mogaiteens · 9 years
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General Resources:
looking for a bathroom?
Trans Student Equality Resources
Trans Housing Network
All Our Worlds (Queer Book Database)
Our #Tags:
5 Common Insecurities The Don’t Mean Anything About Your Transgender Identity
8 Signs and Symptoms of Indirect Dysphoria (summary by Transgender Teen Survival Guide, article by Zinnia Jones)
Ask a Gender Therapist: Am I Transgender? (youtube video)
I think I might be transgender, now what do I do? (an article by AdvocatesForYouth.org)
Need help finding pronouns? / Here’s where to try them out
What Am I? (an article by Transgender Teen Survival Guide)
Coming Out
Coming Out (article by Trans Youth Family Allies)
Coming Out: The Plan (by Neutrois.me)
Coming Out Tips (by Transgender Teen Survival Guide)
Coming Out to Partners: Transgender and Nonbinary People (article by J. Lee Phelan)
Coming out stories:
On Coming Out as Genderqueer; or, My Life as a Bearded Lady (by Dustin L)
So Your Child is Non-binary: A Guide For Parents
Resources for Friends and Family
American Psychological Association: Answers to Your Questions About Transgender People, Gender Identity, And Gender Expression
So Your Child is Non-binary: A Guide For Parents
Everything You Need to Know About Nonbinary Identities (an article by Everyday Feminism)
in-depth interview with a nonbinary person about their identity (article from Zenger’s Newsmagazine)
Explaining Genderqueer to Those Who Are Not (an article by neutrois.me)
“forcing kids to stick to gender roles can actually be harmful to their health” (article by Tara Culp-Ressler)
Middle Sexes: Redefining He and She (an HBO documentary on gender variance available on Youtube)
Think Your Child Might be Transgender? (an article by GenderSpectrum.org)
What It Feels Like to be Transgender (article by Sophia Gubb)
8 Signs and Symptoms of Indirect Dysphoria (summary by Transgender Teen Survival Guide, article by Zinnia Jones)
A Support Guide for Parents, Families and Friends of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming people (by PFLAG.org)
There’s No Such Thing as a “Sex Change” (video from TheGuardian.com about how to talk about transgender people)
find support groups for parents of transgender children and trans youth (USA)
Trans*Forming Family (a blog by the mother of a genderqueer child)
Transgender Parenting (articles from Egale Canada)
TransYouth Family Allies
Singular They
Merriam and Webster: Ask The Editor
Oxford English Dictionary
Wikipedia: Singular They
The Economist: Singular They
WPATH Standards of Care, version 7 (pdf) (The World Professional Organization for Transgender Health)
Transgender Law Center (USA)
Change your Name for Free - Civil Indigent Status (USA) (Tumblr post)
Transgender Surgeons in the U.S. (USA)
DMAB Resources
Women’s Clothing Terminology
Tucking How-to Guide
The Breast Form Store
Mastectomy Bras with Built In Flap for Breast Forms
How to Contour and Highlight Using Makeup | How to Apply Eyeliner with a Spoon | How to Apply Foundation | How to Apply Blush | How to Apply Eyeshadow
Eva Voice Training App
Find a gender therapist
AMAB Hormone Guide (uses “MTF” wording)
AMAB Surgery Guide (uses “MTF” wording)
DMAB master post
DFAB Resources
The FTM’s Complete Illustrated Guide to Looking Like a Hot Dude
Underworks Binders | GC2B Binders
Mr. Limpy Soft Packers | The Real EZP (the only STP that actually works)
Find a gender therapist
AFAB Hormone Guide (uses FTM wording)
AFAB Surgery Guide (uses FTM wording)
FTMSexTalk.tumblr.com (everything to do with sex as it relates to gender and transition - FTM-focussed but they also answer a lot of questions from AFAB non-binary people)
Hudson’s FTM Guide (tons of information about binding, HRT, and masculinization)
Janitor Queer (a blog by a genderqueer person on low-dose testosterone)
Neutrois Nonsense (for information about nonbinary-specific transition)
OutOfThisBinary (collab channel)
welkin gender
Micah R
Qubit Cuties (collab channel)
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mogaiteens · 10 years
States where it is the law for insurance to cover trans related healthcare:
California (April 2013) Colorado (March 2013) Connecticut (December 2013) Illinois (July 2014) Massachusetts (June 2014) New York (December 2014) Oregon (January 2013) Vermont (April 2013) Washington (June 2014) Washington D.C. (February 2014)
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mogaiteens · 10 years
How do I apply to be a contact?
