mrgenshinlover · 2 months
Cynari Pt.1
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Luv the picture btw ^^ ♡v♡
Part one: [Avidya Forest, early in the morning, Tighnari's POV]
*Tighnari woke as the sun glared at him with it's sunlight. He sat upon his bed as he stretched and yawned. After a while, he was prepared to watch the forest. Tighnari looked up at the beautiful sky. 'The clear blue, with unique imaginary patterns of clouds.' Tighnari thought, then inhaled the fresh air, then exhaled.*
"It sure is a wonderful day today, isn't it?" *Tighnari said as he looked at the critters who were nearby him, and took a good look at the plants, who were looking healthy. He turned as he took a quick stroll before his daily things.*
[Sumeru Academia, early in the morning, Cyno's POV]
*Cyno was already awake then, but nearly. He yawned as he sat down on a nearby seat. He took a deep breath to relax him from all the things that are bothering him. Cyno took a walk outside the Sumeru Academia, gazing at the sky and clouds. 'The clear blue, with a unique imaginary patterns of clouds.' Cyno thought.
"Today is sure going to be busy, since the weather is entirely beautiful today." *Cyno said as he continued walking around. He couldn't keep his eyes off of the sky, it helped him imagine things, the things he wanted to imagine. 'Should I go see Tighnari? No, it's going to be way too busy today...' *Cyno thought as he had an upsetting realization.* "But I'll be fine without seeing him today." *Cyno said, doubtfully.*
[Avidya Forest, later in the morning, Tighnari's POV]
"I wonder how Cyno's doing this morning." *Tighnari realized that he was still on his stroll and not watching out in the forest.* "The forest will be fine for a while, I suppose." *Tighnari continued walking as he admired the nature but also, kept cautious for any unexpected actions that could happen.*
[Sumeru Academia, later in the morning, Cyno's POV]
*Later on, Cyno headed back inside to see what all the sudden noise was about. Of course, they're were a lot of people entering. Cyno sighed as entered the Academia. 'I wonder how Tighnari is doing..' Cyno thought. "No worries though. He's fine." *Cyno said as he ran into a somebody. "M-my apologies." *The somewhat somebody said as they ran off somewhere else. Cyno shook his head.* "People these days.." *Cyno went to his place and started writing a letter to Tighnari. Tighnari and Cyno saw each other everyday, so it wasn't normal for them not to see each other, but it was understanding.*
{After a few hours} ^^
[Avidya Forest, afternoon, Tighnari's POV]
*Tighnari soon received Cyno's letter.*
{Letter}: 'Good Morning, Tighnari. Unfortunately, I cannot see you today. Here at the Sumeru Academia is very busy today. Today is sure a beautiful day, isn't it? I'd like to go on a stroll with you there at the Avidya Forest if today wasn't busy, but it sure is. I bet it's breathtaking there! Sorry for the inconvenience! You can see me at any time if you're not busy, but I suppose you are busy. After all, today is a wonderful day. Well, see you some day. Yours truly, Cyno.'
*Tighnari sighed.* "It seems like he misses me or something. I might as well I guess." *Tighnari put the letter aside and decided to write back. Collei then peeked in. "Hey, are you writing letters to Cyno again?" *Tighnari turned to Collei* "It's none of your business, nosey. Now back out." *Tighnari looked back at his paper and continued writing. While Collei shrugged as he backed out of Tighnari's room.*
[Sumeru Academia, afternoon, Cyno's POV]
*Cyno soon received Tighnari's letter.*
{Letter}: 'Good afternoon, Cyno. I understand how that's like. And that's fine if we don't see each other today, there's always another day. I'd love to go on another stroll with you, but I'm afraid not. How's it doing over there at the Sumeru Academia? I hope you're okay. And good luck on the busy day. I'm not busy at all right now, so I may as well come over if that's fine. But I'll wait until most of them have left. I don't want to be lost in a crowded area, do I? Heh, I'll see you someday as well, From your best friend, Tighnari.'
