Hello there everyone, non-mutuals and mutuals alike. This...isn’t an announcement I thought I’d ever see myself making, but I think it’s absolutely overdue. It will no doubt come off as extremely sudden, probably sad to give or take a few people, but it cannot and will not go unsaid here.
I... am quitting Tumblr. And before you ask, no; I am not doing so out of any feelings of inadequacy or not having as many followers or partners as other people on here. No, it’s for a more...personal-life reason, one that I don’t think would be quite appropriate to disclose on here.
I almost hate to be doing this, believe me. Heck, I’ve had some of the most fun years of my life on this website, and have gotten to talk to so many more people about stuff I like or am interested in than I usually can in real life, not to mention learning a lot about writing and character-making (I feel like I’ve come a long way from making gary-stu OC’s lol); I’ve even improved on my drawing and graphic-designing skills in the time I’ve been on here.
I’ve discovered and gotten into multiple fandoms and series, Fate among them, that I’ve come to love. This place has just been such a great medium to express my love for so many things and in so many forms. However...I think the time has come where I’ve reached the end of my ‘Roleplaying Career’, as one might put it.
Again, I know this is very sudden. I’m sorry that I have to drop so many threads. But I’ve come to the decision that doing this is for the best. And hey, there’s always a possibility that I could return, just maybe more as a personal-blog runner as opposed to a RPer. Also, keep in mind that I’m not going to delete any of my blogs, so they’re going to be archived. Anyhow, before I end this, I want to shout out to a few people.
@idoldragos - Sadie, while you may not quite recognize me, I’ve been following your blogs for years at this point, even since your Neptunia OC multimuse blog, when it was called cpumilfs (lol). In other words, you’re probably one of the most familiar figures to me on here, and I’m grateful to have followed you, because not only are you a fellow fan of tokusatsu, but you’re also very chill and mellow, which I appreciate. Remember, never give up! Hehe.
@musexcarnival, @ultimatepharaoh, @sanzenxsekai - Suku, you are also one of the closest partners I’ve had on here for the longest time. To this day, I still appreciate just how much you don’t take roleplaying super seriously, and how fun your writing is. You have been nothing but kind to me in the time we’ve been mutuals (Even when I was negative at times) and for that, I thank you. Best of wishes to you, and thanks for the fun times.
@beautivile, @xxyumeno, @acrossworlds , @serpentinewxman, @mcmcntomorii, @okixxts (Forgive me if I forgot anyone)- Man, I feel so darn awkward that I’m just dropping our threads, I dunno where to even begin. Well, I suppose I’ll start by saying thank you. I am very thankful that you all were interested enough in Marlon to have him interact with all of your guys’ amazing characters. Fran is wonderful, Medea is best assistant, Osakabehime is precious, Mukuro is nice, and Okita deserves all the love she can get. Again, It’s disappointing that I couldn’t stick around long enough to at least complete my remaining threads, but alas, I have pressing matters.
@dekirukoto, @solisnumen, @eiriini - Alex, Renata, Carrie, I want you guys to know that I have always looked up to you all. You are extremely skilled when it comes to developing and writing your guys’ characters, and I admire that more than you will all know. You guys honestly make me want to become better at writing headcanons. Also, the chemistry between Makoto and Tamamo/Kamui is so great, I loved seeing them all interact.
With those out of way, I just want you all to know that I am glad to have gotten to interact with each and every one of you. I treasure all the memories I’ve made on here, along with all that I’ve learned.
I hate to say goodbye to you all, which admittedly seems weird to say, considering none of us know each other in real life, but I can’t deny that I enjoyed my time with everyone on here while it lasted. You’re all wonderful people, and I wish the best for you guys in your lives, strangers or not.
I never thought I’d find myself saying this, but...
Mun M, out!
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Since I like both Kingdom Hearts and Fate so much, I decided to make a custom Keyblade based on Shirou (Emiya). I’m not going to talk specifically about its design, as that’s for all of you to talk about, but I’ll give a profile underneath.
