multamusaee · 4 years
(I’ve been playing Mass Effect and watching someone play Mass Effect lately, so if anyone wants anything Mass Effect related please hit me up. I’ve also started a new shift at work [7AM-4PM EDT] which is great. Even two hours makes a huge difference in how I feel after work, so hopefully I’ll be able to be on here/more motivated to write again.)
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multamusaee · 4 years
(*peeks in*)
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multamusaee · 5 years
(Terrible at being here again but that's mostly because I've been playing Ocarina of Time randomizers on my laptop. Considering getting a gaming laptop so it will hopefully run a bit smoother than the emulator on my current laptop.)
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multamusaee · 5 years
(I'm so bad at being hereeeeeeee ;A;
Work is kicking all our butts again so uh I haven't been doing anything more than working, coming home and going to bed after dinner.
So yeah. I'm sorry for not being active. I'm doing my best. Just need to get the creative juices flowing again.)
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multamusaee · 5 years
Hey ya'll. If anyone has any money to spare, please consider donating to the cause above. The Molice are an amazing punk band from Japan, and they're trying to get their visas extended to stay in the US for another year. They were approved for it but now they need funds to fly back to Japan and pay for their interview at the US Embassy there. I know these guys personally and it would mean a lot if people could, at the very least, help them out with this. Thanks guys!
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multamusaee · 5 years
(So since I have Disney+ I can watch all these Marvel movies :D
I have a problem please send help.)
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multamusaee · 5 years
(Like this post if you want me to write you something when I get home.)
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multamusaee · 5 years
(So I basically live on my phone. Hardly ever on the laptop.
.... actually I've only turned it on once in the last three months and that was to get my resume.
At any rate if ya'll don't mind typos and wanna RP, hit me up.)
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multamusaee · 5 years
Inquisition companions/advisors reacting to a Hawke who romanced Varric?
Cassandra - She rolls her eyes, completely unsurprised by the news of their romance. It was obvious to anyone with a lick of sense that Varric and Hawke had been involved since their time together in Kirkwall. The way he spoke about them during the interrogation and the refusal to give away Hawke’s location was proof enough for Cassandra. It would’ve been quite romantic had it not involved Varric.
Vivienne - “My dear is this supposed to be news?” Vivienne asked, unsure of why this information is being brought to her at all. She suspected Hawke and Varric were involved after reading just a short excerpt from The Champion of Kirkwall. Their union mattered little to Vivienne. If anything, it perfectly explained why Varric had hidden the location of Hawke in the first place.
Solas - Solas takes little interest in the personal lives of the Inquisition members unless it seemed to be preventing his plans from coming to fruition. From a logistics standpoint, it seems like a good match. They certainly have similar personalities. Though, from what little he knows about Hawke they seem to be more reckless than Varric who keeps them grounded. Hm. Apparently, Solas knows more about the Inquisition members than he ever intended.
Dorian - “Perhaps Hawke will make an honest dwarf out of our dear friend.” Dorian has unfortunately been privy to many conversations where  Varric has gone on about his disturbing relationship between himself and his dear crossbow Bianca. At least Hawke is a step up from his ‘precious’ weapon. It certainly will draw the ire of Cassandra, which does make Dorian chuckle.
Iron Bull - Iron Bull figured out the two were a thing long before Hawke secretly arrived in Skyhold that day. He approves– not that it matters at all. Who else could handle Varric but Hawke? Also, apparently Hawke has a thing for all that fucking chest hair. Not Iron Bull’s thing, but hey whatever helps you pop your cork.
Cole - Cole likes Varric. He’s always been nice to him, explaining things Cole really didn’t understand. Hawke also is nice to Cole. When they first met, he didn’t seem the least bit put off by him at all. They just smiled at him, putting a warm hand on his shoulder before saying hello. Hawke makes Varric very happy. Cole blurts out something about this during one of their travels, leading the dwarf to simply sigh.
“Kid, we’ve talked about this.”
Blackwall - Blackwall never read The Champion of Kirkwall, but he had a feeling Varric felt strongly about Hawke in some manner. Learning of the news only confirms his vague suspicions. He always thought of Varric as an odd, somewhat annoying dwarf. However, he has become a friend during his time in the Inquisition. Let the dwarf have his happiness. Maker knows it’s hard to find these days.
Sera - “Guess Hawke has a thing for hair,” Sera says, nose wrinkling at the thoughts. She wouldn’t want that chest hair against her bits. Too much chafing for Sera’s liking. Then again Varric is far from her type so her opinion doesn’t mean much on this subject. A few times Sera teases Varric during their travels and he takes it in stride. Bloody dwarf never got very riled up by Sera.
Cullen - Cullen clearly remembers his interactions with Hawke and Varric during his time in Kirkwall. They were thoroughly exhausting. Dealing with one on their own is find, but together Cullen feels as if he may start to go prematurely grey. Cullen truly believes the two are perfect for one another. Who else could put up with Varric? And vise versa?
Josephine - “A concerning match, but a good one none-the-less.” Josephine can think of no less then ten troubling things off the top of her head that Varric and Hawke could cause. They are quite the chaotic pair. Yet, Josephine does find their relationship rather endearing. It’s lovely that they have managed to find one another given the current state of Thedas.
Leliana - Leliana chuckles when Cassandra comes to her of the ‘news’ of Varric and Hawke’s relationship. Being that she is the spy master, Leliana figured it out long ago. Perhaps, Leliana should have told Cassandra, but she didn’t think it was important information. Still doesn’t actually.
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multamusaee · 5 years
(*deep breath* GUYS HELLO I'M NOT DEAD.)
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multamusaee · 5 years
(Also if you’re willing to put up with my mediocre at best writing please throw your male Shepards at Joker thank.)
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multamusaee · 5 years
(Sorry for disappearing all the time work has drained my will to live RIP.)
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multamusaee · 5 years
(Hi my name's Rachel and I'm a trash panda who forgets blogs exist.)
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multamusaee · 5 years
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(I'm not an artist but sometimes I play one on my lunch.)
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multamusaee · 5 years
Gamora wasn’t sure what his hand hovered over, but she kept an eye on it all the same. “I am Gamora. Part of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Peter tells me the Avengers are here and that someone named Kevin Bacon is among them. A great Earth hero.” Surely this man would know of him regardless if he was an Avenger or not.
Tony blinked at Gamora for a minute, processing what she’d just said. His hand fell away from the bracelet as he laughed. “Kevin Bacon?! He’s not an Avenger. He’s not even a hero! He’s an actor! Jesus, who the hell thinks he’s a great hero?” He laughed again, shaking his head with an amused smirk.
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multamusaee · 5 years
Tony wouldn’t get to enjoy the sun’s warmth for long. A shadow fell over him, one owned by a green-skinned woman with piercing eyes. When she had his attention, she spoke, “You are one of the Avengers, correct?” Whatever her expression was, it didn’t seem impressed. Curious, maybe, like she was trying to surmise his power. 
Tony jumped when a shadow fell over him and he opened his eyes, staring up at the green skinned woman above him. “Depends who’s asking,” he said warily, sitting up straighter as his left hand fell to his right wrist. His fingers hovered over the bracelet that held his repulsor glove just in case he needed it.
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multamusaee · 5 years
(Also I may or may not be writing some incredibly self indulgent definitely-not-canon-compliant WinterIron thing. So, uh, yeah. Throw some Winter Soldiers at me. I especially love when people make the Winter Soldier and Bucky two separate identities. It’s amazing and actually kinda perfect.)
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