to pull away. but bakugou’s grip on you tightens.
the air shifts. you stare at bakugou with what you’re sure is a dumb looking face, lips parted slightly in surprise. what is he doing? you ask yourself, but you’re pretty sure that you already know. you don’t know if your pounding heart is from excitement or fear. maybe a little bit of both.
“w-what’s all this, huh?” you curse yourself for stuttering, but manage to continue. “you want a excuse to look at my pretty face?” maybe if you keep up the act, he’ll remember that he’s supposed to hate you. bakugou lets out a loud ‘tch’ and you’re sure he’s about to pull away from you and pretend this never happened. you can’t help the tiny seed of disappointment planted in your gut. but why would you be disappointed? you hate bakugou. and he hates you. right? the way he pulls you closer against him says the exact opposite.
“maybe i do. you got a problem with that?” he grumbles. it’s here you notice the faint pink dusting his cheeks. oh. oh.
“n-no,” you say, voice barely above a whisper. your answer surprises both of you. “not really.”
the silence that follows is deafening. your heart is lodged in your throat and you try to remember to breathe as bakugou’s hand moves from your elbow to join the other on your waist. you weren’t sure who made the first move—you, him, or both of you—but it didn’t seem to matter as your lips finally brush together— 
“HI (Y/NNNNNNNNN)!” the door to the infirmary bursts open, and you and bakugou jump away from each other, looking guilty as sin. mina skips through the door, a tray with two lattes balanced in one hand. “recovery girl said you were good to—!” one look at bakugou and mina freezes. you can literally see the cogs working in her brain as she comes to a conclusion at what the hell bakugou is doing here and why he was so close to you. you try to remedy it before it’s too late.
“oooooo, were you two kissing???” mina asks, eyes shining with mischief before she starts to laugh. you can see the brimstone burning in bakugou’s eyes as he jabs an accusatory finger in her direction.
“how long were you spying, raccoon eyes?!”
“chill, ‘suki i was just kidd—!” then mina stops laughing. mina stops everything. you’re surprised she doesn’t drop the lattes in shock. shit. bakugou just told on himself. “no way!” she shouts, a bright grin on her face. tiny explosions dance along bakugou’s palms as he glowers at the girl.
“one fucking word, pinky, i swear—!”
but mina had already turned on one heel, safely discarding the drinks in one corner before booking it down the hall.
god, you were so screwed.
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mhaverse-writes · 4 years
This is my secret Santa gift for @mhaverse-writes I hope you like it!💕
Genre: Fluff
Character(s): Dabi
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“It’s nothing but a few scrapes and bruises babe—
“Dont ‘babe’ me.” You say taking a small cloth and dabbing his face. Clearly it wasn’t just some injuries if his face kept contorting in pain.
“I’m guessing you watched the news huh?” Dabi asked.
“Of course I did,” you told him “All the media outlets do is talk about the LOV.” Taking apart some bandages and applying it on his now cleaned wounds. “The police puts out so many warrants for your arrest it’s mind boggling.”
“Tch, screw em’ not like they’ve been doing a good job of catching us.” He responds before his eye lightly twitched when you placed a bandage near it.
“There...all done.”
“Thanks Y/n,” Dabi moved In closer towards you. “You’re a—
But before he could say anything further, you stood up and walked away from him, going onto your balcony. Of course he’d follow you out there with an eyebrow cocked in confusion. “Babe?”
“That last fight you had...” Y/n spoke. “It was brutal when you fought those heroes. I watched you...I was so scared.” You glanced over to him.
"I thought..I wouldn't get to see you again..." You said quietly. Dabi looked at Y/n, they had pure sadness and worry in their eyes. He sighed to himself before approaching you again. He tilted your head so he could look into your beautiful (e/c) pupils while you stared back at his icy blue ones.
“I’m ain’t going anywhere anytime soon doll.” He spoke. “Once me and the league turn society on its head, then maybe we can kinda, I don’t know, settle somewhere. Y’know?” He rubbed his head, doing his best to not divert eye contact upon his confession.
“You..You really want that? With me?” Y/n asked.
“Yeah.” He says.
“Just,” You let out a relieved breath. “Just be more careful, please?”
“Sure” he says before giving a small chuckle,
“Besides there’s some thrill in seeing me fight huh?” Dabi smirked while you quietly laughed, with that he finally closed the gab in between you with a kiss, more tender and sweet than the others you’ve shared.
"You're so..reckless.. you know that?" You breathed out in between kisses.
“Eh, that’s alright.” He says nonchalantly, a lazy grin plastered on his face. “Anything for my doll face~”
Ik it’s kinda short but I hope you like it đŸ„ș Happy holidays!
