mrcavill88 · 1 year
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Good night everyone💔
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mrcavill88 · 1 year
Reblog if you want to suck on Chris Evans tiddies
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mrcavill88 · 1 year
A twist in time
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Pairing: Captain America Chris Evans x Male Reader x Superman Henry Cavill
Summary: A sudden ravaging force made its rampage through space and time, causing an unwanted rupture within the greater omniverse. The citizens of earth are left broken, sorrowful, and desperate as it seems all hope is lost. The only faith left in humanity stands within two veteran superheroes, both from different timelines. They two are on the verge of giving up as Earth is expected to reach its end, but a certain someone might be the last thing keeping them going
Word count: 3.3k+
Warnings: 18+, Heavy angst, mentions of family loss, mass poverty, hunger, depression, slight dirty thoughts, kissing, mugging, mentions of sexual assault, fluff, death, crying
A/N: Hey everyone! Back with another fic. I decided to try something different, this one is definitely more emotional and heavy than my other fics. Please let me know, in the comments, if you guys like this style! Thanks!
*FLASHBACK 6 months prior to the tragedy*
"Three, two, one- Happy birthday dad!" you exclaimed as the people around you cheered and hollered in celebration of your wonderful father's 55th birthday. The atmosphere was ebullient and blissful. You were surrounded by all your friends and loved ones, what could possibly go wrong?
Your life was quite typical, nothing eccentric ever happened, you just lived a normal American life.
A bright smile emerged onto your father's face as he blew the candles out on his cake, such a campy, traditional method of celebrating a birthday. "Oh thank you everyone! You guys have truly made this such a memorable day for me! God bless you a-" your dad couldn't even finish his last word before the ground beneath you violently flipped and the world around you collapsed in mere seconds.
A boisterous cacophony filled the air as a great, morose darkness consumed the world as you knew it. An immense dizziness poisoned your head as you arose from the coarse ground. A feeling of deep disparity and confusion puzzled your brain as your eyes slowly became crystal pools.
How quickly the atmosphere changed
The most beloved people in your lives were all happy in one place, celebrating a great event; the next thing you know, those same people lay beside you, their bodies lifeless, clothed in debris. You tried to stand up but a stinting pain penetrated your skin, right below you kneecaps. You could only crawl your way through the endless amount of rubble and bodies that surrounded you. You made your way out the door of the party venue to see the most intriguing, yet absolutely horrifying landscape you've ever seen in your life.
Absolutely pandemonium
Skyscrapers crumbling into the ground, children frenetically running around - trying desperately to find their parents - , the sounds of screams and cries scattered across the city as fear consumed everybody's souls. The wind brushed your face as you watched the city you grew up in, fall to ruins in an instant.
"What the hell happened?" you thought to yourself, witnessing absolute global destruction.
"What exactly caused this? A natural disaster? Terrorist attacks?"
None. What happened was beyond any human's comprehension. A force of mass hatred, destruction, and hunger powered through space and time. A pan-dimensional entity, fueled by enmity, was on a quest to consume the infinite cosmos, and it has just reached Earth.
But in the midst of all this chaos, two blue figurines caught your eye as they blazed through all the commotion and falling buildings. A sudden ray of light in the ever-growing darkness, a spark of hope in an infinite pit of sorrow. You tried to make out who the two beings were, they were moving so fast, they looked, inhuman. You limped over to a stop sign, trying to make out what it was.
A more clear sight of the heroes stunned you as you could finally make out the two images: what looked to be, Captain America and Superman of all people.
But it couldn't be, right? They only existed in fiction and were just a simple idea of mankind. But it was real, it was so real. They were humanity's last hope, their only hope.
*FLASHFORWARD to present day*
You finally woke up from your everlasting slumber. After everyone you loved was gone, taking your life seemed to be the best option to end the endless cycle of pain and loss you felt. The shelter you stayed at wasn't amazing either; all the citizens of your city crammed into one facility, trying to make ends meet.
And this morning was no different from any other, the unpleasant smell of expired food painted a sour expression on your face.
You slouched off the bed, dragging your limbs to the door of your bunk. A tear staining your cheek as you reminisced the days where you were happy, when you had people you could turn to; all that down the drain, and now, you had no one.
It's been days since you left your bunk. You practically trapped yourself here, never wanting to interact with another human ever again. But your body was calling out to you: you were so fucking hungry.
Even though you grew extremely distant from the world, something fueled you to keep going, almost like, a fire igniting deep inside you. You opened the door, greeted by the cold, smoky air; something everyone was quite used to at this point.
You walked over to the bathrooms, the stench that grew on you starting to really bemuse you. The door opened and, there he was. The ever-so-infamous Captain America.
You stared into his cold blue eyes, his blond hair elegantly quaffed.
"Can I help you?" he asked, staring down at your much smaller figure.
You were completely taken aback by his daunting appearance. He was tall, around 6'2", stacked with muscle and chiseled to the bone. His eyebrow raised as he waited for your response, crossing his arms, showing off his biceps that were accented by his white tank top.
"Chris Evans?" you said, still suspicious of who the man really was.
"Who? I'm not really sure who that is. I'm surprised you don't know me" he said, questioning what you just said.
"Steve Rogers, Captain America, some might say, pleasure to meet you" holding his hand out for you to shake it.
You hesitantly shook his hand, still not completely sure what was going on.
"Pleasure to meet y-you too. H-how exactly are you, real?" you asked, staring into his eyes.
"Haha yeah I know this whole get up seems funny, but I'm 100% real. I know the muscles and the good looks are a lot, but I'm just a kid from Brooklyn, a really, really lucky kid from Brooklyn" he chuckled.
You didn't exactly know how to feel. You felt like you were in some kind of virtual reality, what else could it be? You were talking to Captain America of all people! But little did you know that reality was nothing but a concept, a toy for a greater entity to play with.
Besides the fact that you were talking to a literal superhero, something else was puzzling your brain. A feeling that coursed through your brain, the feeling of, love. You just met this man, but you wanted him, you absolutely needed him.
"Uhm, it was nice meeting you. It's great to talk to someone else that isn't Superman, oh that selfless log. But uhm, yeah, I'll see you soon. And what was your name again? I don't remember if you told me?" he said, putting on a tight muscle shirt.
"Y/N" you said, cheeks flustered bright pink.
"Y/N, I like that name. Well, see you soon, Y/N"
You watched as the man walked into the facility base, completely awestruck by his charm. If only you knew that those same feelings were rumbling inside his stomach.
You washed up, put on a new pair of clothes, and made your way to the dining hall. You were so beyond hungry, a simple bowl of cereal could fulfill your needs. You got in line at the kitchen as the lunch ladies put some gray porridge onto your plate.
The fresh look on your small face disappeared at the sight of maggots and flies crawling around your "breakfast". You sat down as you forced the muddy slop into your mouth; you felt your tastebuds begin to suffer and cry as you continued eating it.
That's when you felt a strong hand grab your shoulder, its grip tight and sturdy.
"Hey Y/N! It's me again, haha. I'd like to introduce you to my friend. This is Clark, I'm sure you know all about him, but the people in this world are pretty different from mine."
"Hey there Y/N, Clark Kent, you probably know me as Superman"
"Hi! Huge fan. But, I'm confused. I know things are pretty crazy, but how exactly did you, come to life? I mean on this Earth, I don't know about your earth, Captain America and Superman are just fictional characters" you said, still completely puzzled by the two heroes' existences
They both looked at each with great confusion and ambivalence.
