mxsleepyfrogperson · 18 days
Fanfiction made by Bill Cipher be like:
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mxsleepyfrogperson · 18 days
Fanfiction made by Bill Cipher be like:
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mxsleepyfrogperson · 2 months
Stay safe, kids.
I was scrolling through Tumblr and came across a post of KNOWN PEDOPHILES ON TUMBLR (many of which have or want to rape actual children/minors)
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mxsleepyfrogperson · 3 months
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mxsleepyfrogperson · 3 months
monster reader just being super excited to see their mate(aka real cult owner), since they're so similar to themselves
every similarity is so nice, and the differences.....hey, can i touch your horns? ohhh, that's how they feel like
meanwhile their mate is just melting inside in a pile of goo due to how adorable reader is, and how much they want go cradle their face and pepper it in kisses
or some sort of interaction like that, if may i ask
Walking alongside your so called mate, you watch closely as they heal the remaining cultist injured during their reawakening. You place a wild flower or rock by their bedside as added apology, but you can't help but wonder away from your assigned task whenever your spouse opens their mouth.
Between their black teeth and beneath their serpent tongue, another thinner pair of fangs glowed deep red as the smog they blew entered their victims wounds. When you checked your own set there was no hidden teeth to be found, much to your disappointment.
There were a fair amount of differences you had noticed, most obvious as apposed to the one you just discovered. You were roughly two feet taller than the tallest cultist whereas your mate barely fit into any given room. They had two sets of horns whereas you didn't have a single nub. It was hard to deny that you were the same breed, but why did you look so much different than them?
Giving the last cultist their get well present, you stand on your toes as you return to their side. The deity becomes aware of your odd behavior when you bump into them from the imbalance, swooping you off your feet before you can right yourself with their best rendition of a laugh.
"Precious one, mind telling me what you are up to?"
"Nothing, it's just- I never thought I'd met someone like you and you're still so different compared to me. There's so many things I want to do and ask."
"Well, both my mind and body are temples you may explore however you please, my love." The deity steps over to a nearby tree and props against it. "Do as you wish."
"Hm.... To start off." You grab the pair of horns closer to the top of their head. Appearance wise they're slick black and without a blemish, but touch wise they feel no different than the tree bark behind you. "These are huge. Wonder why you have them and I don't."
Cracks form in your mate's otherwise tough persona as you grip their horns. "Going straight into the sensitive areas, are you? I'm unsure why you don't have them myself. Maybe you are a crossbreed with a mortal or just the runt of your litter. Either way, you are perfect for me."
"Maybe...." Your focus on their horns dwells as they smile, recollection of their second pair of teeth coming to mind as you ghost your claws over their lips. "Wish I could heal people like you do too.."
The deity kisses the pads of your fingers, relishing in the feeling of your skin across their scarred lips. Could you get any cuter?
"You have your own way of doing that, love. Maybe another reason for your stunted growth is that you haven't eaten enough humans."
"You do that?"
"Only the ones who test my patience, which is the majority of them."
"I think we'll need to talk more about that later."
"Moving on. Are you able to do this?" The deity cradles you to their chest, making sure your ear is to their throat as a soft rumble starts in their chest. You pull away with an expression that makes them fall in love for the second time in all their life.
"You purr?!"
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mxsleepyfrogperson · 3 months
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My favorite kind of ships but it's painfully obvious that I have a type
《 click for higher quality 》
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mxsleepyfrogperson · 3 months
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mxsleepyfrogperson · 3 months
Y/n, adam, lilith and eve being together in Eden be like:
Adam, bursting into the room: You two are having sex!
Lilith, not looking up from their book: Really? Y/n, why didn’t you tell me? I would have put my book down.
Y/n: How do you tell someone that you wanna have sex with them in a polite way?
Lilith: Excuse me Mx. Would you give me the honours of indulging in sexual activities with you?
Adam: What the fuck is wrong with you two?
