mikamel · 9 months
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Escape | c.jh
she wanted peace and he knew the perfect place to find it.
choirkid!jongho x populargirl!silver (oc)
highschool!au, angst, fluff, forbidden love
Escape (extra) | c.jh, k.ys
now it was his turn to look for peace.
choirkid!jongho, skaterboy!yeosang
highschool!au, best friends, angst, comedy
warnings: !!not a ship fic!! mentions of drugs (weed)
Your Kiss | k.ys
his eyes were on the tv while yours were on his lips
nonidol!yeosang x gn!reader
fluff, established relationship
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mikamel · 1 year
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Genre: cop jungwon! × freader(oc)!
Type: thriller, slight angst
Warnings: gore, serial killing, profanity, mentions of blood, let me know if there's something else.
Word count: 3.0K
Synopsis: Jungwon has always been a goody-two-shoes cop boyfriend, but fought with a serial killer that's been wanted for years, then ended up heavily injured. Once he wakes up from brain surgery, his whole life goes upside down, or rather  Sungsoo's life does. 
"Who are you?"
"An angel."
"What's your name?"
"It has been confirmed that the wanted serial killer from all of the deaths that occurred for the past two years has been captured. These killings shook up the whole nation as the victims were found mercilessly tortured and...."
The sound of the news on the TV faded as Sungsoo focused all of her might on hoping that her dear boyfriend would wake up soon. The whole country is also praying for his recovery, since he bravely fought and captured the serial killer that the police has been searching for years, just like the news stated.
"Jungwon-ah... please, wake up..." She said, with tears on her eyes as she grasps his hand on hers. He had a bandage around his head, an injury caused by the serial killer on the moment, having doctors to take him through several surgeries to prevent his death.
Even though she was highly proud of his courage and will to go against a dangerous person, she still felt resentful towards the fact that he could've almost died. She always thought the cop job wasn't his best fit, but she also knew how he truly cared for the civilians and did everything he could to protect them. She sighed, thinking how he was too nice and pure for his own good. There was little to no hope for him to survive after the attack, since his brain got heavily damaged by the amount of hits the criminal took out on him with a hammer.
Suddenly, she received a call from her mother, making her let go of his cold hand and answering the call.
"Hello? No, he's still unconscious... I know... Wait, you're here? Mom, I told you it's okay— I can do this. Huh? In the lobby? But— alright... I'll be there." Sungsoo hung up and looks down at Jungwon on the bed with a sad expression.
"I'll be right back, okay?" She says, expecting no response from him but hoping he at least is listening. She puts her phone inside her pant's pocket and rushes out the hospital room.
Minutes after she left, there was no sound but the ruffling of the blanket as the boy who was laying down on the rough bed slowly rises up, his hand now holding his head in pain, while his eyes slowly opened and looked around. He groans after the movement due to his recent surgery on his head, and then realizes there is definitely, another noise corrupting the space.
A bird on the room's window was chirping, taking a rest from its long distance flight, ready to go back to its nest. Jungwon then stood up, carefully walking towards the bird, with an unknown expression on his face. He approached the bird with his hand, waiting for the little animal to hop on his finger. After the bird took trust and swiftly grabbed onto the boy's finger, Jungwon lifted his other hand and hovered it over the little bird, soon after wrapping it tightly around the animal and crushing it between his palms. Without remorse, he turns around and drops the bird out the window.
"Ah... that's better. Silence."
"Now, from the left eye, how many fingers do you see?"
"Two" Replied Jungwon, still not having hold of what is going on and why he is sitting on an hospital bed. Specifically, sitting in front of strangers.
The doctor nodded and lowered his hand proceeding to write on a board he's holding, probably the patient's record.
"Jungwon... do you really not... remember us?" Sungsoo nervously asked, hoping he would somehow change the answer he gave the doctor a minute ago. However, Jungwon looked over her with an unknown gaze, not taking long as he looks forward, his empty cat-like eyes staring onto the wall.
"No. I don't know who you are." He replied, not looking at anyone. Sungsoo lowered her head and slowly nodded, trying to accept the fact that he, indeed doesn't remember them at all.
