moviepixie · 9 months
subtitle: saviours or fools
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So this review is going to have spoilers because I have a lot of opinions to express.
I thought the movie was giving discount Justice League when I saw Ekeret. But then they quickly changed my mind. Funny enough, this movie exceeded my expectations but still disappointed me. If you enjoy action with a balance of talking, plot twist and plot then have at it. The movie is a fresh view of Marvel and a different perspective on everything we know so far. I had no idea of the celestial's existence before watching this movie. They actually gave me encouragement to read the comics. They may have mentioned it briefly in Guardians of the Galaxy or something but I didn't really pay it much in mind. This movie specifically brought them to mind and widened our lore on Marvel which I loved.
That being said the celestials are quite ugly and looked like traffic lights on a stickman body but I digress. The plot of this movie was stopping a celestial from being born because Earth would have to be destroyed in the process. In most Marvel movies, I side with the heroes but this time, I'd have to side with the bad guys. Celestials create universes and in turn they create worlds and bring forth new life. This means a single celestial's birth brings forth millions if not billions of worlds.
The birth of a celestial is said to occur every billion years therefore it is not a frequent occurrence. Earth was chosen to bring forth a celestial, while in theory that is sad for humans, it is for the greater good and we have no idea how not allowing a celestial to be born with deter the balance of universes in that world. The celestial to be born from Earth was Tiamut. From what I gathered (I looked up a list of the strongest celestials). Tiamut is one of the strongest to ever exist but in this movie, he was killed. Which doesn't make sense to me.
The original plan was to delay the celestial from being born and allow the humans of Earth to escape. The plan then changed to killing the celestial which like I said we have no idea what that would do to the balance of the universes. I also wanted to see the birth of a celestial in full and vivid detail. Now after all the fighting and plot armour, two of the other Eternals decided that wanted to tell others like them in other worlds the truth of the birth of a celestial. Now firstly, if telling them the truth would mean that they would try to save the planets in turn then this is an absolutely dumb idea.
There is no wisdom in going around and killing celestials, it only further fractures the state of the universe! By saving these lives they are killing multitudes more! Now if the celestial was going to create only a world I would be against it but millions of worlds for one? Sure it might have worked out once but continually doing it is going to have consequences from a general standpoint.
One thing I didn't understand is the connection of the head of the Eternals to Arishem. If he really is their god/ creator, he should have a failsafe aka a means of managing them if they became sentient enough to tip over the balance of the universe. He also should have been aware of their thought process and have a way of tweaking their memories. Like if you're going to be a god then do it properly. He only came after the damage had been done but the fact that he even came in the first place actually eased the itch I wanted scratched.
Either way, I don't think I'd watch it again but seeing as the majority of my complaints stemmed from the bigger picture, I enjoyed the movie to a decent extent. I'd rate the movie a 7/10 on the general scale and a 6.2 on my personal scale.
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moviepixie · 9 months
The Flash (Movie)
Subtitle: Barry never learns
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Warning: This movie contains some nakedness among other things. i would advise guidance.
So to start off, I would like to put aside the current controversy with the main actor of the movie. I do not support the personal actions of movie actors. This review will be from an objective standpoint.
So the plot of the movie is as follows: We get a glimpse into Barry's life with his father still in jail and his dead mother. As we all know, he is a forensic scientist and is working on getting his father out of jail. In the movie, he concludes the reason for his mother's death and resolves it. This consequently alters the timeline and Barry takes a look into the world that has emerged in the process as well as how he turns out with his two loving parents.
Now admittedly, I didn't expect much from this movie as I have been a day one grant gustin fan. However, I did have an ok time watching this movie.
The protagonist, Barry. He wasn't as i remember him. Sure, he was still smart and was still a forensic scientist but they made slight alterations to his characters. making him more fidgety and talk more and I mean a lot more than usual. They also showed a bit of his relationship with Iris which to me was not at all showing the chemistry that they had during the season.
The antagonist. For the sake of not spoiling too much, I will not reveal the antagonist of the story as it ties in deeply with the plot. That being said, the antagonist was a result of his own actions and fit in with the story 10/10.
The plot. Now admittedly, I have watched a lot of movies as well as written a few things here and there. To me, the plot was kind of predictable. Barry's actions were very readable from my perspective and I could figure out a good amount of things by the halfway mark of the film. Barry never really learned the gravity of his actions until it was too late and it took him too long to resolve the issue in my opinion.
