midgarddaughter · 4 months
Witch Princess
Chapter 4
Hallo everyone. I was busy with work so the new chapter take some time. But i hope you enjoy the new one.
Draco x Y\N Morningstar
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In the Hufflepuff common room, Y/N was warmly welcomed by her new classmates. After the tense situation at the welcome feast, it seemed to have spread that the new student was a friend of Malfoy, so the topic was wisely avoided.
"I hope you settle in well here," smiled Nora Rosey, a fifth-year girl. "The beginning of the school year can be challenging until you get used to it, but it gets calmer afterward."
"I believe that," laughed Y/N, nestled in a cozy chair with legs curled up and a soft pillow on her lap. "It's the first time I've been away from home for so long. Do you ever get homesick?" She bit her lip uncertainly, reluctant to show her vulnerable side.
"Of course," Ann chimed in, sitting next to Rosey. Ann, Y/N's age, had dark skin, curly hair, and radiant blue eyes. Beautiful, Y/N couldn't help but think. "But it passes. Once you've made friends or are buried in schoolwork." She laughed.
The evening was filled with conversations and hot cocoa by the fireplace in the Hufflepuff common room. Throughout the night, more students, including Cedric, joined them. Cedric apologized for his behavior at dinner, which Y/N accepted with a smile. Although she actively participated in conversations, she often sat back, observing her new classmates with a smile and just listening.
"I'll head upstairs now," Y/N yawned, tired. "So much excitement in one day; I'm not used to it." She wished her new friends a good night.
"Wait, I'll come with you," Ann said, standing up. "We share a room."
"Really?" Y/N's eyes lit up. Her new friend nodded, linking arms with her. "I've never had a roommate before."
"You better get used to it quickly," Ann grinned, and Y/N beamed back.
In their room, Y/N was greeted by her ravens at the end of her bed. "Hello, Roan," she beamed, receiving a croak in response.
"Oh my God, you have a tame raven," Ann marveled, her blue eyes wide. "How cool is that?" Y/N's initial fear of her unusual companion vanished, replaced by pride. What would they think when they see her cat, she wondered, looking around. Surely, she's exploring the castle; hopefully, everything goes well.
Although Y/N could hardly keep her eyes open, she talked almost the whole night with her new roommate—casual conversations without sticking to a specific topic. Ann wanted to know everything about Y/N raven, whom Ann had now befriended and was excitedly petting. Eventually, fatigue overcame them, and they fell asleep together.
The start of her school time couldn't have begun any better. The next morning, Y/N went to the Great Hall with Ann. Immediately, the blond boy at the Slytherin table caught her eye. As if he had been eagerly waiting for her, his eyes were already on her. She smiled and waved briefly at him while listening to Ann. Draco couldn't resist the grin on his lips and nodded to her. This did not go unnoticed by his friends, and soon, the entire Slytherin table was observing Y/N. Shyly, she turned away and sat at the Hufflepuff table. A soft laugh escaped Draco, confusing his friends who looked at him.
"You and Malfoy, huh?" the black-haired girl teased.
"Please, don't start," Y/N said, looking at her new friend with discomfort.
"I'm just saying. It's a pretty unusual combination between you two. I saw you in the corridor yesterday. Do you know each other from before?" she asked genuinely interested.
"No, not at all. I met him on the train," Y/N replied, filling her plate. "He was actually quite nice. I don't know why everyone reacts so strangely."
"Malfoy isn't known for making new friends quickly," she gestured with her fork behind her. "Look, everyone around him has known each other since childhood. Their parents are friends or move in the same circles. Work together, went to school together. All pure-blood witches and wizards. They would never associate with a half-blood like me, let alone a Muggle-born."
Uncertain, Y/N looked over her shoulder. Draco was engrossed in conversation with the boy opposite him. His forehead was furrowed as if he were explaining something. But then, her eyes met the eyes of the black haired girl beside Draco, and Y/N embarrassed, turned away.
"That doesn't change the fact that he's nice to me," Y/N mumbled uncertainly, poking at her food. So what if Draco was raised in an elitist family? So what if he was biased and... racist? Y/N sighed. Suddenly, her hunger was gone. What would he think of a wild witch like her? He was already biased against her house, but yesterday she felt like he accepted her as she is. Even as a Hufflepuff. But where was the line for him?
After the meal, they went to their first class together. Thanks to Ann, Y/N didn't have to worry about getting lost. Y\N hadn't looked at him throughout breakfast. The new information about her charming new friend had stirred up too much within her.
Meanwhile, Draco noticed Y/N's unusual behavior. After such an obvious greeting, he expected more from her. While explaining to Blaise that he knew Y/N before she became a Hufflepuff and that she might still be useful to him, especially since she was new to the country, and he knew nothing about her family, he almost believed his own words. He didn't want to risk jeopardizing any business relationship his father might have with her family. Yet, he knew something stirred within him, something he had never felt before, something he needed to explore. When Y/N left the hall without looking at him again, he furrowed his brow. Had those damn Hufflepuffs convinced her of what a monster he and his family were?
"Let's go," he grumbled, standing up. They had Herbology together, and if he played it right, he could secure a seat near her without attracting attention. Upon reaching the greenhouse, he immediately spotted her. How could he overlook her warm blond hair? Grimacing, he realized there was no seat available near her. His friends sat in their usual spots at the back, far away from Y/N. His mood plummeted. He sat between Blaise and Matheo, staring sullenly at the table. Madam Sprout arrived shortly after, and the class began.
"Pssst, Malfoy, your girlfriend is looking over here," Blaise whispered, nudging him. Draco's head shot up. Indeed, he hadn't noticed the excellent view he had of her. Perhaps the seat wasn't so bad after all. After recovering from his surprise, he gave her a warm smile, something his friends had never seen before. It was new for Draco, but it felt right. Y/N returned the smile, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. He needed to talk to her; something was wrong.
"Mister Malfoy," Madam Sprout's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Judging by your intense gaze, you must have listened carefully."
"But of course, Madam Sprout, who wouldn't want to listen to you," Draco replied, unable to suppress the triumphant smile when he saw Y/N trying to hold back laughter.
"Oh, if that's the case, I'm sure you can tell me what you need to get for the next class." She looked at him expectantly. Draco swallowed; she knew he hadn't been paying attention. In his peripheral vision, he noticed movement, and his eyes shifted to Y/N. She discreetly held a note in front of her, with faint words he could barely make out.
"But of course," he nervously cleared his throat, his eyes shifting from Y/N to Madam Sprout and back. "Mandrake seeds," he began listing, "and gloves made of, um, Graphorn leather." Madam Sprout eyed him suspiciously.
"Next time, please do without the help of Miss Morningstar," she said, prompting a quiet laugh from the class. Draco couldn't help but grin, especially when he saw Y/N blushing. "I can't promise that," he winked at Y/N, who hid her red face behind her hair, suddenly finding it very interesting. Madam Sprout continued with her lesson.
Merlin, she's adorable.
His bad mood was forgotten.
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midgarddaughter · 5 months
Witch Princess
Chapter 3
Draco x Y/N Morningstar
Happy New Year everyone.
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"Why are you starting just now? Where were you before?" Y/N looked up from her plate. Susan Bones sat across from her, looking curious. Around Y/N, things had calmed down after Dumbledore ensured silence for his speech. She had requested the school not to focus on her background. She didn't want to be treated differently just because she came from a well-off family. She wanted to find genuine friends who liked her for who she is, not for her status.
"I was homeschooled," Y/N explained briefly to the many curious students around her. "My father arranged it with Dumbledore."
"Why would he do that? Were you too sick to come here?" asked Hannah Abbott, surprised.
"I really don't want to talk about it," the blonde replied honestly and continued eating.
"What?" Susan and Hannah looked at each other in confusion. "Why? Is it that bad?"
"Please respect her boundaries," Cedric Diggory intervened. He stood behind Y/N and gestured to the seat next to her. "May I?"
Surprised, Y/N looked over her shoulder at the older boy. Returning his smile, the young girl nodded and shifted a bit to make more space for him.
"Cedric Diggory, pleasure to meet you, Y/N," he said, shaking her hand. "I'm the Hufflepuff prefect." Y/N's gaze wandered to the badge on his robe. "I'd like to show you around after the welcome feast. We can go through your schedule, and I'll show you the classrooms so you won't get lost tomorrow."