"Listen, Y/N. We're just as confused as you are, nothing really makes sense right now. We've lost so many lives, lots of good people, but there's no solid explanation. From what we know, there's something, out there. We're not quite sure what it is but it's slowly destroying reality as we know it. I guess this thing caused a rift in the space time continuum, that's why we're on this planet. Everything is so, unfamiliar" Clark said, his voice a little raspy and shaken.
"We're trying everything we can to save the world but, nothing's working" Steve said, his hand rubbing his chin.
"Well I think it's best for you two to stay strong! Come on! The world's Earth's defenders can defend Earth! I believe in you guys" you said, full of optimism. You farewelled the two men before leaving the dining room. Clark's eyes immediately scanned your ass, his x-ray vision seeping through your pants.
"Oh someone's got a little crush" Steve giggled, cleaning up some of the tables.
"H-hey! That's not true! I'm loyal!" Clark yelled, sounding furious.
"Loyal to someone who's dead? Yeah that doesn't exist anymore"
All Clark saw was red, he grabbed Steve's neck, gripping it tightly as he looked Steve deep in the eye.
"You wanna repeat that Captain?" he said, his eyes starting to glow a scarlet red.
"H-hey hey! Easy man, I was just playing, don't take it personally"
Clark let go of Steve's neck, still a little irritated by Steve's ignorant comment.
"Sorry, it's just Lois' death, I can't live without her" Clark said, his eye sockets beginning to fill with tears.
Clark never talked about his feelings, he was Superman, after all. Steve was the only person who knew of Clark's depression after Lois' death.
"Hey, you have a lot to live for! You're Superman! You're my best bud, I lost my family, my best friend, my colleagues, and I still stay with my head up. And besides, Y/N is mine" Steve said, with slight sarcasm in his voice.
"Yeah right. He'd choose me in a fucking heartbeat. Like you said, I'm Superman"
"Oh please! Y/N has known me for longer and don't forget, I'm Captain America!"
"Fuck you" Clark murmured under his breath.
"In your dreams"
*FLASHFORWARD 30 minutes later*
You decided to take some time outside of the facility, take a trip down memory lane, if you will. You walked out of the gates and into the city, tears filled your eyes as you saw the city you loved, smashed to pieces.
You walked on the sidewalk, the same sidewalk you took on the way to school, the memories bringing an immense bittersweet feeling.
You lived in the heart of NYC, the city was bustling with people everyday. Now the city has become a dour ruin, nothing more than debris, rubble, and smoke.
You turned the corner of a run-down building and crossed a dark alleyway. But the sight of the alleyway left you completely frozen in fear and anxiety.
Seven cloaked men were huddling up when they noticed you, their eyes went from bloodshot with drugs to lustful.
"Oh look who it is? A beautiful little doe? What're you doing in these parts?" the tallest man said, his large figure terrifying you.
You instantly ran out of the alleyway and started running back to the facility. Your adrenaline kicked in as the men chased you, getting closer and closer with each step.
You turned the corner of an abandoned hospital and just your luck: a dead end.
The men cornered you, rubbing their hands together, prepared to do horrible things to you.
"Oh what a beautiful thing you are!" the tallest man said as the men grabbed you and pinned you against the wall. Their cold, grimy hands removing your pants from your body. Slapping and fondling with your cheeks, ready to remove your last layer of protection.
The big man's hand groped your thigh as he stuck his hand down your underwear, tears streaming down your cheeks.
"P-please, hel-" you yelped out before a seeming gust of wind whipped past your face; and in an instant, the men were gone.
The daunting nightmare you were living in all disappeared.
"W-what was that?" you thought to yourself before a tall blue figure slowly descended to the ground.
"You really shouldn't be here, Y/N. There's dangerous people that might hurt you" Clark said, the slightest bit of sarcasm in his voice.
You rolled your eyes as the man nonchalantly stood there.
"Oh not even a thank you, Y/N? Come on!" he scoffed, crossing his arms.
"Thank you, Clark" you said, trying to walk out of the alleyway before a large hand strongly gripped your waist.
"I think I deserve a bigger apology, Y/N. I saved your life you know?" he whispered, his face practically inches away from yours now.
"W-what do you want from me? Are you gonna mug me too?" You tried to squirm out of his grip, your efforts completely useless against his otherworldly strength.
Your crystal blue eyes sunk into his before he connected his smooth pink lips onto yours. The atmosphere around you completely changed as the warm and tender feeling of absolute love filled the air.
He softly grabbed the back of your neck, stroking your hair as he caressed your soft, black hair. You were so in love. Delicate butterflies swarmed your stomach as the most powerful being on Earth, was passionately kissing you.
Minutes passed by, seemingly hours, nothing could ever separate you two. He pulled out, making you whine, desperate to feel the man again.
"Let's go home, baby" he kindly gestured, grabbing your waist before flying back to the city, you, completely safe and secure in his grip.
But little did you know that you and Clark had a small audience present at your love filled show. Steve
Absolute anger and envy consumed his body as he stood there, hidden behind a mailbox. Tears jerked from his eyes as his new best friend was kissing the love of his life.
"Damn it! DAMN IT!" he yelled out, kicking a trash can next to him, completely enraged. But not even Steve was alone, the city was filled with poverty; the people who ended up trapped in the city were left hopeless. Unfortunately their guardian angel never showed up.
Steve was a mess. A pit of sorrow planted in his stomach as he walked back to the facility. But a certain woman ran out from the corner, her clothes ragged and dirty.
"P-please help us! I-if you can't take me, please take my baby! I beg you!" she cried, holding up a crying baby to Steve's face.
"Get away from me! You dirty hag!" he screamed, pushing the woman.
Steve's sudden change in attitude left a toll on him; the new Steve wasn't interested in saving people, he just wanted to be with you, forever.
*FLASHFORWARD 30 minutes*
You sat in your bed, still jovial about your little moment with Clark, you really loved him.
"Who could it be?" you thought, opening the door.
It was Steve. His angry eyebrows and tall figure scaring you as he walked into your bunk, locking the door.
"Do you know why I'm here, Y/N?"
You gulped, sweat accumulated on your forehead as you stared at the man.
"Why you little-" he scoffed, grabbing your collar, pulling you toward him.
"Listen, you little slut. I know what you and Clark did. Don't think he loves you, Y/N. You really think he does? He just needs a filler because Lois is gone. Don't be stupid, Y/N. You're mine! Alright?" he said, his breath hot and heavy.
Your eyes became pools as the man you trusted, respected, loved, called you a slut. You ran out of your room, your feelings hurt and betrayed. At this point, who could you turn to?
"W-wait! Y/N! Oh Fuck! What have I become?" Steve cried, his hands holding face as the love of his life just ran away from him.
You ran into Clark's bunk, knowing he was the only person you could trust right now, and hugged him.
"Y/N? W-what's wrong baby? I hate to see you cry" he said, caressing your hair.
"I-it's nothing. Steve, he's, upset. I think he saw what we did."
"Steve? Oh you're kidding!" he laughed out.
"I knew he liked you! But I didn't know he liked you, that much. Don't be sad, Y/N. Steve is just, very emotional. His emotions take over his actions and I guess he was just not feeling it. I'm sure he'll apologize, take my word for it" Clark said, hugging you tightly.
Coincidentally, Steve walked into Clark's bunk, a pile of dead flowers in his hand.
"H-hey, Y/N. Sorry about earlier. I, I don't know what came over me, I was just, really, really jealous. If you two are happy together, I shouldn't come in the way of that. I want you to be happy. Please forgive me" he kindly apologized, awkwardly giving you the flowers.
