mrlidocaine · 1 year
Mmm mmm mmmmmmm, the flavours are melting on my tongue 😩🤭
Title: Home.
Pairing: Yandere!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (Spiderverse).
Word Count: 3.0k.
TW: Spiderverse Spoilers, Non///Con, Kidnapping, Prolonged Imprisonment, Nonconsensual Touching, Emotional Manipulation, Unhealthy Relationships, and Blood.
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You were probably starting to blister.
It was hard to tell. Your body felt strange, your head filled with cotton and your thoughts still blurred into one foggy, vaguely panicked haze. You were numb, and aching, and wide awake, and waiting for the moment you could lie down on a cold, hard surface and curl up until you felt like yourself, again. That man – Miguel, you reminded yourself, the desperation in his voice as he’d muttered it to you still echoing in your mind – said it was a side-effect of traveling between dimensions, that you’d be fine as long as you didn’t mess with the ring of metal around your wrist, but you couldn’t seem to tightness in your throat, couldn’t seem to forget the glimpse of a bruising puncture mark you’d caught before forcing yourself to turn away from the bathroom’s only mirror.
You’d lost track of how long you’d been there, slumped against the tiled wall of a stranger’s shower stall, trying to make sense of what little you’d learned. It had to have been an hour, if not more, but the water was still as hot as it had been when you’d half-consciously gotten in, when you decided you could burn yourself out of this situation. A benefit of being dragged into the future against your will, you guessed. At least you’d never run out of hot water, while you were trapped here.
You sighed, letting your head lull forward, but you didn’t have much time to wallow in your self-pity. You heard the automated door slide open (there wasn’t a lock, you’d checked, and then checked again, and then checked again), and snapped up just in time to see Miguel stepping past the threshold, still wearing that strained, manic grin. It looked unnatural. If you hadn’t been so scared, if you didn’t already feel so vulnerable, you might’ve asked him to stop.
Reflectively, you scrambled for a towel before remembering that you weren’t in your own bathroom, that you weren’t even in your own dimension, and shrinking into yourself, doing what you could to hide yourself away from him without the aid of a proper barrier. “I— I’m not done, just give me—”
“Relax.” His tone was calm, but strict, only slightly muffled by the shirt he was already pulling over his head. You caught the edge of a jagged scar, an expanse of tan skin, before jerking away and training your eyes on the floor. “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before. We’re married, remember?”
He didn’t wait for an answer before stepping in front of you, momentarily cutting off your supply of scalding water. Unlike you, he seemed to want you to see him - standing just a little too close, holding himself just a little too tall, revealing just a little too much a little too quickly. You made a point of keeping your eyes on his face – or, as much as his face as you could see, anyway. The room you’d woken up in (his bedroom, you figured, despite how blank it’d been, how uncomfortable its bare walls and empty shelves had made you) had been dark, and his bathroom was no better. The lights had been dimmed to the point of near-total darkness, and you were starting to miss your apartment’s constantly flickering lights, your office’s blinding phosphorescents. You could only hope the rest of his dimension wouldn’t be so dark. You didn’t know what you would do if you had to spend the rest of your life stumbling around in the dark.
“We were married, you mean,” you mumbled, then shook your head. “Or, you were married to another version of me, I think? I’m sorry, I’m having a little trouble wrapping my head around…” You paused, gesturing to your meager surroundings. “…around this.”
His smile took on a softer lull. “In another world, a version of me was married to a version of you. When that version of me died, I did what I could to fill the gap. It didn’t work out, but…” A hand on your shoulder, then your jaw. You flinched at the unearned contact, but he didn’t pull away. “It was good, for a while. We had a daughter, Gabriella, and we took care of each other.”
You managed a weak laugh. “It’s hard to believe I’d take meeting my husband’s doppelganger that well.”
“Yeah, it is.”
There was a short lapse of silence. You chose to ignore the bluntness of his response, the bitter taste that spread over your tongue. “Maybe I’ll meet my own version of you when I get back home. It seems like we can’t stop running into each other.” And then, with more than a note of genuine excitement. “I will be able to go back to my own dimension, right? No offense, but I’m already starting to feel a little homesick.”
“Eventually. We’re looking for another solution as quickly as we can, but for now, it’s important that you stay where you are.” The pad of his thumb ran over your cheek. “Just your presence here is saving millions of lives.”
With no small amount of hesitation and a pained smile of your own, you reached up, taking him by the wrist and pushing his hand back down to his side. In his defense, he didn’t put up a fight. You could’ve missed the way his grin wavered, the carnal shade of scarlet that flashed across his eyes, if not for the way the shadows flickered at the slightest disturbance. “But I’ll be able to go home when you’re done?”
“Eventually,” he reiterated. “I’ll be taking care of you, in the meantime.”
Slowly, reluctantly, you nodded, letting out a shaky breath.
It wasn’t like there was anything else you could do, right?
You felt like you were going blind.