"Thanks for the offer, but I already have someone from another house showing me around," Y/N politely declined.
"Oh really?" The smile faded from Cedric's lips. "Who?"
"Draco." She gestured casually to the neighboring table. "We met on the train, and he offered."
Shocked, Cedric followed her gaze and saw the blonde Slytherin, who looked far from pleased.
"Really?" Cedric uncertainly laughed. "Malfoy?"
"Yes, is that a problem?" Y/N frowned at him.
"Well, Draco usually only cares about himself."
Y/N looked uncertainly at Draco. He stared at her intensely. But he had offered, hadn't he?
"Maybe you just don't know him that well," the blonde shrugged and continued eating. "Anyway, he offered, and I accepted."
"If you say so." He says, "If anything happens or he hurts you, you can always come to me," the brunette boy added.
"Seriously, Diggory?" a cold voice interrupted. Y/N looked forward and saw Draco standing directly behind Susan and Hannah. "Not the Hufflepuff way to speak ill of others."
Y/N furrowed her brow. Was this really the Draco she met on the train? On the other hand, Cedric hadn't spoken highly of him either. Uncertain, she looked from the blonde to the brunette.
"Oh, I would never do that. But you hardly have feelings that can be hurt," countered the brunette. Draco clenched his jaw. Y/N had to admit he looked even more attractive like this.
"Can we go then?" he growled at Y/N. She didn't take it personally, nodded, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and stood up. "Sure. Take care," she waved to her Hufflepuff classmates before following Draco. Y/N didn't notice the puzzled looks the mismatched pair received. Draco held the door to the Great Hall open for her. Thanking him with a smile, she walked through.
The corridor was quieter than the hall. "I'm sorry about earlier," Y/N broke the oppressive silence. She looked up at him, but he stared straight ahead stubbornly. "As if I care what a Hufflepuff thinks," he muttered.
"But I am a Hufflepuff." He quickly looked at her. His inner self painfully tightened as he saw her hurt expression. His expression softened, and suddenly, his inner conflict was forgotten. "And I can overlook that," Draco smiled and leaned down to her. "Because it's you."
With glowing cheeks, she turned away. "Jerk," she chuckled shyly.
"Let's start outside by the greenhouse," Draco changed the subject. He placed his hand on her back and gently led her outside.
The cold September air brushed against her ears, and the darkness concealed her flushed cheeks. The greenhouse was a dream come true for Y/N. The variety of plants and tools, all that space. Smirking, Draco observed the girl as she admired everything with shining eyes.
"Madam Sprout is the Herbology teacher and, by the way, the Head of Hufflepuff," Draco didn't have much positive to say about the subject, so he stuck to facts.
"Madam Sprout used to visit me every season for a weekend," Y/N began to tell. "For each season, she had suitable tasks and always brought a new plant along. Sometimes it was about caring for elaborate plants optimally throughout the year."
"Must be nice to get private lessons," Draco noted.
"It is. But also very lonely." With a sad smile, she looked at Draco. He wanted to respond, but Y/N was quicker. "Could we go somewhere warmer?"
Draco looked at her more closely and only now noticed how she was shivering. He was accustomed to the cold and had learned spells that kept him warm. After all, it was only truly warm in the common rooms of the houses, and even that wasn't always the case for Slytherin House.
However, Draco nodded and led her back inside. "What classes do you have on the first day?"
"Wait." She fished her schedule out of her robe and looked at it. "Potions, Ancient Runes, and Astronomy."
She folded the schedule back up and tucked it away before rubbing her hands together for warmth.
"You really should learn a few warming spells," Draco advised, and she looked up at him. "It rarely gets truly warm here."
She looked at him in distress. She wasn't a fan of the cold, and she tended to catch colds quickly. If she had known earlier, she would have learned some spells.
As they walked down the hallway to the Ancient Runes classroom, she suddenly felt something warm around her. Confused, she looked down and discovered a second robe.
"It would be a shame if you got sick in your first week," Draco's voice sounded from behind her. She still felt his hands on her shoulders. Did she imagine it, or did they rest there longer than appropriate? She looked at him shyly with wide eyes.
"Thank you." She snuggled more into the cloak and enjoyed the warmth he radiated. And that scent. What was it? Leather, peppermint, and a bit... something fruity. It felt very calming to Y/N.
"So, Ancient Runes are taught here." Draco pointed to a locked door and took a step back from her. He cleared his throat awkwardly. "I'd better accompany you to Herbology tomorrow."
"Do you also have Ancient Runes?" Y/N asked as they walked back down the corridor.
"No, I'm in Divination," Draco replied.
"Is that nearby?" Draco smirked in response. She didn't need to know that Divination was at the other end of the school.
"I'll show you the Astronomy Tower now. Potions takes place at the very bottom," he deflected and went up the stairs as if it were the most natural thing. Y/N followed him instinctively. Halfway up, the stairs suddenly swung to the side. Y/N screamed in surprise but managed to hold onto Draco. He instinctively wrapped an arm around her.
"Careful," he laughed amused and pulled her closer to him. "The stairs constantly change direction. You'll get used to it."
"That's dangerously tricky," Y/N muttered to herself and didn't let go of Draco until they reached the Astronomy Tower. Draco seemed unfazed by it. On the contrary, the grin on his face wouldn't fade.
Draco knew the way to the Astronomy Tower like probably no one else. Upon reaching the top, the wind was once again blowing around them. Y/N pulled Draco's cloak tighter as she enjoyed the breathtaking view with shining eyes.
"Wow," she whispered in awe. "This is absolutely beautiful."
Draco looked at her and could feel that tug at the corners of his mouth again. She was too adorable.
"If you ever need a break from all the hustle, the Astronomy Tower is perfect," he leaned on the railing and looked down at the world below.
"Speaking from experience," she teased the blonde boy and stood directly beside him.
"Maybe," he murmured, looking over at her. Being so close allowed him to scrutinize her face much better. Merlin, what was it about her that fascinated him so much?
He cleared his throat awkwardly, breaking the spell of the moment. "I should show you the Potions classroom, and then it's time to take you to the Hufflepuff common room," he muttered. If he hadn't been so close to Y/N, the wind would have drowned out his words. But she just nodded and followed him back down the stairs.
When they reached the "dangerous" stairs, Draco hesitantly took her hand and led her safely all the way down. Only in front of the locked Potions classroom did he let go of her hand. Although they encountered some students on their way, no one dared to look in their direction a second time, let alone say anything about the scene. The likely reason was Malfoy's menacing glare.
"Your Head of House teaches Potions, right?" Y/N broke the uncomfortable silence, and the furrows on Draco's forehead smoothed out again.
"Exactly," he nodded in agreement, looking at the locked door. "Professor Snape. Did you also have private lessons with him?"
"No. In fact, there weren't many teachers willing to do that," Y/N confessed, and Draco nodded understandingly.
"Then come, little Hufflepuff, I'll take you to your common room." Regaining his confidence, he grinned at her, causing her face to flush at the nickname. However, she didn't comment and followed him.
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midgarddaughter · 6 months
Witch Princess
Chapter 2
Draco x Y/N Morningstar
Thank you so much for the Support everyone. I hope you guys like the next chapter as well.
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Draco Malfoy was many things. Proud, arrogant, confident, mean. But shy was not a word one would use to describe Draco Malfoy. Yet, there he sat. For almost half an hour, too intimidated to speak to the pretty girl across from him. After inviting her into his compartment with a casual "Sure," a tense atmosphere settled in. Draco was struggling to figure out if he knew her from somewhere. She must be his age; then he should have classes with her. But such a beautiful girl would have caught Draco's attention long ago. Was there an exchange program he wasn't aware of?
"I'm Y/N, by the way," her voice pulled him from his thoughts. Oh god, had he been staring at her this whole time? Without saying anything, he just looked at her with his stormy blue eyes. What was he supposed to say? What did she expect? Everyone at school knew him. "And you are?"
Confused, he blinked at her. Was she serious? "Malfoy," he answered curtly.
"Do you have a first name?" she giggled, trying to lighten the mood.
"Draco," his cheeks grew warm, and was his voice always this husky? He cleared his throat and sat up straight. "Draco Malfoy."