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mhaverse-writes · 4 years
It's your secret santa! :D Would you be okay with me writing a general fluff fic about Dabi???
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mhaverse-writes · 4 years
do y'all wanna do sumn? like a 1k special?? can one of y'all educate me i have no idea what to do haha.
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mhaverse-writes · 4 years
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free time with my songbird 🐩 ❀
I tried something a little bit different today. I kind of like it better...
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mhaverse-writes · 4 years
burning cold. (dabi x prohero!reader)
author’s note: oh, hi. uh, this is awkward. remember when i said i was coming back like months ago then i didn’t? good times, good times. well after a rough patch irl, i’m officially back! hope you didn’t miss me too much uwu. anyways, onto the story, i hope you enjoy! thanks for reading <3 - with love, rj
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description: while working undercover at a club looking for a target, you run into the last person you wanted to see. the dangerous villain, dabi, who just so happens to be your very forbidden ex. though you’re trying to move on, dabi isn’t ready to let you go just yet.
warnings: cursing, suggestive content (some smoochin’ and heavy pettin’ ya dig?), dabi being massive a dick
                                            Â ïž”â€żïž”â€żïž”â€żïž”â€żïž”
"Hey, baby. You come here often?"
"Go to hell, Dabi."
From your seat at the bar, you take a quick sip of your drink before checking that your ear piece was off. You glance around to make sure none of your colleagues have noticed the poorly-disguised villain trying to 'pick you up,' but let out a tiny sigh of relief as they're too preoccupied with scouting for the target. Dabi chuckles, drawing your attention back to him, his smug face souring your mood the longer you look at it.
"If you're here to arrest me, you're doing a shit job at it," He idly runs his finger across the rim of his glass while resting his elbow against the bar and his head in his hand. His lack of caution with the fact that he's sitting next to a literal pro-hero isn't anything new, but it still annoyed you to no end. Did he see you as some kind of joke? Or he just knows you aren't going to do anything about it. God, the fact that he's so certain of his safety pisses you off even more.
"Shut up, I'm not here for you," Snapping with a bite that only makes his grin widen, you turn in your seat rather fast, spilling a little bit of your drink onto the floor. You ignore it, and do your best to ignore him as you rake your gaze across who you were really here for. Dabi turns as well, making a show of stretching before resting his arm behind you on the bar table. You feel your eye twitch, risking a look at him. He has his hand over his heart in mock hurt.
"Your claws wound me, kitten." Though he's speaking in his usual lazy drawl, somehow it isn't hard to hear him over the vibrating bass of music pounding your ears. It also didn't fail to send a tiny chill down your spine at the sound of the almost nostalgic nickname. You do your best to quell it, but it's Dabi of fucking course he notices. His grin is nearly lecherous, but he doesn't speak on it, thank God.
"Why are you here anyway? How did you find me?" Curiosity getting the better of you (the whole summation of your relationship with Dabi, if you're being honest) you turn to meet his icy blue stare, scowling hard to make sure you didn't get lost in it.
"Maybe 'I'm not here for you.'" Dabi parrots, eyes not leaving yours as he takes a sip of his drink. Your first instinct is to call bullshit, but a nagging insecurity at the back of your brain envisions him with someone else. Jealousy churns in your stomach, ugly and rancid, before you bury it down in disgust. Why should I care? Your rational side argues. It's good that he's moved on, that way he'll leave me the hell alone. But you know deep down, you're lying to yourself. Though you're pretty sure you'd rather nosedive off a cliff before admitting that.
Either way, you've entertained this long enough already. Grabbing your drink, you down the rest of it before moving to stand. The muted surprise on Dabi's face-- though it's as simple as his eyes widening the smallest amount-- doesn't fail to bring you satisfaction. He may think you're willing to give him all of your attention, but you are more than happy to prove him wrong.
Dabi, however, obviously is not.
Before you can even think, Dabi's hand snatches your wrist and drags you backward, sending you careening into his chest. You scoff up at him. Was he being serious right now?
"What the hell do you think you're--?!"
Dabi's lips fall to your ear and you're barely able to contain a shiver. "Your little 'target,' is onto you, kit. Three o' clock." Eyes widening, you instinctively turn to look, but Dabi tightens his hold on your wrist and whisks you away, leaving you stumbling after him as you try to keep up with his long legs. He expertly weaves you both through the oblivious crowd, before bodily moving you into a tiny corner on the other side of the club. You try to check on your teammates, but your attention is snatched by Dabi as he takes up every inch of your vision, pinning you against the wall. His cold eyes twinkle with amusement as he takes you in slowly.