Other than that, I got bored at certain parts of the film, because I already knew what would happen. That aside, it may not be one of the best movies I've watched this year but I'd say I had an ok time watching it. The story tied together and was coherent. Apart from his love interest, Iris, every other thing was understandable.
I'd rate the movie a 6.4/10. It was ok but personally, I wouldn't give it a second watch, nor would I recommend it highly to people who are close to me. I'd say you can give it a watch just to pass the time.
Take away crushes, none.
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moviepixie · 10 months
Subtitle: Is Barbie Worth the hype
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Now, I am one of the biggest Barbie enjoyers. I was even contemplating going to watch this in the cinema. I've heard people call this the greatest movie. But I'm here to give you the truth. If you look on the internet, this movie has a three-star review. A balance of five stars and 1 star and hardly any in between. This is my honest review.
To start with, I believe that the movie had some key points. I did enjoy Barbie because she could be whatever she wanted to be. I enjoyed looking at her life and watching almost every movie she had. However, ten minutes into the movie, I had to take a break. One thing people know about me is that I hate when things get political. Even if you must put it in a movie, I'd prefer it to be subtle and not loud.
The start of the movie felt like a lecture. The whole thing about Barbie's life being perfect every day and Ken's day only being perfect if Barbie looked at him felt too far-fetched. To add to that, there was a line saying that a pregnant doll is just too weird. I don't know what they were getting at but I felt like I was being lectured.
I got so tired of listening that I had to put the movie on 1.5x speed to get through it.
I gathered that this movie is more about Men being bad and the patriarchy being bad. It's also about women being good and the Matriarchy being better. Every single stereotype was rolled into a movie and spat at me as a watcher. Not to mention in the movie when Barbie was told that she sent feminism back 40 years or something, she just ran and cried. It also portrayed men as stupid.
It also has this narrative that in the real world, everyone hates women. There was also a part where they said that Ken was absolutely useless. Look I prefer the original series. I never looked down on Ken nor did I look down on Barbie. I loved how independent Barbie was and Ken didn't have to be put down so that Barbie could shine.
The next area of complaint is that when Ken reversed Barbie land and treated Barbie the way she treated him, she broke down about it She didn't like feeling unimportant which is kind of ironic. Not to mention that when everything fell apart, all she could do was lay flat on her face and sob. Nothing like the Barbie that I remember. I don't mind the sobbing but Barbie was never one to give up!
Not to mention that the solution to understanding all this was to rant about how impossible it was for it to be a woman. Now I'm not going to get into politics because I hate it and I hate talking about politics but this movie was a waste of an hour and 48 minutes of my life.
I went in with as little expectation as possible and was met with a word vomit of why the matriarchy is better and why men are bad and women should be in charge of everything. It wasn't my cup of tea and I'm honestly glad I didn't go and watch it in the cinema. I wouldn't have made it to the end.
I know I’m the end there was some sort of reparation but honestly, I’m over the movie.
Look, you can be anything you want to be regardless of your gender and no matter what you do either as a man or a woman, someone is always going to have something to say about you. Life is difficult for everyone and while Barbie does highlight some key struggles, it doesn't paint the full picture. All it does is show a certain portion that will please society. If the film was not aimed at making a statement then it wouldn't be an issue. The movie aimed at making a statement instead of making a correct statement. Men and women are unique in their own ways and face different sets of problems. That is my own opinion.
I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone but feminists and quite honestly, it was made for them. I wouldn't watch it again and if not for this review, I would have quit at the first 10 minutes. It’s not my cup of tea. You can promote feminism in a way that doesn't come up as lecturing, you can promote feminism in a way that does not put men down. It's safe to say that I'll never watch this movie again. I will never recommend it to people close to me and unless you're really into blatant lectures on why women have it harder than men, I wouldn't recommend it to you. I would rate this movie a 2.9/10 and that's because some parts were funny to me. It’s my opinion, if you liked the movie then good on you.
Crushes from the movie: you guessed it, none.
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moviepixie · 10 months
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
Subtitle: Latino miles
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Now I'm sure we've all heard the hype of this movie from one place or another or have seen Miguel O'Hara Thirst TikTok but I watched the movie so you don't have to.
First, I would like to clarify that I loved this movie for those of you who don't want to read the full review. Now I really enjoy seeing different Spidermen and women. I enjoyed seeing the different personalities of Spiderman and the different suits. I also enjoyed the plot.