Lilith: How do I ask someone out?
Adam: Roses are red, violets are blue, guess what, my bed has room for two.
Lilith: No!
Eve: Twinkle twinkle little star, we can do it in a car.
Lilith: Stop!
Y/n: Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily I can make you scream.
Lilith: I feel like the last one is verging dangerously into serial killer territory.
Eve: Lilith! I can't do this stupid math!
Lilith: What’s the math problem?
Eve: Well, we have to add the bed, subtract the clothes divide the legs, and hope we don’t multiply.
Adam, covering Y/n's ears, while Lilith smacks Eve upside the head: Not going to lie that was hella smooth.
Y/n: I am so horny and angry all the time.
*at the supermarket*
Eve: All right, the last item on the list is "virgin oil."
Eve: Wow. Imagine being an item and still being called a virgin.
Lilith: I like your top, Adam!
Y/n: I have a name, you know.
Lilith: Hey, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out?
Y/n: ...Have you never taken a shower before?
Lilith: *sighs* Why. Why are you like this.
They are stupid
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mxsleepyfrogperson · 3 months
Lilith x f!reader? I would love to see how some writers see her lmao
A/N: This one i really didn't know how to approach. We really know next to nothing about Lilith as a character, her personality remains a mystery. That being said, I did what i could, I decided to go with a half and half for this one as well. There also might be an unfinished sentence hiding in here somewhere
Character: Lilith
Type: Headcanons+Drabble (Lilith x fem!reader, Angst)
Lilith as a whole is an interesting character. She is graceful and rebellious. She’s the first woman and the former(?) queen of hell. She is a prideful creature and has every right to be. But that doesn't mean that she'll want to be above you, she craves an equal, someone that she can spend her time in paradise with. Someone she can count on to be by her side.
Lilith is free-spirited to a fault, a dreamer as Charlie put it, and that will definitely reflect in the relationship. She has ideas for what she wants in life, and she'll want you right there with her every step of the way. You might be considered 'the mistress of the queen of hell' but you're still her partner nonetheless.
But she also has a lot going on. Heavy, plot stuff. Just because she loves you that doesn’t mean that you have the go-ahead to get in her way. Whatever her goals may be, whether it's to put a stop to Charlie’s hotel or do whatever it takes to remain in heaven. You’re either a part of them, or you're not. It’s your decision but you’d best make it quickly when she presents it to you. She’s very no-nonsense when it comes to her important business. She won’t take lightly to you getting in the way.
The moment your feet met the sand, you could feel a wave of calm wash over you. Heaven, especially its beaches, tended to have that effect on souls. This was one of your favorite places in heaven after all. How could it not be? Gorgeous beaches as far as the eye can see, and the sky stuck in what is essentially an eternal sunset. Which, while unnatural, was lovely nonetheless. But the beach wasn’t why you had come, not this time at least. You lifted your gaze giving your wings a flutter to shake off any sand before folding them neatly. No, this time you had an important matter to attend to.
“Darling, I know you’re there.” Lilith always had a knack for knowing when you came to visit, from the moment you even set off towards her little portion of heaven she always seemed to be expecting you. “Come, join me.” She gestured at the chair beside her without looking back. That was a recent addition to her usual beach spot, you noted.
You remembered when you had first stumbled across this beach, it was absolutely breathtaking. Initially, you had been surprised by the beach’s lack of occupancy. However, as you walked along the shoreline with no destination in mind, you would come to find out why exactly that was.
It was only natural that a place of that caliber was occupied by the most beautiful woman you had ever seen. The very first woman, Lilith. She had been welcoming, much to your surprise, offering conversation and company on that lonely shore. Even extending something of an open invitation when you left, an invitation that you would accept time and time again.
You were sure that you were never meant to meet her, to even know of her presence in heaven. It certainly seemed like something that a human soul wasn’t meant to be aware of.
