And my very first cover that I did on my official youtube. Remember when I was talking about screaming about Kyung and Block B? HERE WE ARE. 
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Song-Based Drabble
[~Tech Noir (Carpenter Brut remix) by GUNSHIP~] [~Drabble~] Months of being alone had left the young male bitter. He was a lot different than he had been when he was in high school. Back then, he thought that he could truly live, thought he had what it took to be the greatest police officer of all of the galaxy. That was his dream - to be able to protect people, to be able to make certain everyone was happy and safe. That was one of the few things he was proud of about himself. He was smart, that much was certain. He was strong, fast, somewhat good looking, but at the same time... Hah. At the same time, he had become far too trusting. People weren't evil. There was no way that they were. After all, they were just the same as everyone else. They were innocent, care free. They worked hard, they struggled to make a living until they found a job they could sink their teeth into. They would help others, giving their money to charity as was necessary. Some people just had it harder than others. Some of them were angry people that needed someone to reach forward to them, someone to show that they somehow cared. But in a way, no one wanted to reach out. No one wanted to help. No one wanted to care. People would always have misconceptions about everything. It was one of the few things in the world that irked him, and that was gross ignorance. Not knowing something was one thing, but choosing not to understand something and jeering at it anyway, making it out to be something it truly wasn't, was something else altogether. Many people would turn their backs on Jersey, simply because he had a very 'out-there' way of thinking; what was the point in staying inside the box? It was important to be able to beat to one's own tune, to be able to have their own stride, without falling prey to that simple thing known as conformity. Even the wars that had been going on could be prevented if there was a common goal, if people would listen to the other, but that seemed even more and more less the case. People wouldn't listen, they were afraid to do so. What they needed were the leaders that would stand up, help them to understand, not end the realm. There was a big difference between doing something good and doing something horrid. People need time to be able to get back up on their feet. Sometimes, it may only be a month. Sometimes, it takes years. And even then, there are other variables to put into play. Do they have families to take care of, and in order to provide for them, they are giving all the food to the family, partaking in none themselves, and they are too weak to get any work. Besides, believe it or not, corporations and the like are very rarely going to just hire someone off the street. Which was another problem with the world. It was okay to feel disgust; Jersey did it all the time. What wasn't right with that was the fact that people don't know everyones' stories. They don't know what hurts them, what helps them, what has affected them in the past. They don't know what is going on, how to help them, and until some of the governments got their acts together to actually be able to help the people, then that wasn't going to happen anytime soon either. All the same, why hate everyone when there wasn't really a reason to hate them for? Very few could get rid of the instinctive personalities that were given to people at the time of birth. Humans were, for the most part, social creatures. Humans were also very self-protective prone. Ever heard of the montra that "I did this because I had to, because I was getting back at this one person, or because he did something to me, so I'm returning the favor" kind of deal? That is due to the people wanting to be the top dog. Not everyone was like that, but not everyone wasn't like that either. There were always going to be quirks that separated the good from the bad and all the rest. There were always going to be things that people didn't like; no where was perfect. "We are given time, but what is important isn't how much time we have, it's what we do with the time we were given. We choose who to talk to. We choose what to do. We choose every step in our lives. We aren't some pawns in a game, nor are we play pieces that people controls if we don't let them." That was his ideal. That was how he had always viewed the world, in an order of grays, not blacks and whites. And now.. The world had reared it's true, ugly head. Now he could tell that they were pawns in a game, and the gods had truly started fucking with them. The people who were once respectable completely turned their backs on morals, completely destroyed everyone that had come into play. He remembered when it had all started. This apocalypse of sorts. He had been returning home from school; he had to stay late to finish a project with his best friend - for the sake of an argument, his name was going to be Billy. No one really needed to know the full story anymore. Not until he found the bastards that had completely destroyed his life. On their ways home, they had come across one of their other friends. But somehow.. Somehow he was different. He went towards his friend, aiming to rip out the soft parts of his throat. Jersey, the better trained in fighting of the two, had ended up knocking the guy out after he wouldn't stop 'fooling around,' and dragged Billy out of there. They headed to Jersey's home... and that was when he noticed everything had truly gone to all hell. Since then, they had avoided all kinds of interactions save the ones that they had to deal with. They stole what they needed