Miguel had been paranoid – making excuses, offering half-baked explanations, changing the topic every time you found the confidence to push – but even he couldn’t keep you in his dark, empty bedroom forever, lest you grow bored enough to throw the fate of the multi-verse aside and start messing with the bolt of silver latched onto your wrist. You could see why he’d wanted to keep you locked up. The rest of his society (organization? foundation? glorified playground for anyone with a spider-aesthetic and a seemingly endless supply of bad one-liners?), unlike its founder, was a beacon of color and noise, of friendly faces and helpful people. You could see why it might’ve made the thought of going home that much more difficult, for someone who’d had a much gentler introduction to it than you.
You could see how it made the time you spent alone with Miguel seem that much darker, in comparison.
Currently, you were in a room you’d once heard one of the more brash Peter Parkers’ refer to as ‘Miguel’s Cave’ – the makeshift lab where he spent most of his time leering over holographic screens and growling at constantly malfunctioning technology you couldn’t so much as pretend to understand, sitting cross-legged next to a collection of well-beaten consoles, squinting at a book you could hardly make out in the dim light. You didn’t know much about him or his society, every detail pried out through either sheer force of will or gleaned from a combination of different half-explanations, but he seemed to be the default leader, the one responsible for making sure this operation didn’t fall apart at the seams. He was stressed, obviously, but you couldn’t seem to find it in yourself to feel bad for him, not when every new setback led to a new hole in the wall, another chair broken over his knee (hence why you were sitting on the floor). It was hard to feel pity for a man who could snap your neck with a flick of his wrist, no matter how often he promised he wasn’t going to hurt you.
When your vision started to blur and the knot of tension in the back of your skull turned from uncomfortable to aching, you let your attention drift to his constantly revolving screens, all showing another incomprehensible piece of another incomprehensible dimension. For a moment, your gaze caught on a scene that seemed out of place, featuring a girl no older than ten running happily toward whoever was holding the camera, but you moved on quickly. You’d already seen a few preteen spider-people, around the society. You wouldn’t be surprised if Miguel had a way of watching them after they’d returned to their own dimensions.
Your eyes fell on Miguel, next. He was in the state he seemed to revert to whenever he thought your back was turned – shoulders squared, eyes set into a stern glare, the points of his fangs just barely visible against his bottom lip. He looked angry, but then again, he always looked a little angry. You could only assume that whatever spider he’d gotten his powers from didn’t have a sense of humor, either.
Eventually, he glanced in your direction, his scowl immediately fading. You didn’t try to look away. You caught him staring at you often enough. If you were lucky, he’d realize how awful it could feel to know you were always being watched. “Need something?”
You shrugged, letting your head lull to the side. “Just wondering if you’ve made any progress.”
“Depends on what you want to call ‘progress’. Technically, we’re bringing in another dozen requites every day, but I don’t see the point in handing a watch to every—”
“Progress in my case, I mean,” you cut in, trying to keep your tone light. “Not that I don’t like it here! I’m just… a little anxious to get home, I guess. I’d just like to be able to check in – preferably without the multi-verse collapsing.”
It was quick, but you caught it. A quirk of his lips, a glint of annoyance quickly drowned out by schooled stoicism. He didn’t like it when you brought up leaving, but then again, he didn’t seem to like anything.
Rather than answer you, he sighed, pushing himself away from his consoles. He gestured for you to stand and, somewhat reluctantly, you pushed yourself to your feet, taking a tentative step close to him before a strong arm lashed out, wrapping around your waist and hauling you into his lap. You chuckled, shoving playfully at his shoulder, but when he didn’t relent, you didn’t tell him to let you go. It was just a habit, you told yourself, doing your best to brush it off. It was just a holdover from a past life, from the time he spent with another version of you. It was the least you could do to let him live out a few old, relatively innocent fantasies.
He moved to touch your cheek, but managed to hold himself back, opting to toy with the fabric of your collar, instead. “Have you ever thought about kids?”
You did what you could not to look at him, but when he was so close, when he’d made himself such an unignorable part of your now-limited world, it was hard to find a way past him. “Not really, no. Never had the time for it, and I was never in the right place.”
“That’s how I felt, before I met you.” His lips against your forehead, then the curve of your jaw. It was just a habit, you reminded yourself, more forcefully than you really had to. He wasn’t trying to make you this uncomfortable. “I never thought I’d stay up until sunrise icing cupcakes for a third grader’s birthday party either, but you made me want that kind of life. I would’ve gone to a million soccer games just to see you and Gabriella smile like that again. To me, you were always home.”
“Your version of me, you mean.” This time, you couldn’t make yourself sound anything but irritated. “You might’ve changed your mind, but I’m really not the little league type.”
You heard him mutter something in Spanish, low and throaty and entirely incomprehensible to you. There was sharp nip to the curve of your throat, a broad chest pressed against yours, and then, he was kissing you, his mouth crashing into yours before you could even try to protest. You tried to scream, to pull his hair and pry him off of you, but he only groaned in response, only forced himself closer – his tongue forcing its way past your and his hand wrapping around your neck as you thrashed against him. Frantically, desperate to just get him away from you, you lashed out blindly, racking your nails across his check with enough force to break the skin, to draw blood. That earned a reaction, but not the one you were looking for. Rather than release you, his hold on your throat only grew tighter, his breathing more ragged he picked you up and slammed you against his console, a dozen golden screens shuttering under the force of the collision. It wasn’t a groan, now, but a growl, deep and throaty and wanting. His fangs pierced your lips, the taste of metal and rust spilling over your tongue as—
Finally, he tore himself away from you, baring his teeth at Jesse where she stood in the lab’s doorway. She didn’t flinch, only crossing her arms over her chest and meeting his aggression with a deadpan stare. “There’s a situation on Earth-241.”