"Aw, thanks Steve. Don't stress it, I guess why you would want me" you giggled, holding the withering flowers.
"Thank you, Y/N" he said, tears falling down his cheeks as he hugged you, his grip firm and tender.
Clark watched as you two made up, a warm smile drawn on his face as happiness filled the air.
Things couldn't have been better between you three. You weren't necessarily dating but, you were hopelessly in love with the two men.
"Hey, Y/N! You wanna come help me serve dinner?" Steve said, gesturing his hand to you.
You walked over to the kitchen, the food quality definitely improved from back then. Everything was perfect. Even if the majority of the Earth was in ruins, you were in love.
Then it happened.
The ground flipped beneath you and Steve, the walls of the facility crumbling down, debris falling from above.
"Y/N! Y/N! Are you okay?" Steve cried out, searching for you in the midst of all the concrete.
"S-steve! I n-need help!" you groaned, as your skinny body was trapped beneath a large refrigerator.
Steve rushed to your aid, effortlessly prying the fridge off of you, scooping you up before you two ran out of the facility.
The horrors you faced outside were like none before. Whatever ruined the Earth before, was back, and it was back for more.
Everything was being sucked in. All the last remnants of Earth being eaten by this demonic force.
Steve tightly held onto you, not wanting to be separated. Your screams broke his heart as the world was nearing an end.
"Y/N!" Clark yelled, flying down from the sky, holding onto you and Steve.
"Y/N! We can't hold on much longer! We have to help the other people! We, we love you, Y/N!" they cried, before letting go of you. However safe you felt earlier, was all gone as they let go of you.
"Clark! Steve! Where are you guys! Please! Answer me!" you yelled, trying to find the two men, running around the destroyed facility.
You've been through plenty of trauma; you already witnessed the first end of the Earth but nothing was quite like this.
Your eyes looked up as the ambiguous image of the sky filled your eyes.
That's when you saw it
It was Clark and Steve. Their bodies were being hopelessly sucked into the primordial force, their efforts to fight back, completely useless.
"Y/N! We, we love you!" they yelled, before their bodies were sucked into the abyss.
"Why should I live?"
"What did I do to deserve this?"
Thoughts that filled your head as you fell to your knees. Your heart shattered into countless pieces as you just witnessed the death of the only two people you loved.
Love is bittersweet. It's good while it lasts, but, when it's gone, it hurts.
You hurt
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mrcavill88 · 1 year
Can I send a message about sending you a request.
I just wanna make sure your comfortable and I'd love to ask questions about the plot.
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mrcavill88 · 1 year
Inner demons
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Male Reader
Summary: There’s something so dark and attractive about a man who could kill you in a heartbeat. Even though Bucky’s twisted mind is healed, remnants of the winter soldier are still there. You and him have been through hell and back together, but his recents outbursts of anger are really starting to fumble your relationship
Word count: 2.9k+
Warnings: 18+, age gap (reader is 18, Bucky is 102 XD) abusive Bucky, alcohol addiction, face slapping, yelling, begging, bondage, whipping, daddy kink, skin sucking/kissing/licking, nipple play, genital licking, fingering, crying, vibrator usage, unprotected sex, breeding, fluff
A/N: Hey everyone! I’m back with another fic: my very first Bucky fic. This is one is definitely, interesting, to say the least. Thank you all again for all the support you have shown me, hope you enjoy;)
Bucky Barnes
The man of the hour, the one true love of your life, someone who made you feel stable - did I mention an ex-assassin with over two dozen credited murders?
You never were 100% sure about being safe around him. Sure, he was... insanely attractive. His soft and short brown hair, the dark blue sapphires he had for eyes, pearly white teeth, chiseled and muscular body, and his deep voice; his mere presence was enough for butterflies to flutter around your tummy. But Bucky's dark history was always a thinking point for you.
"What if he goes crazy and tries to kill me?"
"What if he goes on another rampage and starts murdering everyone?"
"What if he doesn't love me?"
Your intrusive thoughts never got the best of you, but a single thought of Bucky's past made you quiver in fear.
But your relationship with him wasn't exactly, perfect. He might be free of his control from Hydra, but, he isn't exactly free from his new demons
His loneliness after Steve's death was apparent as he turned to heavy drinking to aid his sorrows. That's when you came in, you were initially there to help Bucky through his journey of rehab, were you successful? Fuck. no.
Every time you encountered him, instead of discussing his progress, you and he did the most lewd things together. He was completely taken aback by your beautiful and slim figure, he didn't need rehab, he needed you.
As of now, you lived with Bucky. You were both pretty set on spending your lives together, and you were both happy. Currently, he was out with Sam, you knew that Sam was the only other person Bucky was close with, he trusted him, and so did you. You laid in bed, waiting for Bucky to come home, hoping you guys could have some dinner together, maybe have some fun.
You heard a car pull into the driveway; you ran to the door, waiting to greet the love of your life. The door burst open, and there he was, running towards you.
"Y/N! I missed you so much baby, give me a kiss!" he said, hugging you, connecting his lips onto yours. The things you felt when you were in an intimate setting with him, they were surreal. You really loved him, but something wasn't right, you could tell something was off.
And then it hit you
The strong and unpleasant scent of alcohol. You pushed the man off of you, an acerbic look painted on your face as you looked him dead in the eye.
"Baby? W-why are you l-looking at me like that? W-what's wrong?"
You could tell that he was a little tipsy, if the smell wasn't enough, the slurring of his words definitely was. "Bucky, please be honest with me. Were you drinking?" you asked, squeezing his hands.
"Y/N! You know I'm sober! How could y-you doubt me?" his hands cupping your cheeks, his face getting redder and redder. "Baby, please believe me! I know I have a bad history with drinking but, please, I'm being honest."
"James! Don't lie to me! I love you too much for you to lie to me like this! How could you! I thought you were a new man!" you yelled, slapping his face. "Ok. You caught me, I'm so sorry Y/N. Sam just said it was one beer, but it ended up being several. Please forgive me! I promise, this won't happen again! Please, Y/N?" he pleaded, holding your waist.
The single tear that formulated on your cheek dried as you contemplated what you were going to do with Bucky. Was he really going to stop? Or was this another white lie that he told? You decided to give it one last chance, hoping the decision was right.
"Fine. I'm putting my trust in you Buck, please, just think about what this could do to you! It's going to kill you! Please just promise me that you'll stop, ok?" holding your pinky out. "I promise, baby. Thank you so much for believing in me" he said, latching his pinky onto yours, giving you a small kiss on the cheek. "Now, let's enjoy ourselves! The night is still young Y/N! I brought some takeout from that Mediterranean restaurant across town, I know you it's your favorite" he said, bringing you over to the polished dining table, adorned with the most appetizing food you've ever seen.
But one little nuisance on the table was there, a needle in a haystack, if you will. A tall bottle of whiskey. "Bucky, are you serious?"
"Baby. I know I promised I'd stop, but please! Just this once, I swear, this is the last one. C'mon, I know you like this brand. Don't try to deny it"
You hesitantly sat down, opening the bottle of whiskey. You knew Bucky would have some trick of his sleeve, so what did he do? He fished in one last drink, and it just so happened to be your favorite kind.
You two enjoyed your supper. You guys' just had a special bond, every time you were in each other's presence, you just felt, complete. Any thought of Bucky's past actions were completely eradicated as the expensive whiskey started hindering your brain.