Now I must say that watching the movie has left me feeling like I also could be Spiderwoman. In the movie, we get a view into the spider verse / the spider society and see the truth about Miles and him being the Spiderman on his earth. We get to see Miles' feelings of betrayal by those closest to him and get to see difficult circumstances that make you wonder about what the right decision truly is.
The movie follows Miles who has been living his life as Spiderman and protecting his city. He meets Gwen again after a long time and accidentally gets involved with the spider society. He learns the truth of his origins as well as navigates through the foreign earth to stop his canon event.
Now as a protagonist, I really enjoyed Miles and could think of no better character for the role. i also enjoyed the realness of his reaction. The act of rebellion when faced with certain decisions really fleshed him out as a character and made him relatable.
The antagonist, The Spot. Not personally, I enjoyed him as a villain because he was a joke to me at first. Once the became strong, I really started to see him as a despicable villain. Not to mention that he would be involved in Miles' Canon Event and I can't wait to see that play out! The only thing that made me not really like him was that he was built like a Roblox. Cardboard box for a body and tooth picks for his arms and legs. Other than that, he was an ok villain.
the anti protagonist as i like to say, Miguel O'Hara. I enjoyed his character quite well. He was too real and focused on getting things done rather than the morality behind it. This made me love him as well as dislike him as well. He went too far with miles and it left me with a bitter taste.
I would rate this movie an 8/10 for you guys and a 10/10 for me. It gave me a homey feeling as I saw different Spiderman references. It also led me through different emotions and kept me on the edge of my seat.
From this movie, my takeaway crushes are Miguel, Hobbie(idk why), Pavitr, as well as e42 miles.
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moviepixie · 10 months
Transformers Rise Of The Autobots
Subtitle: My new favourite transformer
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This movie contains slight cussing and suggestive jokes. Parental guidance may be advised but I don't think it's necessary.
Now I want to start off by saying that to me this is not the best transformers in terms of action. But it does contain a decent amount of action.
That being said, this is one of my favourite transformers in existence. This movie's concept is a bit different from the others. The main plot of the movie is that the cybatronian war took place and Optimus orders that the Autobots regroup on earth. This has caused the Autobots to become stranded on the planet for the last 7 years. Now out of nowhere, a strange stone(forgot the name) that acts like a key to open portals anywhere in the universe appears. The Autobots see this as their only way of going home and they try to acquire the key from the museum with the help of a human named Noah.
The name of the enemies in this movie is not the Decepticons but rather The Terrorcons who serve Unicron and are trying to acquire the key so that it may aid Unicron in the consumption of more worlds.
Now as interesting as that sounds, I wouldn't really hype this movie in terms of action. Why I say this because I am a huge Optimus enthusiast and in this movie, Optimus is easily beaten and is cold towards humans. Sure the movie has an explanation for it but I don't really enjoy the way he was thrown around. That being said his attitude as well wasn't likeable. His design in the movie is also different from Bayverse much to my dislike.
I prefer the Bayverse designs of Optimus and bumble bee because of the details that go into their designs. In this movie, Optimus wasn't my type of character at all and it sort of made me upset. But the creators of the movie revived my heart with Mirage.
Mirage has to be one of the best characters that Transformers has ever created and is one of the main reasons I watched the movie. he has this sense of comedy that speaks out to me and was more of the comic relief of the movie. He easily became likeable and was more of the star of the movie than the other Autobots and topped even Noah in terms of likability according to me.
After being bombarded with Mirage edits on TikTok, I decided to watch the movie! I personally enjoyed the movie because it was a balance of comedy and action. I would also recommend this movie to my friends and family as well as strangers on the internet who love to laugh as well as watch good fight scenes.
The soundtrack as well was top-tier for music lovers. I would rate this movie a 7/10 for you guys but a 9/10 personally because I would definitely watch it again.
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moviepixie · 1 year
Mr Queen
Subtitle: Comedic genius becomes the Main Character
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A/n: I will be making a post called my unattainabe crushes and adding characters i love to it after each review!
This movie is suitable for all ages but i recommend for those above 13! As always my reviews will be including spoilers so be warned. The review starts below the cut!
Word count: 0.8k
I assume that you have read the spoiler warning above so I'm just going to get right into it and say that I'm a sucker for drama but even I almost became tired of it. Firstly, the K-drama had me laughing time after time. From the mistranslations of the Queen's language by the Queen to the very dramatic moments and the identity crisis. All of it tied in to create a light-hearted yet sometimes serious K-drama series.