Blunt, snipped, pointed. Miguel’s response was no better. “Why didn’t you have Lyla alert me?”
“She couldn’t. Apparently, she’s been ordered not to bother you when you’re with (Y/n).” Her attention drifted to you, panting and bleeding and still pinned underneath Miguel. Jesse stiffened, then went on. “You sure this is safe, man?”
“Trust me. I’ve run the simulations, done the math, taken all the necessary precautions. The canon won’t be affected.”
“The canon’s not what I’m worried about.”
She didn’t offer any further explanation, exiting as abruptly as she’d appeared. Miguel waited until she was out of sight, out of earshot before sighing and letting go of your neck. With no strength left to hold yourself up, you sank to the floor, fighting the urge to tremble, to shrink into yourself, to cry until you weren’t choking on the taste of your own blood. Miguel only sighed, running his fingers over the red lines you’d carved into his cheek before typing something into his watch. “I’ll be back in a few hours,” he said, a kaleidoscope of bursting color and blinding light spiraling into existence in front of him. A portal, one you’d see him disappear into a hundred times. A portal that could that you home, if you ever dredged up the courage to throw yourself into it. “Stay out of trouble until I get back.”
Blearily, as if in a daze, you watched from a distance as he stepped out of this dimension and into another, the portal spiraling shut a moment later. When he was gone and the lab had gone dark, you lowered yourself to the ground, curled into yourself, and shut your eyes, willing your heart to stop beating so quickly before it stopped beating altogether.
It was pathetic, but you couldn’t seem to think of anything else to do.
For the first time in as long as you could remember, you couldn’t feel anything at all.
You weren’t numb, because numbness would’ve meant there was still a tether between your mind and your body, a link between spirit and flesh. It didn’t feel like you were floating on air, or consumed by static, because it felt like nothing. The void was all-consuming, swallowing you whole and keeping you suspended in that space of unliving consciousness, awake but inactive, aware but unable to do anything more than lie there, breathe, and wait for it to be over. You felt nothing. You never wanted to feel anything again.
Except, Miguel’s venom wasn’t so merciful as to leave in that void permanently. You could already make out a bruising soreness in the side of your neck, the harsh sting of his nails burrowing into your thigh, the seating heat of his body against yours as he rutted into you like a wild animal, like a man crazed. Your body had been bent in on itself, your knees pressed into your chest and your ankles thrown over his shoulders – anything that might’ve stopped him from thrusting as deeply, as harshly as he wanted to forced and manhandled out of his way. Somewhere in the back of your mind, the words ‘mating press’ resurfaced, but you buried them as quickly as you could. You didn’t want to think about that. You didn’t want to think about anything.
But, you didn’t have a choice. He was talking again – in Spanish, at first, a breathy string of curses you’d picked up during your time with him, then your name, low and drawn out, distorted by low growls until it’d been reduced to a near-incoherent mantra that would only be broken when his breath hitched, catching as his cock twitched and throbbed inside of you. One of his hands fell away from your thigh, landing next to his head and supporting his weight as he brought himself that much closer to you, as his mouth found yours in a clumsy, messy kiss. You could taste your own blood on his tongue, his fangs. You could taste the venom that’d left you so vulnerable to him. It burnt more than it should’ve.
“Mi cielo.” The words were muffled, spoken against your as he fell lower – to your collarbone, struggling to speak between haphazard love-bites to your chest. “My love, my light, my—” A sharp breath, a violent thrust. “I love you. We— We’re going to be happy together, this time.”
It was all you could do to lift your head, to force your lips to move against the weight of his waning paralysis. Your voice was barely audible, cracked and fractured in all the worst ways, but it was clear. Even against the sound of his skin crashing against yours, against the screaming agony of your own violation, it was clear.
“Am… am I ever going home?”
For a moment, Miguel paused, his eyes flickering towards you.
Then, you felt him smile against your skin and, the first time, it didn’t seem quite so pained. “You are,” he muttered, straightening his back. “And you’re never leaving again.”
Then, without hesitation, without mercy, he drove his fangs into your throat. You tried, weakly but desperately, to dislodge him, to claw at his back, to dig your nails into whatever you could reach and tear, but it was futile. His venom was already in your blood, coursing through your veins, rendering you as helpless as you’d always felt, around him. Soon enough, your arms were limp and useless around where they’d been strung around his neck, and you were pulled back into that unmoving, unfeeling, uncaring state. You didn’t try to resist it, this time.
It wasn’t like there had ever been anything you could do to save yourself from Miguel, anyway.
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mrlidocaine · 1 year
Okie dokie, I cannot for the life of me find the request but bless your soul Anon this was so fun, seeing as my own Gramma told me selkie stories growing up.