And yet here you were, chin-deep in a romantic entanglement with the Queen of Hell herself.
You knew better than to beat around the bush. Lilith always did prefer keeping things to the point when it came to things of importance. She didn’t particularly care for games of that fashion. So you  “Are you really going back to hell?”  You knew it wasn’t something she wanted to do, she had been content in just leaving well enough alone, but that angel, Lute, had forced her hand. And in turn, forced yours as well.
Your lover looked back at you, lowering her glasses to look at you directly. “Is that a problem, dear?” 
Yes, a very big problem at that, never mind that you’re an angel, would heaven even allow you to go down to hell? Would they even know? This was dangerous and wrong, and… and you knew that you would do it anyway, didn't you? Every fiber of your being was screaming how wrong this was, but you were the mistress to the queen of hell. You were sure you could handle it, so long as you were by her side. And so you smiled, you would happily follow this woman to hell and back. Literally in this case. “Of course not, Lilith.”
This brought a small smile, one that you couldn’t quite decipher, to the queen of hell’s lips as you took your place in the chair next to her.
“Good, because you’ll be coming with me.”
Everything seemed to freeze in place at the revelation. What have you gotten yourself into this time?
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mxsleepyfrogperson · 3 months
Yandere striker x reader who, after several months, finally broke and is practically a slave to Striker’s love? And when the IMP crew finds her, she’s so broken and messed up that she needs serious help and that it’ll take a long time for her to recover mentally? Maybe the IMP chase away Striker and managed to rescue her?
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Yandere Striker (reunion)
You had given up on escaping, you failed so many times, and each time it got worse, so you just stayed put
You’d willed yourself into blissful ignorance, looking for the best in everything, after all things could get worse, so might as well live in the moment, right?
You’d lost track of the days but became aware it’s been a while, this new ‘home’ was so secluded you hadn’t seen anyone but Striker here
It’s stressful when Striker is gone, you don’t want to be left alone, not now not ever! You would beg him to stay with you but he’d always just say you’re safe here and that he’ll be back
One day you heard the door get kicked open and Striker had done that a few times when stressed, so you ran to the door to check on him and immediately froze when a hellhound walked in
You calmed down quickly when you realized it was Loona, she noticed you quickly and looked shocked. “Geez, the fuck happened to you? You look like you got ran over my a horse.”
Before she could say anything else the window behind you broke and you jumped back. It was Blitzo, who apparently doesn’t understand how to use doors.
Millie and Moxxie ran through the door, looking concerned. “Loona who are ya talking too-“ Millie froze when she saw you, Moxxie yelped and ran over to you to check you over for injuries
“Oh honey, what did that awful man do to you? Are you ok?” You glared at Millie, you knew she meant well but that was rude of her to say about Striker
“He’s not ‘awful’ he’s actually really nice. He’s been taking care of me and keeping me safe. You didn’t need to come here.” You shook Millie off you and walked away only for Blitzo to grab you
“Now wait a fucking minute! He kidnapped you, and tried to kill all of us! How the fuck can you say that he’s nice!” You rolled your eyes and tried to pull away from him but he had a tight grip on you
You were about to yell when you heard Loona shout, you looked over to see her getting shoved out of the way by Striker, you grinned like an idiot seeing him and ran over to him, throwing your arms around him
He threw a lot on behind him and growled at Blitzo. “This is yer final warning. Get the hell away from us or I’ll dispose of the lotta ya!” Blitzo looked shocked and angered at the same time.
The others were so confused as to how you could look so love struck at a time like this, you were a hostage, there was no romance here
Before anyone could say anything else, Blitzo pulled out a gun, pointing it at Striker, you panicked and jumped infront of him, only for him to shove you out of the way
You fell back on something soft, Striker give you a look like he just killed you, then you felt whatever caught you grab you tightly and lifted you off the ground
You realized Loona caught you.
