mogai-zone · 2 years
You might have done this but i cant find it if u did
Its called Nomicentric where your name is really important?? Idk how to explain it???
Like finding ur preferred name has the same level of importance as an anime character unlocking their unique ability???
nah, that wasn’t us! we coined namefluid and nameflux
i cant find it either, but that sounds really cool !!
- Sonic
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mogai-zone · 2 years
Are you open to source mates/fictives from ur source interacting? I'm a tails fictive, and I love your blog! Just wanted to make sure you didn't like,,,, dislike sourcemates lol
ofc u can interact :D my blog is for everyone !!
- Sonic
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mogai-zone · 2 years
I can’t describe how much I dislike you for what you have done to our community. You are the reason people are scared to come out. You are the reason people are made fun of for being LGBT. You are what will set out movement back decades. How dare you. I hope, one day, you feel so much shame for what you have done.
? are we still doing mogai discourse in 2022?
xenogenders are valid lmao, i use them, you can’t stop me
people are made fun of for being lgbt because homophobes and transphobes are hateful people. not because some people don’t fit into the same labels as others.
i hope one day, you realise that it’s not your fucking business how other people identify unless it’s something that actually hurts people.
also get a life and touch grass lmaoo
- Sonic
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mogai-zone · 3 years
Read me
Nothing is wrong with asexuals for being asexual.
Nothing is wrong with aromantics for being aromantic.
Keep reading
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mogai-zone · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Black Power and Gay Pride aren’t mutually exclusive. the first pride was a riot led by trans black women.
feel free to use!
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mogai-zone · 3 years
Hi! I’m Jupiter! I’m kinda looking into alt pronouns and kinda drawn towards ze/zir. I mostly use he/him though.
This is Jupiter! Ze’s trying out Ze/Zir pronouns, which i think is cool! Ze also uses he/him. Ze’s looking into alt pronouns and they’re thinking about using ze/zir. I hope ze finds the right pronouns for zir!
- Sonic
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mogai-zone · 3 years
Hey! Could I try some pronouns on for size? wo/orld/world/worldself & 🐉/🐉s ? My name is Alana, I'm a demiboy; I love cities, sunrises, pools, sitting underwater and hip hop music!
hi :)!
This is Alana! 🐉 is looking to try out some new pronouns and i hope that wo finds the right pronouns for orld! 🐉’s a demiboy and wo love cities. Wo likes pools and sitting underwater, which i think is really fun! World favourite type of music is hip hop and 🐉 loves sunrises (and i couldn’t agree with orld 🐉)! I hope that wo is having a great day and apologise to 🐉 for this being late!!!
- Sonic
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mogai-zone · 3 years
american mutuals please stay save now, especially if you’re poc and/or lgbtq+. you never know what might go down now that biden won. here is a guide on how to stay save post election
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mogai-zone · 3 years
English isn't my first language, how do I use neopronouns? Someone on a Discord server I'm on has (nek/neko) in their username next to their name and I'm not sure if those are the pronouns or not, I don't know how to use them and I can't ask
yes, nek/neko would be their pronouns! it’s okay if you don’t know how to use them as long as you’re willing to learn :)
Most (but not all!) neopronouns follow the same structure as he/him/his/himself
so this person’s pronoun set is nek/neko/nekos/nekoself (as far as i know! this is the general format for nounself pronouns)
you would use nek in the same way as he, neko in the same way as him etc
here are examples!
NEK always makes my day!
i’ve known NEKO for a while.
i really like the aesthetic of NEKOS blog!
i hope NEKO took care of NEKOSELF today!
I hope this helped!
- Sonic
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mogai-zone · 3 years
i’m hoping to clear the ENTIRE ask box by tonight!!!! so so so sorry if your answer is MONTHS late..,,
- Sonic
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mogai-zone · 3 years
hey i’m asking this for my friend, is there a name for a label where you know you’re attracted to men, but you’re unsure of if you’re attracted to anything else/what else you’re attracted to?
afaik, there’s no existing label for this but! there are some labels that are pretty close so i’ll go through those in case ur friend finds something they feel comfy with
first, you could use achillean if you’re male/male-aligned, which just means mlm.
duaric if you’re female/female-aligned (aka julietian)
or toric if ur nblm!
these labels all mean that you are attracted to men. It can be used by those with exclusive attraction to men or non-exclusive attraction to men, so that way you don’t have to be certain to be comfortable using them! you could also just use wlm/mlm/nblm
second, you could use the general term for being attracted to exclusively men for your gender (gay, straight etc) and wait until you’re more certain, if you’d like! there’s nothing wrong with switching labels if you find something more suited to you!
finally, there’s nothing wrong with identifying as questioning or queer! you’re allowed to figure out your sexuality on your own terms, so don’t rush it if you don’t feel ready to pick a label!
hope this helps!
- Sonic
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mogai-zone · 3 years
how do you feel about people kinning dead historical figures? does it count as factkin???
yes, it counts as factkin! (unless you’re kinning a representation of them that ISN’T the real person, like JFK clone high or Hamilton specifically from the musical)
also adding on that factkin is 100% valid as long as you do it with respect
- Sonic
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mogai-zone · 3 years
woo it’s been a while! 2020 has been wild.
i’m gonna kind of revamp the account again and hopefully start being more active :)!
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mogai-zone · 4 years
what the hell is a mogai
MOGAI stands for Marginalized Orientations, Gender identities, And Intersex! so basically, if you’re not cishet, you’re mogai. :)
it’s basically just a way to include every single identity in the lgbtqia+ acronym without it being super long! :)
- Sonic
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mogai-zone · 4 years
i wanted to ask you because your a kin wat do you think about people that kin famous actors and youtubers that are alive
i think it’s totally okay to kin a celebrity persona! but you aren’t that person in real life. celebrities are more than you can see. so if you kin the person that someone puts forth into the world, like maybe a youtube persona such as jacksepticeye, that’s ok! but saying you’re the real jack is wrong as he is a real person and is way more than his channel. and that would be identity theft... which is illegal ^^’
most factkins are either for coping or for fun so please don’t be rude about them! you can’t choose who you kin and bullying someone for coping with kinning is wrong.
- Sonic
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mogai-zone · 4 years
Do you think you could explain to me how kinning works?
kinning can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people ! usually it’s a super strong connection to a character/animal/other and you feel you’re one with that character/animal/object
you can kin for fun but you can also kin to cope or just because whatever you’re kinning is you! kinning is a really big part of some people’s identity.
some people feel distress at “doubles” which is where someone kins the same character as you (usually you don’t get this with animals/other because there’s usually more than one of that thing so it doesn’t bring discomfort, but it’s possible) the anxiety that doubles can bring is very serious and real and should be respected
personally, i can say that i am sonic the hedgehog, i have memories of being sonic the hedgehog. this is very important to who i am! - Sonic
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mogai-zone · 4 years
It's really kind of wild for me to see people claim that trans people would be accepted ~if only those darn tucutes and trenders would stop!~
I mean, I grew up being taught that being anything other than completely and utterly cishet was the result of demonic influence, and the idea that those people who taught me that would have actually been okay with trans people ~if only our standards for who we let call themselves trans were stricter!~ seems so ridiculously naive that if you honestly believe it, I hear there's a bridge for sale in Brooklyn you might be interested in too.
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