*Cyno examined the letter for a moment.* "At least he said something back, I'm not worried." *Cyno chuckled* "I wonder when is another day. I also noticed that he didn't say yours truly. Oh well." *Cyno smiled as he put the paper aside and continued to work. It was a really busy day. And I mean REALLY busy. ^^
{Time flies by, doesn't it? The sun is setting.}
[Avidya Forest, the sun is setting, Tighnari's POV]
*Tighnari yawned.* "I guess I won't see him after all. Today's been exhausting.." *Tighnari went out for another lonely stroll. He gazed at the dark sky, with the bright stars that expresses themselves, and barely anymore clouds. It just felt a bit lonely this time. The morning felt better. Tighnari knew that there wasn't a chance for them to spend time with each other and do quests with each other on beautiful days like today. It.. kind of upset him, but he was keeping his guard up. Tighnari sighed* "It's not that bad out here, huh?" *Tighnari looked down at the colorful glowing fungi as the wind hit them* "This.. doesn't feel right.."
The end of pt.1!!! I hope you liked it, and did I at least improve a little? I'd like to know! Ty again.
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mrgenshinlover · 3 months
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 100 likes! I really appreciate it!
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mrgenshinlover · 3 months
GenMui Pt.5
I couldn't really try my best on this story since I'm busy and tired. But hope you enjoy it! T^T
As Muichiro went on his mission again, he couldn't get his mind off Genya, even though he could forget so easily, but it was like it was hanging on him, and it wouldn't let go, not ever.
Genya tried forgetting what had happened the days before. Their bond just felt like it was really important and all. It clicked, like they shared the bond in some way. Was this romance? Love? No, it couldn't be.
After Muichiro had finished his mission, he just had the urge to find Genya- so he did. Genya was finding Muichiro as well. Although this is getting boring, wait for the next parts.
Of course, Muichiro was short compared to Genya, they bumped into each other, and don't ask how T^T. Genya looked down, seeing Muichiro's face onto Genya. He felt immediately flustered as he backed up a bit.
Muichiro looked up at Genya, with his emotionless expression. " I found you." Muichiro said as he hugged Genya. Genya was speechless on how Muichiro wasn't flustered at all. "I- uhm.. Yeah.. I found you too.. Hehehehe.." Genya hesitated.
"I miss you." Muichiro let go as he stared at the ground. Genya was touched by Muichiro's comment. Now, this wasn't the Muichiro he knew. "I-I do as well.." *Genya chuckled embarrassedly.*
"So, what are we going to tell your brother, the wind hashira about this?"
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mrgenshinlover · 4 months
Happy Birthday Kanao!
OMG!!! I was so busy on her b-day, i forgot!!! I'm so sorry!!
Happy Birthday Kanao!
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mrgenshinlover · 4 months
GenMui Pt.4
(Sorry for taking so long to do this part. I was really busy and I started liking something else so I forgot. But here it is now!)
Genya and Muichiro were walking to the butterfly mansion. Muichiro looked up at Genya. "Hey Genya.. I have a question." Genya looked down at Muichiro. "Yeah, what is it?"
Muichiro looked down. "How come our brothers were like the same?" Genya tilted his head. "What do you mean? Was your brother mean and brutal to you as well?". Muichiro nodded. "He wasn't really brutal to me though." Genya sighed. "Well, what I honestly think is that because he cares about you." Muichiro nodded. "He did. When he died, he said that he hoped for me to survive. And all that.." Muichiro looked down as his face was all gloomy. Genya patted his back while lumping a bit as they kept walking. "I'm sorry," Genya paused. "I don't think it's the same for me and my brother."
"Why not?" Muichiro asked. "Well, I mean.. That's what I think. I'm not sure.. It just seems like he actually hates me." Genya said as he looked at Muichiro. "Well don't think that. It's the same for us. Sometimes your brother isn't in a good mood, and he just babbles about random stuff." Muichiro said as he looked away. Genya sighed. "I guess.
As they got to the butterfly mansion, (finally) Genya laid on the bed as Muichiro watched. "I'm leaving now, okay?" Muichiro said as he looked at Genya. Genya held Muichiro's hand. "Don't leave just yet.." Muichiro stared at Genya emotionless. "Geez, you're acting as if you're about to die." Muichiro said. Genya chuckled. "I'm just feeling lonely right now, and I need someone to stay by my side. And you're the only person here." Muichiro stood, frozen. "Isn't there other people here?" Genya sighed. "Stop taking it so seriously."