It was a Childe x Selkie reader but I left it pretty lax so it's not character specific. Reader is female in this one. Enjoy y'all
TW: None I don't think
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I will do as men do to seals
The sailor watched her with eyes bluer than the ocean, although they held no life. She was dozing against a rock near the shore; tucked away from sight the same way the speckled sealskin was tucked on her lap. He watched her with keen eyes, her beauty enrapturing and with the grace of a shark he snuck up and snatched the sealskin from her resting form. He held it up to the sun, the golden rays shining through the silky grey pelt and making it appear transparent. Her eyes opened and oh, what a cruel awakening, to see half of you held in the scarred hands of a hunter. He rolled up the soft grey and tucked it into his belt for now, turning his ocean eyes to her own.
"Say goodbye to the ocean." He stated simply, walking closer to her. She was caught, she was his now. She opened her mouth and nothing fell but salty tears, salt from the ocean herself. He reached out his calloused hand and brushed her quiet tears away before raising his fingers to his mouth and gently pressing his lips to the sea salt, unable to believe she was real, she was real and she was his now. He moved his hand back to her face, fingers slipping under her jaw and tilting her chin up, strength hidden under a terrifyingly soft touch. "Say it."
"Goodbye, goodbye." She hiccuped as her tears flowed smoothly down her skin and he smiled, pleased and proud and predatory. He ran his thumb over her cheek and his eyes looked like they softened. Almost. "You're mine." He whispered, he promised. A decree, an oath, a law. He moved back and his gaze hardened, kindness that didn't really exist falling away like stars in the morning sky. He grasped at his knife and tugged out her seal skin to hold one item in each hand, the sharp silver and soft grey so close in colour. She stared in horror, soft eyes widening and a shaky hand reaching out as she stumbled up and towards him. He slashed at the pelt, spots shredded and turning to slices, silky fur reduced to ribbons. That horrible thing was gone now and he laughed and she cried.
"Look what I've done. Look! The ocean does not own you anymore." He stated, a feral glint in his eyes. She stared, her mind buzzing and brain blank, hand held out for something that no longer existed, something she'd never get back. He stepped forward and pocketed his knife before tugging off his own shirt, dropping it over her in a mock resemblance of her own coat and scooping her up into his arms gently, as if he was not a monster or a shark, not a man that preyed on pretty seals. "I am your ocean now."
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mrlidocaine · 1 year
People who've submitted requests, I am working on them 😫
I'm just working on my schoolwork first, so bear with. <3
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mrlidocaine · 1 year
I really like the pantolone x hybrid au! Reader :] I kinda want more of it, so prettyyyy pleaseeeee write some more :]
Thank you! I did my best, please enjoy 🫡 . I’m sorry it’s so short I can pull more together later if you lovelies want, I’m just swamped with schoolwork rn
Yan! Pantalone x Snow leopard hybrid! Reader
TW: kidnapping (petnapping?), drugging, forced domestication, oh also Dottores in here and that’s it’s own trigger warning. Lemme know if there r more
It was cold. But you didn't care, happily chasing your meal through the snow. The small white mouse was hard to see, but you could hear it, and you weren't going to lose it. Your fluffy white ears keened towards the little scurrying noises as you simply failed to miss the sound of a campfire crackling, the steps of large men moving around; too excited about the mouse, your mouth watering as you chased the first living thing you'd seen in ages. Only as the mouse was crushed under a well aimed boot did you screech and tumble to a halt, slamming into sturdy and well made fabric. You sat there dazed, long spotted tail over your shoulder as your claws dug into the ground.
"What on earth?" A clicking was heard behind you and you turned your cat like eyes to the new noise, looking into a masked face. It had a long shiny thing pointed at you, frozen metal pressing against your head. You bared your sharp teeth and sprang up, only to be whacked across the head now. Your vision danced, colourful spots flooding your eyesight. you heard muffled conversation, but were unable to actually know what any of it meant
"That's a snow leopard hybrid yeah? Those rare or anything?"
"You're asking if its rare? You dumb fuck that's worth-!"
"Who's even gonna buy it? Sure its expensive as hell but it's wild, nobody really wants a wild one."
“Doesn’t matter, some sicko will take it. If there’s no luck on the market, the Doctor would gladly snatch her up.”
You could only listen, trying to comprehend any of it when the snow beside you crunched. A tall, imposing man with dark hair and glasses stood there looking down at you with a smile. You bared your teeth, crouching to lunge at any of the humans that dared to take another step near you.
“I’ll take her, it would be a waste to give her to the Doctor. Isn’t she a pretty thing? She’d be prettier put on display though, prettier if she was taken care of.” That was it, your world going dark after a blunt force hit the back of your head.
When you woke up, you were being dragged into a very white room. It wasn’t much different than the white of the snow, but the smell of chemicals hurt your nose, causing you to whine as you looked around in your disoriented state. Some muffled words were heard as a masked figure with blue hair appeared in your vision, pointing at you and then laughing at words spoken by another. You swiped with your claw at the person, but they simply smiled with their own sharp teeth and waved their finger at you. You faded back out after a small prick in your neck.