"Don't worry, it must be from the shock of the surgery that his memories have been blocked. However, they will most possibly come back slowly, so don't worry." The doctor reassured the family. "We will need to run some tests before releasing him from the hospital, now excuse me." He smiled and left the room together with his two assistants that were silently taking notes of the situation, the room now remaining quiet.
Sungsoo stood right where she was at the whole time, her hopeful thoughts having a debate inside her head. He will be alright, right? He will slowly remember... then everything will be like before, right?. She slowly looks up and steps towards him, making him look up at her with a questionable expression. She then takes his hand on hers, it being removed not long after by him, still unsure if he should trust those people that claim to be very close with him. This made Sungsoo feel a sting on her heart, not used to see her usually sweet and caring boyfriend rejecting her touch like this.
Taking ahold of the situation, her mother decides to speak up, "Jungwon-ah... don't be scared, it's just me and Sungsoo, alright? My daughter and you have been dating for a while, she cares a lot about you. Once you're released, you'll be coming back with us, okay?" She tried to reassure him, even though they receive no reaction from him. Instead, he was analyzing her every movement. She looks old. He thought.
Suddenly, he shows a smile that Sungsoo has been missing ever since before the surgery. Her little heart sting disappearing and Relief taking over her.
"I'm sorry I can't remember anything..." He stops for a second, taking ahold of Sungsoo's hand. "But I'll try my best to remember, alright? I'm glad I got a good family at my side..." He lowered his head, his hold of his girlfriends hand getting tighter, taking her by surprise, but then proceeding to hug him, tears leaving her eyes once again.
"I am just glad you're alive, after all. I love you, wonnie..."
She received no reply from him, only the acceptance of the hug as he stared down at the hand he was holding.
Did he really have such an affectionate soul- mate? Did he really deserve her?
"Oh, really? I must have been a good person, then." Jungwon shyly smiled, slightly embarrassed as Sungsoo and her mother told him the stories from his life before surgery.
"Aww, are you blushing right now?" Teased Sungsoo, receiving a neglect from Jungwon real quick, making her laugh and pinch his cheek.
"Yah, Park Sungsoo! Be more gentle with him, he just got a surgery. Don't play around too much like that, huh?" Scolded her mother, earning a pout from her and a 'alright sorry'. This made Jungwon's blood boil for a reason. He felt like he didn't like that at all. Even if he didn't remember everything about her, why couldn't his girlfriend act playful with him? He didn't mind it at all. It didn't even bother him or his head if she did. Why is her mother suddenly interrupting their moment? Who gave her the right? However, he smiled at her mother and reassured her about it.
"It's okay, she wouldn't hurt me at all. You're worrying too much ma'am." He chuckled afterwards and placed some more food on her plate, since they were sharing dinner. This made Sungsoo smile and feel warmth inside her. He hasn't changed at all, my sweet boyfriend... She thought.
After a while, they all finished eating and Jungwon offered to clean up the table, quickly earning a denial from Sungsoo's mother.
"No No, you go rest okay? I'll do everything don't worry." She reassured and started to pick plates up. Sungsoo stood up and started to help her mother, even though she also received a scolding to go and get some rest. She eventually gave up and went towards Jungwon, taking his hand.
"I will make sure our memories come back. I will help you, okay? I know it's not your fault this happened but... it makes me sad you don't remember..." she said, lowering her head. Jungwon sighed and tried to reassure her that everything's going to be alright, and that he trusts that she will help him.
Afterwards, they both went to rest, Sungsoo making sure she gets comfortable as she hugs Jungwon in her sleep. Suddenly, the lightbulb of the room gets turned on, earning an annoyed groan from Jungwon, also waking Sungsoo up.
