missgabs05 Ā· 1 year
my predictions for the future
Dev will continue to work on the game because thatā€™s what heā€™s been insisting
If Dev steps down, YanSim will be given to another developer rather than sold off
Assuming at least 80% of volunteers have left, Dev will have to spend another several years finding new people and replacing assets before returning to the crowdfunding list
Oh yeah, crowdfundingā€™s not happening
Amai has been pushed back at least 5 years
Ayano will be replaced entirely (along with every other voice actor possibly)
Game will be completed in 2030, unironically
A little random, but I can see Crush Crush pulling out their collab
Next blog post will be a game update
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missgabs05 Ā· 1 year
OMG! Hi Gabby, are you ok? (If you don't mind me asking)
Omg Sam, hi!Ā šŸ’•Ā I donā€™t mind you asking at all, Iā€™ve missed talking to you so much, and I hope youā€™ve been doing great! :D <3 If you, or anyone else who is reading this for that matter, ever want to talk, then please, feel free to send me a dm :D Iā€™m sorry for suddenly becoming inactive on here and leaving without explanation :( Sometimes when things just get too hard for me, I canā€™t even bring myself to talk or interact with people, both irl or online, so I just end up leaving, usually intending to take a small break, but I actually just end up staying away for several months without saying anything :( especially when Iā€™m taking a break from drawing and I donā€™t have anything to post. I literally did the exact same thing like 3 years ago on Instagram and I have not talked to most of my friends on there sinceĀ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’”Ā I keep letting them know that Iā€™ll be active again soon, but since Iā€™ve been taking a break from working on art and stuff, itā€™s really hard to find motivation to go on there when I have nothing new to post :ā€™( Which sucks, because I really miss talking to all my friends therešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’”Ā (God, I really need to start being active on all my social media accounts again lol I donā€™t have very many but still lmao)
As for how Iā€™ve been, I guess Iā€™ve just been good :D I mean things can be kind of bad every now and again for my personal life but Iā€™m graduating this year so things will most likely be a whole lot easier once Iā€™m out of school, but even while Iā€™m still in school everything is still pretty chill most of the time :D
But as for today, Iā€™m sure you know what my new post is about :(((Ā 
And you know what, while Iā€™m here, I might as well say whatā€™s on my mind.
This is all just so mind-boggling.
I mean, I never really was a big fan of YandereDev, I was always more interested in his game and there were times where I was able to talk about it without bringing him up at all, just because he wasnā€™t relevant in whatever I was talking about.
I was neutral for a very long time, and I was, and still am, completely against people going out of their own way to harass him, trying to tell him how to make his game, send him pointless pictures/videos to waste his time, send him intense nsfw content, whether it be gore or something else, etc.
Because the way I see it, itā€™s completely pointless and time-wasting to focus on something you clearly do not like. And if you canā€™t talk about something you like without always bringing up the thing you hate about it, then chances are youā€™re just more interested in the thing you hate than the thing you ā€œlike.ā€ And I would constantly see people who could not even talk about YanSim without mentioning how much they hated YandereDev. Specifying that you do not support him is one thing that I can understand, but constantly having to shit-talk him and his game at any given opportunity just got so old. (I may just be biased, however, because I just really hate having to read/see negative things, especially about my interests, just because it messes with me very mentally and emotionally.)
So in that case, I never interacted with hate posts, and I never tried to talk too much about any drama, especially because in most cases, drama is not really anyone elseā€™s place to talk, since it involves other people and their opinions, experiences, feelings, etc.
I just wanted to focus on what I liked and share my interests with other people :) And at one point I truly hoped that everyone would leave him alone and let him work on his game, because up until this point, he hadnā€™t ever actually done anything extremely bad. (At least as far as I know, because even though there are so many videos about him and things heā€™s done Iā€™ve never really watched any of them because like I said, I was just trying to avoid anything negative.)
I really enjoyed talking about the things and characters I liked, I had so many plans to make new art, concepts, and I even wanted to make art of my own takes on new uniforms, rooms, areas, and characters, just because thatā€™s how much I loved this game. I made a lot of new friends because we both shared an interest over this game, and overall, I really just enjoyed being in this community. It made me so happy.