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mrlidocaine · 2 years
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He expects me to say all this with his cock in my mouth? 🤨
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mrlidocaine · 2 years
Nothing to do with what I normally post but guys, Canada is insane. I just watched this dude in shorts and a toque walk out of a Walmart into -30 degrees Celsius weather with like, 5 bottles of maple syrup in each hand. I am dead serious I cannot make this up
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mrlidocaine · 2 years
Okay so hear me out on the hybrid au with Pantalone.
•you're a wild hybrid, say a snow leopard or a fox or sorts, something with white fur and a pretty appearance that lives in the snowy landscapes of Snezhnaya. You're chasing your meal as you crash into a Fatui camp. Pantalone is there, watching as you tumble into his tent
•His subordinates quickly stand to apprehend you, wild hybrids still a threat, especially predatory ones
•As the soldiers discuss which dealer to sell you too, the harbinger steps forward to say it won't be necessary. He'll keep you as his own
•You're whisked away to the palace and he commands some servants to bathe you, you're filthy and grimy from living in the wild your whole life. The servants get through it with only minor injuries
•Eventually you're clean and dry, your nails trimmed and tail and ears brushed out as you're sat in Pantalones room, near defenceless now
•You fit in beautifully, your soft white fur a contrast to his darkly coloured decorations, everything expensive and clean
•He's definitely got some manners and some English to teach you, but for now he's content watching you wonder why your claws are gone
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mrlidocaine · 2 years
Lmfaooo imagine not being active on tumblr 🤡
Anyways here- a lovely and weirdly written little story for you all :)
tw: themes of amnesia, infantilization(?), induced illness
Baizhu x (Deer-like)Adeptus! Reader
 ( ・∇・)
Baizhu doesn't care for Qiqi. He only does the bare minimum needed to keep her around. The same could be said for you. He's not too sure what you are, but you're similar enough to Qiqi and nobody seems to be looking after (or for) you so that leaves him- as a benevolent caretaker and doctor -no choice but to take care of you. You don't speak much and when you do it's warbled worlds. He can never make sense of over half your sentences. Qiqi seems to understand but she's not one who can be depended on for translation. Qiqi says it's okay here, it's better than wherever else you were. Probably. It was definitely a change to be stolen taken in by a doctor and his assistant. Being alone in the mountains and doing everything yourself and then being with someone who wants to do it all for you is... a drastic change to say the least. People who come across you would label you similar to a wild animal, if not in looks than in temperament. Baizhu doesn't seem to mind, ever patient and doting. The other man who you see around often is also kind. He and Baizhu don’t seem to get along too well, but you go with him and Qiqi on walks sometimes. He’s tall and has glowing amber eyes that seem to hold every secret in the world. You feel like you should know him. Aside from all the changes, life is good enough. Better. —————————— You used to touch the long, ivory sticks that came out of your head and marveled at how they looked when you caught your reflection. People would always stare and coo when they saw you, if you went out that day, and children would point at you and loudly talk to their parents. Qiqi told you not to worry, they just thought you looked neat. So when Baizhu took them away -he called them "antlers"- you weren’t sure what to think. Qiqi said people liked them, but Baizhu didn’t like that. Your head felt light and empty. You didn’t like that. The next time you saw the amber eyed man, he growled and snarled at Baizhu. It reminded you of the wildlife when you were in the mountains. Reminded you of home. The air was wet and heavy the rest of the day, it was almost hard to breathe. Like when you get high up on a mountain and the air is too thin. You didn’t like that. You felt like you didn’t like a lot of things recently. Qiqi left for a walk but Baizhu told you to stay in. You did. You stayed in the next few days too. Life is good. Ok. —————————— You were sick. Had been for a week now. The icky, sleepy, achey sick you get when a snake bites you. Baizhu was giving you medicine for your sickness, but you felt that it was taking forever. He was teaching you the language while you were in bed though, so that was nice. You missed the walks with the amber eyed man, but Qiqi came in every evening to tell you all about her own adventures and that was enough to satisfy you. For now. You were starting to itch for the mountains again, the domestication not taking kindly to you. You were starting to wonder if life down here was making you sick. Your head was fuzzy more often and you were sure the crisp mountain air would clear it up. You mentioned a trip to Baizhu but he seemed appalled at the idea, talking about how he wouldn’t make it with his bad health and how the people need him here. You slept the next three days. When you woke you could hear the amber eyed man, but were too weak to call him over.  Next time, once you medication kicks in. Life will get better. Hope. —————————— Another week, you knew you were wasting away. You needed the mountains. You couldn’t move. Qiqi never came to tell you stories anymore, you wondered if she had grown bored of you. Only Baizhu came in. You were sick of his face, his voice. That stupid snake of his. His medicine, his consolation. Your hatred burned so bright. Your mind was clear for the first time in forever and you felt something return you to your senses. A hot fiery red called you back to the mountains. Buried under eons of stone, under those mountains you had wandered and lived on. If it hadn’t been encased in all that stone, the blaze may have been strong enough to burn down the forests. You shuddered, blood rushing to your head and hands. You were alive again. Life was getting better again. Ok. —————————— You had made it to the mountains. Past Baizhu, he couldn’t chase you as he was. Frail and weak. The plants he controlled did nothing but burn under you fingers. Even so far away from your spirit, your power ate away at your fingertips. Gnawing red and orange down your insides. You trekked back to your home. The tall amber eyed man had met you there, atop the peak where the air hurt to breathe. The air cleared your mind to the fullest. You could finally see through the doctors lies. He made you sick, he was keeping Qiqi for ulterior reasons. How selfish. Lies, lies, you frowned. The amber eyed man moved the stone that led to the glowing gem. It nestled into your palms like it had never left.  Thank you, thank you.  You uttered. He shook his head and told you he was glad you finally remembered where it was. He was worried you’d forgotten. He turned away and vanished in a cloud of gold. You felt the fire lick back up your sides and hands. Nothing was bothersome to you now. You could help Qiqi. You could go back to being yourself. Baizhu didn’t know what was coming. Life was about to be great. Good.