The plot is about a chef who through an accident finds himself in the body of the soon-to-be queen 200 years before the modern world. He gets into a lot of family drama and makes some enemies all while trying to live a quiet life in the palace. He soon realizes that that won't be possible and that the place is all about sides and sabotage, despite his attempts he still finds the people of the palace against him. The story covers him navigating the palace as well as the troubles of the King and the blooming love between the King and the Queen(Him).
This K-drama gave me new crushes, enemies and faves! But I'll talk about only a few of them here.
Firstly, The main character in the Queen's body. Now I know sometimes it's quite boring and cliche to like the main character, but admittedly to me, this guy carried the whole show. From the monologues to the identity crisis to the relationships with other characters such as the Queen's court maid and lady-in-waiting, the King's father-in-law and the chef. The unique interactions and his mannerisms in the Queen's body. He put a smile on my face time after time. He is my number 1 fave in this show and no one can change my mind.
Secondly, Palace Uibin. I did not like her in the palace, not even a little. I get that the two had a past but i just got irritated by her attitude, especially when she gave the ledger to the Queen Dowager when she knew it would help the King that she loved, because of jealousy. She also tried to shoot the queen with an arrow which could have fatally killed her! All for what? When the Queen had told her countless times that she wasn't involved. In fact, I can go as far as to say the Queen was living quietly and minding her business while everyone else tried to pin things on her. Uibin managed to be fooled by a woman who lets superstitions rule her life all for her hatred of the innocent.
Thirdly, The King, I love the king! From his backstory to just him in general and his love for the Queen just touched my heart and made me truly feel my singleness to a new degree! The King is the only one that I will defend to this day. He truly cared for his people and so I treasure him in my heart. he has been added to my list of unattainable crushes.
Kim Byung-In is someone I had a love-hate relationship with, mostly because he kept attacking my beloved King but also because the man was just doing too much. Like just rest! My cousins don't even ask me how i am, why are you in the Queen's business like this? If you had suspicions of the King, you could have asked the Queen! Because your family did more damage to the Queen than the King ever did or would! I was just looking at the guy and he was embarrassing me. But towards the end of the series, I was a little sad when he was dying but overall I was happy that he did.
The entire Jo and Ansong Kim family just left me with a bitter taste in my mouth and I hate them all. Safe to say I don't like royalty much at least in K-drama because when you sleep and wake up, there is a new problem. Why is my uncle trying to kill me and still expects me to reconcile later? Like Godforbid, it can't be me.
When the Ministers and the Grand Queen Dowager tried to have the little girl killed for trying to save the queen, this made me hate every person in that council. They irritated me to no end and enraged me greatly for the entirety of the episode and till the end of the season.
I didn't really like the ending of Mr Queen when the mc went back to, modern times but I don't mind too much.
I have decided to add the following members to my list of unattainable crushes:
Prince Youngpyeong: He is totally an introvert but he was cute and I just loved him.
Kim Hwan: He was just an idiot and that made me love him. He is a very simple-minded person which is a breath of fresh air for me.
Special Director Hong: His personality just made me love him. The way he was always going undercover and comforting Kim Hwan. I just love him!
So that concludes my review. Overall I give the K-drama a 7.5/10! I absolutely love it but the drama was getting a bit too much for me. Plus they didn't kill the Queen Dowager and Grand Queen Dowager so I was left A little underwhelmed.
Till next time loves!
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moviepixie · 1 year
List of unattainable Crushes
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A list of movie crushes I have but can never obtain.
Kim Hwan
Prince Youngpyeong
Special director Hong
Transformers ROTB
Noah Diaz
Spider-Man ATSV
E42 miles
Miguel O’Hara
Hobbie brown
0 notes
moviepixie · 2 years
MONSTER: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story
Subtitle: A very disturbing yet intruiging story
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This movie is not suitable for people under the age of 17. It has nudity and sex. Spoilers will be included in this review.
Monster the Jeffrey Dahmer story was very interesting to me. Now I know it's a documentary of a gay serial killer based on a true story, but hear me out. The fact that it is based on a true story aside, the story contains a lot of drama and blood boiling moments. It touched my heart in many ways.