Next thing you know, it was already 9 pm. Bucky was completely OUT, his pants undone and his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he tried to stand up.
"Y-Y-Y/N, w-we haven't h-had some f-fun in a w-while. L-lets m-make the most of o-our night," he slurred out, bringing you to the couch as he gripped your right thigh. "G-get off o-of me, I k-knew you c-couldn't k-keep from d-drinking" you said, barely being able to connect your words together.
The cold air thickened as tension started to build between you two, both completely drunk. "H-how dare y-you speak to m-me like that! You l-little brat!" he yelled, slapping your face hard. The tension in the room completely skyrocketed as the man you loved, the man you trusted, struck your face.
"B-Bucky? W-what's gotten into you?" you sniffled, holding your face. "W-w-what's gotten into me? What a-a-about you! You spoiled l-l-little ingrate! You n-need to be taught a lesson! You need thicker s-skin, Y/N" he slurred out, dragging you to the basement.
The countless kicks and screams you let out were completely useless as the 6 foot man effortlessly powered through your resistance. He slammed you onto a stool and tied your arms above your head, leaving you helpless.
"T-that's better baby! You s-see, I'm much older than you. I had it w-way harder than you when I was your age! I'm only doing this because I love you, trust me, Y/N" he said, pulling out a long, matte black whip.
The sound of screams, cries, and begs filled the room as the absolute terror you felt completely consumed your body.
"P-please Bucky! I'm begging you! Please don't hurt me! I love you! Don't you love me?"
"Oh Y/N, you're so adorable, I-I'm doing this for your own good, I'm sorry little one"
The final words he said before he maliciously whipped your torso, the loud crack breaking the seemingly forever silence that formulated between the two of you.
The screams coming out of your mouth intensified as the everlasting sting coursed through your veins, tears falling from your eyes as the man you trusted, just whipped you.
"Oh baby! That's what I like to hear! But, I think we could have more fun! Don't ya think?" he said before he grabbed a pair of red scissors and started cutting up your clothes.
You winced as your body was slowly being exposed in front of the man, as if it hadn't happened before. But this was a new side of Bucky you've never seen before, much more, possessive
He rubbed your baby soft skin, the sight of your delicate and skinny posture truly astonished him. The only thing you had on was a tight little spandex, your cock hard from Bucky's presence alone.
"Y-you're mine now, understand?" he said, practically inches away from your face. You jerked a nod before the whip cracked against your body again, a gush of blood spewing from your body. You screamed mercilessly as the immense pain you felt was practically permanent.
"Bucky! Please stop! I-I can't take it anymore!" you begged, a raspy breath leaving your mouth as you felt the air suddenly get hot.
Turns out, it wasn't the temperature, it was Bucky
He took his jacket off, revealing his rippling muscles and toned body, laced by his tight black tank top.
"Oh baby, I almost forgot. Don't ever call me Bucky, again. I'm your daddy now, your master, are we clear?" grabbing your face tightly.
"Y-yes, daddy" you whimpered out, absolutely terrified yet turned on by Bucky's sudden dominance.
"Good boy! Oh Y/N. I'm so p-proud of you. You see? It's not so hard to behave, right? Now, here's your reward for being so good"
Mere milliseconds after his words, his lips latched onto your neck. Sucking the absolute life out of it; moans and whines escaped your mouth, your libido level skyrocketing as the sound of skin against skin filled the room.
"Oh baby! I love tasting you! You're gonna feel so good when you're with daddy tonight, just wait and see"
His mouth continued attacking your neck, his lips traveling down your body onto your shoulders, biting and sucking on your skin, marking what was his. The angelic moans that left your mouth were like music to his ears, something that caused him to go even harder than he intended on.
His fingers caressed your nipples, goosebumps forming around them as Bucky relentlessly stimulated them.
"Daddy! Ugh! That f-feels so g-good!" you moaned as Bucky continued pinching and rubbing your nipples.
With no hesitation, he latched his lips onto your nipple, sucking on it with much determination and lust. The pleasure you felt was unreal; the tingles reaching the tips of your toes, making your cock twitch and harden as he continued sucking your nipples.
When he let out, your nipples were puffy and decorated with saliva, your breaths heavy and constant from all the pleasure you were feeling.
"Oh my sweet baby, Y/N. I love seeing you all horny and vulnerable like this. You make me want to do horrific things to you. But the night is young, I'm not finished with you" he said, viciously licking your neck.
His head was now face to face with your hole, your butt perfectly propped up so he was practically in breathing range of it. He kissed your inner thigh, prepping you for what was about to come next. The moans that left your mouth fueling the lewd activities he was about to commit.
His tongue started flailing in and out of your hole, swirling at a rapid pace. Your toes started to curl as you quickly became a sex doll for Bucky. "Daddy! Oh Fuck! Daddy I-I'm gonna c-cum!" you whined as he continued licking and playing at your sensitive hole.
"Baby! C'mon now, don't disappoint daddy like that! I know you're stronger than that, come on now, let me make you feel good"
You whimpered in response as your hole became drenched in Bucky's saliva, acting as a lubricant as he slowly inserted his thick fingers into your hole.
You screamed at the immense discomfort you felt, you've never been this intimate with Bucky ever in your life. "Does that feel good baby? You like when daddy shoves his fingers in your tiny little hole?"
All this dirty talk was making you queasy, your head practically spinning in circles as Bucky continued using your hole as a domain for his sexual pleasures. "I-I-I'm g-gonna cum!" you yelled at the top of your lungs, cock ready to burst at any moment.
"Oh no you don't" he whispered, gripping your tiny little pre-cum covered cock tightly.
"I know you're a good boy baby. Show daddy how good of a boy you can be! C'mon baby I know you can be a good boy. My good boy"
You snapped
Your cock jerked uncontrollably, drooling with ropes of white, thick cum. Your face turned red as you met Bucky's slightly disappointed face.
"Baby, I really hoped you could pull through for daddy. But it's ok! Daddy has a few tricks left for you"
"No daddy please! I can't take it anymore! I'm gonna... explode!" you pleaded, struggling to break out of your bonds.
"That's not how it works. I am your master, your daddy, you are my boy. You listen to me, absolutely no questions asked baby. Now, daddy has a new little toy here that he would love to try on you" he cackled, pulling out a pink vibrator.
Tears stained your cheeks as you knew what was about to come, you knew that you had no other choice but to comply, so why not enjoy it?
He attached the vibrator on your cute little cock and turned it on. You screamed as the vibrator tickled and pushed against your prostate, cum leaking from the tip of your cock.
"Daddy! Please take this o-off! I-I'm s-so horny!!!" you moaned as your bottom half twitched and shook from the absolute pleasure you felt.
Bucky noticed the state of mind you were in, somewhat amused by how fragile you were. And with the little bits of remorse still in him, he yanked the vibrator off your body, your cock worn out and drenched in pre-cum. You were a moaning, panting mess, cum disseminated over the floor.
"Oh baby~ You turn me on so much you don't even know. Such a sweet boy like you acting like this, this'll just be our little secret. Now, daddy has one last present for you, I promise, it's worth it" he said, slyly, before unzipping his pants. The big dick print in his boxers was making you so hard, oh you were so in love with him.
And then, oh!
A large piece of man meat sprang from his underwear as he pulled it down. The sheer size of it amazed you as he walked toward you.
"I want this to be a night for the books baby, let's make this special"
"Fuck me daddy!" you moaned before he slammed his monstrous dick into your tight hole. His thrusts: strong and firm.