"Y'know, I really missed you, sweet thing," You would almost think he's sincere if it weren't for the way he isn't sincere at all. He dips his head down and presses a kiss to the shell of your ear. You can't help but whimper, kicking yourself mentally right after. You can't do this right now! Your target is not only suspicious of you, but the fact your team could catch you with Dabi at any second seizes your stomach with fear. You reach up to your ear piece to turn it on. If you request assistance, maybe you could scare Dabi off.
Your fingers graze only the empty inside of your ear. Panic bubbles in you, burning cold. You look up at Dabi, to find your earpiece clutched daintily between his teeth. No. You reach forward, but aren't fast enough to stop him before he crushes it with a flex of his jaw.
You're alone.
Alone with him.
"Aw, don't look so scared, kit." He spits the busted thing out. You don't have time to register how gross that is before he takes another step close, even closer, bowing his head until your noses brush. Dabi's eyes flick down to your mouth. Your heart stops. "I'll protect you."
His lips crash into yours and you can't help the moan that leaves from deep in your chest at the feeling. Completely losing all reason, you arch into Dabi, hands grabbing the lapels of his jacket and pulling him flush against you. You feel him smirk against your lips and a small part of you argues that you giving into him is a bad thing. But honestly, can it be so bad when it feels so unbelievably good?
Dabi pulls away all too soon and you damn near whine, chasing after his lips fruitlessly. Leaning back to his full height, Dabi considers you while looking all too pleased with himself. You’re too blissed out to care. God, you'd forgotten what his kiss felt like, did it always knock the breath out of you so fast?
"Here's the sitch, hero." He says, calloused hands tracing your features. You melt into them, despite yourself. "I wasn’t lying when I said I wasn’t here for you. Thing is, the little snitch you're after has unfinished business with us. And you taking him in--well--causes some problems for me and my team."
That gets you. Snapping out of your stupor, you blink up at him, eyebrows creasing. Is this what this was? He was only trying to distract you? You dig your nails into your palms, cursing yourself for not seeing this sooner. If Dabi was here, damn well Toga or someone else could be here too. If Toga was here, you wouldn't even know who she was. What if she already took advantage of you abandoning your post and snatched up the target? Hell, she could already be halfway back to their base with him!
"You bastard!" Damn near snarling, you shove him back with all your might, face hot with embarrassment. "Is that why you cornered me here? To get me away from your fucking snitch?!" Dabi merely chuckles. God, you wanted to punch him right in his stupid mouth.
"No, baby. I brought you here because I missed you,” His thumb ran over your bottom lip, retreating when you tried to bite him. “And tell you to back off.” Though he's still smiling, all humor has drained from his voice, making your blood run cold. "I'd hate to have to dirty up that pretty little outfit of yours. I'll take it from here."
"Like hell you w--!"
"There you are!"
The voice of your superior sends relief and fear rushing in you at the same time. You whirl to face her, trying to mask the shame threatening to swallow you whole.
"S-starlight!" You squeak, standing at attention. You glance at Dabi, to find he's already gone, the dancing crowd overtaking where he once stood. Oh, thank God, you think, before freezing up again. He was off to get the target. You didn't have much time.
"Where did you go?" Starlight demands, her iridescent nails digging into your shoulders as she grasped them. "I was worried you'd been compromised."
"W-we're not alone, Star," You stutter out, mind still reeling from the feeling of Dabi against you. Despite the fact he tricked you, it didn't stop the way your body still tingled at the thought of him. Jesus, you were done for. "The League is here, they're after the target too!" You left out Dabi. You left out Dabi?! Fuck, you were protecting him!
"What? Did they hurt y--?"
"No, no, I'm okay. But we need to hurry before--!"
Before you could finish, the sound of screams ripped your body from the inside out. Oh, no.
You and Starlight rush into action, following the screams towards the middle of the dance floor, where a crowd had gathered. You noticed the rest of your team pushing against people as well, struggling to get to the middle. But you didn't have to get there to see what happened next.
Blue flames fanned out in a hot arc, prompting the crowd to back away even further, shoving you and Starlight back. Dabi emerged from the fire, clutching your limp target, a sweaty, plump, balding man by the collar of his shirt. God, was he...?
"Dabi!" Starlight shouts, pure energy bursting to life from her palms. She used a beam of hard light to propel herself up and over the crowd, aiming towards the man. Your heart drops. For Starlight, Dabi, or both, you're not even sure.
Before she can reach him, however, Dabi takes off, using his flames to scare the crowd away, clearing a path for himself. The fire begins to spread and everyone shakes out of their shock to replace it with panic. The people run in different directions, struggling to escape the flames. Starlight and your teammates attempt to fight the crowd and chase the villain, but you stay stuck to the spot, cradling yourself to find some sense of comfort. You knew they weren't going to catch him. You've lost the target.
