mockserenity · 3 years
i hate how lithium makes me feel physically. i feel so sick i can barely function as a human.
and, of course, it has changed nothing. living is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me
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mockserenity · 3 years
i’m being split in half by my emotions. i can’t do this
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mockserenity · 3 years
i’ve lost all interest in the things i used to enjoy. i think this is it. i can’t do it anymore
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mockserenity · 4 years
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Wizarding Kindergarten - Fieldtrip to Gringotts 🧑👧
Note: Although the children are taught to open their own vaults. In reality, the goblins transfer their money to their parents’ account 
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mockserenity · 4 years
Drug addicts deserve common decency no matter what drug they are addicted to, how severe their addiction is, and whether or not they are receiving help for their addiction.
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mockserenity · 4 years
i almost relapsed yesterday. i go to meetings and think the higher power thing is bullshit, but yesterday made me think it’s real. someone is looking out for me. and i don’t know who it is but i’m glad they’re here for me. i feel stronger in my recovery today. things might be okay.
-confessions of a recovering addict who will be recovered for much longer
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mockserenity · 4 years
all i can think about is getting high. all i can think about is getting high. all i can think about is getting high. all i can think about is getting high. all i can think about is getting high.
confessions of a recovering addict who won’t be recovered for much longer
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mockserenity · 4 years
all i can think about is walking up to someone and saying, “hey, you wanna go get high?” then i remember i can’t and i shouldn’t. everything was worse when i was using. but memories and nostalgia lie to me. they tell me everything was great. but there’s nothing worse than being high and being sad.
-confessions of a recovering drug addict who might not be recovered for much longer
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mockserenity · 4 years
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Baby Appa, soup for the soul
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mockserenity · 4 years
It washes over me in a wave of suffocation. All the sudden my throat closes up and my lungs have a pressure that never ceases. And the only thing that feels like it can take the anvel off of my chest is a hit. All I can hear in my mind is a bong rip. Snorting a line. And even after all this time, it never leaves my mind.
-confessions of a recovering drug addict who might not be recovered for much longer
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mockserenity · 4 years
10 Reasons Not To Relapse:
1) Withdrawals. Those weren’t fun, were they?
2) The mental torture and anxiety of realizing the dope is almost out…
3) …and having to experience that feeling every single day.
4) Your freedom will be lost once again. The dope will be making all the decisions now, and it doesn’t care how its choices will destroy you.
5) Do you really want to lose your clean time? Even if it’s a day, so many people will never be able to achieve a day of sobriety.
6) Oh, but you might not get an opportunity to ever get clean again, because there’s a good chance you’ll O.D.
7) You’ll go back to the same lifestyle that brought you to get clean to begin with.
8) Think you feel shitty now? You’ll feel even shitter when you relapse.
9) Think of your worst drug run and double it: that’s what you’ll have to look forward to.
10) I may not know you personally, but I know you don’t deserve to relive the horror that is active addiction. You may question your worth, but let me be the one to tell you that you deserve SO MUCH BETTER than having a needle in your arm, powder in your nose, or toxin in your lungs.
Now, don’t be ashamed or feel hopeless if you relapsed, because relapse is a part of lot of people’s stories, including mine. Relapse doesn’t mean you can’t get clean again; in fact it’s a big incentive to say “fuck you addiction!” And try again!
** This post is for the addicts who are about to pick up. I just wanted to try to prevent at least one person’s relapse, because as many of us know, relapses are miserable. **
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mockserenity · 4 years
what are your favorite dramione fanfictions??
These are the ones that I still reread regularly: 
Polaroids by MrsRen 
Rumor Has it by MrsRen
Traditions by raven_maiden
Strange You Never Knew by raven_maiden
All Good Things (Come to those who wait) by weestarmeggie
Isolation by Bex-chan (OBVIOUSLY???!)
Wait and Hope by mightbewriting
Amateur Cartography by worksofstone
The Gift of Joy by BiscuitsForPotter
A Second Look by RiverWriter
bitter/sweet by provocative_envy
Fixing What You Broke by LadyKenz347
A Past Erased by Ariel_Riddle
the one time they stayed by quitethesardonic
Flesh and Blood by forbiddenquill
Love and Other Misfortunes by SenLinYu
Now Is A Gift by SenLinYu
The Right Thing To Do by LovesBitca8
familiar faces, worn out places by LovesBitca8
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mockserenity · 5 years
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Design graphics Geya Shvecova (Warm_Sunset_190419)
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mockserenity · 5 years
Can we get a sneak peek of a chapter in the present
“I have to go,” Draco said after he watched her stand in the library doorway for several minutes. “You can stay here. The estate won’t permit anyone to enter.”
Her stomach twisted and she wavered and then stepped back, away from the door. “We can come back later then.”
Draco stared at her, his eyes running over her in a rapid catalogue. Hermione reached out and rested her fingertips on the wall, feeling the wallpaper as she nervously wet her lips.
“The—the ceiling is very high. I had forgotten—that the ceiling was so high.”
Draco’s eyes flickered and his hand twitched forward. “Hermione—“
Her chest and throat contracted and she moved closer to the wall.
His hand dropped.
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mockserenity · 5 years
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mockserenity · 5 years
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mockserenity · 6 years
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