There were moments in the film where I was captivated and moments where I wanted to break my phone. For one, the first episode was brutal. When the police searched his house and saw the body parts of his victim and us later discovering that he ate their dismembered parts. I couldn't understand what exactly drove him to this point. In fact if I'm being honest the actor did such a good job that I think I might actually dislike him in real life. Anyway, I want to point out that my mouth was dropping open with each and everyone of his victims.
From his first victim that he scattered across his yard to the person who almost became his victim, the dude was always doing some crazy things. For one if I saw a satanist bible in a persons house, I would be out the door faster than light travels. But the whole thing was entirely insane. The two victims that struck me the most are my topic of discussion for today.
The first is a 14-year-old. His death had to be the most painful of all. Jeff lured a 14-year-old boy into his house, drugged him, drilled holes into his head to mimic a lobotomy and turned him into a zombie. He couldn't speak or think straight, he was barely alive. What made his case worse was that after the boy struggled to escape Jeff's apartment barely conscious, came face to face with the police who could clearly see that there was something wrong and chose to ignore it. They didn't try to identify the boy who was clearly not ok, they didn't try to check for id and find out his age, they just passed it off as a gay thing. I could feel my heart break with every passing moment watching it happen. This was a painful part of the film which shows the discrimination of the police at that time.
The second is Tony, a deaf man in his 30s. This one hurt me because I thought this was Jeff's redemption arc. I could see the two slowly fall for one another, go out together and hang out with each other. I could see that they were both happy with each other. I truly had hope till Jeff became my most hated character of all time. The dude killed the one guy who fell for him and could have been a romantic interest and then proceeded to eat him?!! What the actual flock? He ate his lover!! At that point, I knew I would hate Jeff till the day I die.
These two deaths hurt me the most. Of course, many other victims were hurt by Jeff and who should be remembered. Parts of the movie were just very annoying and painful to watch. And I could feel myself grow angrier with each passing moment. The movie was a lot and I would recommend the movie to anyone interested in horror documentaries/drama and history.
For the sake of decency, I won't rate the movie but I do recommend the movie.
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moviepixie · 2 years
Fate: The Winx Saga (Season1)
subtitile: the ruins of childhood dreams
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 This movie is not suitable for all ages despite it being based on a kids' movie! As always my reviews will be including spoilers so be warned. The review starts below the cut!
So season two is coming soon so i need to drop the first part. Like most people when I saw this movie, I immediately thought back to my childhood days when I was bopping to the Sirenix intro. I even played the game where you race against Tritannus with bloom and the other fairies.
Anyway, you could imagine my surprise when I watched this movie and was slammed with a high school romance with a hint of drugs. 
Firstly, there are so many things I want to point out that were not accurate, the fairies, transformations, enemies, plot and characters ( i will explain them all in a little bit.
But the story covers bloom leaving the human world to the Alfea school of magic to learn to control her magic because of an incident that occurred back at her home. Bloom is struggling in controlling her powers and navigates her life in this new world as well as learns of her true origins. (A mix of drug and s*x is thrown into the mix).
Anyway, as I mentioned before, the fairies are not accurate to the story, which is understandable to some degree. Here are some I took note of: Musa is now a sound fairy and no longer music, Bloom is a fire fairy and no longer the dragon flame, and Aisha is a water fairy and not the fairy of waves! Basically, they no longer have their titles, at least for now.
Next up, the transformations! Now, there were so many transformations in the cartoon series, a few are Bloomix, Believix, Harmonix, Sirenix, etc. In this series, we only had a single transformation from bloom and only bloom! Now the transformation was what I came for and I was completely underwhelmed, Like homie, she had fire wings and that was it.
The enemies were some zombie-looking creatures called the ‘burned ones’ that I’d never heard of and the infiltrating enemy’s name was Beatrix! Like, sis what season are you from? Anyway, I didn’t see any of the OG villains like the Trix or Kalshara! I hope I see an appearance from some familiar villains soon because it would hit right at home.
The characters are on the line of both familiar and not. Apart from Bloom, Aisha, Stella and sky, the rest or pretty oc. Not to mention that these people didn’t even include my favourite fairy Flora! Like they brought her cousin Terra instead. Like y’all really name-dropped her and dipped! I was waiting for her appearance and was optimally disappointed.
Lastly, the plot. I have to admit, despite it not being close to the original plot at all, I really enjoyed the drama and mystery. I was completely immersed in each episode I watched and it was amazing watching this as an older individual! 