"Pleasure to meet you, Draco Malfoy," she warmly smiled at him. Rarely had he felt so unsure talking to someone. Was it because he was afraid of saying something wrong? Did he not trust his own voice? Could Draco Malfoy embarrass himself?
"It's unusual that you don't know me," his curiosity eventually outweighed his hesitation.
"Really? Are you famous or something?" she looked at him with interest. What should he answer? He was indeed famous, but was he proud of what he was famous for? Yet, her gaze, her curiosity. Draco couldn't help but let a small proud smile form on his lips.
"You could say that," he replied. Suddenly, he found his shoes more interesting than the girl's face.
"I'm new here," Y/N confessed, looking out the window. Draco lifted his gaze, puzzled. "Which school did you attend before?" he asked, getting his confidence back slowly.
"I was homeschooled," Y/N said, looking at him again. "My father thought I should learn family traditions first. So, I studied from home and sent everything to Hogwarts with an owl."
Her cheeks turned red, and she looked at her hands in her lap. Would people consider her a weirdo because of that? Uncertain, she looked up from her hands.
"I can't believe Dumbledore allowed that," Draco mumbled, leaning back casually.
"Oh, it was his idea, actually. Otherwise, my father wouldn't have let me come to Hogwarts at all," she reassured.
"Fathers, huh?" Draco murmured, lost in thought. She frowned but didn't press for more. Eventually, Draco snapped out of his thoughts and focused on her again. "Well, I guess I'll have to show you how things work at Hogwarts."
Her eyes lit up, and she leaned forward eagerly. "Really?"
Draco felt that pull at the corner of his mouth again and couldn't suppress the smile.
"Of course. After all, I'm famous," he winked. Finally, the self-assured and arrogant Draco Malfoy was back.
So, Draco started telling her about Hogwarts—the houses, with Slytherin being the best, the teachers, and the subjects. Y/N, with shining eyes, expressed her excitement about Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. Draco, of course, couldn't hide his disdain for those subjects, and he was surprised that the young girl didn't take it personally. Instead, she asked with interest about his favorite subjects.
"Potions, of course," he answered with a grin. "The best teacher at Hogwarts is the Potions Master. Also, my Head of House. It's a demanding subject that requires natural talent."
"As confident as you sound, you must be really good," the blonde girl laughed. Draco noticed his cheeks getting warm again.
"But of course. After all, I'm a Malfoy," he tried to maintain his confident facade.
"So, it runs in the blood, huh?" she smiled mischievously.
"Exactly," he replied, returning the smile and wondering how it felt so natural. He didn't have to be Draco Malfoy with her; she had never heard the name before. However, she didn't seem like a Muggle-born, and the Malfoys had a sixth sense for that. "Do you play Quidditch?" Draco asked after a comfortable silence. She looked at him confused, unsure of how to tell him she had never heard of it. Draco laughed. "I guess you grew up on the moon."
"Maybe," she laughed shyly. Without waiting for her invitation, Draco began telling her about his favorite sport. He didn't mind demonstrating the maneuvers he liked with animated gestures. Sharp turns, free falls, pulling up just before hitting the ground. It was somehow sweet, how enthusiastically he talked about it. Engrossed in his voice, she didn't notice the commotion outside the compartment.
Draco did. With a venomous look that went unnoticed by Y/N, he signaled to his friends to leave him alone. They had searched for Draco when he didn't show up at their usual compartment and were surprised to see him talking to a girl they had never seen before. A knowing grin appeared on Blaise's face before he nodded to Draco, and the others returned to their compartment. Pansy couldn't resist shooting daggers at the girl, but Y/N remained oblivious, too occupied with something Draco was saying.
This continued throughout the train journey until Draco and Y/N put on their robes and arrived shortly after. Draco made sure to help Y/N with her luggage.
"I can't accept that. You need to take care of your own luggage," Y/N politely tried to decline.
"Friends take care of mine," as if Draco Malfoy ever carried his own luggage. He casually took her suitcase from her hands and even attempted to carry the cage covered with a blanket. However, she pulled it closer.
"I-I'll take that, though," she said with a raised eyebrow. "We wouldn't want it to bite you."
"Okay," Draco got onto the self-propelled carriage and lifted the suitcase. Quickly, he turned around, just in time to extend his hand to Y/N. She looked at him with wide green eyes and hesitantly took his hand.
"Thank you," she mumbled shyly as she settled on the bench across from him.
Throughout the entire carriage ride, they remained silent. Y/N noticed that although they were alone in their carriage, there were two or three times as many students in the others within her view. With shiny eyes, she saw Hogwarts for the first time. Draco observed her with a small smile on his lips.
"Thanks for your help," Y/N said to Draco as they reached Hogwarts. "I have to wait for Professor McGonagall now."
"I guess I'll see you inside then," Draco replied, bidding her farewell.
Salazar, hopefully, she'd be sorted into Slytherin, Draco inwardly prayed as he joined his table and was greeted by his friends.
"There he is." Theodore greeted him with a grin. "Who was the girl with you on the train?"
Draco rolled his eyes irritably. This boy had never heard of tact. As Draco walked past him to his usual seat, he bumped into Nott and shot him a stern look.
"That's none of your business," he growled as he settled into his seat.
"Which troll got on your nerves?" Blaise raised an eyebrow at him. "You were in a great mood on the train. Or did she reject you?"
"To be rejected, Draco would first have to be interested in her. Which he's not, right Draco?" Pansy looked at him desperately.
The heir to the Malfoy name ignored the two and impatiently waited for McGonagall. The possibility that Y/N might not be sorted into Slytherin was significant. She was a ray of sunshine. What if she ended up in Hufflepuff or, even worse, Gryffindor? Could he still talk to her normally? Would people think he's crazy? Could he even be mean to her? Why was life as a Malfoy so complicated?
Professor McGonagall didn't keep them waiting, and she entered the Great Hall shortly after Draco, looking around in awe, much like the first-year students. Oh no, that tugging at the corners of his mouth again. A murmur of questioning spread among the students. Why was someone their age here? First-years were sorted first. Y/N's gaze found Draco in the sea of students and was surprised to see that he was already looking at her. That just made her more nervous. When it was finally her turn, she sat on the chair with a pounding heart, biting her lower lip as she listened to the talking hat.
"Oh, royal blood. Your family embodies all the ideals of Hogwarts houses. But where do I put you? Brave, no doubt, you had to prove that at a young age. Also intelligent, yes, yes. Oh, but you can be sharp-tongued too, one should not challenge your pride. But what do I feel? A warm and soft heart. Generous and understanding. Then you belong in... HUFFLEPUFF!"
The hat called out, and the yellow table erupted in cheers. Smiling, her first glance, however, was directed at Draco, who looked at her in shock. Why did he look so shocked? She went to her table and from there looked back at her newfound friend. But he sat there with his head down the whole evening, not looking at her, while unrest stirred around her.
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midgarddaughter · 6 months
Witch Princess
This fanfic. Is my first on this side. English isn't my first language. No voldi au
Draco x Y/N Morningstar
A few characters are inspired from other franchise.
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Once there existed a very special kingdom. Here, all witches and wizards of the world found refuge and could live in peace. They didn't have to hide from the world or fear the people. Long before the great witch trials and even before the construction of Hogwarts, there was the Witch Kingdom, ruled by the Witch Queen. The old kings held great respect for this venerable witch family and their powers. In every kingdom, it was customary to have a court witch or wizard who advised the kings and, above all, maintained peace to ensure its eternal continuation.
The Witch Queen once adopted an orphan who enjoyed the love and warmth of the family as if it were her own. She grew into a beautiful young woman, her hair as black as ash, just like her soul. Despite maintaining the appearance of affection toward her adoptive family, she was tainted by malice and treated the kingdom's citizens far from lovingly. Firmly convinced she would become queen one day, she was shaken when she learned that the queen was pregnant with a daughter.
Every scheme she devised to prevent this backfired, and her true character became more apparent to her adoptive family. When the young woman went too far and almost killed the daughter, she was sent into exile. Unbeknownst to anyone, this would mean the downfall of the kingdom. A few years later, fueled by hatred and discord sown among humans, neighboring kingdoms declared war on the Witch Kingdom. Armed with unusually extensive knowledge of how humans could defend against witches, they triumphed after years of war.