But I mean wow, he really fucked up. Sooo many people, volunteers, and workers have left. The development for the game was already incredibly slow, but this is just going to slow it down so much more. And what makes it so unbelievable to me, and to everyone else, is that none of us actually thought that he would stoop that low and do what he did. I actually thought that he knew better. I actually thought he was smarter. After all these years of people trying to take him down with false accusations, and with me believing that this would just be another example, I truly believed that he was not the person that so many people were falsely painting him out to be. (Because yes, all of those old accusations were not true.) But I was wrong. I was so wrong. I really really do feel so embarrassed that I actually believed that he was innocent all this time, but I mean, can you blame me? Like I said earlier, so many people made so many false claims about him, and they were never true. (As to my knowledge.) I remember he had even said that his house had been swatted before at least once, and that was what really made me believe that he truly was innocent, because I always thought that if he did actually have some gross stuff they would have found it right? I guess not. To be honest, I always just thought he was just this kinda weird dude with a weird sense of humor. I actually just thought that he only had very intense anger issues. (Which I still believe he does.) But we all know the truth now.
Iā€™m so sorry to everyone who tried to tell me about his true self. I should have believed you.
I know I said that itā€™s not really my place to talk about drama, but as for this situation, all I can say to the victim is that: All of us who were in the fandom are so terribly sorry that that happened to you. Please take care of yourself and be safe.Ā 
And to YandereDev: I, and so many of us are all so unimaginably disappointed in you. I will say, however, that I am glad that you actually apologized, and took accountability to what you did wrong, but it doesnā€™t change and cannot change the fact that whatā€™s happened, has happened. You are disgusting beyond belief, and youā€™ve let everyone down. The only thing I believe that you can do now is to just bow out gracefully. This is just something you cannot come back from.
I was surprisingly able to stay reserved throughout the day, despite hearing about everything literally just after I woke up, but just a few minutes ago I decided to check out some of my favorite YS YouTubers to see whatever input they currently had on the situation. Reuben W and Shinah Hoakin have already posted their goodbyes and have let everyone know that they are officially moving on. ReubenThePig080 has posted some information about the situation, but it doesnā€™t seem like heā€™s planning on leaving, or at least not yet. And Akira Shimizu hasnā€™t said anything about the situation yet, in fact Iā€™m not even sure if sheā€™s aware of it because it seems that she hasnā€™t been online on her YouTube channel for a few days now. Kubz Scouts hasnā€™t said anything either, but I know that he is eventually going to say something, and I am truthfully not prepared to hear what he has to say. And those are only a few YouTubers within hundreds who have been in this community. After seeing all of that, all of a sudden, all the realizations just hit me harder then I was ready for, and my emotions became uncontrollable. As ridiculous as it may sound, I just couldnā€™t help but break down into tears.
People who havenā€™t been fans of the game/in the fandom may not realize this, but everyone is so fucking shocked. This is like one big nightmare. None of us were expecting anything like this. None of us wanted something like this to happen. All any of us ever wanted was to have our cute little anime game full of our favorite characters and silly tropes. And now whatā€™s going to happen? Whatā€™s going to happen to the story that has been being planned this entire time? Whatā€™s going to happen to all the characters that weā€™ve all grown to love over these several years? Especially the ones that only have a few sentences of personality? We were all so excited and prepared to see the characters develop and hear how the story would end. But now it just seems that all those years of work are going to fade into obscurity. This might really be the nail in the coffin. We are all so objectively heartbroken. My god, I still canā€™t believe this. Iā€™ve been following the development of this game since I was young, and Iā€™ve been trying to wait patiently all these years so that I could finally play the game. It canā€™t possibly end on a note as terrible as this. It just canā€™t.
At this point, my biggest hope for the future of this game is that YandereDev will just hand the game over to a different team, company, person, or anyone else that has more experience so that they can help take care of the much bigger responsibilities/problems that the game still currently has, and get this game completed. It would still be his game, kind of, but it would have new people in charge of it. Itā€™s a slim chance, but maybe, just maybe if the game was under new control, some of the volunteers, artists, voice actors/actresses, etc. would be willing to lend their iconic talent and support to the game once again, since it would no longer in the hands of YandereDev. The game could also even be given better mechanics and models, it wouldnā€™t be so low-budget anymore, and it would most probably get competed much, much faster.