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mrlidocaine · 3 years
Long fic oh boi
Somewhat self indulgent fic of Yan!Tomo x GN!reader x Yan!Raiden/Ei but it turns into a Yan!Kazuha x reader. Reader hints at liking Beidou at the end too. So buckle up, I hope I can do my thoughts justice. Forgive me if I fucked it up a bit, I haven't finished the Inazuma storyline, believe it or not.
TW: Held against will, yandere themes (ofc)
Status: Unedited (No beta we die like Tomo T-T)
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"Tomo, the idea is foolish. You have no reason to fight the Raiden." Kazuha's words droned through the room, Tomo simply running his fingers through your hair as he listened to his friends words once again. You were tired of hearing the conversation and tired of being near the two samurai. You wanted to get out of Inazuma, out of the suffocating hold of Tomo and away from Kazuha's prying eyes. You loved Tomo and by extension, Kazuha, but that was when they were harmless, when they wandered about and visited your village once a month. You didn't want to travel with them or stay with them, you hadn't wanted to be taken. You thought you had found refuge under your Archon's gaze all those months ago when she passed by you three at a temple. You thought she would free you, not lay her own claim as well. What a mess
"Kazuha. You wouldn't understand. I HAVE to fight the Raiden. It's the only way we- The only way I can keep (Y/n) safe." Your eyes picked up on their conversation again as you zoned back in. Tomo had moved you into the bed at the other side of the room but it hadn't put much distance between any of you, the small Inn rooms not doing much for space. Kazuha stared at you with undecipherable emotions and incoherent thoughts. You curled up, tucking your head between your legs as you tuned them out once again. Outside the window the sun had set and people were finishing up their errands for the day. You longed for that once again, to roam the streets with warm lanterns above and to go out at night with your friends and do nothing but bask in each others presence. Kazuha was the only reprieve you had now, he didn't judge every little thing you did, didn't force you into things you didn't want to do, he didn't do anything to you that Tomo did to you and for that he was a small mercy. Your eyes shut as you fell asleep, wishing this to be a bad dream.
The sun had reached it's highest point and you and your companions had finally reached Inazuma city. Tomo was lecturing Kazuha on how to keep you close and safe while he fought the Raiden. Tomo's voice was like honey and you hated how nice it sounded. You prayed that the Raiden killed him and that you could run away after. Away from Tomo and Kazuha, away from the Raiden, away from Inazuma, away away away. You stumbled out of your thoughts when you bumped into Tomo's back, Kazuha reaching out to steady you. You three had arrived and the Raiden was waiting. Tomo kissed your forehead as he stepped away. Kazuha held onto your hand as Tomo climbed the steps. You both waited with bated breath as the Raiden trailed her eyes over to you and raised her blade towards Tomo. Tomo grinned as he raised his own.
It was over in a bright flash of purple, electro crackling in the air. The sight was horrifying and you could tell Kazuha thought so too. The Raiden smiled and beckoned you towards her. You stumbled towards Tomo's gored body, pulling Kazuha with you as the Raiden remained waiting. Your mind was scattered and you didn't know what to do now. Tomo couldn't stop you, you could run. Run far, far away. To Fontaine maybe, or Liyue. You wanted to go with your Archon, her open hand sending an ache through your bones. Kazuha came to his senses first and before you could even think about acting on your thoughts, you were swept into his arms and the world was blurring by. Or were you floating? Yeah, you were in the sky, speeding towards the docks as fast as the winds would carry you two. Kazuha's grip was suffocating and you couldn't help but be reminded of the way Tomo would hold you. A large ship was at the docs ready to set sail. You barely heard Kazuha's rushed words as he spoke to a woman standing on the docs. She glanced at you and nodded as she waved her arms to welcome you two onboard. You came to your senses as the water splashed against the boat and the harbour got farther away. Kazuha had put you down to converse with the lady who was now steering the ship. You assumed she was the captain. She was captivating to you and you wanted nothing more than to bask in her presence forever. You took a step towards her but Kazuha pulled you back, tucking you into his side with a firm arm around your shoulders. You vowed to get away from Kazuha and clenched your fist in determination, only to relax your hold as something round and cold was found in your palm. You turned your head to look at it, gasping when you saw the dark blue vision shimmering in your hand. You shoved it into your pocket and prayed Kazuha hadn't seen it while you thanked the Archons for helping you. Kazuha would be no better than Tomo and you were going to make sure you could get far away sooner, this time.