The surviving witches and wizards hid among humans or in distant regions. The royal family now consisted only of the little girl, ten years old and entirely alone in the world. To prevent the kingdom from rising again, the exiled adoptive daughter cursed the family. Only the firstborn daughter could ascend the throne, as it had always been, but there would never be another firstborn daughter in their bloodline.
Among the witches and wizards who managed to escape were key members of the royal court: General Godric Gryffindor, Chief Librarian Rowena Ravenclaw, Chief Medical Advisor and Potion Master Salazar Slytherin, and Ceremony Mistress Helga Hufflepuff. With the ideals of the Witch Kingdom in their hearts and souls, they founded Hogwarts.
Today, the story of the Witch Kingdom is no longer told. Believing the royal family was eradicated, the memory became too painful, fading into oblivion. Yet, the family endured, secluded from a human town, residing in a cozy Victorian house meticulously cared for through many generations. The little girl grew into a kind woman, marrying a young Norwegian who introduced her to a new world of magic. They formed a family, celebrated seasonal festivals, and the royal bloodline continued. However, there was never again a firstborn daughter, until it happened, shaking the entire magical world.
Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, visited the family on the tenth birthday of the young girl. With curiosity in her large green eyes, she looked at him. "Please understand that we prefer to handle our daughter's magical education ourselves, as the last generations have," said Lucifer Morningstar, an elegant man in his prime, his green eyes mirroring the girl's.
"I completely understand, Mr. Morningstar, believe me. But do you know how crucial she is for the magical world, how important she is?" Dumbledore swallowed hard as the man's expression darkened, leaning inches from Dumbledore's face. "The most important role she has is as my daughter. She must be nothing more and nothing less." He growled, then stood and gestured to the door of the opulent and warmly decorated living room. "With that, our conversation is over. Go," a small tug on his expensive crimson shirt made him pause. He looked down, meeting the face of his daughter.
"Papa, don't send the man away yet," his expression softened. Dumbledore had already grabbed his coat and hat, ready to leave, but he too hesitated. "But why?"
"I want to hear more. Is there really a school with girls like me?" she looked at the older man.
"A whole bunch." He whispered mysteriously, sitting back down cautiously, with a glance at the father. "Can you tell me more?"
"Y/-" Lucifer was about to intervene, but his daughter interrupted him again.
"You always tell me I should find my own path. Why can't this be my path?" she looked up at him incomprehensibly.
"You will find it when you're older and can better assess what's good for you. At 21, like everyone in your family, you will go on a world tour and learn ancient magical practices from various cultures, just like your mother and her mother before her and her mother before her."
"I can do that now. Why can't my journey start earlier? Just that the first part isn't the vast world but a school." Even Lucifer had no answer to that.
"All right, little one." Defeated, he sat back on the sofa next to his daughter and listened to the headmaster.
Y/N Morningstar did not directly enter her first year at school. She received remote education because her father deemed it essential to complete family training first. Traditions and her own magic, developed over generations.
Now starting her third year, she finally gets to attend school. Instead of an owl, she had her raven in a cage on the cart, which she pushed across the platform at King's Cross.
"Don't forget to write," her aunt, a slightly chubby woman with a loving face, stroked a strand of blond hair from her face.
"Of course, Auntie." The farewell was difficult, especially for her father.
"Your mother would be proud of you," he whispered with a final hug in her ear, and then she had to board the train.
Arriving on the train, she searched for a compartment. Many were already full or so crowded with luggage that she hesitated to enter. Politely smiling and nodding, she passed other students—of her age, younger, older. As if by luck, she found a compartment that was almost empty. Even in front of the compartment door, there were no students, allowing her to open it comfortably.
"Is this seat taken?" she asked politely, causing the pale young man with light blond hair to look up.
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midgarddaughter · 3 years
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midgarddaughter · 4 years
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midgarddaughter · 4 years
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OMG Just found that Tom Hiddleston share his Bolognese recipt in a german(?) magazine. 🥰
If you want to know i can try and translate it.
I think i try it this week. 😋
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midgarddaughter · 4 years
Quarantäne Level Scott Lang
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Three days? Easy peasy. ANT-MAN AND THE WASP (2018)
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midgarddaughter · 4 years
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midgarddaughter · 4 years
Lie to me - MASTERLIST
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midgarddaughter · 4 years
🧚🎉Fairy Festivals🎉🧚
🎉 Fairy festivals take place at crossover points in the seasons. Equinoxes and solstices are determined by the position of the Sun, but the other four festivals are celebrated when the time feels right, so the dates given below are approximate.
🎉 There are other festivals too,such as Christmas Eve,Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. Any human festival that touches on old traditions,from Ramadan to a Japanese Flower Festival, is a fairy feast. If you celebrate these festivals and make the effort to tune into what concerns the fairies, you will draw closer to their world. If you celebrate a special meal, remember to leave a little outside afterward for the fairies
1.  🌷 Imbolic - 🌷
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February 2 in the Northern Hemisphere/July 31 in the Southern Hemisphere
Imbolc means “in the belly,” and this is the time when life stirs in the belly of the earth. Frost sparkles and the pale light lingers each evening,bringing the message that spring is on the horizon. Imbolc is the delicate crossover point from winter’s depths into the New Year. It is a feast of lightness and brightness,but also a time of cleansing,to make way for the new. The Hag, who is Dark Goddess or Dark Fairy, gives way now to the Maiden, who is young and radiant.
Fairies love neatness and good housekeeping,so it is a good idea to have a late-winter sort-out,in preparation for fresh activity. While the fairies are busy coaxing snowdrops and crocuses out of the winter-hard earth,do something creative of your own,such as knitting,painting,or writing poetry. Ask the fairies to lend you a little of their magic by leaving them an offering,such as a piece of wool or a verse written just for them.
This feast is also called candlemas,sacred to St.Bridget,who was the successor to the pagan goddess Bride (pronounced “Breed”). Bride was the keeper of the sacred flame,which represents eternal life. She is the patroness of poetry,smithcraft,child birth, and healing, and is a very powerful fairy indeed. Invite her into your home by lighting as many candles as you like, in your windows and around your house. Ask her to bless your projects for the coming year,and pledge a special act of caring for the natural world in return,to seal your pact as the year waxes.
2. 🌼 Spring Equinox- 🌼
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March 21 in the Northern Hemisphere/September 21 in the Southern Hemisphere
The fairies are very busy at the Spring Equinox,looking after all the flowers that are newly blooming.Scandinavian fairies become active now: the Russian cellar fairy,The Domoviyr,casts off its skin and grows a lighter one for summer; and the Russian Rusalki,or river fairies are glimpsed by lakes swollen with melted snow.
A tree planting project is a very fairy-friendly activity at this time. A seasonal blitz on the garden is also called for. While you are hard at work, digging and pulling away at dead winter twigs, it is easy to go into a kind of trance. This, coupled with the spell of the natural world around you,can create the perfect state of mind to catch a glimpse of fairies.You can be sure they are near you,helping you with their energies.Plant some seeds of your choice and, as you put them in the earth, close your eyes and make a special request for fairy help. Visualize the fairies tending your seeds,giving them their love and care. Ask out loud for the fairies to help you,and sing or hum and you plant. Touch the soft soil with your bare hands and make real contact with the earth.
Place water in a pottery or glass jug (plastic or metal is best avoided) and leave it out in the noon sunshine. Ask the fairies to bless it. Imagine them dancing around it and coming up to touch it with their glimmering fingers. Use the water to give your houseplants a special spring blessing.
The Green Man is a powerful nature spirit that has been sensed by many people. He is represented in numerous churches as the Foliate Mask (a face made up of leaves),and one theory about his presence is that the masons who fabricated him had hidden sympathies with the old nature- worship. He is making his appearance now on some new park benches and monuments. However, you can make contact with the real Green Man out alone walking through the woodland. Ancient and wise,he is watching you. Catch a glimpse of him behind tree trunks or in the lacework of budding branches. Hear his footfalls behind you as you walk. He is the very breath of Nature, and his strength is bursting forth in springtime.
3. 💐 Beltane - 💐
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April 30 in the Northern Hemisphere/October 31 in the Southern Hemisphere
Of all the festivals, Beltane is the most flagrantly joyful and sensuous as Nature is bursting forth with beauty and excitement. This was the Celtic beginning of summer, and also marked an important transition for the people of Fairy, for it was the time when the Milesian Celts landed on the shores of south-west Ireland. With this, the last of the magical peoples,the Tuatha de Danann, receded from the the world of humans into the Hollow Hills and became the people of the Sidhe.