Heroic Soul
(無私剣  Selfless Sword)
“A keyblade capable of swift strikes. Blocks enemy attacks withs more ease, restores HP in tight situations, and provides a slight boost in Magic.”
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What it do, gucci gacha rolling motherfuckers? I’m not exactly certain how to even introduce this blog myself, but if you like Fate, and you like Yu-Gi-Oh!, then I’m kinda. sorta, pretty sure this blog is just for you! 
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If you don’t mind seeing shitty post upon shitty post with just pictures of heroic spirits next to pictures of children’s trading cards with some text underneath, would you mind being a gent and reblog this post? Thank you, and have a day!
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Never again shall people ever ask for a Noble Phantasm skip. Never again.
((Filthy Frank and all characters related to him are made by and belong to ‘Joji’ George Miller.))
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Fate/Stay Night characters + Yu-Gi-Oh! cards (Part 2)
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Fate/Stay Night characters + Yu-Gi-Oh! cards (Part 1)
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I swear, if you get into my damn Milk Duds ONE MORE time—
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- I will be your Deadman. With nothing but blood on my hands.
Fateverse Mukuro Ikusaba, written by (UNKNOWN).
Personals, do not reblog!
[ art source: X ]
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..A little preview of something to come.
@dekirukoto, @eludum, @loveshct, @muse-carnival
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some blessed images source
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And now..a Christmas story for those who love Fate.
(Btw, @dekirukoto‘s Makoto Naegi is featured in this.)
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(Btw, @dekirukoto‘s Makoto Naegi is featured in this.)
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Hello again everyone! Devil here with the newly-revamped Poseidon; now, first of all I’d like to address the fact that certain pages aren’t on the blog yet. Only the pages about his Fate ‘verse’, as they are currently located on @ginseiker-a​. I will bring them onto this blog in the start of 2019.
That aside! This is a promo, so if you’d kindly like/reblog this to spread the word of Poseidon being back, please do so! I’m highly selective with him now, and I’m also soloshipped to Norgie’s Hel, but please don’t think that means you can’t interact with me – I’d love to get interactions going that DON’T need to be ships!
My tags will be carried over from THIS page if you’re interested in seeing them!
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what the fuck is UP my dudes, my names ula and im here 2 fuckin party. i came from twitter so im a bit of a dumb bitch. Be Patient……. but also love me and pwease pwomo???
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I could have a cuter room if I wasn’t a goblin who threw all her shit on the floor
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Once, I encountered the funny story of an AI image descriptor with a sheep obsession. It had been trained on pictures of fields of sheep. Therefore, it tagged anything in a field as 'sheep', including an empty field, because they work on statistical probability. Therefore, it thinks "ah, a field! there's probably a sheep here." (It's a bit more complicated but basically that.) It also couldn't recognise sheep in places that weren't fields, such as petrol stations or barns. [cont]
Now, the alarming aspect of this story is that the very same technology is probably what tumblr is using to identify porn. Now, if it can’t tell that an empty field is not, in fact, full of sheep, what hope do we have that it can’t tell an empty room isn’t full of writing human forms engaged in passionate coitus?
this really does sound like an episode of black mirror
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Once, I encountered the funny story of an AI image descriptor with a sheep obsession. It had been trained on pictures of fields of sheep. Therefore, it tagged anything in a field as 'sheep', including an empty field, because they work on statistical probability. Therefore, it thinks "ah, a field! there's probably a sheep here." (It's a bit more complicated but basically that.) It also couldn't recognise sheep in places that weren't fields, such as petrol stations or barns. [cont]
Now, the alarming aspect of this story is that the very same technology is probably what tumblr is using to identify porn. Now, if it can’t tell that an empty field is not, in fact, full of sheep, what hope do we have that it can’t tell an empty room isn’t full of writing human forms engaged in passionate coitus?
this really does sound like an episode of black mirror
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I know there’s a lot of tension after Tumblr’s new policy annouced for December 17th, but reblog this if you aren’t leaving Tumblr so that other blogs can know they aren’t going to be completely alone!
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