"Oh fuck baby! I love how your little hole hugs my cock! You belong to me! No one else!" he yelled, a mixture of moans and whines filling the room as you both became infatuated with pleasure.
He starts to develop a fast and consistent rhythm with his thrusts, your moans getting louder and more high-pitched, making him even more turned on.
"Oh yeah! You love when daddy's big cock fucks your hole don't you! You naughty boy! You bussy is so greedy for daddy's cock isn't it" he growled, getting a broken and long moan in response.
Your body temperature started to climb higher and higher as the man you loved dearly continued fucking the daylight out of you. What you didn't realize? The fact that the ropes that put you in this very position broke in the midst of all the sexual pleasure you were feeling.
You didn't know how much longer you could handle this. Your bussy was practically broken after enduring all of Bucky's abuse, but the pleasure you felt continued to escalate by the second.
That's when, it happened again
Bucky's cock penetrated the most sacred and sensitive part of your entire body, your cock exploding with cum as your body twitched and quivered at the pleasure that basically consumed your entire body at this point.
"That's my boy! Oh y-you're daddy is close you're doing so well. Fuck!" he groaned as you could feel his thrusts growing sloppier.
You took notice of this and decided to give Bucky a taste of his own medicine: you pinched and twisted your nipples, causing your hole to tighten around Bucky's cock, making the man grow weak as his cock was being stimulated like no other before him.
"Oh shit! You naughty little bitch! Oh baby! I-I'm g-gonna cum!" he slurred out before unleashing his load inside your hole, strings of his white sticky cum polishing your insides an ivory color. You collapsed from the chair, your legs were practically immobile after all the pleasure and abuse you endured tonight.
Bucky crawled toward your destroyed figure, hugging you tightly and nuzzling your nose against his.
He carried you, bridal style, up from the basement into the bedroom you shared together.
"Now baby, let's get washed up, alright? We need to be perfectly clean before we sleep" he uttered, walking you over to the shower.
Despite the immense sexual activities that occurred that night, the shower you two had was one that was completely ingenuous.
You two shared a few loving, intimate moments, but nothing that was extreme. You were glad to have Bucky back. The old Bucky back. Sure, you loved the sex god that just fucked the shit out of you a couple minutes ago, but the little moments you have with him: you cherished forever.
You both got dried up and cuddled up on the bed together. "I'm so proud of you baby, we pulled off wonders tonight. I love you, Y/N" he said, kissing your forehead.
"I love you too, daddy" nuzzling your head against his chest.
You went to sleep madly in love with the man, and James Buchanan Barnes definitely loves you too~
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mrcavill88 · 1 year
Do you take requests? Can I possibly send one?
Sure, I'm always open to requests
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mrcavill88 · 1 year
Despondency turned rapture
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Pairing: Stepdad Andy Barber x Stepson Male reader
Summary: A recent family passing took a deep toll on you. Never have you ever felt so isolated from humanity. The only thing keeping you going are the lewd activities between you and your stepfather
Word count: 2.1k+
Warnings: 18+, ANGST, mentions of death, SMUT, age gap (reader just turned 18, Andy is 42) drunk Andy, reader is a stoner, intimacy in the shower, Dom Andy, deep kissing, skin biting, stripping, spanking, fingering, prostate orgasm, oral sex, face fucking, unprotected sex, cum control, breeding, cuddling
A/N: Hey everyone thanks for all your support lately. This is my first Steve only fic, hope you enjoy! (If you have any questions/requests, feel free to ask me in my bio;)
You're not quite sure how your life crumbled apart so easily. One moment you're frolicking in the park with your beloved mother and stepfather, then you're hyperventilating in a hospital hoping your mother's life could see another day.
"Mom! P-please *sniffle* please stay with me!" you pled as you tightly gripped your mothers hand, her body laying near lifeless on the hospital bed. "Sir! Why are you in the room? Your mother is in a fragile state I understand your pain but you need to exit immediately!" the frantic doctor yelled as he tried to pry you from your mother.
"Get the hell off me!" you yelled as you shoved the doctor into the concrete wall. "Mom! Mom! Answer me!" you cried as tears stained your cheeks, feeling helpless as your mother remains unresponsive.
And then it came
The longest, most heartbreaking beep you've ever heard in your whole life. The beep that signified the death of your mother. You fell to your knees as you've just accepted what reality has become, a reality without your mother.
"Y/N! What happened? Is she okay?" your stepdad Andy panicked as he rushed over to you, seeing your mother. "N-no, NO! NO!" Andy screamed as he hugged your body tightly, in grievance of your dead mother. Both of you sat on the floor, drowned in tears as you've both lost the dearest person in your lives.
The trip out of the hospital was one that wasn't that long, but for you and Andy? It was a million years. It took a host of angels to get you out of that hospital, several doctors needed to escort you out of the hospital room. That day, a part of you was never the same, you became an incomplete puzzle with a forever missing piece.
You sit in your bed, still grieving your dear mothers death. A mountain of disposables piling up in the corner of the room, making the room reek of weed. A deep and scratchy exhale left your mouth as you continue to sit in your room, refusing to leave your domain. It seems like years since you've spoken to anyone,
Well, almost anyone
The only trustworthy person in your life? Your stepdad Andy. You two have always had a close relationship, you both understood each other on a level no one else (besides your mother) could. But little did each of you know, the deep feelings you both felt for each other. I mean, how could one resist Andy? His beautiful blue eyes that dilated each time he saw you, his broad figure and chiseled muscles, his structured face and sexy beard. You knew it was wrong, especially after your mothers death, but it was something out of your control.
"Y-Y/N! G-get your ass o-over h-here!" he yelled, slurring his words amid his recent alcohol addiction. You slumped off your bed and walked over to Andy's bedroom, the unpleasant aroma of alcohol filled the room as you shut the door; bottles upon bottles of beer stacked in his closet.
"Y/N, y-you better s-stop sm-smoking, i-it'll kill you. If I f-find one more goddamn c-cart in the t-trash, I-I'm whooping your ass. Understand?" he said, barely able to connect his words together. "You think y-you can talk? It smells like shit in here, I don't know how you keep all those muscles and that jawline when all you do is drink all the fucking time! Give it a fucking break already!" you yelled, right before a thick hand smacked your cheek, you held your face.
Andy grabbed your face yelling, "You speak t-to me like t-that again? I'll fucking k-kill you, understand?" squeezing your face. You nodded as tears formed and fell down your face. You ran out of Andy's room, into your room, slamming the door, staying there for what seemed like an eternity, but was only 2 days.
A light knock on the door awakened your seemingly endless slumber. You stood up, feeling sticky and extremely hungry, and dragged your body towards the door and opened it to a surprisingly healthy Andy, who didn't smell.
"Hey y/n, I know you probably want to talk to me but, I'm really concerned about you. You haven't left your room in ages and your mothers death (tears up) left its toll on both of us, but I know she wants us to find happiness in our lives. So please, would you come out? Maybe we could spend some time together?" he asked, caressing the cheek that he slapped the other day.
You gave him a blank expression, still feeling a little scared of Andy after what happened yesterday. "Fine". You finally walked out of your room, the sunshine blinding you as you sit down on the couch.
"Now, let's get you cleaned up. Honey, can you please take a shower?" Andy asked, his cute nickname for you leaving you a little bit surprised. You reluctantly entered the bathroom, it seems like an eternity since you last entered it. You undressed yourself and turned on the hot water, waiting for steam to accumulate before you entered. The hot water dampening your soft skin as you cleanse yourself for the first time since your mothers death. As you were washing your hair, you noticed the bathroom door slowly creaked open. The feeling of curiosity and anxiety filled you as you waited for someone to show up.