However, they and the other fairy folk have not gone very far. You will find them dancing in a bluebell wood or skipping in the sunshine,sheltered by a greening hedge. Beltane is the time when good fairies reign supreme and bad fairies retreat. Fairies are very active now and may try to steal butter,or some of the ritual fire that used to be ignited on hilltops and is still lit by modern pagans.
This is the maypole season, but instead you can always dance around a friendly tree. Link hands with friends, and you may find yourselves spontaneously re-creating the kind of things people used to to do when seeing fairies was commonplace:lingering,walking,and talking, in the open air, away from television,computers,and other modern distractions.
There are many tales of beautiful fairies marrying mortals. Such tales usually end in tragedy, for fairy and human can never truly be joined. Better to borrow some of the fairy enchantment by performing a little magic of your own! Rise early on May Day and wash your face in the dew or simply walk in it. As the rhyme says: “The fairy maid who, the first of May Goes to the fields at break of day, And walk in dew from the hawthorn tree, Will ever handsome be.”
Welsh legend tells how the hero Pwll saw the Lady Rhiannon riding past him at Beltane and, after pursuing her, he eventually won her. Rhiannon is one aspect of the Fairy Queen,riding on her white horse between the worlds. As you sit quietly outside,on a bank in the late spring dusk,listen for the sounds of her horse’s hooves,and open your eyes to the shimmer of her sea-blue cloak. When Rhiannon touches your heart, she will fill it with love and inspiration.
4. 🌹 Midsummer -  🌹
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June 22 in the Northern Hemisphere/December 22 in the Southern Hemisphere
This is one of the most magical times of the year, when fairies are very active and visible, playing pranks and even, it is said, stealing away the young and beautiful to join them in the Hollow Hills. The sun is now at the height of its strength and this is an important crossover point,such as the fairies love. For at the Midsummer Solstice the sun stands still, before beginning to recede as we move into the waning half of the year.
Flowers are colorful and luxuriant, and one radiant day seems to merge into another, as late dusk meets early dawn. At no time is the natural world more inviting. Take part in it by going on quests -long walks to sacred spots,evening camping out with the minimum of equipment,to draw close to the mystery that is all around, and to the Fair Folk in particular.
The rose is possibly the most sensuous bloom of all, and at midsummer it is often at its most gorgeous. Roses in the garden are especially likely to attract fairies. Distil water from rose petals and add it to your bath, asking the fairies to lend you some of their enchantment and to help you attract love. Brew tea from rosebuds and drink it,to increase your psychic powers.Plant a rose bush with a friend, to affirm the loving bound between you and invite the fairies into your life.
St.John’s wort is a herb known to break any negative fairy enchantment and drive away depression. Pluck some on Midsummer’s Day and carry it, to keep cheerful.
Look out for water nymphs by streams, or for undines for water elementals on the seashore- or for even the Lady of the Lake herself,rising from the luminous depths.In olden times, these beings were said to have no souls. It is closer to the truth to say that they do not have human morals. Conventions often conceal or feelings, but the beauty of the water fairies opens us to our unconscious tides; see them and let yourself be transformed.
5. 🌾Lammas- 🌾
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July 31 in the Northern Hemisphere/February 2 in the Southern Hemisphere
Lammas is “Loaf Mass,” a christian version of a much older festival known as Lughnasadh, or the “Feast of Lugh.” Lugh was a Celtic god,lord of the Tuatha de Danann, and his name means “bright one.” Lughnasadh is a major fairy festival, and many fairies become active during this period,such as the Russian Polevik, who kicks sleepy harvesters awake. It is also a time when fairies move about in preparation for winter,and processions of them may be seen as a line of twinkling lights moving between the hills in the countryside.
At Lammas, the fields are golden with corn and splashed with red poppies. It is hazy,lazy time of holidays and abundance,but there is an underlying theme of death,for the Corn Spirit must be sacrificed in order to reap the harvest. If you walk out into a field of ripe wheat, you may sense the anger of the nature spirits as what is to be taken from the earth,even thought that is a part of the natural cycle of life.Gather up some ears of wheat and tie them into a bunch with red thread,to make a charm for the coming winter to hang over your hearth. At the same time,pledge an act of caring for the earth,such as clearing a derelict site in your neighborhood or garden, or planting and tending a herb, as payment for what you-and all of us- take from it.
At home, bake your own bread, using the rising of the dough as a spell to ensure that everything prospers in your life. While you are kneading the bread dough, say to yourself “As this dough swells, so may my fortunes increase.” Ask for your own personal Brownie, or house fairy, to come and help your bread rise- and remember to leave some breadcrumbs outside afterward,for the fairies.
Some say that Lugh is lord of the waning year, and his dance- through the waving,whispering corn- is a dance of death. If so, it is a reminder that all things come in cycles,and that everything is united in love and beauty. Stand at the edge of a sun-kissed wheat field and see the shimmer and sway that betrays the presence of Lugh. Take a few moments to feel respect for the earth in your heart, and understand the meaning of the Wheel of Life.
6. 🍁 Autumn Equinox (Mabon) - 🍁
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September 21 in the Northern Hemisphere/March 21 in the Southern Hemisphere
At the Autumn Equinox, Nature stands poised between light and dark,but darkness is gaining. The veil between this world and the Otherworld is at its thinnest, and all manner of spirit visitations are more frequent now.
The hedgerows are beaded with berries,and mist lingers in the hollows. Sometimes the wind whistles in from nowhere and tosses baring branches. On other says, the mellow sun caresses the fields with slanting fingers. It is a time for reflection, but also for industry. In days gone by, preserves would be made for winter store and the help of the Good Folk would be sought by country people.
Absorb the atmosphere of the season by going blackberrying. In Celtic countries, there may be a taboo on eating blackberries, because these belong especially to fairies. However, as long as you gather them with respect and do not denude the bramble bushes, they will hardly object. Better still,leave out some of your homemade blackberry pie or wine for them,so that they will bless you. When this month ends, leave the blackberries alone and move on. Also look out for a bramble bush that forms an arch-so much the better if it faces east/west, for that mirrors the passage of the sun. Crawl through this three times on a sunny day to be healed of physical ills, especially rheumatism and skin troubles.
At this mysterious time, pay honor to Queen Mab. Her special gift is to bring dreams and visions to birth within us. She is really one of many manifestations of the Goddess, in her autumnal guise of wise-woman and Lady of Magic, and she is linked with ancient ideas of sovereignty- for the king drew his power from the land, and Mab presided.
Preferably at the Full Moon closest to the equinox,place good-quality wine in a stemmed glass or chalice,and take it into the garden or a secluded place.Raise the glass to the Moon,say, “Mab, I honor you”and pour some of the wine onto the earth. Drink a little and say, “Mab, I drink with you,” Then return home,light a bright-green candle beside your bed,gaze at the flame and say, “Mab,give me wisdom,” Place some jasmine or rose oil on your pillow,extinguish the candle-and drift into Fairyland. This is a little ritual that you can repeat during any Full Moon if you wish.
7. 🎃 Samhain - 🎃
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October 31 in the Northern Hemisphere/April 30 in the Southern Hemisphere
Samhain means “summer’s end” and is pronounced “sa-wen.” This ancient Celtic festival at the official start of the winter was later Christianized as Halloween- a time when the dead were remembered. There was always a sinister aspect to Samhain,because certain sacrifices had to be made in order to survive the coming cold weather. Animals had to be slaughtered,and some say that human sacrifice took place to propitiate the spirits. Sacrifice,however, is a corruption of nature worship,for life is hard enough as it is and all we have to do is show respect.
Barrow mounds,shrouded in mist,are particularly eerie places at Samhain. Draw close,if you dare,and sit quietly.Do you hear the strange,far-off noise of fairy music,or the sound of knocking? Maybe the mound will open for you and unearthly light will stream over the barren fields.After Samhain,the earth is given over to the powers of darkness and decay.No crops or berries may be harvested after this time,because the Phooka, a malevolent Irish Fairy,blights them. The true meaning here,of course,is that death and decay have a place in the natural order,requiring due honor and respect lest they get out of hand.
