mizuharas-blog · 9 years
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Balmain - The details
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mizuharas-blog · 9 years
Safely Eating Expired Foods
The food bank gave me a hand-out about how long you can safely eat unopened foods past their expiration dates, and I thought other people might find it helpful. 
Milk, cream: within 10 days past expiration date
Soft cheese, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese: consume within 14 days past expiration date
Butter, hard cheese: consume within 3 months past expiration date (personal note: if cheese gets mold you can cut off the moldy parts the rest is still fine)
Frozen butter: consume within 12 months past expiration date
Eggs (in shells): consume within 1 month past expiration date
Egg substitutes: consume within 10 days of expiration date. 
Fresh: consume on or before expiration date
Frozen: defrost in fridge or microwave, and eat immediately after defrosting. 
Not do eat: meat with severe freeze burn, discolored meat, and meat not frozen before expiration date
Liquid products (rice milk, almond milk): consume withing 10 days past expiration date
Shelf stable liquid products: consume within 12 months past expiration date
Margarine: consume within 6 months past expiration date
Meat substitutes (tofu, etc): consume on or before expiration date
Frozen meat substitutes: consume within 12 months past expiration date if frozen before expiration date
Dried beans, pasta: consume indefinitely
Dressings, mayo: consume within 12 months past expiration date
Cereal, crackers: consume within 12 months past expiration date
Canned foods: may be consumed indefinitely (except for pineapple and tomato)
Jarred foods, canned tomato and pineapple: consume within 18 months past expiration date
Fresh juice: consume within 3 months past expiration date
Fresh bread, pastries: consume on or before expiration date (personal note, I find that sandwich bread is good to eat so long as it’s not stale or growing mold)
Frozen bread: consume within 6 months past expiration date
Fresh produce: ripe, edible, and mold-free
Sliced melon: consume on or before expiration date
Deli items, packaged by store: consume within 48 hours of expiration date
Pre-packaged prepared foods packed by manufacturer, fresh: consume within 14 days past expiration date
Pre-packaged prepared foods packed by manufacturer, frozen: consume within 12 months past expiration date
Food that is stale, has insects, or mold
Food in open, punctured, bulging, or seriously damaged cans
Food in a jar that is leaking or has a broken seal
Food that is discolored or has an off-odor
Product has been thawed then re-frozen 
Please use your best judgement and when in doubt, throw it out. 
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mizuharas-blog · 9 years
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Talon Richard (Dick) Grayson
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mizuharas-blog · 9 years
Gryffindor: high-fiving someone so hard it hurts your hand (on purpose, and you just get even more pumped up + happy), catching things right before they hit the ground, "home is not a place, it's a person", buying dozens of notebooks but only writing a couple of things in each of them, balconies, assuming everyone speaks the truth, instant noodles, carefree jokes in the middle of fighting in action movies, hitchhiking, board games (with friends), adopting slang words/expressions from other people, road trips, drinking/eating straight from the container, forgetting to brush your teeth, explaining things with your hands or by showing, volunteering (sometimes just so that those who REALLY don't want to do it won't have to), constantly changing your ringtone
Ravenclaw: reading funny/interesting facts and forgetting them right away (except for the VERY fascinating ones), going to a foreign country without knowing the language; learning as you go/by experiencing it yourself and through failed attempts, multitasking (with questionable results), space, tearing paper as a stress reliever, preferring ballpoint + mechanical pens because the line they draw is even, procastination, blushing easily, either REALLY neat or REALLY messy handwriting, making sure everyone is drinking enough water (and not too much alcohol), never borrowing money but always lending it to others (with no rush to get it back), wind, green tea, talking really fast/loud when you get excited, laughing and smiling silently, only paying attention to the things that interest you
Slytherin: having a discussion with someone across the room by using just gestures and facial expressions/lip reading, ending up sharpening all the pencils instead of just the one you need, string instruments, both judgemental eye rolls and friendly and teasing eye rolls, never ignoring problems, taking one (or two) for the team, cutting your own hair/making your own jewellery and clothing; DIY, formal language with strangers and at work but swearing/using (internet) slang with friends and at home, never letting fate decide, keeping secrets (both others' and your own), forgiving relatively fast but NOT many times, avoiding telling white lies, mostly listening during conversations but impressing everyone with how intelligent and insightful you are when you do comment/speak
Hufflepuff: sunflowers and dandelions, (cookie) dough, colouring books, choosing the slightly smaller half of a halved pastry even though the other person said you could pick either one and they'd have the other one, bumblebees + honey bees, listening to loud music with headphones and constantly fearing others can hear it, humming and whistling, coffee and hot chocolate with lots of of whipped cream and spices, blanket forts, not feeling pressured to do anything "productive", always thinking it's your fault (it's not), having days for yourself; peace and quiet and self-care, movie/TV/Netflix marathons, procastinating at first and then working for hours and hours straight just before the deadline, rain (heavy or light), chocolate and peppermint and fudge
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mizuharas-blog · 9 years
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aesthetic: rihanna courtside at basketball games
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mizuharas-blog · 9 years
if a black person isn’t reblogging what is going on in Baltimore you have NO RIGHT to ask them why they aren’t. We are staying informed, we know what’s happening. Some of us are reblogging/posting a lot about it, and some aren’t. DON’T BE THE ASSHOLE THAT ASKS WHY A BLACK PERSON ‘DOESN’T CARE’ ABOUT AN ISSUE THAT DIRECTLY AFFECTS US. Please understand that we are so fucking tired. This has been ENDLESS. It’s so hard for us to bear, and it’s harder for some than others. Do you have any idea how fucking taxing it is to be witnessing the literal genocide of your people in your own country? How fucking dare you have the audacity to ask a BLACK person if they care about what is happening right now. Fuck you 
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mizuharas-blog · 9 years
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                                                          .this is the story of me.