"Y/N? Can I come in?" Andy asked, as the door was still slightly ajar.
"Come in"
Andy walked in with a white tank top that perfectly illustrated his large biceps and broad shoulders, and, it got hard, and, it seemed that he realized this. He walked over to the shower and opened the door
"Hey! Get out! I need some privacy!" you yelled as you covered your private parts, slightly blushing. "Oh I'm sorry, lemme just close this" Andy said as he seductively slapped your ass, causing you to jolt and moan a little. "GET OUT!" you yelled, clearly aggravated, little did he know a little turned on as well. He left before you finished your shower, you turned off the water, dried yourself off and put on a tight little black tank top and some shorts.
You walked out and approached Andy in the living room, still a little surprised at what he did in the bathroom. "H-hey Andy, sorry I got mad at you there" you chuckled. "Oh it's all good Y/N, in the end, that was my bad. Come sit with me, the patriots are on right now" he said to you, bringing you over to the couch, sitting you next to him.
Oh God
You were feeling things you never felt before, things you shouldn't be feeling, he was your... stepdad. This was wrong, you couldn't help but feel butterflies race around your stomach, your body temperature rising as Andy got closer and more touchy with you.
"So Y/N, you like football?" he asked you, wrapping his muscular arm around your shoulder. You didn't answer him; you couldn't even think straight you were going crazy, sweat accumulating on your forehead.
"Y/N? Why so silent?"
"S-sorry I'm just-" you couldn't even finish your sentence before you found the six foot one man hands all over you, pinning you to the couch.
"H-hey! What're you doing!" you whined out as he got closer and closer to your face. "Oh Y/N, sweet innocent Y/N, I know you like me, in fact, you love me." he said, tightening his grip on you as he was practically an inch away from your face. "N-no Andy, this is wrong! You're my stepdad! What would mom think?" "Y/N, at a certain time, you have to move on, your mother was an amazing person, she would want us to be happy right?"
You shrugged your shoulders in response before Andy's lips crashed onto yours, your tongues twisting together, fighting for dominance; you lost. "Mm baby I've been waiting years for this, you don't understand how hard I'm gonna fuck you" he huffed as he continued kissing you, moving onto your neck. "Fuck, daddy" you moaned.
"Mm, daddy huh? I like that name, you only address me as that now, understand?" You whimpered in response as Andy started biting and sucking on your neck. Moans and whines leaving your mouth as your own stepfather was leaving hickeys on your baby soft skin.
When he was finished with you, you were a moaning and whining mess, breathing in and out at a rapid pace as Andy's eyes starting filling with something, insurmountable lust. "Strip for daddy" he commanded as he put you on your knees. You slowly removed your clothing unveiling your beautiful and slim frame.
Andy stared at your angelic figure, completely awestruck by the beauty that stand before him. He grabbed onto your shoulders and started sucking on your skin again. "Mm fuck baby! You taste as good as you look, you're gonna feel so good with me inside you!"
"Mm, fuck me daddy!" you moaned as the bearded man vigorously bit and licked your skin. He grabbed your body and placed your moaning figure over his lap; you knew exactly what part was next. He squeezed and fondled your cheeks, praising them before his hands gripped them firmly.
"o-one" *SMACK* his hand swiftly cuffed your right cheek, causing you to wince in pain, and a wee bit of pleasure.
"two" *SMACK* he smacked your left cheek with even more force, causing you to scream as a tear leaked from your eye.
Said smack became 5 smacks, then 15, then 30. At 31, your ass cheeks were tinted red and tears stained your cheeks as your stepdad had just smacked the hell out of your ass.
"Oh baby, don't cry. Daddy is so proud of you, and he thinks it's time for your reward, baby. Come on, open up"
You aversely spread your legs open, leaning up on the couch you were sitting on. Right then and there, Andy slowly inserted his thick fingers into your tight and tiny hole. He used his spit as a lubricant to make the trip nice and smooth, causing moans and whines to constantly leave your mouth.
"Daddy! Ugh! Fuck daddy! That feels so good!" you whined as his fingers went in and out of your hole.
"Oh baby I love to hear you moan, it's like music to my ears. Now, this might hurt, just sit still ok sweetie?" he kindly said as he started finger fucking you with multiple fingers. Your moans started becoming screams as the feeling of pleasure, pain, and discomfort consumed your body.
"D-daddy! I c-can't take it anymore! I'm g-gonna cum!" you whined as you could feel your cock twitch uncontrollably, completely wet with pre-cum.
"Oh no you don't" he said cupping your cock in his other hand, making you even more horny. "Daddy can't have you cumming yet, I know you can do it, be a good boy for daddy". At this point, you were practically walking on strings, shear milliseconds away from shooting your load.
Andy finally released his fingers from you, sucking on them. "Delicious. Oh baby, you're such a determined little boy, thank you for not cumming, daddy appreciates it! Now, get on your knees baby, daddy needs to unload a little". You were still a little weak from Andy finger fucking you, but you got on your knees as Andy unleashed his meat. You've been picked down by many, but nothing surmounted Andy's cock. It looked to be 8 inches long, and insanely thick. You licked his bitter tip, causing him to groan out, before you started sucking his dick.
It didn't take much before you started gagging, your drool spilling from your mouth as Andys dick invaded every corner of your mouth. "T-take it easy b-baby. Oh fuck! Baby you look so good around my dick like this!" He started to thrust into your face, you almost fell back at his aggression. The sound of moans filled the room as Andy could feel himself getting close. Noticing this, you started moaning and whining on his dick, sending vibrations up his dick. "F-fuck baby" he moaned as he shot his thick and warm cum into your mouth, filling your mouth with his baby batter.
"Oh baby you did so well! Now, it's time for the grand finale! Come on baby, face down, ass up"
You stood crawled up on the couch and did as he asked, face down, ass up, your hole still lubricated after Andy's fingers violated it. "This is a very special memory Y/N, let's make the most of it. Alright?" he softly said before he violently thrusted his cock in your hole, going in and out aggressively.
"Daddy! Ugh! I love your cock so much daddy!" you whined as his meat was invading every bit of your insides. His thrusts getting sloppier and sloppier by the second as the pleasure he felt weakened his knees.
That's when it happened
His dick thrusted into your prostate causing you to go crazy, cock twitching uncontrollably as cum shot from your cock onto the couch, practically painting a section white. "B-baby, I-I'm close, y-you're doing so well" Andy groaned as he was once again close from summing, this time inside you.
"I love you daddy!" you screamed as your legs started to wobble. At those words, Andy lost it. His cock shooting ropes and ropes of cum into your velvety walls, painting them white. You both collapsed on the couch, completely drowned in pleasure after having sex the best sex of your lives. You crawled up onto Andy's muscles, cuddling up against him.
"I love you" you said before you lightly kissed his lips
"I love you too Y/N" he huffed before you both fell asleep in each others arms
Thanks for reading:)
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mrcavill88 · 1 year
Dangerous desires
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Pairing: August Walker x Male reader
Summary: August Walker is known for his dangerous tendencies. But a certain boy sparked a feeling of lust inside his dark soul, what's weird though, he just met the boy. Ultimately, it was up to him to do anything he could to make him his precious little boy. Besides, how bad could it be? (Answer: pretty bad)
Word count: 1.5k+
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, pet names "little boy, baby, etc", daddy kink, size difference (August is large and masculine, you're cute and petite, implications of sex toys, deep kissing, skin sucking/biting, slapping, nipple play, spanking, oral sex, face fucking, fingering, cum control, rimming, unprotected sex, August is very possessive, cuddling?