Hey! We’re actually in the process of changing this blog up a bit and putting up new applications for both admins and contacts, so your timing is perfect! We’ll probably have the blog cleaned up within a week and we’ll post the new applications then. Then you just gotta fill it out, and there’s a really good chance you’ll become a contact! 
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mogaiteens · 10 years
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Same-sex couples will be able to get married in Nebraska starting March 9th! Congrats, Nebraska!
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mogaiteens · 10 years
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Please Signal Boost and Share This Post!!
Refuge Restrooms is now available as a native iOS application through the Apple Store. And best of all, the app is completely free! We are so proud and excited about the work that Harlan Kellaway has been doing on this native iOS client here at Refuge! Attached are some screenshots from the app.
Our listings are worldwide (with over 5700 listings at this time). If you don’t see any near you, please help us out by adding nearby safe bathrooms to our database!
As always, you can always access the database from http://www.refugerestrooms.org - - And there is also an unofficial client with limited features on the android store as well (that unfortunately has adds, which we are trying to get the developer to remove). And the official Refuge Android application in currently in development.
Get stoked. Refuge is coming to iOS
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mogaiteens · 10 years
Summer 2015 Ace Scholarship Call for Applications
Who is eligible?
Any ace or grace in any form of school or training in Summer 2015 (Winter 2015 for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere)
What is the scholarship?
$500 (USD) to use towards tuition, program costs, and/or books
How do I apply?
Fill out this application form by March 31, 2015. There are two different essays, depending on the program: for students continuing their regular studies, what you are learning/want to learn and why; for students doing a special program, what is special about this opportunity/why you want to do it.
I have more questions!
Good, click this Read More to find out the details.
Read More
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mogaiteens · 10 years
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PHOTOS: Transgender Elders Show Us The Meaning of Survival
In the many years that Jess T. Dugan, a Boston-based trans photographer, has spent capturing images of gender-variant people, she says she’s consistently noticed a striking absence in both art and social sciences: imagery of older trans folks.
"And," Dugan explains further on her website, “those [representations] that do exist are often one-dimensional.” So Dugan set out to fill this gap, teaming up with social work researcher Vanessa Fabbre since fall 2013 to develop the evocative photo project, “To Survive on This Shore.” In the recently released collection, diverse trans elders ages 50 to 86 are pictured at home or in meaningful spaces, gazing unapologetically into the camera, as if asking the viewer to look deeper into their unique context and life story.
(Full Article)
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mogaiteens · 10 years
Hi! I just wanted you to know that that post you reblogged with all the definitions has an incorrect definition of 'intersex'. More info here: oii. org. au/21336/intersex-for-allies/
Ah, our apologies. We'll remove the post and attempt to not make the mistake again.
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mogaiteens · 10 years
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A quick powerpoint on the aromantic spectrum since it’s our awareness week!
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mogaiteens · 10 years
Abused Trans Teen Resources Post
Signs of Emotional Abuse
Signs and Symptoms of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) (PTSD is a good way of getting proof that the home situation is bad enough to require legal emancipation.)
How to document emotional/verbal abuse.
How to file a restraining order.
A teenager’s guide to emancipation.
A detailed list of what emancipation really means and how to obtain it.
Your rights regarding Child Protective Services.
Legal precautions around involving Child Protective Services.
The list is short so if anyone wants to add to it, please do.
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mogaiteens · 10 years
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A preview of LGBTQ YA Fiction coming out in 2015.
We’re seeing more trans, intersex, and genderqueer characters, but I would still like to discover more genre fiction with LGBTQ characters. 