“Wait! Put me down! Please don’t hurt Striker! Blitz, please don-“ you thrashed in Loona’s grip, Millie and Moxxie getting infront of you two to stop Striker from getting to you
“Loona, M&M, get (y/n) out of here, they don’t understand the situation and are a hazard to have around.” Loona tried to move but you kept kicking and screaming
Millie tried to help her, tried to calm you down, you heard a gun shot and froze, when you looked up, Striker had a bullet wound in his shoulder
You screamed curses at Blitzo and kicked Millie as hard as you could before slamming your head into Loona’s chest, knocking the wind out of her, but she didn’t let go
Striker gave you a rueful look, before turning and running, jumping out the window Blitzo had already broken, you shrieked before you stopped moving
He was gone. Blitzo had scared him away.
“LET GO OF ME I NEED TO HELP YOU!” You shrieked at Loona, Millie grabbed ahold of you and hugged you, you didn’t realize you were crying
Loona dropped you and you couldn’t get up, you felt broken, he’s not coming back, this is it.
Millie was trying to calm you down while Blitz was talking to Moxxie. “Sir, we can’t work with them like this, they need help. If we send them back to their family like this they may run off and get killed!”
Blitzo huffed and agreed, once they calmed you down, they’d need to find a way to help you, he looked at you and felt guilt weigh in his heart. This was his fault, he fucked Ii and now you were the one suffering.
Was there even a chance to heal? You looked so distraught, you kept screaming that you needed to stay in case he came back for you,
This was a fuck up Blitzo wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to forgive himself for.
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mxsleepyfrogperson · 3 months
Striker x Small!Meek!Fem!Reader || Drabble
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I LOVED HIM SO MUCH in the new episode.
Plot: Striker fails her so Stella shows him why he should be afraid of displeasing her- by leaving you a bloody and beaten mess on his doorstep.
Warnings: You are really badly brutalised and Striker has this weird combination of love and degradation for you that's ... interesting... 🤔🤔😅
God fucken damnit. You weren't made for this kinda bullshit. How'd that bitch even know about ya?
As Striker lifted your very delicate, shaking body up off the filthy ground, just about melting at the feel of your fragile little fingers pinch at the front of his shirt and the sound of your little nose sniffling against his chest as you cry. This is not right. You don't go fucking up weaklings for no reason.
"St- Striker- "
"I know, darlin'. I'll clean ya up- you'll be right as rain in no time."
You continue to sniffle, giving a bubbly little sob, and its so pathetic his black heart actually feels lie its broken. What the hell? ... That royal cunt better watch her back- next time he sees her, she wont be makin' it out alive. Grimacing, Striker walks with you in his arms over to an old wooden bench. The wood is rough as hell but its the only one he trusts to not snap under you, and surely a few lil splinters aint gonna make no difference with what you're already dealin' with.
He leaves you there cold and alone for a few minutes as he goes in search of his first aid kit- he doesn't need it all that often, so he's not too sure where he left it last. By the time he finds it, dusty and unused, buried under some fallen rubble, you've managed to get your own shoes off. Which makes him give you the smallest of grins, setting the first aid kit on the table beside you. "There you go, little girl. Good job. Can you wriggle on outta yer pants for me, too? Gotta get to those cuts... "
Striker's luminescent, snake-like eyes focus on your little form as you try; Sticking your thumbs under the waistband of your jeans and shifting, pulling, trying. You fail, and you're just a pitiful little bunny covered in tears and blood, and Striker's frown just gets worse.
How... how could someone do this to you?? You were pathetic before, sure,.. but now you're fucken tragic. Jesus fucking christ.
Its gonna be hard to let you outta his sight, after this.
When you give up, and just cover your face with your hands and start to cry again - thinking he's mad at you, - , he gives a relenting sigh. "... C'mere, tough girl, I'll help ya." With a hiss, Striker pulls out his blade and slices the garment off you. Then he flicks the first aid kit open, one hand on your bare thigh and his warm body nice and close to yours, as he methodically begins to care for and wrap up your bloody gashes, slashes and grazes.