"What the hell?" you thought as you awakened from a deep slumber, feeling a throbbing pain on the side of your head. It's obvious what's going on as you observe your surroundings. You lay on an expensive linen couch noticing the ivory walls, adorned with elegant paintings and a surprising amount of, special toys.
It took a while for you to fully grasp the fact that you've been taken, not long before a daunting figure walks in. A large man, who looked to be around 6 feet tall, with rippling biceps, comically large shoulders, and a broad chest stood before you with a seemingly black expression, but what you noticed? The furry little mustache that lay beneath his nose made him look a little strange, but you couldn't help but blush at his masculine and chiseled features.
"Oh what a surprise! Mr. Walker didn't expect to see a cute little baby in his house!" His kind and gentle tone was a bit unsettling as his massive figure started getting closer to you, cornered in the couch. You tried to back away as August got really close to you. “Oh baby, why are you trying to avoid daddy? You know we need each other, come with me baby. Let me make us feel good” he said, rubbing your thigh. “W-who are you? Why are you doing this to me?” You said trying to pry the man off of your leg. 
“Oh my sweet boy, you’re so adorable. You really don’t remember me? From the art expo?”
That’s when it all made sense.
You did go to the art expo and remembered accidentally bumping into August in a hurry, little did you know that very move put you in this place. All you did was stare into his dark blue eyes hoping that he would come to his senses. Did it work? No.
All of a sudden, a pair of chapstick tinted lips crashed onto yours, causing you to fall back onto the couch. His tongue racing in your mouth stealing every bit of submission out of your mouth. You moaned and whined loudly as August continued to kiss and lick your lips. “Oh you taste so fucking good baby, I’m gonna have a great time with you!” His words rushed and hasty as he started to suck on your neck making more unholy noises leave your mouth. His teeth sinking into your neck marking his territory. “You’re mine now baby, understand?” All you did was whimper in response to the man.
The kiss continued to deepen for about 5 minutes, by the time he pulled out you were a moaning and panting mess. “But a beautiful thing like you really should show off his beauty right?” He said as he started stripping you of your clothes. You watched as your favorite hoodie and shorts were ripped off your body and thrown onto the floor, leaving you completely naked except for a pair of white undies.
“My goodness baby! What a beautiful little thing you are! But daddy has something that’ll make his boy shine!” He said, patting your head, pulling out the smallest and most useless bra and thong set you’ve ever seen. Practically strings of fabric being held together. He handed it to you with an enthusiastic expression, hoping you wouldn’t have any resistance to this. Your response, however, did thoroughly disappoint him. 
“August, I don’t really wanna wear this, it’s too tiny” you said trying to persuade him. “Oh? Does the little boy think he can boss around daddy? And don’t you dare call me August, I’m daddy not August! And you will wear the two piece if you don’t wanna get hurt, so I advise you do baby” he said gripping your shoulder. In a state of fear, you started changing into the two piece with a scarlet color on your face. Feeling exposed in front of August. 
“There, happy?” You said in a fit of anger and attitude. *SLAP* “Don’t you dare talk to daddy like that! I’m doing this for you baby, don’t play that shit with me baby!” You held your face, surprised that August would hit you, thinking he was gentle. “Anyways” August said as he began  to suck and bite your neck again, more moans leaving your mouth. 
He moved down from your neck onto your chest. Forcing the bra off your torso and sucking and teasing your nipples. Moans and whines escaping your mouth as August licked and sucked on your sensitive nipples. “Fuck daddy! Uh!” You moaned as augusts tongue was sliding around your chest, your body quivering at Augusts aggressive touch. “Oh daddy loves what he hears kitten, you’re so good for me” he said as eventually let out, pinching your nipples leaving them red and wet. 
“You’re such an obedient little boy aren’t you! Now, time for daddy’s present to his favorite boy. Kneel”. Absolutely desperate for more, you kneeled completely impatient for august to unleash his meat. 
August unbuckled his trousers and, oh! Pops out the largest cock you’ve ever seen, albeit the first one you’ve ever seen. It looked to be 9 inches and really thick. “Suck” he demanded as you shoved his colossal dick down your throat. You could only take about 5 inches as drool spilled from your mouth while it was completely occupied with Augusts dick.
“F-fuck b-aby, you suck dick so f-fucking good!” Then came the thrusts, as august began fucking your face. You licked his tip, sending even more pleasure through the larger man’s body as he continued thrusting into your mouth.
“H-hey! W-who said you could do that y-you naughty b-boy! Uh fuck baby! Daddy n-needs to teach you a lesson” August said as he aggressively pulled out of you, putting his dick, soaked in pre-cum and drool, back in his boxers.
“Get on my lap, daddy needs to teach his naughty little boy a lesson!” August pointed to his crotch, motioning you to sit in it. Wanting to stir the pot, you tried to run out the door, still naked with nothing but tiny straps on your body. “Oh no you don’t! Get back here baby!” He grabbed you and forced you on his lap. 
“Now baby, daddy hates to do this to his little baby but when daddy’s baby is acting up, discipline is required” he said as he violently swatted your right cheek. A scream escaped your mouth as his large hand left a red mark on your ass, the mix of pain and pleasure left you wanting more. “Oh no you don’t” he said as he cupped your mouth with his hand. “I need you to be on your best behavior, ok baby? I know it hurts but daddy is doing it so you don’t misbehave” continuing to spank you. At spank 30, your cheeks are red as a ripening tomato, tears staining your cheeks from the sting. 
“Oh baby! Daddy is so sorry for hurting you, but since you’ve been a good boy, daddy’s gonna give you the best gift ever!” He said tying your arms together above your head. “Open up.” His fingers started slowly entering your hole, sliding in and out of them as the most sickening moans left your body. “Daddy!” you whined as August started inserting two, then three fingers into your hole. The amalgam of pleasure and pain completely consumed your body as he continued to finger fuck you.
“Daddy! I’m gonna cum! Please daddy, can I cum?” You begged the man, feeling extremely weak and fragile in the moment. “Oh no baby, let daddy go for a bit longer, you can do it baby! I’m sure of it” he said as he bit your nipple. 
You lost it.
Ropes of cum shooting out from your cock, twitching and shaking as August continued to pleasure you. “Baby… Daddy is quite disappointed you couldn’t control yourself, but you’re still my good boy. Time for your reward!” he said as flipped you over, breaking your bonds, and grabbed your waist, ready to fuck you. He teased your tight and sensitive hole with his cock, leaving you whining and moaning, craving more from the man.
Then, *BAM* August started thrusting inside you, absolutely violating your hole. You moaned and screamed as his thrusts grew stronger by the second, ready to bust at any minute. “Daddy! Ugh daddy! I love when you fill me up daddy! Ugh! Fuck!” you moaned as he continued fucking you, your conscious slowly starting to dissipate at Augusts aggression. “Oh baby! I know you were the one! You’re better than any girl I’ve ever banged fuck baby!” “Daddy! I’m gonna cum! Please daddy let me cum!” you whined as Augusts dick started slamming up and down against your prostate. 
You felt August starting to get sloppier and sloppier with each thrust, his brain completely wrapped with pleasure. You were both in heaven, hungry for what could come next. “C-cum with me baby” he whined as you both unleashed your loads, his cum painting your walls, leaving nothing untouched. He collapsed on top of you, body soaked in sweat and cum. The intimidating man suddenly wrapped his arms around you and teased your nipples. 