too from unmanned shoppes, sometimes leaving extra money there for the keeps in case they returned. They ate food that was there from the lay of the land. Jersey taught Billy how to fight, how to trap, how to truly understand the way the world worked.. And then the incident occurred. Their little camp had been ambushed in the middle of the night by plunderers, men who had decided to stop foraging and living for their own sakes, and who were more than willing to kill for the necessities than to properly gather them. Jersey had been kicked awake, Billy stolen and taken promptly as a hostage. He remembered the fights, the cuts, the bruises, the screams. He remembered everything that had occurred, and for someone like Jersey... seeing his best friend ripped to pieces and feasted upon in front of his eyes... it made something in him snap. Pulling out his gun that he kept with him, he snarled, killing everyone that was left in the encampment. He made a small burial for his friend, taking the ring that he knew to be his, and heading out on his own. The pacifist that was once was no longer there. The kind male was no longer there. Instead, there was a loner, a man whose eyes had seen far too much, a man who was no longer certain which way he should be able to go. ------------------ Jersey lay resting underneath an expanse of trees, not even paying attention to his surroundings. What was the point of it? No one could sneak up on the male anymore even if they tried. He had trained himself well to be battle ready at any second; that and the fact he normally gathered four hours of sleep at any given time with catnaps in between also assisted him. He frowned, suddenly hearing a rustling in the trees above him. Remaining in his current position, he didn't even open his eyes, allowing his ears to bring the noises to him. Hearing them stop, then start, then stop again, he figured that it was either an animal that had gotten lost - though that was too much weight to be any creature short of an orangutan - or someone who was trying to sneak into his camp. "Whoever is there better come down now," came the cold voice. "If you do not mean to steal from me, I will share with you rations. If you mean me harm, I will fight you. Simple terms." Perhaps his hopes were too high; perhaps there wasn't a chance that he would be able to be saved from this lonely hell he had been thrust into. Then again, what could be expected? After everything had gone to shit, he had slowly begun to focus on himself more and more. Being alone was what filled his heart with more joy than anything else. He was someone that was a wanderer by nature.. The apocalypse had only proven that further. Eyes narrow as he glares at the other that leaped down before him, listening to words she offers. Huh. Maybe not all humans were absolute trash anymore.
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Are You Proud of Me?
[~Kisaragi Gentarou~] [~D R A B B L E~] [~Are You Proud of Me?~]
It was finally time for Gentarou to head home. Another long day at school, another Zodiart-fighting spree was done, and hanging out with his friends was accomplished. After all, it was the joy of youth that got him from various points in his life. After all, it was the enjoyment of friends that helped make him who he was.
He couldn't help a smile crossing his features as he took up his carrying bag, his smile brightening even more when he saw the flame-styled pattern over the front of it. A good friend of his had decided to turn graphic designer and had created it for him. Naturally, he had asked to be able to get it printed out and utilized it as part of his every day attire.
Picking up the speed as he raced through the winding streets of Amanogawa, the teenager continued to press onward, his mind contemplating the events of the day, the new friends he had made, and those that he still had to get close too as the school year continued to fade.
"Oh well, that doesn't really matter," he stated as he recalled the date. Only a few months were left in the school year; only a few more months to befriend the rest of the school. Including the teachers and headmaster of course! Regardless, it wasn't going to be the sunset of his life yet. It wasn't yet evening. If anything, it wasn't even lunch time. A lot could change in just a couple of months, and he was going to prove that to everyone!
Bursting through the doors, he dropped his bag, his hands ending up on his knees as he breathed in the soft smell of the house, smelling the grease from the garage attached to it where his granddad did a lot of repairs on cars and other gadgets.
"I'm home!" he shouted to the other man, a smile crossing his features again. Waiting for the response to be given and gathering banter back and forth, the teenager headed up to his room to work on the copious amounts of school work that went along with the event known as school.
He sat down at his desk, his gaze scanning over a picture of a man and woman that was sitting on his desk. His smile faded slightly, a kind of sadness entering his gaze before he shakes it off, nodding his head to them.
"Okaa-san. Otou-san," he starts, leaving his bag on the ground beside him for just a moment as he picks up the photograph. "Ne.. If you saw me now, would you be proud of me? Did I grow into the man you wanted me to become?"
"I’m not that smart. I'm not that sensitive. In fact, I don't even know if you could consider me anything like you guys. Impulsive. Thickskinned. Perhaps a bit naive."
Gentarou smiled again as he looked closer at the smiles on the photo. "You would be proud of me regardless, ka?" he asks, shaking his head slightly. "Of course you would be. I guess... I guess I'm not the only person that tries helpin' others out after all, ne?"