Traditionally, this is the start of the story telling season. While the wind whistles around the eaves or the mist comes down outside,gather family or friends around your hearth- preferably with a real fire burning in it. If you do not have an open hearth,substitute a collection of large,burning candles. Sit round and speak of times gone by and people who have passed over to the other side.Ask the Beloved Dead to be present, if you wish(but note that this is not a seance,and the Beloved Dead are invited,not summoned). Laugh,share funny stories,feast,and drink.
Cerridwen is the Underworld Goddess and the Fairy Hag most associated with this time. In her magic cauldron,she stirs a brew that confers inspiration and transformation. Simmer up a hearty soup of root vegetables or pumpkin, to share with friends,then light a black candle and ask Cerridwen to guide you through the darkness into the light. You will  be both safe and wise.
8.  ❄️ Yule - ❄️
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December 22 in the Northern Hemisphere/June 22 in the Southern Hemisphere
Yule is the Midwinter Solstice, when the sun again appears to stand still,as it did at midsummer,but the season is poised for the return of light. Celebrations of Christ’s birth were moved to coincide with the much more ancient solstice.
As you deck your Christmas tree,remember that the evergreen is a powerful symbol of the enduring life in Nature. Of course,is has a fairy on top of it,confirming that it is a festival of the Fair Folk,who also rejoice in the sun’s rebirth. Decorating your tree is an important magical act,for the decorations are fairy charms. Each member of the family should hang at least one special charm of their own,to enable a wish to come true.
Jack Frost is an active fairy in the cold weather,painting windows with intricate lacework. In Russia he is called Father Frost,the soul of winter,covering the trees in ice. Do not shrink from the frost fairy-go out and wonder at his works and he will reward you with hope and joy,just as in Russia Father Frost brings presents for the children on New Year’s Day.
By far the best-known and most powerful fairy at Yule is Father Christmas himself. Today we know him by his robes of red and white, but in the past he also wore green and other colors. As we have seen,red is the color both of life and death, and many fairies wear red caps. The hearty red of Father Christmas is a sign that he is an Otherworld being-very much alive,but not of this earth. He is recognized all over the world, as Kris Kringle in Germany and Pere Noel in France. In Brazil he is Papa Noel,and in China Dun Che Loa. He is the essence of Yuletide mystery,joy and renewal,and like many traditional fairies, he comes in and out via the hearth.
When all is quiet on Christmas Eve, get ready to welcome Father Christmas- light a candle and look at the stars. Pledge a gift for a friend and one for the world, and ask for a special gift to answer your heart’s desire. Write your wish on a piece of paper and “post” it up the chimney if you have an open fire. If not, burn it in the candle flame. Can you hear those sleigh bells?
(Art By: IrenHorrors On Deviantart -Link)
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midgarddaughter · 5 years
Light and Darkness (1/?)
Hallo Leute. Dies ist mein ein erster FF auf Tumblr, ich hoffe euch gefällt es.
Pärchen: LokixAmaterasu
Warnung: Keine, kann aber in späteren Kapiteln kommen.
Kredits für die Bilder an die Künstler und Inhaber. Quelle Google
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„Loki! Nein!“ Thor versuchte verzweifelt seinen Bruder vom fallen abzuhalten, doch es war zu spät. Mit einem letzten Blick in die Augen von Odin und Thor ließ Loki los und stürzte in die Tiefen des Weltraumes geradewegs in ein Wurmloch.
Der Angriff auf New York war nie passiert und die Avengers haben sich nie geformt. Frigga überlebte den Angriff der Dunkelelfen und Odin regierte noch eine lange Zeit. Doch Thor erholte sich nie von dem Verlust seines Bruders. Er suchte noch lange nach ihm, doch nirgends im ganzen Universum hat man ihn je wieder gesehen. Doch ohne den toten Körper von Loki vor sich zu sehen weigerte sich Thor zu glauben, dass sein kleiner Bruder tot war. Aufgrund seiner inneren Unruhe war er weit davon entfernt ein Held auf der Erde zu werden, geschweige denn Thron zu übernehmen. Selbst Frigga und Odin haben schweren Herzens den Tod ihres Sohnes akzeptiert. Es musste schließlich weiter gehen. Für alle...
Doch war der schwarzhaarige Gott wirklich tot? Hatte das Universum ihn einfach verschluckt? War er in den Tiefen des Alls gestorben? Oder war er doch vor den Füßen von Thanos den Titanen gelandet? Oder....?
Langsam öffnet Loki seine Augen. Stöhnend rollte er sich auf den Rücken. Es dauerte einige Momente bis die ersten Informationen seiner Umgebung in seinem Gehirn angekommen sind. Weiches Gras, eine frische Brise und der idyllische Gesang von Vögeln. Er setzt sich auf und zuckt zusammen, er muss sich wohl bei dem Aufprall eine Rippe verstaucht haben. Er legt sich wieder hin und schließt die Augen. Er hat nach seinem Kampf mit Thor zu wenig Energie um sich selbst zu heilen. Langsam setzt er sich wieder auf, eine Hand auf seine Rippe gepresst und schaut sich erschöpft um. Wo war er? Midgard? Er saß auf einen Berg inmitten eines Waldes. Die Bäume um ihn herum sind voller weißer und rosa Blüten. Er seufzt genervt auf, musste dann aber schmerzvoll das Gesicht verziehen. Bei jedem Atemzug zuckt ein Schmerz durch sein ganzen Körper. Er dreht sich einmal um die eigene Achse, versucht einen Orientierungspunkt zu finden. Irgendetwas was auf eine Zivilisation hinweist. Erschöpft setzt er sich wieder auf den Boden. Was hat er bloß getan? War es klug loszulassen? Hätte die Familie nicht noch gerettet werden können? Oder ist er für immer der Schandfleck er Familie? Wohin soll er nun gehen? Hier ist es so idyllisch. Soll die wirklich sein Grab werden? Würde ihn jemand missen? Nach ihm suchen? Würde Odin einen Suchtrupp aufstellen und das Universum nach ihm absuchen? Wohl eher nicht. Schwere Flügelschläge reißen ihn aus den Gedanken. Loki schaut nach oben und steht wieder auf. Er war noch immer als Prinz erzogen worden, so wird er auch seinem Verderben entgegen blicken. Mit erhobenen Haupt ist er bereit um sein Leben zu kämpfen, jedenfalls um das was noch übrig ist. Auf ihn fliegen drei humanoide Kreaturen mit großen schwarzen Flügeln zu. Zwei haben rabenähnliche Köpfe, der dritte trägt eine Maske. Sie halten Mönchstäbe in den Händen und trugen weite dunkel blaue Kleidung, lediglich ihre Arme und Beine waren in Rüstungen gehüllt.
„Wer bist du, Gaijin?“ hört Loki eine männliche Stimme fragen. „Und was willst du hier?“
„Ich...“ beginnt Loki, doch verstummt als die zwei rabenköpfige Kreaturen links und rechts neben ihm landen. Beschwichtigend hebt Loki seine Hände und schaut wieder zu dem mit der Maske. „Mein Name ist Loki von....nur Loki. Ich bin zufällig durch ein Wurmloch auf diese Welt gekommen. Ich habe keine bösen Absichten, sondern suche lediglich Asyl.“
„Nehmt ihn fest, wir bringen ihm zum Tenno.“ gibt der mit der Maske die Befehle, ohne auf Lokis Worte einzugehen.
„Aber Sir, wir sind mitten im Hanami. Izanagi wird nicht sehr erfreut sei-“ will einer der Schnäbel protestieren, doch der mit der Maske schneidet ihn das Wort ab.
„Er wird noch weniger erfreut sein, wenn wir ein Gaijin nicht melden.“
„Jawohl.“ kommt es einstimmig von den Schnäbeln. Sie packen seine Handgelenke und legen ihn in Ketten. Zischend vor Schmerzen beißt Loki die Zähne zusammen und schluckt Drohungen herunter. Sie steigen wieder in die Luft und Loki baumelt an den Ketten zwischen den zwei Schnäbeln. Loki versucht die Schmerzen auszublenden, ihnen stand zu halten. Doch irgendwann übermannt ihn die Erschöpfung und die Schmerzen und der Gott verlor das Bewusstsein.