I enjoyed the plot, the scenery and the general direction of the story.
Despite being a bit sad that I could barely sense my childhood cartoon in the movie at all, watching it with an open mind really made the movie enjoyable for me! Though it was a bit more mature with older characters and title-less MCs, it was new and fresh and I’m looking forward to season 2.
I rate it a 7.5/10 and would recommend it to Winx fans and non-Winx fans alike! It has fantasy, action, drama and mystery and is enjoyable!
Do not forget to comment on what movies and series you want me to review! Let’s have fun together!
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moviepixie · 2 years
The Next 365 Days
subtitle: Laura the indecisive
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Just like my previous post, this movie is very mature and contains a lot of s*x scenes. Please be aware. As always my reviews are a recap meaning they include spoilers. The review starts below the cut.
In absolute honesty, It took me multiple sittings to finish this movie because I was cringing and getting frustrated the whole way. i don’t understand why these people keep getting funded while the other good movies are being cancelled.
Anyway, when I started this movie, I thought Laura had died because of how the previous movie ended and also due to the specific dialogue people were using. From Massimo to her best friend Olga, they were all using language suggesting that possibility, only to find out I was played and it was Massimo’s twin brother that died.
Anyway, this third movie had a bit more drama but was somehow more infuriating. One of the notable factors is that Laura did not tell Massimo that she cheated on him when she thought he cheated on her. She kept denying that anything happened and kept what happened away from him causing Massimo to grow considerably angry that she was keeping secrets from him. 
When I asked myself what I would do in her situation, I thought of coming clean and then speaking about not knowing he had a twin. This would make him mad, but it would at least offer some insight. Laura on the other hand thought to keep it a secret and tell Olga that Nacho, the guy she cheated with was like a best friend to her when she took off with him! Which to me didn’t make any sense because they barely knew each other at all!
Anyway, Massimo had found out about Laura losing the baby and was considerably mad about her not telling him. The two had a fight which ended with Massimo breaking a glass on the floor and Laura remembering Nacho and still being in love with him. Her love for Nacho causes her to not want to have sex with Massimo as often and wished he was Nacho!
She soon meets Nacho by chance in Portugal while she was there for a fashion show. They go to Nacho’s house and after some cringe dialogue of “You can run away from me, but you can’t run away from your feelings”, the two have sex with each other. The next day, Laura goes back to her hotel in Portugal and sees Massimo inside, who asked her where she’d been and she threatened him with divorce and no closure. This was the most frustrating thing for me like sis was cheating on the dude and couldn’t even be honest about it. But Massimo was also on some yandere energy if I'm being fair.
Laura then goes to visit her parents to tell them she’s in love with Nacho. Her mum was so fed up that she had to smoke after deciding to be sober. The whole thing was just irritating but no joke, if I was Massimo and she chose Nacho, I would collect the company I gifted her for Christmas and be like “Tell Nacho to gift you another one, I don’t have money to waste”.
Anyway, Massimo finds out Laura cheated and Olga told Laura that Massimo knew. Laura then comes back to her home in Sicily. Nacho then goes undercover to pick up Laura at the airport. Like no matter what romance enthusiasts tell me, this dude was tryna get killed. Anywho, Laura comes goes to confront Massimo on the beach
We then find out that Massimo had known that Laura was cheating the whole time! He said that he was following the parable “If you love something, you must let it go”. Anyway, the movie ends with a cliffhanger about who Laura chooses.
This took a lot from me to watch and at some point, I was watching at 1.5x speed. I rate this movie a 3.68/10 because to me, it was a bit better than the previous one! What do you think about it? let me know in the comments.
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moviepixie · 2 years
Title: 365 Days: This day
Subtitle: Laura the drama queen
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So, I want to start up by saying that this movie is very mature and contains s*x scenes and this review/ recap contains spoilers. That being said, we can get into the review. 
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You know the expression “It’s so bad and yet I can’t look away”, that completely describes this movie. 365 days: this day, is the second movie to the first movie 365 days. I have not watched the first movie and admittedly, I don’t think I missed a lot. First off, I’d like my readers to know that his film has a lot of languages, a few i remember and took note of are: Polish, Italian and English
The movie begins with our main girl Laura preparing for her wedding with our main love interest Massimo. It was looking like a small music video because we see her in her dress staring into the Oasis and smiling. Only to have sex with Massimo a few moments later before the wedding! Like what the actual hell! Have they not heard of the statement “it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding”? Anyway, Laura’s Bestfriend stumbles on the two of them, not too long after and breaks them up. 