And it's all your fault.
Sighing, you kick into gear, following Starlight and pushing against the panic and eventually making it outside. The chill of the night is refreshing, but does nothing to ease the weight on your chest. Though you knew Dabi was long gone, it hurt even more to see it. He had played you. Again.
And something tells you it won't be the last time.
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mhaverse-writes · 4 years
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mhaverse-writes · 4 years
hey y'all!
ik i haven't been that active, but school ends for me next week, so be prepared for a whole bunch of new content as I go down the list of the requests i have. thanks for sticking around, my loves. stay safe in the mean time❀
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mhaverse-writes · 4 years
me, (about 12 different characters): I love one man.
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mhaverse-writes · 4 years
wow this is great!!
we should just kiss
✭.ăƒ»âœ« .・. bnha masterlist
Katsuki catches you crying in the after hours of class.
inspired by @lookslikeleese’s nurse office scene in Notice. đŸ„Ž i’ve been obsessed with making out w bakugou since
“It’s you,” Bakugou observes. Smeared mascara cascades your cheeks in long talons of black. Stray tears blink passed your eyelashes despite your effort to contain them. He’s distraught, “You cry?”
You take a long sniff. “Eat my ass.”
Keep reading
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mhaverse-writes · 4 years
Hey! Do you write for Hawks?
yes i do, lovey, no one’s sent me a request for him yet, sadly. care to change that?
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mhaverse-writes · 4 years
Idk how I hadn't found you before but good god I love your headcanons ahhhhhhhhhhhh
eeeeee thank you, love!
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mhaverse-writes · 5 years
hullo honey ! do you have a rules post ?
sure do! it’s one of my first posts on here. i think you can find it if you look up rules in my blog search bar thingy. cheers!
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mhaverse-writes · 5 years
Hello! Do you write for Tokoyami?
sure do, love!!
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mhaverse-writes · 5 years
Hey! Could I get how a relationship between bakugou and a really shy girlfriend would look like? 💞💓💕
sure thing, darling! sorry for the wait,,,
warning: cursing probably, bakugou’s is bad at feelings
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bakugou with a shy s/o:
the only way i can see this working out is if your shy in an endearing way
i can’t see bakugou with someone who isn’t strong in some kinda of way,,,, like have you met him lmao an utter wimp would get on his fucking nerves
but if your just like,,, anxious and a lil bit of a doormat?? bakugou can make it work
your comfort zone will be pushed, if not obilterated on impact tho
if someone says something bad about you he does not care how much you hold him back he is fighting
he will actually shout to the heavens about how much you rock
it’s not that he’s trying to make you uncomfortable, he’s just bakugou
if you actually become upset over his more extreme outbursts, he’ll do his best to dial it back
he’s pretty good and brooding and glaring, so he’ll just do that to whoever hurt you while making threatening gestures at them when you’re not looking
he actually fucking chills out the longer he’s dating you
everyone liked that.
he doesn’t care that the guys tease him over being whipped he’s legit like: “and what about it??” lfeinerog so don’t worry about that
he’ll def try to help you be more confident
“we are gonna do laps while screaming about how awesome we are!!”
“katsuki we have homew-”
“did i stutter, nerd????”
also you catching him giving you the softests looks
a lot
like you turn to check where he is in a crowd and find him softly smiling at you
once he realizes you’re looking he just scoffs and turns away from you
it’s not his fault your cute or whatever
ya’ll cute tho
you balance each other out perfectly
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mhaverse-writes · 5 years
Howdy! I’ve been looking lately and I have noticed a drastic shortage of Alpha Endeavour/Enji Todoroki x female omega reader fics. I would prefer nsfw/smut/lemon like the reader surprisingly sent him into a rut by accident. I’m a sinful person so pls don’t hold back on the bdsm sauce. Thank you!
Hello there!! Sorry, but I'm not entirely comfortable with writing for abusers!! Especially abusers of children! Please feel free to send in any other character though! I appreciate your understanding.
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mhaverse-writes · 5 years
Can I get some hcs for Mina reacting to her male s/o getting a tattoo of her on his arm (try to keep it as sfw as you can please)
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she is over the moon when she sees the words ‘ashido’ ingrained across your forearm she can’t e V E N
suffocates you in hugs and kisses cuz she can’t express how happy she is!!!
for the next few weeks she’ll be attached to your arm (literally), grinning from ear staring at your tattoo
she’ll definitely want to get one of your name too in the same place!! the idea of you two matching just makes her so happy!!
dear god save your classmates from you two, the next few months are just insufferable doting
but nothing can stop you two lovebirds!! 
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