"Oh, you two were here? I thought you'd be at the guest's room! Tsk tsk. Anyways I just forgot to take this laundry, just go back to sleep and don't mind me, yeah?" She entered and bent over to pick up the laundry basket full of clothes. Sungsoo didn't mind much and just did a muffled noise of acceptance to whatever her mother is doing. On the other hand, Jungwon was gripping onto the bedsheets under the blanket. He was beyond irritated at the way she interrupted them once again, also having the audacity to wake Sungsoo up from her beauty sleep. For some reason, ever since he gained consciousness, he felt a weird yet specific connection to her, wanting to protect yet analyze her. Her mother turned towards them and he just smiled at her, trying to be seen as apologetic as possible, even though his eyes were burning into her skull as she walked out the room, almost limping due to her weak body.
Next morning, Jungwon found himself waking up on the bed alone, an empty spot next to him. He slowly sat up, yawning and stretching his body, soon after ending up groaning in pain, holding his head as he experiences pain coming from where he got the surgery. His vision becomes blurred, the only thing he's able to hear is a long ring noise, his breathing getting heavier and cold sweat drowns his face.
His body loses balance making him fall on his back. "Argh! Stop!!" He yells, rolling on his side, waiting for the pain to cease, his vision slowly going back to normal. Minutes later, he sits up again and let's out a long sigh.
"Just what is... wrong with me."
He finally finds the ability to stand up, suddenly hearing another annoying sound that triggers his headache.
"Ugh.. what is that loud sound?" He says through gritted teeth. He follows where the noise is coming from, opening the back door to find his girlfriend's mother cutting raw chicken with a big knife on top of a wooden board. He holds his head and steps outside, standing behind her.
"What are you doing so early in the morning?" He asked her. This took her by surprise and looked back at him, then throwing him a smile as she noticed it's just her daughter's sweet boyfriend.
"Ah, you're awake already? That's a bummer. You should rest more! I prepared breakfast already, it's on the table covered for you." She turns around and was about to start chopping again until Jungwon interrupts her.
"... where's Sungsoo? She wasn't in the bed..." He said the last part more as a murmur and waited for her response.
"Oh, she went out for some groceries I needed for dinner. She'll be back soon, it's just around the corner. Now go to eat! You need to be healthy again after the accident, okay? Go go" She rushed him with her hand, then turned around and started chopping the chicken again. Loud cuts, once after another.
Jungwon was holding his head tighter, his breath slowly becoming heavier.
Stop her... stop her... kill her... just kill her...
There was a voice that was eating Jungwon's brain, his eyes widened, and he stood there frozen, the voice again repeating its words. Kill her... Do it... she's weak... it's going to be easy... Jungwon groaned, a force on him wanting to steal the knife from her and—
Out of a sudden, there was a visceral sound that seemed to drive deeply inside Jungwon's bones. He held his head tighter, both noises summing up and driving him crazy. He ran inside the house, going unnoticed by the woman as she was busy cutting the deceased animal.
"The fuck is it now..."
Right away, there was the kitchen. He kneeled down and grasped his forehead with his hand, taking deep breaths and growling as the voice got louder and louder. The chainsaw... it must be coming from next door... He thought to himself. His eyes slowly looked up towards the kitchen counter, spotting a knife right on the top. His expression grew darker, almost as if he found relief upon such an object. He stood up, his hand approaching the sharp weapon and grasping it tightly.
He heads towards the window that faced the neighbor's house, climbing up on it and jumping down on the ground outside. He had a drive inside him, a guide telling him what to do with each step he took towards the loud sound that was eating him alive. He opened a fence entrance that led to a patio, and there it was, the nuisance that dared to wake up an instinct inside Jungwon. It got even louder as he approached the man, which rapidly noticed the visitor as he looked towards the boy. The neighbor pulled down his face mask and smiled brightly, not receiving the same welcomed expression from Jungwon, who was hiding a dangerous object behind his back.
"Oh! Yang Jungwon! What a surprise, I guess the surgery was successful! You look healthy, all of us were praying for your recovery! We are all very glad that you stopped that mons—"
He felt a fierce and sharp pain on his abdomen, coughing up blood, it landing on Jungwon's emotionless face. He dropped to the ground, soon letting the chainsaw fall. However, it was still running, it's prototypical noise driving Jungwon crazier.
