mioalmonte · 2 years
"El Poderio"
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The representation of "Vulnerability" All photos in this article Captured by Perla Jaquez (IG: @lifeonfilrolls)
The ocean is a great metaphor as to what the experience of a Rebirth feels like. In other words, to be born again is to know the depths of the sea. Our bodies represent its mass, emotions are the waves, our mind resembles the ocean current, while our souls are the depths. The manifestation of a rebirth will interrupt your walk through life unprecedentedly. Something like a thief in the night which wakes you abruptly, or in the middle of the day like a terrorist attack. Either way, if you’ve met a rebirth or are in the process of one then you know what I mean. A rebirth is both the  best thing that can happen to us and the most inexplicable. Every person will have a unique version of their renaissance. There is no "one in the same" road through it. 
    In my case, most of my existence had been a consistent internal and external mess. My identity was shot-BOOM! From birth. Since I can remember I suffered from depression, anxiety, dissociation, generational curses, and much more! So much dysfunction was happening around me. From my father abusing me physically, emotionally, and psychologically to being molested by family members before I could even exercise my own will. While my mother's absence during pivotal years of my development also affected me in many ways. Being born into unhealthy family systems will automatically distort how we perceive our life experiences. My false self formed when I was a child, as many of ours do. What is a "false self" you may ask? A false self is a version of ourselves that we create to ultimately "protect" ourselves as we go along operating through survival mode "seamlessly" (so we think) for many different reasons. Despite your false self forming in your early years or later on in life I am sure that you understand the feeling of operating in a being or form that doesn't feel true to you. A feeling of "God this cannot be life , if so wipe me out NOW!" or "There has to be more to life because this ain't it". One too many times I asked God to take me in my sleep. I would say, "I don't want to wake up tomorrow, please just kill me. Get this over with". The agony of not living in our true form feels intolerable. It's poison to our spirit. A cross too heavy to bear. If you know you, you know.  
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 The representation of "Anxiety & Depression"
Consequently as time swims on by nothing changes, unless we do. True transformation only happens when we become who we no longer were. That takes time, effort, action ,and divine intervention. I believe God uses everything in our favor! A Rebirth is nothing short of that statement. We are spiritual beings living a human experience not the other way around and God is our source. To be in this earthly realm merely getting by with our false self will inevitably come to an end. Whether tragically or disruptively. The truth is that we came here on a mission, with a purpose in hand; to love and to serve. While healing happens in the span of our journey because of the collateral damage that we endure in the process. Everything else is the icing on the cake or a distraction intending to keep us from the mission of living out God's promises for our life. Which is exactly why we must "Be self-controlled and alert because our enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." [1 Peter 5:6+7]  
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The representation of: "Self Love/ Taking your Power back" & "Death"
To live from an empty cup is draining. It's like wearing sneakers without strings or attempting to breathe without air. It's discouraging, to say the least. The great news is that the symptoms and emotions which come along with our Rebirth are the indicators that God is going to set us free. Also known as deliverance. I will explain. Going back to what I mentioned at the beginning of this blog, most of the time the demons that we come against pertain to traumatic childhood experiences, life experiences, poor choices or by generational curses. Generationally speaking there are many things that have been passed down to us from our ancestors and usually we can only name a few. Thankfully God is graceful enough to reveal these things to us in the healing process of our rebirth. In our darkness lies our truth and I don't know about you but facing my demons has been the toughest part of my deliverance. Turns out that generational curses are so overwhelming that it makes it that much more inconvenient for us to want to face them. However, we cannot skip any steps because there is a divine order to all that is. What we would actually love to do is to skip that part to get to the good part. Especially because we feel that it has nothing to do with us. When in reality it has ALL to do with us because what we do not put a stop to simply keeps on repeating itself from generation to generation until someone in the lineage puts a stop to it. Which brings me back to why I KNOW that God will set us free. Once we pay our dues by doing the work, then the glory is ours. God is a merciful God, and a forgiving God.
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The representation of: "Solitude" "Resilience"
No matter what our trials may be, God will NEVER hold our shortcomings against us! I speak from experience. The devil will have us running laps around our mind telling us so many lies about ourselves plus all the reasons why we should give up. This article will not be sufficient for me to express the hell that I have been through just to get to the other side of me. The true version of myself. The version of me that is not identified as the pain that I've endured, and the countless trauma that I lived through, but the version of me that I was meant to be all along. A powerful and phenomenal woman, a great mother, wife, sister, lover, friend, servant, and healer (just to name a few attributes). My true self is a warrior. She is a force to be reckoned with and so are you. What God has done for me he will do for you ten folds. There is a real war out here. This war is being operated in the spirit realm and manifesting itself in the physical. Therefore, we must guard our heart, body, mind, space, and soul at all times. The closer we are to our breakthrough and liberation the more attacked we feel. The spirits of anxiety, depression, panic attacks,  suicide, frustration, fear, plus more begin to manifest with more potency as we get closer to our deliverance. Remember this - "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."  [2 Timothy 1:7]
When we are born again we awaken to our true purpose. We are granted a spirit of discernment therefore, no more wasting time. Whatever doesn't sit well with our spirit man will no longer be entertained. The devil knows this and that's why he attacks us in the ways in which he does in the first place. Let's say there are two mango trees, one of them has ripe juicy mangos and the other one has unripe/rotten mangos; which tree would you aim for with rocks to get mangos? The answer is the ripe tree. At least that's what I would choose. This metaphor is exactly why the devil tempts us to become addicted to substances, to commit suicide,  to become discouraged enough hoping we will then settle for less than God's greater plan for our lives. In the midst of our greatest torments the devil wants us to believe his lies because he knows that what we have inside of us is greater than what has happened. Once we are born again indefinitely the devil and his demons' time is up with us and our family. That means more beacons of light spreading light and love through the works of God in the world. This is the reason why we are challenged so much. In which case I say unto you to allow the pain, anxiety, depression, intrusive thoughts and whatever your demons are to open you up to ignite your curiosity toward knowledge so that you can make this process intentional. You must know that if there is one thing that the trials of our rebirth are trying to teach us is how to turn our mental, emotional, and spiritual afflictions into transformative power also known as spiritual alchemy. Which is exactly what happens when we are born again-We transform. Becoming completely new and more powerful than ever before. 
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The representation of "Growth"
[Special note for the reader: Hurray you got this far that means that you read the entire article! : ). In faith I believe that this text has blessed you. These words are a labor of love inspired by my personal experience with rebirth. It was intended to fortify you. If you fall under the category of someone who is currently undergoing a Rebirth, my message to you is that you are not alone. All of the feelings, emotions, and afflictions that you are encountering are working in your favor because you can and you will break through! Every single thing that was intended to break you or destroy you by the enemy; God is going to use 100% in your favor. Keep going. We need you.]
The photos in this article represent some of the emotions that form part of a rebirth.
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