“That was so much fun baby, you’re so perfect. Can daddy give you a kiss?” You nodded as the man gave you the most perfect kiss, one not like before, but a kiss of true love, something you felt for the man who had just fucked the shit out of you.
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mrcavill88 · 1 year
My night in Hollywood
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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Chris Evans x Henry Cavill x Male reader
Summary: Your first film role definitely has its ups and downs. A large pay check? Good. A kickstart to your career? Even better. But a night with three of Hollywoods leading men? The absolute best
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, daddy kink, pet names “little boy, baby, doll”, ass slapping, stripping, nipple playing, breeding kink, dick sucking, handjob, unprotected sex
Who knew being famous was so tough?
I’m constantly being bombarded by fans desperate for an autograph. The Hollywood life seems glamorous, and that it is, but not without its downside. The upside? All the hot actors in Hollywood, oh how I loved seeing a sexy man on screen. I recently landed a role on a film with some of Hollywoods leading men and holy cow was it a joyride. I walked into the hotel I would be staying at for the shooting of this film and who do I see as soon as I walk into the elevator? Henry Cavill, Sebastian Stan, and Chris Evans.
The scarlet color on my face is noticeable as I instantly start fanboying over the three buff men. “Hello there, you’re y/n right? I’m Henry, pleasure to meet you love”. He stuck his thick hand out and I shook it with much ebullience. I took my spot in the elevator, right in between Sebastian and Chris, feeling so small next to the 6 feet men.
What was in reality 30 seconds felt like 3 hours in the elevator. Sweat building up on my forehead as the men continued to spark conversation with me. My words fumbled and completely shaky. We reached my floor and I bolted out the doors and hastily walked to my room and instantly shut the door. I was a mess. My chest popping in and out of my body, a noticeable bulge in my tight pants. But as I went to change my clothes, a small envelope slid through my door.
“Reservation at Giovanni’s Italian cuisine for two, 7:30 pm at the luxury suite.
My baby y/n, please join me tonight for dinner, I would love to get to know you. See you soon, Sebastian”
I was fucked. Butterflies pacing through my stomach as the feeling of love and affection enveloped my soul. But was I gonna pass up this opportunity? Hell no. I checked the clock and it was currently 6:00, “how the hell did he reserve the place so quickly?” I thought. I rushed into my luggage and picked out a loose blue and white striped button up and white kakis which kinda showed off my ass.
I got into my car, put my sunglasses on and started driving to the restaurant. “What if he doesn’t like me?” “What if this is all a joke?” Thoughts filled my head as I headed to the restaurant, making me more nervous than I already was.
I walked in and it was the most classy restaurant I have ever been to. Red velvety floors covered the place with beautiful floral arrangements and classical music. “Reservation with Sebastian at 7:30, in the luxury suite,” I said to the hostess. “Right this way please,” she replied as we walked up the extravagant stairs into the luxury suite. She opened the door and
There he was
Waiting for me in a tight black polo shirt that complimented his rippling biceps, and jeans that were definitely, tight. “H-hi Sebastian,” I said with a trembling voice. He walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “Hey y/n, I’m so happy you came tonight, I hope you like this place cause I really wanted to have a great time tonight, please sit.”
I sat down in the expensive chair and couldn’t help but notice the beautiful view from the window. “Wow! This place is so nice, I can see the whole city from here!” Sebastian grabbed my hand. “Yeah it’s nice but I think I like what I see from here more,” biting his lip. I instantly started blushing, biting my lip to try and calm it down but the redness of my cheeks just got more obvious. I was completely fucked, in a desperate way to change the subject, “So, I wanna try this ravioli they got here, I heard it’s amazing”, I said trying to change the subject. “Yeah let me order, I already know what I’m getting”.
Sebastian ordered our food and I was set for the best date, and the first date, of my life. Who knew a celebrity could be so down to earth and so cordial? But of course, the physical and, sexual appeal was crazy as the Romanian man was extremely romantic.
“Oh, well I’m stuffed, we should get going. This food is pre-paid so don’t even worry about it. Should I take you home?” “Oh thanks but I drove here so I think I’ll be fine,” I answered. “Are you sure?”, he asked with a serious somewhat dour look on his face. “Uhm, actually, maybe you should,” I said nervously hoping he wouldn’t be offended.
We cleaned up and left the restaurant, he took me into his expensive car and started driving back to the hotel. Something felt off, he was being extremely seductive and touchy, grabbing my thigh and rubbing my chest. Did I like it? Of course.
I walked into the hotel and entered the elevator with him just to see two familiar faces once again, Chris and Henry.
“Oh y/n! Great to see you again! Looks like you’ve had some fun with my friend Seb huh?” Chris said with a funny expression. I couldn’t help but nod and gulp as I entered the elevator with the three men.
We were going up and all of a sudden, Sebastian presses the emergency stop button. I was completely confounded, not knowing what was going on. I tried to push the button again but the three men cornered me in this godforsaken box.
“What does this little boy think he’s doing?” Henry asked as he stroked my hair. I started to sweat, and slightly panic. “W-why’d you stop the elevator?” I said hoping this just was some kind of stupid joke. I reached for the button again until Sebastian covered my mouth with his large hand and pinned me up against the wall.
I didn’t even have time to say anything before my clothes started coming off. They started kissing and biting my body relentlessly and I couldn’t help but moan and whine. “Oh baby I wanna fuck you so bad,” Sebastian said as he and Chris started removing my shirt and pants, leaving me in my tiny little spandex.
“Lay in my lap doll,” Henry said gesturing toward me. I felt so exposed and fragile in the moment. “Count” he said as he smacked my ass cheek. I screamed and jolted a little at the surprising pain and arousal that came from it, “o-one” *SMACK* “t-two” *SMACK* “t-three”. One slap quickly became 15 as Henry continued slapping my ass cheeks until they were bright scarlet and my cheeks were soaked in tears.
“What a good boy you are, now let daddy make you feel good,” Sebastian sad as he grabbed my and gagged my mouth. I was in heaven. Henry started twisting and teasing my nipples as Chris shoved his fingers in and out of my hole. Sebastian rubbing up against my body and his dirty talk made me more aroused than I should’ve been. Cock twitching and my skin soaked in sweat. “Daddy!” I whined as my body was being violated by three sexy men. “Oh the things you do to me baby, now open up for daddy”.
Sebastian whipped out his 10 inch cock and teased my hole making more unholy noises leave my mouth. And all of a sudden, *THRUST* his dick was sliding in and out my hole at a rapid pace. Henry shoved his dick into my mouth and started fucking my face. I moaned on his dick sending vibrations up his cock. “Ugh f-fuck baby you’re so naughty. In the midst of all this sexual pleasure, Chris shoved his dick in my hand. “Come on baby, make me cum,” he said as I started jerking him off.
I was gonna lose it, my body completely drowned in pleasure. “D-addy, I c-can’t take it! I’m gonna c-cum daddy!”. “C-come on baby, w-wait for your daddies, don’t be a s-selfish little b-boy”. At those words, my cock shot a load of cum onto Sebastian’s broad chest. Sebastian felt my hole tighten around his cock and came in my hole, filling my walls with his warm and sticky baby batter. I was completely cum drunk. I collapsed onto Henry’s chest. The three men held me in their strong embrace as the night neared its end, nothing could have ruined this night, except the fact that we were in a damn elevator.
Thanks for reading everyone hope y’all enjoyed it! (I know it kinda sucks)
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