"Okay." Muichiro said. "But I have to leave now. I have missions just so you know." Genya spoke up. "Wait, how come you remember your past?" Muichiro looked at Genya. "Tanjiro helped me remember. His eyes were like my father's. Though I'm not sure if I still have amnesia. Anyways, I got to go." Genya listened to Muichiro's summarization of how he remembered his past.
A few days later, Genya felt better, and wondered how Muichiro was doing, for some reason. Genya shook his head. *I have to focus on other stuff.* Genya thought.
On the other hand, Muichiro was resting for that day. He went on many missions the past few days. Muichiro suddenly thought of how Genya was doing, for some reason.
Thanks for reading this part!! I'm up to 15 likes on this now, but the next chapter is free, meaning you don't have to like for a limit to read the next story. Ty!!
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mrgenshinlover · 5 months
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Happy Birthday to Kyojuro Rengoku! :D
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mrgenshinlover · 8 months
PLEASE, this is not made by me, please follow valartstff for this BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING AND PERFECT drawing!!
can you make a genmui one?
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"Take a look at my boyfriend
He's the only one I got"🎶🎶💓
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mrgenshinlover · 8 months
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mrgenshinlover · 8 months
GenMui pt.3
*The next day*. Genya was arguing with his older brother, Sanemi Shinazugawa as you know. After a while, they were still arguing. Muichiro heard some YELLING, so he peeked over to see what was making all the yelling noises. He saw that it was Genya and Sanemi arguing like normal, so it really didn't surprise him. Muichiro eavesdropped for a while until they stopped. Muichiro looked at them, confused but didn't show it. Sanemi then punched Genya then pushed him down to the ground. "LISTEN GENYA, YOU HAVE TO STOP!!! I DON'T GIVE A F*CK ABOUT YOUR LOVE FOR SOMEONE ELSE!!! ESPECIALLY IF IT'S TOKITO!!!" Sanemi was getting ready to punch Genya again until Muichiro stepped in. "Hey, Shinazugawa, maybe you shouldn't treat your younger brother like that." Muichiro said in a strict voice. Sanemi looked at Muichiro. "HEY, TOKITO, MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T TREAT MY YOUNGER BROTHER LIKE THAT. BREAK UP!!" Sanemi said back. Muichiro looked at Genya then Sanemi. "The f*ck, Shinazugawa, we're not dating or anything, and I didn't treat Genya so badly like you do. At least I treat him like a normal person instead of beating them up." Muichiro's voice was getting more strict. Sanemi stared at Muichiro. "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK LIKE THAT TO ME?!! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!!" Sanemi yelled at Muichiro, not caring about neither of them. "Yeah, I know who you are. You are a piece of sh*t that doesn't care a f8cking single percent about your younger brother." Muichiro sounded like he was going to kill someone. But of course, he didn't make that evil smile or anything- hahahh.. (sorry for that spoiler). Sanemi was just so angry he stormed away without apologizing. Muichiro sighed then looked at Genya. He walked up to Genya giving him a hand. "Are you okay now Genya?" Muichiro said. Genya looked at Muichiro. "Yeah.. I'm fine, all thanks to you.." Muichiro flicked Genya's forehead. "Don't lie to me, you look horrible." Muichiro held onto Genya's hand tight then pulled him up. "You should go to the butterfly mansion to recover." Muichiro said. Genya look down at him with surprised eyes. "I- uh.." Genya gulped. "C-can you come with me?" ---------------- THE END!!! (My goal now is for 5 likes for pt.4. Comment for your opinion on this please! But you don't have to. And thank you for that person who reblogged my story, I really appreciate it! I also really appreciate that you guys are liking this story and reading it. I'm sorry for adding cusswords. I hope you enjoyed it!! And for more stories like this from me, please check my posts. Thank you so much!!! :>
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mrgenshinlover · 9 months
GenMui pt.2