(P.S. More. Yandere. Tomo. Please.)
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Both photos are official Mihoyo Art from Kazuha's Trailer
(But I could be wrong since I pulled the first one from pinterest)
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mrlidocaine · 3 years
Teaser for something that I'm actually sitting down and working on because the idea wont leave me alone
You longed for that once again, to roam the streets with warm lanterns above and to go out at night with your friends and do nothing but bask in each others presence. Kazuha was the only reprieve you had now, he didn't judge every little thing you did, didn't force you into things you didn't want to do, he didn't do anything to you that Tomo did and for that he was a small mercy.
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mrlidocaine · 3 years
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mrlidocaine · 3 years
Happy New Years my bois. Enjoy drabble (?)
TW: Kidnapping/Being held against will (kinda)
Status: Unedited
It was New Year's Eve. You had spent a whole year under the care of your oh so gracious saviour Master Diluc. Last New Years you had found a note on your table that stated: "My New Years resolution is you." You hadn't passed it much thought, until flames had flowed into your house and you were whisked away to the Dawn Winery. And you new year was off to a very rough, very unaccounted for start. Now it was New Years again, and Diluc had called you down to the main floor of the winery to spend time together.
"Love, there's a slip of paper and a pen if you'd like to write your own resolution. I've already put mine on the table. Once you're done come over here and sit with me." You nodded and sent a not-so-subtle glare his way as you walked over to the table. Picking up the pen you scrawled down a half hearted wish, trying to make it illegible so you wouldn't be reprimanded for it. You then made your way to Diluc and sat beside him, the warmth from the fireplace warming your skin. Diluc looked at you and let a small smile grace his features. You frowned back at him, narrowing your eyes and muttering a happy New Years under your breath. He nodded and picked up your hand to give it a small squeeze, returning his own happy new year in a content sigh. He then stood to get the resolutions from the table, but his steps were interrupted by a grunt.
"I suppose you think this is a good resolution? I'll let it go this time, since it's officially our one year anniversary and New Year's Eve. Next time you write or think of this again I'll be sure to get it through your head that this is no way to waste a resolution." He marched back to the fireplace and tossed the slip of paper in. ´A successful escape´ burnt to embers in the fire, your hope dwindling down. "That's taken care of then. Lets forget about that and focus on this resolution instead." He waved his slip of paper in front of you and you bit back a retort at the words ´More time spent with my love and cooperation on their part'. You only nodded and Diluc took a seat beside you once more.
"Happy New Years, and here's a toast to all the years to come"
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mrlidocaine · 3 years
✨HeyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYyyyyyyY I still exist✨
Anyways, quick thought:
Venti wasn’t sure when he had started hearing your prayers.
They whispered in the breeze and tickled his face in a playful manner, but the messages they held were not as charming.
"Help me" they said "Lord Barbatos, please help me. You’re the only one left I can think of"
Venti frowned. The last one? Had you prayed to all the other archons. You were from Liyue, he could tell. Why wouldn’t that blockhead of an archon answer your prayers? Surely he wasn’t slacking over there, was he?
Venti is drawn from his thoughts as another gust of wind blew through the trees, prayers and anxious pleas flooding into his ears. You were so desperate, but he couldn’t figure out what you needed help from, or with. Maybe he needed to find out, for it had been a week since this started.
Meanwhile, in Liyue, you were sat upon a plush bed with the geo archon seated beside you. Your hands were clasped together on your lap and you were just muttering nonsense at this point, pleading in your head that Barbatos could hear your cries.
"Y/n." You didn’t stop, didn’t look up. "Y/N" louder; he sounds annoyed. You didn’t stop.
You’re hands are yanked from their strong grip on each other, amber eyes glaring with such hostility you felt like shriveling up.
"Zhongli." You whispered. He stared down at you, dismissing your quiet acknowledgement.
"Stop praying to that drunkard, you’re fine. I am a god myself in case you forgot. I can easily answer any concerns or prayers you want to-". You cut him off.
"Dear Rex Lapis" you quoted, dry anger seeping through your voice "please let me leave this forsaken place and allow me a safe return to my family."
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mrlidocaine · 3 years
Okay so like, I needed to stop a few times while writing this because I used the words Xiao and remembering so much that they started to not look like words. O_o
Anyways, enjoy!
Status: unedited
TW: mind break, yandere themes, ammesia? If I forgot any please let me know!
Yandere!Xiao x Adeptus?Reader
One does not forget so easily. At least, they’re not supposed to.
Unfortunately for you, forgetfulness is common; but thankfully you have Xiao to remember for you. He’s nice in that way, remembering all these small details about you and reminding you what your favorite foods and flowers are. You’ve forgotten over the years, but you also haven’t cared to remember, and you haven’t tried to learn them again because you have Xiao. He remembers because you can’t, because he said you don’t need to. You can’t remember why he said that though...
But that’s alright.
He says he can do the remembering, you two have been together for decades now, decades too long to count. You haven’t bothered counting, if you can even remember how to count. No wait- one, two, three...