We are then fed the info dump about Laura having lost the baby that she was carrying for Massimo after an incident that happened in the first movie. She then proceeds to tell us that Massimo must never find out she was pregnant. And you’d think that this piece of information would play a vital role in the story, maybe a huge fight about openness or just her randomly blurting it out in an argument? No, that secret is just between her and her bestie.
Anyway, as someone who is completely new to the 365-day franchise, I thought that the first sex scene was just a part of a few and I would be felt with some steamy drama. Oh, boy was I wrong! I’ll tell you when it became apparent that I had signed myself up for a harsh awakening.
After the wedding, they go on their honeymoon, where they proceed to have sex in multiple locations, from their hotel to a golf course and so on. At this point, I felt like I was involuntarily thrust into their relationship. While they were having sex on their honeymoon, her bestie was in their house having sex with her husband’s assistant!
Anyway, Laura and Massimo both return to their home catching the two in the act though it is casually brushed over. They then are informed that Massimo arranged a trip for Laura and her bestie. And for some reason, Laura takes offence to it. To quote her, “Do you think I’m a piece of furniture that you can move around?”. I have never seen anyone in my life react to a fun trip.
 Massimo soon has to get back to work after they return, what exactly that work is? I have no idea, he is a mafia boss and they don’t exactly have a job description. We soon find Laura getting angry that she does not work while living in Massimo’s house, she then brings up the fact that he kidnapped her (in the first movie I believe) and she likes working. To me, it’s like, why the hell did you marry him in the first place?
Anyway, this leads us to our next male lead, nacho. Nacho is a gardener for Massimo and meets Laura while on the job. They chat for a while about her being unhappy before he leaves her to get back to work.
During Christmas, Massimo gives Laura her own company to make her happy so that she can work. But Laura didn’t get Massimo a gift because he ‘has everything’ and decides to give him a special gift of..... you guessed it, sex. It’s like these people are freaking Rabbits at this point! It was the kinkiest thing I had ever seen. After the deed, Laura basically called Massimo a lonely dude and Massimo suddenly admits that he has a brother, to which Laura gets pissed off because he didn’t tell her. It’s like, sis, you clearly know little about this man and you married him?!
Anywho, fast-forward, they go to a banquet to which Laura acts like a pain in the but because she’s upset, Massimo then decides he needs to go see someone before they left. This leads to her walking in on him cheating on her. She then runs outside and is met with Nacho in a sports car outside who then agrees to take her away from the venue and to his house.
To this, I had to ask the question, how did a gardener have a sportscar and a big house? This dude was living lavishly from cutting some weed and trimming grass? Sign me up! Soon, we see a whole montage of them growing closer together while Massimo was looking all over for her. And as you might have guessed, nacho and Laura eventually have sex! Like girl, you do this every time!
Eventually, while in negotiation with Massimo, Nacho hands Laura over to the wrong set of guards, and Laura is soon in the possession of a different person entirely, Massimo’s twin brother! His twin, Adriano planned to use Laura against Massimo. And now, her two lovers were making haste to find her (technically, they were walking casually while the home girl was in danger). 
After a lot of tension, Laura ends up getting shot while trying to break free in the exchange between all parties as well as Adriano.
This movie was mostly short music videos and if you ask me, combining all the sex scenes together, would be longer than the amount of dialogue in this movie. In fact, Massimo and nacho rarely spoke in this movie at all! Overall this movie was way longer than it should have been and this summary cut down an almost 2-hour movie! Overall, watching this movie sends you through the spiral of, what could possibly happen next even though it is unbearable to watch. I am currently on the next movie, 365 days: Next day, so you can expect that review soon. 
I can give this movie, 365 days: this day a solid 3.5/10. Because if I’m being 100% honest, my review made it sound a lot more interesting.
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moviepixie · 2 years
As someone who constantly splurges on Netflix's monthly subscription, it can be hard finding shows to watch or other people’s takes on those shows. I watch everything, from action, to horror and even anime! 
This blog is a Netflix movie review blog where I talk about Netflix shows, Marvel movies and dc movies and give my thoughts on them! (containing spoilers sadly). From my favourite moments, to my worst moments! All of them will be documented here!
So, if you want to hear a lonely girl great takes (subjective) on your Netflix shows! This is the blog for you!
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