Genya was concerned and confused on that why he won't move. He just stared at Muichiro, probably waiting for Muichiro to kiss him. (lol) Muichiro leaned closer then he was going to say something. "Why are you laying on the bench?" Muichiro asked as he kept him emotionless face. Genya was a bit embarrassed when Muichiro asked that, then he tried to act serious. Genya cleared his throat. "Well, you're in my way, unless you want me to push you." Genya finished then he tried glaring at Muichiro but just couldn't stand that beautiful face of Muichiro's. Muichiro stopped leaning closer then got up. "Go ahead and push me, but it won't hurt-" Muichiro was interrupted by Tanjiro. Tanjiro barged into the conversation. "Wait!! Don't hurt each other!" Tanjiro climbed back up on the bench. "Hey Genya, just leave Tokito alone-" Genya interrupted Tanjiro. "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT TOKITO, IN FACT I DON'T GIVE A DAMN TO YOU BOTH!" Genya stood up then pushed Muichiro away. Genya stormed away, feeling ashamed to say that to both of them. Genya just **had** to, so he could get out of it. Muichiro looked at Genya then Tanjiro. "Where did you come from Tanjiro?" Muichiro asked Tanjiro just watching him sit there with the box looked shocked. Tanjiro shook his head. "Oh, uh, Genya pushed me off the bench and I- I fell, heh. I couldn't get back up, so... I'm sorry if I eavesdropped!" Tanjiro explained. Muichiro listened to the explanation then forgot half of what he said. "Oh, ok. But why did you eavesdrop?" Muichiro crossed his arms then tilted his head. Tanjiro chuckled embarrassingly. "I honestly don't know, I guess I was bored!" Tanjiro scratched the back of his head then walked away while waving at Muichiro. Muichiro just stood there, still processing of what had just happened. (Thanks for reading!! Like or comment for more! Also, my goal for this story is 3 likes for the next part!! I hope you guys like it!! If I could've done anything better, please tell me so I can improve my skills. I will work hard!!! TvT
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mrgenshinlover · 9 months
GenMui Story pt.1
As normal, Muichiro was going on a mission, while Genya had nothing to do, so went went up to Muichiro. Genya looked down at Muichiro from behind then noticed how short Muichiro was. Muichiro turned around, frightening Genya. Genya walked away embarrassed, as he covered his face. Muichiro was slightly confused but then turned back to where he was heading. Muichiro was on his mission now, while Genya's just sitting down on a bench, thinking about all the things that could happen. Then suddenly, Tanjiro come. He waved at Genya while smiling. "Hey Genya!" Tanjiro shouted while speed walking towards Genya. Genya sighed then turned away, ignoring Tanjiro. He reached Genya then sat with him. "So, why do you look a bit sad?". Genya grumbled. "It's none of your business." He scooted away from Tanjiro a bit. Tanjiro was concerned. (I dunno what to put next) *Next day* The very next day, Genya sat on the bench again because it's the best place ever. Tanjiro approached to Genya again. "Hey Genya! I think I figured why you looked sad!" Tanjiro smiled like usual. Genya looked at Tanjiro surprisingly but still keeping an angry face. "No you don't, it's nothing. I'm not sad." Genya turned. Tanjiro froze. "Oh, yeah! You're not sad, you're embarrassed!" Genya was surprised, then he turned to Tanjiro again. "What, what is it?!" Tanjiro chuckled. "Oh, so you are embarrassed?" Tanjiro patted Genya's back. "It's ok, I know why-" Genya pushed Tanjiro. "NO! I'M NOT EMBARRASSED AT ALL! I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU WERE THINKING!!" Genya wanted to beat Tanjiro up so bad. Tanjiro was chuckling worriedly. "You know Muichiro a guy, right?" Genya froze. "Why did you say that? Of course I know! I knew him since-" Genya froze again, then turned back away. "Never mind, just leave me alone." Whenever Genya turned around, he saw a person standing there. He got frightened, then pushed Tanjiro off the bench, then Genya laid on the bench, while Tanjiro's just on the ground, totally fine. Muichiro bended over to Genya. "Why are you talking about me?" Muichiro stared at Genya emotionlessly. The End!! Like or comment for more TvT.
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mrgenshinlover · 9 months
Do you want me to make a photo collage of Muichiro Tokito on Canvas? If you do, send me your most beloved pics of Muiman.
no, because he's MINE. and **ONLY** MINE
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mrgenshinlover · 9 months
How MUCH do you love Muichiro, mrmuichirolover???
more than my LIFE. more than ANYONE's life. I mean strangers. He's a lot more than that *sighs happily*
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mrgenshinlover · 9 months
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mrgenshinlover · 9 months
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lol this was a looong time ago XD
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mrgenshinlover · 9 months
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MY HUGE BLANKET *heart heart*
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mrgenshinlover · 9 months
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Neon Heart
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