"It seems like you know me... well, I am glad we met again then." A smirk slowly creeped up Jungwon's mouth. Loving the clear fear and terror on the man's face, he crouched down, admiring his suffering. Once he tried to defend himself, Jungwon grabbed him by his hair and threw his body towards the fence, his back hitting against the wooden surface. He kept gasping for air, soon enough getting interrupted as Jungwon dragged him to lay him down on the ground, raising his knife with a sinister look on his face. He kept stabbing the man, his blood splattering over the walls and floor. It goes on, on, on, and on. Cuts, slashes, rains of blood. His screams were muffled by the chainsaw, Jungwon having zero worries of others finding out, enjoying the moment as his flesh cuts open, adoring the man's last breaths. Yes... Kill him... slice his throat open... The voices kept going and going. Jungwon having no option but to listen to them. He stopped for a moment and recovered his breath, throwing his head back and releasing a sigh.
"Ah... that felt great." He felt relieved, like a weigh was lifted off his shoulders. The blood ran down his neck, painting his light clothes red. He stood up, the lifeless body laying right behind him. He felt powerful, almost like he unlocked a new skill level in his life. He looked around, finding something or somewhere to plant the body. He didn't want anyone else to see his artwork but himself. Dragging the body, he left a trail of blood down the hill that he found behind the house. Afterward, he went back up to get a shovel from the patio. He dug a hole on the ground, soon after throwing the body inside and covering it.
Sungsoo opened the front door and carried the shopping bags towards the kitchen. She sighed from the walk she had to do for the corner store. She placed them on the kitchen counter, turning around and finding her mother carrying chicken pieces on a plate.
"Oh? You're here already? That's good, I just finished with the chicken." Her mother said, placing down the plate on the counter as well.
"Yeah, I am tired already. Also, have you seen Jungwon? He was sleeping when I left and..." She looks towards the dining table. "... his breakfast is left untouched."
Her mother was confused, she swore he went inside to eat and probably went back to sleep. She tilted her head and sighed. "That boy... he probably went back to rest without eating! I told him to so he could be healthy." She sighed and continued to work with the food. Sungsoo furrowed her eyebrows confused, starting to walk towards her room, where she last saw him. He would usually be a morning person, though... She thought.
Once she opened the door to her room, she got surprised upon seeing Jungwon pulling a shirt over him, him turning around also as surprised by the door opening. Sungsoo's cheeks flushed red and she stuttered. 
"A-ah, sorry— I've just been looking for you and- just continue, I'll be back once you're finished." She said, turning around and was about to walk out. However, she got stopped by his arms wrapping around her waist, receiving a back hug from him. Her lips parted in surprise, but soon after her thoughts are filled with questions. Jungwon's voice halters, talking in whispers, almost as if he was in terror.
"I- I'm scared... I'm scared... Sun... I'm scared..."
"This morning, a crime scene was found by Mr. A's wife, terror soon surrounding the neighborhood as she encountered her patio with blood splattered all around it, and the most shocking part, was a big red cross drawn on the fence, presumably done using the victim's blood.  The police have begun an investigation regarding her husband's disappearance.  This case has been seen to be pretty similar to the killings done by the earlier serial killer that was soon captured. There are doubts whether there is a copycat or a new rise of a psychopath that the nation needs to worry of once again..."
Note: first completed post!! I made this fanfic based on a certain k-drama... let's see if anyone notices which one I made some references to 👀. Funny how the work I planned to post first is the total opposite of this one. Oh well, hope you enjoyed the ride this plot has 😔
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mikamel · 1 year
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My Gamer Lv999
Genre: fluff, romance
Type: pro-gamer!jungwon × oc!fem
Warnings: cheating, nothing else?
Synopsis: Helen's boyfriend broke up with her for a girl he met in a video game. After getting dumped in the most embarrassing way possible, Helen decides to play a game to let all of her anger out. During her little anger-fest, she meets the gamer pro Jungwon! However, she quickly finds out that he is not a very social person. The next day, she meets Jungwon again, but in real life! After spending the whole day with him, she gets interested in him. Will there be something to look forward with him? Or will they stay as gaming partners?
Ps. Inspired from the anime My Love Story with Yamada-kun Lv999
Coming soon♡
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