                                         .and the people who showed some hope in me.
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mizuharas-blog · 9 years
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Bros of the Night’s Watch {insp}
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mizuharas-blog · 9 years
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this is probably my favorite tweet I’ve ever seen in my whole life
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mizuharas-blog · 9 years
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mizuharas-blog · 9 years
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Foolproof Béarnaise Sauce
Really nice recipes. Every hour.
Show me what you cooked!
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mizuharas-blog · 9 years
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yesterday my mom (she refused to take a picture with me so i used an old photo, im on the left, the kid on the right is irrelevant) and my auntie surprised me by presenting me a collection of jade jewelry because i had, casually and without really expecting anything except maybe hostility, mentioned that i wanted to wear jade pieces. jade, to me, symbolizes not only womanhood but a connection to my people. i remember, as a child, seeing my mom’s smooth wrist adorned with this beautiful jade band and dreamed that i one day would wear it too. as the years went by, however, it seemed like i’d never get the chance to, until now. my mother and my family has come so far in their understanding of gender, what it means to be a trans woman and i’m so excited to keep learning with her. 
 and i wish i could just alleviate some of her burdens, her pain so that we can focus on rebuilding our relationship as mother and daughter. it hurts me to see my mother struggling not only to look after me, her family but also with herself: my mother has autoimmune disease, which affects multiple organs, and fights everyday to provide for me. being a trans, female student it is hard for me to find work and try to support my mother. but thankfully for social media, i can use what platform i have to ask for support from you. please consider helping me and my mother, Iris, in our journey together: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=KQG4ZEKUSS4H2&lc=US&item_name=Serena%20%26%20Iris%20Cai¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
thank you! sen
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mizuharas-blog · 9 years
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This Year’s Pulitzer Prize-Winning Editorial Cartoons
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mizuharas-blog · 9 years
vladimir nabokov: hoe don't do it
literally everyone: *completely misses the point and sexualizes Lolita*
vladimir nabokov: oh my god
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mizuharas-blog · 9 years
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THE FOOL’S JOURNEY | a southern gothic mix based on the major arcana of the tarot listen
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mizuharas-blog · 9 years
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Martin Ålund (Swedish, b. 1967, Skellefteå, Sweden) - Chemistry I: IX, 2013    Paintings: Oil on Canvas
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mizuharas-blog · 9 years
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All righty, kids, it’s time for another giveaway. What am I giving away? ONLY MY FAVORITE THING. If you’ve been following this blog for any given amount of time, you already know that thing is red lipstick. BECAUSE RED LIPSTICK IS FUCKING AWESOME AND I WANT TO SHARE MY ENTHUSIASM FOR IT WITH SOME LUCKY ASSHOLE.
The items in this giveaway range from mattes to creams to glosses to stains to balms. Every item on this list is unopened/untouched, with the exception of one.* I’m also throwing in a cute little makeup case, too, because why the hell not? You gotta store that shit somewhere.
All right. Now the moment you’ve been waiting for: what the hell I’m including.
Velvetines in “Red Velvet” by LimeCrime
"Eden" Matte by NYX
"Perfect Red" Matte by NYX
"Pure Red" Matte by NYX
"Alabama" Matte by NYX (* please note: this was opened and quickly tested by me on the inside of my wrist because it didn’t look like the color I ordered; I wiped it with alcohol to disinfect it afterwards… let me know if you don’t want it.)
202 “Cherry Picked” by ULTA
203 “Chili Pepper” by ULTA
Round Case Lipstick in “Electra” by NYX
Color Sensational Matte in “Siren in Scarlet” by Maybelline
Colour Rich LipColour in “British Red” by L’Oreal
Moisture Renew Lipstick in “Diva Red” by Rimmel London
Long-lasting Lipsticks in “Dare to Wear” by Essence
Lip Tint in “Reliable” by Pixel
Slim Lip Pencil in “Hot Red” by NYX
Slim Lip Pencil in “Plush Red” by NYX
EOS Lip Balm in “Vanilla Mint”
XXXL Shine Lip Gloss in “Pure Chic”
- You can reblog/like it as many times as your little heart desires, but only one reblog will count. I will be entering all participants into a spreadsheet and then letting a random number generator choose the winner.  - You don’t have to follow me for this. I mean, you’re more than welcome to, but it’s not necessary. My tumblr is basically a whole bunch of space pictures, random fandom things, and me cursing my landlady for not allowing me to have a pet bird (I really want a cockatiel).
This contest will end MARCH 15 because I’m 98% sure the blood that spurted from Julius Caesar’s many stab wounds was the same shade as my signature lipstick color, and I’m all about parallels. 
Like my previous giveaways, I will ship anywhere in the world at no cost to the winner. Also like the previous giveaways, I’ll probably throw in a few more things, because what the hell.
See you in March!
(ps: thanks to stingerhouse for making the lipstick graphic!)
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