He starts with your legs, wrapping up your sweet thighs completely in gauze before kneeling down and doing the same to your dainty calves. When he's done with that he grunts, and gets back up to his full height - he hangs over you even as you sit on the table.
When he cups your face in one of his hands to clean away the tears and hold you still so that he can stitch up a particularly nasty slice Stella gave you when you started to cry, he essentially engulfs both your cheeks. When he's finished with your face, he pauses- his eyes gaze down at your lips- before letting you go with a scowl and picking up your hands one at a time.
The left arm is worse, already turning a disgusting purple colour and practically broken so he carefully sets that one up in a sling before winding gauze around the other; Gently rubbing circles of disinfectant cream into your palm when he notices a gash there with dirt spread into it. "Hmmmm... " He hums lowly at it, frowning deeply and glaring as his thumb works away at the area- soothing your hurt but making you nervous.
"I- I... I'm so sorry, Striker... I'm- I'm... so weak... " You whimper meekly, eyes still full of tears.
"Yeah... " He sighs. "But yer my weakling, so... I shoulda been there to protect ya."
Sniffing wetly, you immediately shake your head- a little, spark of defiance that ordinarily, Striker woulda found fucken adorable. You? Thinkin' you can stand up to him?? Sweetheart, no... "No, its not your- "
"It is... " Pinching the bridge of his nose and letting go of your hand, Striker lets out a long suffering groan... frustrated and pissed but trying really really hard to compose himself. To not scare you. "... but you know what? That's okay."
"... What?"
"I got a fix, for this. Its alright."
"What's your... what's your fix?"
Here he lets go of his face and looks down at you again, a look on his face that isn't warm but isn't quite cold either; Its curious, and makes something heat up inside you- deep in the pit of your stomach. "... I'll move ya in here with me tomorrow. That way, I can keep an eye on ya." Cuz clearly you cant take care of yourself.
Fuck- Shit- He knew that, already. He knew that from the moment he first saw you, and he still let this happen.
Seeing him beating himself up again inside his head, you start to feel bad. And not because you're physically aching, and stinging, and torn to pieces- because your cowboy is upset. You hate it. If only you were tougher... then you could keep yourself safe and he wouldn't have to be so hard on himself!...
... If only.
After a few moments of silence between you two, you raise your creamy hand to his face; grazing your knuckles softly against him for a second- before second-guessing yourself, becoming embarrassed, and attempting to retreat again quickly.
He catches your hand though in his much bigger, tougher, capable one and holds onto it. "... That's nice, darlin'. Y'can do that anytime."
"Okay... I- I will."
"For now, though... " This wins your full attention, causing you to look at him again; Eyes wide and innocent. There's a tired look on his face, but he gives you a devastating smirk. "Lets go to bed, sweet thing. Y'need your rest, after a beating like that... and I don't wanna let ya go for a little while."
"Th- That sounds good."
"Yep." With that, he gently scoops you up again and takes you away to his bed. As he lies you down, he gives you a kiss on the cheek, before laying down himself.
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mxsleepyfrogperson · 3 months
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The silly reading about her mother
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mxsleepyfrogperson · 3 months
So I tried using the new y/n in character.ai and this happened
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She pulled them to her, is she like a magnet or what??????
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mxsleepyfrogperson · 3 months
Asking someone "What's in your pants?" Because you think they're trans is really gross, because of a lot of reasons- number 1 being that you probably wouldn't have asked them that if you didn't think they were trans and if you got asked the pants question you'd probably think "Okay, this is weird..."
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mxsleepyfrogperson · 3 months
Then how am I not dead??
anytime you put an x reader fic into the main tags i explode you with my mind
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mxsleepyfrogperson · 3 months
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mxsleepyfrogperson · 3 months
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TWDG + Textposts (692/?)
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