Quietly, he reaches into his bag, pulling out an image of the Kamen Rider Club that was taken a bit earlier in the year. "I want to introduce you to some of my friends I have made, share some of our adventures together. I have made a lot of friends; I want to think I actually did some good in the lives of others."
Why was he doubting himself? Maybe it was just the fact that he wasn't doubting himself... he just missed having those two people around that he could tell everything too. If he told his Jii-san... He might decide for them all to pack up and leave again, if only to keep Gentarou out of trouble. He couldn't do that. After all, his buds were the reason why he could do everything. His buds were the reason everything had been running so smoothly.
"I am sure you remember Yuuki, Okaa-san. You really used to like her passion for space and the smile she always used to wear. She is the exact same, not really changing since third year in primary school. I heard she is going to become a true astronaut as soon as she gets out of high school. Isn't that amazing?"
He points to the next student on the list, a grin widening. "This is my bro. This is Kengo; we didn't really start off on the right foot, but we got things going a while after. We began to trust in each other, understand one another. I guess like you always said, Tou-san, different people require different time. Hmm.. Maybe I can get him into the Youth Race after all!" After all, his dad was the one who taught him that, every day when he was brought home from school.
"This girl is Miu. She is a senpai, along with her boyfriend, Shun. Miu is a hardworker, does everything she can for the position she holds. Shun too; he works hard, plays hard, and wants to enjoy himself to the fullest. We ran into some hard times, but we got through it."
Slowly he went around to each of the others. JK, the playboy and jokester of the group, the one that they never thought would be worth anything, but who had shown to be a true friend in the end. Someone who worked hard on dancing and wanted to make a career of it.
Tomoko, someone who was afraid of who she was, who thought she had to change in order to become something special and different, and who was already perfect as her own person. Someone who had shown Gentarou a few things about acceptance and love as well.
Finally, there was Ryusei. The man that had been enemy to become friend, a friend who had proven time and time again that he could be trusted. Someone who had carried such a strong burden on his own two shoulders for too long and that Gentarou was adamant to help save.. After he came too, they were all great friends, friends that he could count on. Friends that he would never have to do without."
Sometimes, it scares me. It gets me right in the heart. Then I remember that we can do anything together as long as we try. We can take on the world and infect it with our friendship!" He pumps his arm high into the air as he says the term. Friendship had always meant something special to Gentarou, and he knew that if nothing else, the energy he had would spread to everyone, living, and perhaps, to his parents that were far gone.
"This has been a good year, Okaa-san. Tousan. A year that I will never forget in my entire life. They made my mind up for me; I am going to become a teacher when I graduate. That will be my straight line to the future. A future where, one day, everyone can hold hands and be able to be proud of the bonds they share with one another.
"Our Club is made up of so many different people, so many walks of life. Each of us have our own problems too, but we help bear them with each other. That's what makes us friends.
"Oops! I have homework to do. I'll talk to you again soon, ne?" Placing the picture back on the desk, he scoots it into a safe corner, placing the picture of his beloved Kamen Rider Club beside it. His friends, his family, past, future, and present, all right there where he could grab them without a problem.
His resolve strengthened again by the knowledge his parents would be proud of him for being who he was, he pulls out his book and starts to study; though in the end, he was really just doodling in the pages of the notebook.
A smile creeps across his features as he takes another look at the two photos, a bright smile crossing over his face.
After all...
Tomorrow was another day.
A new friend would be made tomorrow.
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Look at what we have! I have a current music cover up from today.  This song is by Emma Lahana, featured primarily in the Power Rangers Dino Thunder verse! Please give it a listen, like, comment, and subscribe, and if you wish to do so, feel free to like my tumblr page as well!
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Brief Beginnings
Many a greeting to ye, kind friends. This account is going to serve several purposes. 
1. As a means of sharing my covers / music with everyone. I am a coverist of songs, and am attempting to get my name out there in the entertainment industry. Even if it doesn’t happen, it would still be nice to share what I enjoy doing with people! 
Keep an eye out for the basic tags for cover songs, as well as for #musiccovercorner for covers by yours truly!
2. As a means of screaming over my husband. Park Kyung, I am looking at you. This boy is the light of my life, and I want to give back at least a little to the man that has helped me so much in my life. If you happen to be a BBC, please, feel free to scream witih me too! Of course, other KPop items will also be included on this account, but Kyunggie will probably be the vast majority.
3. I MAY attempt to return to voice acting. If I do so, then I will tag them on this account as well, simply to avoid the need of creating a secondary account. If it blows up to the point of it being necessary, then I shall create a separate blog.
I hope we all get along well! 
Happy travels to you all!
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