Das Kirschblütenfest, auch Hanami geannt, ist in vollem Gange. Überall im Kaiserreich sitzt das Volk unter blühenden Kirschbäumen, essen und trinken, tanzen, singen und lachen. Mitten unter ihnen die Tenno Familie. Auf einer kleinen Empore unter dem größten Kirschbaum sitzt der Tenno Izanagi mit seinen Kindern. Die älteste und einzige Tochter Amaterasu, ihr Zwillingsbruder Tsukoyomi und der jüngste Sohn Suzanoo. Dieser trinkt genüsslich mit ein paar andere Männer Sake und lacht munter mit ihnen über heitere Geschichten. Während das Zwillingspärchen sich mit ein paar Frauen unterhalten. Der Tengu Kundschafter mit der Maske, welcher sich neben den Tenno niederlässt bleibt von den drein erst einmal unbemerkt.
„Mein Kaiser,“ erhebt er seine Stimme. „Es ist ein Gaijin im nördlichen Bergpass entdeckt worden. Wir haben ihn fürs erste in den Gefangenentrakt gebracht.“
Izanagi, ein in die Jahre gekommener Mann mit langen glatten schwarz-grauen Haare und gleichfarbigen Bart in einem schwarzen festlichen Kimono nickt und erwidert ruhig: „Ich werde mich nach meiner Ansprache um ihn kümmern.“
Der maskierte Tengu nickt und verschwindet genauso unbemerkt wie er gekommen ist. Unbemerkt? Nicht ganz. Amaterasu, eine junge Frau mit langen braunen Haaren hat alles mitbekommen. Sie ist das Juwel des Kaiserhauses, ihre Haut weiß wie Schnee und ihre Lippen kirschrot. Gehüllt ist sie in einen prachtvollen rot-weißen Kimono. Sie schaut ihren Vater neugierig an, lässt sich aber nicht anmerken.
Stöhnend wacht Loki auf. Er liegt auf einen kalten Steinboden, welcher lediglich von blauen geisterhaften Flammen beleuchtet wird. Er versucht sich aufzustehen, doch die Ketten an seinen Handgelenken hinterm Rücken waren an der Wand befestigt. Weit kommt Loki nicht. Er zischt als er sich dreht, seine Rippe noch immer verletzt. Normalerweise heilen seine Wunden schnell. Hat er sich so verausgabt in den Kampf? Mit mehr Anstrengung als Loki lieb ist, schafft er es die Fesseln zu lösen und reibt sich die wunden Handgelenke. Er steht erschöpft auf und sieht sich die Zelle genauer an. Er ist alleine. Keine anderen Gefangenen, Wachen erkennt er nur schemenhaft auf den Gängen. Bevor sie bemerken, dass er sich befreit hat setzt er sich langsam wieder und lehnt sich erschöpft an die kalte Steinwand. Er schließt die Augen und versucht seine Gedanken zu ordnen. Doch seine Gedanken werden von Stimmen und Schritte die näher kommen unterbrochen. Schnell verbirgt er seine Hände hinter dem Rücken und senkt den Kopf, als ob er noch immer gefesselt und bewusstlos ist.
„Ein letztes Mal Tochter, nein.“ knurrt eine alte männliche Stimme gedämpft.
„Bitte Papa, wie soll ich sonst mal deine Nachfolge antreten? Du versucht mich immer fern von solchen Angelegenheiten zu halten. Wie soll ich da lernen was zu tun ist, sollte ich mal in der Situation sein.“ erwidert eine liebliche Frauenstimme.
„Du hast natürlich recht.“ seufzt der Mann. „Doch nicht heute. Das ist viel zu Riskant. Was wenn er gefährlich ist?“ seine Stimme wird sanfter. „Beim nächsten mal. Versprochen. Nun geh zurück zu deinen Brüdern.“
„Das hast du schon bei dem letzten großen Problem gesagt. Manchmal glaube ich, du willst nicht das ich jemals deinen Platz einnehme.“ entgegnet die junge Frau erzürnt. Beide stehen nun vor Lokis Zelle. Der Mann hält eine große blaue Flamme in der Hand, die Frau eine rote. Er kann sie nur schemenhaft erkennen, doch sie scheint ihn ganz genau sehen zu können. „Er ist verletzt.“ erhebt sie wieder die Stimme sanft und wendet den Blick nicht ab. „Lass mich ihn heilen, dann geh ich wieder.“ Sie schaut ihren Vater an.
„Oh nein, du bleibst schön hier. Er könnte gefährlich sein. Wir wissen nichts über ih-“ er schüttelt missbilligend den Kopf ehe seine Tochter ihn unterbricht.
„Aber wir können ihn nicht wie Dreck behandeln. Er hat sich vielleicht nur verirrt. Für mich macht er keinen Gefährlichen Eindruck.“ Ihres Vaters Proteste am ignorieren betritt sie Lokis Zelle und geht auf ihn zu. Sie kniet sich neben Loki und er schaut sie durch seine Haare verborgen an.
„Ganz schön waghalsig, die Fesseln selbst zu lösen.“ flüstert sie, so dass nur Loki sie hören kann und schaut ihn durch den Vorhang von Haaren hindurch direkt in die Augen. „Genauso wie dein kleines Schauspiel.“ sie zwinkert ihn verspielt zu und kichert leise auf, als Loki sich versteift. „Keine Angst, ich sag niemanden was.“ sie hebt den Kopf und schaut ihren Vater an. „Er hat sich die Rippen verletzt. Ich muss die Fesseln lösen um richtig dran zu kommen.“ Sie fährt mich der Hand über seine Handgelenke und erschaudert bei dem Kontakt mit der kalten Haut. Wie vom Schlag getroffen zuckt Loki zusammen und setzt sich aufrecht hin. Seine Haare fallen aus dem Gesicht und zum ersten Mal sieht Amaterasu ihn in die smaragdgrünen Augen. Sie reißt sich von seinem Blick los, doch Loki schafft es nicht seinen Blick von ihr zu nehmen. Vergessen sind die Wachen und der einschüchternde Mann im Gang. Sie ist atemberaubend schön, trotz dem mäßigen Licht in der Zelle.
„Ich müsste Eure Kleidung etwas anheben um an eure Verletzung zu kommen.“ Sie schaut ihn an und Loki nickte nur. Er traut seiner eigenen Stimme in ihrer Gegenwart nicht. Der Gott spürt wie eine warme weiche Hand unter seine Tunika gleitet und ihn am Oberkörper sanft berührt. Peinlich berührt wendet Loki den Blick ab und starrt lieber den Boden an. Er merkt wie ihn die Röte ins Gesicht schießt. Hoffentlich erkennt es niemand bei dem Licht. Sie nimmt sich eins ihrer goldenen Haarornamente und umschließt es mit beiden Händen. Das Gold verflüssigt sich und umschließt ihre Hand, welche sie dann vorsichtig auf Lokis Rippen legt. Durch die plötzliche Berührung zuckt er zusammen und zieht scharf die Luft ein. Eine Wärme durchdringt Lokis Körper und die Schmerzen klingen ab, als sich das Gold um Lokis Torso legt und dort wieder erhärtet.
„Es braucht eine Weile bis die Rippe geheilt ist, aber das sollte es fürs erste tun.“ Sie zieht ihre Hand zurück und lächelt den Gott herzlich an. „Besser?“
Er schaut sie an, unfähig ein Wort zu sprechen. Seine silberne Zunge zu Stein geworden. Ein mechanisches Nicken ist alles was er zustande bringt. Ihr lächeln wird liebevoll als sie sich wieder erhebt.
„Amaterasu.“ erhebt ihr Vater die Stimme. „Geh jetzt. Ich kümmer mich um ihn.“
Sie nickt, schenkt dem Gott noch ein letztes Lächeln und verlässt die Zelle.
„Hab bitte etwas Nachsicht.“ bittet sie ihren Vater noch, ehe sie den Gang hinunter schreitet.
„Nun Gaijin, wie hast du es geschafft meine Barriere zu durchbrechen?“ fragt Izanagi von oben herab Loki.
„Ich bin durch Zufall hier hin gelangt.“ fängt Loki vorsichtig an zu sprechen, seine Stimme immer noch nicht ganz trauend. „Ich kann Ihnen versichern, dass es nicht meine Absicht war hier zu landen.“
„Fürs erste bleibst du hier in der Zelle, bis ich mein Urteil gefällt habe. Meine Tochter wird es wohl nicht gutheißen, dich wieder zu Fesseln. Sei jedoch gewarnt, dass mit den Tenguwachen nicht zu spaßen ist.“ Mit den Worten verschließt Izanagi wieder die Zelle und geht ohne ein letztes Wort aus dem Gefangenentrakt raus.