Here’s part 1 and part 2 of 2014 LGBTQ YA releases in 2014.
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mogaiteens · 10 years
lil word of advice for people who are realizing they are not cis:
you’re gonna be scared. its going to be fucking terrifying
and its okay.
dont forget gender is a social construct, along with everything that comes with it.
you’re going to be angry.
you’re going to cry.
you’re going to feel alone.
all of it is okay.
its okay to be who you are.
you’re not alone.
you’re going to find out who you are.
i love u.
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mogaiteens · 10 years
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The Love Story Behind Alabama’s First Legally Married Same-Sex Couple
When Tori Sisson and Shanté Wolfe first met on the floor of an apartment party, they had no way of knowing they were on their way to making history — together. Shanté Wolf shares her side of the story with BuzzFeed News.
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mogaiteens · 10 years
this might be a dumb question, sorry, but i've always identified as "straight" but lately i've been getting really sexual urges towards my friends, like, "wow, i really want to kiss her," or "omg i'd totally do her" and i know that at the end of the day my sexuality is what i make of it and the terms i use to define it are up to me, and i'm not really stressed over it or anything, but does this make me gay? i just literally have no idea any more and it's just a very confusing place to be in.
Hey there! Not a dumb question in the slightest. Like you said, labeling your identity is something you have to do yourself, though we can certainty try to help! First off, you might not be straight or gay. There's so many other sexualities out there than just the two, like bisexual (attraction to two or more genders) and pansexual (attraction to all genders) for starters.
I know this probably isn't what you want to hear, but the only thing that's going to make your sexuality any clearer to you is time. Take the time to sort out what you feel towards boys, take the time to sort out what you feel towards girls, take the time to sort out what you feel towards other genders. Try to picture yourself dating a girl versus dating a boy. See if it makes you uncomfortable, or if you like it. Can you picture yourself in a very serious relationship with a girl? Can you picture yourself ever having sex with one? (also, it's worth a note that sexual and romantic attraction are two totally different things, and it's okay to experience them differently!)
Just take your time to fully explore your identity and feel free to try on some labels before deciding on which one you like! If you end up not liking girls, great! If you end up being gay or bi or pan or any other label, awesome! If you decide labels aren't really you're thing, that's totally cool as well! It's all about what makes you comfortable.
Best of luck! ~Daniel
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mogaiteens · 10 years
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Meeting the Needs of Older LGBTQ People
The 519 has a long history of working to build inclusive care environments for older LGBTQ people, including delivering training to care providers. Given the aging population in Canada, we want to continue to build upon those efforts.
The current generation of older LGBTQ people have experienced a lifetime of discrimination due to their sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression and they face very specific challenges as they age:
- They are less likely to seek health care when they need it;
- They often do not disclose their sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression to their care providers for fear of discrimination;
- They report more feelings of isolation from their communities;
- They are at a higher risk for negative health outcomes later in life, including depression, suicide, substance abuse, smoking, etc.  
(Brotman & Ryan, 2008)
The 519 Education and Training Team offer workshops and resources that support safe, welcoming and inclusive care environments for LGBTQ older people. The training supports organizations and individuals to understand the needs of older LGBTQ people. Workshops will help participants to:
- Identify and discuss reasons an older LGBTQ person may be distrustful of the health or social care systems and/or reluctant to seek the care they need;
- Demonstrate and share an empathetic understanding of the barriers faced by older LGBTQ people;
- Make appropriate use of pronouns;
- Propose ways to foster a safe and LGBTQ-inclusive care environment for older people, their friends and chosen families.
For more information about training and resources, please contact:
Steven Little
Manager, Education and Training
#respectyourelders #nobystanders
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mogaiteens · 10 years
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So I found a list of some of the more common gender neutral pronouns being invented. I think it’s pretty cool.
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mogaiteens · 10 years
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These are artificial simulation breasts! What they do is give you the look of breasts! I know surgeries are expensive and many women struggle with the chest area, so this is perfect. There are two kinds!
First: $52.98 , comes with clear straps. 
Second: $34.92, comes in various cup sizes. 
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