And who knows. Maybe with just enough luck, and by some crazy miracle, Yandere Simulator can be revived and be turned into a full, enjoyable, and successful game.
Like I said before, Iā€™ve been taking a break from art for a while now, and I donā€™t plan on starting up again for a while, but when I do, I am still planning on making fanart of Yandere Simulator. Not only because itā€™s my art, and I get to draw whatever I want, but also because I should be allowed to continue drawing something if it helps me improve with my artwork. (Which Yandere Simulator has.) And Iā€™m still so attached to the gameā€™s characters, aesthetics, environments, etc. and Iā€™m not sure how much longer I will be, but I still want to make art of the things I like. Also, just because Iā€™m making fanart does not instantly mean that Iā€™m supporting YandereDev. I havenā€™t given him any money ever in my life, and you donā€™t even give him any money when you play the game. (And Iā€™ve never even had a chance to play the game anyway, and now, I may never get the chance.)
I know that it may seem as though Iā€™ve been focusing more on the game then I have on the victim and what happened to her, and like I said, we all feel sorry and wish the best for her, but I believe that I and all the other fans of this game are allowed to grieve the very possible loss of something we were all so enthusiastic over, and something that was a big part of many of our lives.
Well, thatā€™s all I have to say. Thank you to anyone who reads all of this I know itā€™s a lot lol
But I have to go now.
Stay safe everyone and take careĀ āœŒļø<3
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missgabs05 Ā· 1 year
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missgabs05 Ā· 2 years
I cant sleep so now I will write some HC.
Uekiya is really paranoid about people mood.
if someone tells her that they are ok when they are cleary not ok, she will get nervous about them for the all day until she is 100% sure they are really ok.
Toga is interested in criminal psychology.
Ryuto have a little brother and he idolize Ryuto because he thinks his big brother is cool and brave.
Also he gifted him his bandana.
Meka is scared of water (thalassophobia) and Homu is scared of fire (pyrophobia).
Mantaro see his club members as his family.
Sometimes when Juku feel really weak and useless he pretend to be sick and pass time by reading in the library.
Kashiko and Hana pass all the time together like the Basu sisters or Dafuni and Beruma.
Horuda considered the idea of buying a paper spray because of the bullies.
Himari before the gardening club she considered the martials art club.
Unagi is addicted to his favorite deodorant he always use it too much.
The last one then i will go to sleep.
Kokuma have an ant fort and she used it in the past (middle school) to get revenge of her bullies by putting her ants inside their clothes or bags.
She didn't use them for the Musume gang, but sometimes she consider the idea...
ok now im going to sleep, goodnight.
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missgabs05 Ā· 2 years
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Kenko GIF
(Search "Loituma girl" then can find the original animation)
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missgabs05 Ā· 2 years
Hurricane Ian boutta come fuck me upšŸ’€
Thanks for the time off school tho I guess.
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missgabs05 Ā· 2 years
There isnā€™t a better way to get through a hurricane than drawing gay porn.
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missgabs05 Ā· 2 years
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made new pfp of my meet the artist thingy
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missgabs05 Ā· 2 years
Hurricane Ian boutta come fuck me upšŸ’€
Thanks for the time off school tho I guess.
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missgabs05 Ā· 2 years
reblog and tell me why ai is ur fav like I genuinely want to know
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missgabs05 Ā· 2 years
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Me and my brother are doing a thing where we draw ourselves certain ways. Hereā€™s my part. (He chose the games we drew ourselves as characters in) The first one is just normal me.
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missgabs05 Ā· 2 years
Mantaro, you are so hard to draw ):<
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missgabs05 Ā· 2 years
i love yansim but W H Y
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missgabs05 Ā· 2 years
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Made this myself
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missgabs05 Ā· 2 years
The entire Yandere Simulator fandom is like a small neighborhood. We all know each other. While it's kinda sad, I think it's comfortable.
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missgabs05 Ā· 2 years
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missgabs05 Ā· 2 years
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Science club & Milky wayšŸŒŸšŸŒŒ
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