„Warten Sie!“ schrie Loki noch schwach hinter her und stand auf. „Lassen sie es mich erklären!“
Wochen vergehen. Er bekommt ausreichend zu Essen und zu Trinken, manchmal findet er ungewöhnliches aus dem Tablett. Ein Zweig mit Blüten. Ein aus Papier gefaltetes Tier. Dass dies zum Service gehört bezweifelt Loki stark, jedoch kann er seine Mundwinkel nie davon abhalten nach oben zu zucken. Jedoch sind diese Tengus nicht gerade gesprächig. Wann immer Loki eine frage stellt ignorieren sie ihn. Sein Kopf arbeitet auf Hochtouren, er versucht alle möglichen Szenen sich auszumalen, auf alles gefasst zu sein. Pläne schmieden. Doch wirklich viele Informationen hat er nicht mit denen er arbeiten kann. Jedoch geht ihm die junge Frau nicht mehr aus dem Kopf. Immer wieder streicht er über ihr goldenes Geschenk an seinen Körper. Ein verzweifelter Versuch noch etwas von ihrer Magie zu spüren, etwas von ihrer Präsenz. Ihr Licht. Sie war so scharfsinnig und spitzzüngig, dennoch respektvoll.
Eines Tages öffnen zwei Wachen die Tür und legen ihn wieder Fesseln an, trotz seiner verbalen Proteste und Fragen wehrt sich der Gott nicht. Sie führen ihn in ein großen Saal. Er bestand fast nur aus massiven dunklen Holt und Gold. Lediglich der Boden schien aus einem Art gepressten Stroh zu bestehen. Die Wände sind von prachtvollen detaillierten Bildern auf goldenen Grund geschmückt. Die Decke ist von Holzbalken durchzogen, zwischen denen gemalte Blumen auf goldenen Grund zusehen sind. Am Ende des Saals war eine Empore auf den Izanagi saß und auf ihn herab schaut. Schräg hinter ihm sitzt noch eine zweiter Mann, welcher jedoch jünger ist.
„Nun Gaijin.“ beginnt Izanagi zu sprechen, als Loki die Fesseln abgenommen wurden. „Ich habe eine Entscheidung getroffen.“ Loki steht mit unberührter Fassade und erhobenen Hauptes vor der Empore. Er war auf alles gefasst. „Ursprünglich wollte ich dich exekutieren lassen.“ Bei Loki spannt sich alles an, bereit sich frei zu kämpfen. Seine Miene noch immer unberührt. „Jedoch hat jemand mir nahegelegt, die Anwesenheit eines Gaijin zu nutzen um mehr Wissen zu erlangen. Bist du dazu in der Lage?“
„Aber natürlich.“ aus den Augenwinkel nimmt er eine Bewegung wahr und spürt auf einmal ihren Blick auf sich. Unverwechselbar, nur eine Person hat ihn je so zum erschaudern gebracht. Unbewusst strafft er seine Schultern. „Ich kann mit Fug und Recht behaupten zu den gelehrtesten der neun Welten zu gehören und sogar weit darüber hinaus.“ Izanagis Blick wird düster. Loki schluckt schwer. „Jedoch kann ich Ihnen versichern, dass ich weder für Sie noch für ihr Reich eine Bedrohung darstelle. Ich suche lediglich Asyl.“
„Wieso?“ erhebt der ältere seine Stimme. „Was ist mit deiner Heimat passiert, dass du fliehen musstest?“
„Nun,“ beginnt Loki zu überlegen. Natürlich hat er sich schon alles zurecht gelegt. Solch eine Frage hat er schon erwartet. „Mein Volk wurde immer barbarischer. Es war irgendwann kein Platz mehr für Weisheit. Nur noch für Krieg. Dies konnte ich, als friedliebende Person irgendwann nicht mehr aushalten und flüchtete.“
Es ist still in den Raum. Loki traut sich kaum zu atmen. Haben sie es ihn geglaubt? Er war schließlich der Gott der Lügen, wenn er selbst dazu nicht mehr fähig ist was war er dann noch?
Doch dann nickte Izanagi.
„Dir ist Asyl gewährt.“ Loki verbeugte sich, konnte es jedoch nicht verhindern das seine Mundzüge leicht nach oben rutschen.
„Ich bin Ihnen zu tiefem Dank verpflichtet.“
„Sei jedoch gewarnt. Ich mag keine Fremden in meinem Kaiserreich. Solltest du also negativ auffallen, werde ich ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken deine Hinrichtung anordnen.“ Loki nickt mit ernster Miene. „Ich werde dir Zeit geben dich einzuleben. Dein erlebtes zu verarbeitet, dann erwarte ich einen ersten Bericht von dir.“ Wieder nickt Loki. „Du bekommst ein Zimmer im Palast, so kann ich dich genau im Auge behalten. Wachen werden dich stets überall hin begleiten, jedoch mit genug Freiraum.“
„Ich danke Ihnen für ihre Großzügigkeit.“ Loki verbeugt sich erneut, Hauptsache er kann seinen Kopf behalten. Er warf ein kurzen Blick zu Amaterasu welche ihm verborgenen aus alles beobachtet. Geschockt darüber dass er sie sehen kann erwidert sie den Blick, fasst sich aber wieder und lächelt ihn an. Die Luft um sie herum kräuselt sich. Niemand sonst scheint sie zu bemerken.
„Ich rate dir sie nicht zu Missbrauchen.“ schnaubt der Mann vor ihm. „Neben mir sitzt mein ältester Sohn Tsukoyomi, er wird dir alle Fragen die du hast beantworten. Kontakt zu meiner Tochter Amaterasu untersage ich.“ Amaterasu verdreht genervt die Augen und Loki muss ein grinsen unterdrücken.
„Verstanden.“ willigt Loki eher halbherzig ein. Oh er kommt noch an die Prinzessin heran.
Tsukoyomi steht auf und geht auf Loki zu.
„Er wird dir dein Zimmer und alle wichtigen Räume zeigen.“ Loki nickt und sah den jungen Mann an. Dieser sah ihn nur missbilligend, arrogant und kalt an. Wie Loki diesen Blick hasste. War er nicht wegen solche Blicke von Zuhause geflohen.
„Nun geht.“ Der schwarzhaarige Gott verließ den Saal, sein Kopf voll mit neuen Plänen.
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midgarddaughter · 5 years
Myths, Creatures, and Folklore
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Flowers in Mythology
Fruit in Mythology
Plants in Mythology
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Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
The Gods of Africa
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All About African Mythology
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Haitian Mythology
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Gods and Goddesses of the Celtic Lands
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Melanesian Mythology
Massive Polynesian Mythology Post
Maori Mythical Creatures
Hawaiian Gods and Goddesses
Hawaiian Goddesses
Gods and Goddesses
Creating a Fantasy Religion:
Creating Part 1
Creating Part 2
Creating Part 3
Creating Part 4
Fantasy Religion Design Guide
Using Religion in Fantasy
Religion in Fantasy
Creating Fantasy Worlds
Beliefs in Fantasy
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313K notes · View notes
midgarddaughter · 5 years
Shuri: make sure you give the goats good names.
Bucky, still getting used to making choices: I have to name them?
Shuri: Of course! It would be beneficial for all involved.
Bucky: What do you even name a goat??
Runty little baby goat behind Shuri: *angrily head-butts a rhino and falls over, then charges at a fencepost*
Bucky: That one’s name is Steve.
Shuri: excellent.
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midgarddaughter · 5 years
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It’s that time of year again!!
Prints and stuff // My Instagram
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midgarddaughter · 5 years
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Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble. Fillet of a fenny snake, In the caldron boil and bake; Eye of newt and toe of frog, Wool of bat and tongue of dog.
Witch’s Brew series. These animal parts actually refer to plants! <<Buy prints and merch @ straungewunder shop>>
18K notes · View notes
midgarddaughter · 5 years
It's really not that hard to tell actors from their characters
Like, this is Loki
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And this is Tom. They have different colored hair.
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This is Castiel
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And this is Misha. They wear different clothes.
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This is Tony Stark
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And this is Robert Downey Jr. They have different names.
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