Yes, you remember that. It’s too simple to forget. Xiao says you used to count everyday when you were with him, slowly marking them down on your wall, but that was decades ago. One, two, three decades ago maybe..? You wouldn’t know, because you can’t remember.
Xiao says he can do all the remembering, it doesn’t bother him. It never bothers him, not that you can tell. Nothing seems to bother him unless he leaves the realm, the small, floating islands inside your homey teapot. You can’t remember why you two live in a teapot, but you suppose that’s okay. Maybe Xiao will remind you why, like he does with most things.
You often think about remembering, think about what it would be like to try and remember, but some nagging thought tells you that you shouldn’t remember, shouldn’t try to remember. "Maybe it’s for the better", it whispers "that Xiao does all the remembering." Perhaps it’s right, but the voice sounds just like Xiao’s voice so you can’t be sure, but maybe... No, no: leave the remembering to Xiao. Leave it to Xiao. To Xiao.
You remember his name, a mantra. You say his name, and he will come to help you. You remember that, he said it once; one, two, three decades ago, maybe.
You’re not good at remembering, but Xiao says it’s okay. He says you used to remember too much but you’re better now, better now that you can’t remember.
You’re not sure wether it’s good or bad to not remember.
The door opens. You turn, expecting to see Xiao, but you don’t remember him coming home around this time. No, for once you see someone you don’t know, someone you don’t remember. You blink, eyes wide, shock seeping into you. You don’t remember how to talk to people who aren’t Xiao, don’t remember the last time you saw someone who wasn’t Xiao, don’t remember can’t remember you just can’t remember-
A deep, soothing voice calms your shaking body down, a voice you remember; you know this voice, this voice that belongs to someone who isn’t Xiao, someone you actually now remember who isn’t Xiao. His amber eyes, amber eyes that aren’t Xiao’s, slide over your form and they look so full of so much feeling and so much life you stand up and reach out for him. He remembers you, and now, you think you can remember him.
Yes, you remember him, for he is your God, your Archon, your savior.
He can help you remember.
"Rex Lapis."
He will help you remember.
He is so unlike Xiao, and as he takes your hand, you remember everything.
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mrlidocaine · 3 years
Oh my gods it’s been a hot minute since I was on here. I hope I portray Gender neutral readers alright and if anyone has any recommendations on ways to better do it please let me know! Okay, have some Sucrose brain rot
Yandere! Sucrose x Gn! Reader
TW: You die so there's that
Status: Edited
Surely you weren’t going out of town again? Sucrose thought as she watched your figure weave through the bodies in the square. She had just finished following you from Wolvendom where you had been collecting wolf hooks for Albedo. Sucrose didn’t think he had asked you to gather anything else. No matter, she’d simply follow you again and you two would have a nice walk together, even if you weren’t aware of it. Sucrose slipped down the steps and out past the gate, careful not to alert you of her company. You had both made it to Starsnatch cliff and Sucrose knew there wasn’t much here for alchemy purposes aside from a few cecilias, but those were relatively useless for anything. She only knew Albedo liked the flower a great deal. Following you up the cliff it was then Sucrose could see you heading towards a figure atop the cliff. Albedo was waiting there, sitting amidst the cecilias and you happily sauntered up to him. You two were perched right at the top and were overlooking the edge, but Sucrose didn’t like that. It seemed too romantic, in a sense; Sucrose should be in Albedos place. Her anger overriding her sense she sends a gust of wind in your direction and Albedo is knocked aside while you, you are knocked right off. Oh no, oh no no NO. Albedo turns to stare at Sucrose, his eyes wide and devoid of anything. Sucrose gasps, tears falling and rushes to the edge, only to see water lapping at the base of the cliff. Surely you didn’t fall, you didn’t. Sucrose didn’t mean to push you off, she only meant to push Albedo, because he was too close to you. It was an accident, and she didn’t mean to.
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mrlidocaine · 4 years
This idea came to me and I’m not sure if I should write it but there’s like, no yandere Barbara, so honestly just consider this a strange post.
TW: None
Yandere! (Platonic?) Barbara x gender neutral reader
Status: Unedited
I don’t know too much about Barbara, but I feel like being almost, cast in Jeans shadow (in a sense) would make her want some sort of recognition.  Her sister is appealing in every sense, hardworking, pretty, you know.  Let’s assume you work in the Cathedral, whether you’re a sister or just there to clean and help around.  Barbara probably hangs around you a lot, always watching you work through your daily tasks, asking if she can help.  It doesn’t matter how many times you tell her no, you could even be pushing her away for the hundredth time, she just couldn’t seem to pick up on the hint that you wanted some space.  Whenever another sister or citizen asks if they can help you, she’s already there, telling them she’s helping you today, again, just like everyday.  And you can’t tell her off around the beloved citizens, no, you couldn’t tell off Mondstadt’s oh so popular icon.  She wouldn’t allow it either, just shrugging it off  again.  You’re stuck with her.
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mrlidocaine · 4 years
Honestly at this point I don’t even feel like really trying to make sure these are good, I think they will just be brainrot and thought spilling.  Hopefully I’ll keep writing though.  Continue to enjoy!
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