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Okay, so today I went to Nor-Con dressed as Vince from The Mighty Boosh.
Just before I left, I met a girl dressed as pikachu, she gave me her phone number, so I texted her on my way home.
Turns out she gave me the wrong number. I'm pretty convinced it was an accident, so if you're out there, pikachu, send me a message! Also, anyone who knows who that girl was, any help would be much appreciated.
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So... this is how I spend my time...
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I just realised I was meant to be posting on here every day... I kinda maybe forgot for a while... literally the only change in my life is I kinda like Sleeping With Sirens now.
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Short term memory loss can be pretty fun at times...
Today, for instance, I had a great adventure. I left the house, then later realised I'd locked myself out. When I got to the bus stop, I forgot where I was going, so I walked to the next village to get some doritos for watching movies later. When I got to the next village, I forgot I wanted doritos, so I got on the bus and went to where my mum works so I could go see my brother with her. On the way there, she stopped for petrol, and I couldn't remember where we were going, but I was kinda hungry, so I asked her to get me a chocolate bar. A few hours later, I discovered that I had bought some fruit pastilles before getting on the bus.
Don't feel sorry for me, life is now a wonderful adventure, full of surprises.
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Soooo... how's things?
I had no internet for most of last week (long, stupid story), so I obviously couldn't get online here.
There's not much to say really, all that happened was a military helicopter crashed at the end of my road, I lost my job at Grindstore, and I'm now mildly paranoid that I'm being haunted by the ghost of one of the four pilots who died in the crash...
Yeah, so the week I can't get on the internet, a fucking great helicopter crash lands just down the road from me, giving me something to talk about... kinda. All I really have to say is that I have nothing to say about it...
Seriously! I'm not going to bang on about the fact they shouldn't have been flying over a wildlife reserve where birds could easily damage their engines, or the fact that they've had to close a massive part of a main road because of live amunition (that they had no reason to be carrying) lying around everywhere. All I'm saying is that it happened, and no, I didn't see/cause it... *hides laser pointer*
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Stop motion video for Frank’s “Eulogy”. This is impressive.
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I have no words for how true this is.
Bisexuals are not confused
bisexuals are not confused god this is like the easiest concept ever you piece of shit douchewagon why can’t you just fucking accept it it’s absolutely infuriating
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Whenever I feel down, I've always got this man to help me.
Also, this version of the song is so much more emotional than the album version.
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Excuse me while I spend as much time as possible in absolute isolation after seeing that my ex from a while back is now in a new relationship, after telling me she's not looking for anyone when I was thinking about getting back together with her.
Oh, and to make things better, facebook seems to think the way to make me feel better is to show me at least 20 new pictures of them together every time I go on there.
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Also, that kid at work detestes David Bowie.
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Just a quick text post because I didn't realise a lot of people who buy from where I work post a lot about the wonderful place.
I'd like to take this moment to say a big thank you to anyone who has ever bought something from Grindstore and then posted on here with anything good to say about it, especially if you ordered stuff just before Christmas, and then posted about how happy with the speed of the delivery you were.
I'm thanking those people seperately because it's my job to find all the stuff you order and then give it to someone else to pack and send, but if I wasn't fast at finding the stuff, you'd have to wait longer (only a day longer, but still).
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There's this 18 year old kid at work who thinks he's the bee's knees, and doesn't understand why I say things to him like "when I was your age", as I'm only 3 years older than him. Today, he mocked me because I studied film at university, so I actually have intelligent points to make about good OR bad films. He thinks films can't be art, and any "old" films (anything from before he was born) are all "boring".
He also thinks that music isn't about the lyrics, and that lyrics are NEVER important, so he mocks me when I try to explain that music is a form of poetry.
This child needs to learn some respect, because I'm getting pretty tired of his shit. Also, I seriously can't understand how someone that ignorant can go through life.
PS: He also thinks that video games are only good for a laugh... There have genuinely been moments in the storyline of some games which put me in a foul mood for the rest of the day.
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As I mentioned pizza in my last post, I thought I'd share a little tale from last night. My friend put a frozen pizza in the oven to cook for 20 minutes. I've been having some pretty stupid short term memory loss as of late, and so promptly forgot he'd done that, so when the pizza was done, I couldn't recall him ever putting it in the oven... A little while later, I forgot that I'd eaten some pizza, but saw another friend's empty plate, which caused me to get both confused and a little mad until someone explained it to me... There we go people, my brain has no uses now.
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It's now 2014, and really, what's the big deal about it being January now?
To celebrate the new shiney year coming in, me and some friends sat around with budweiser, nachos, and pizza, while playing Zombicide until 4am, pausing for a few seconds at midnight because that's apparently a thing to do.
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If Black Veil Brides had been around when I was in high school, I probably wouldn't have spent 99% of the time contemplating suicide.
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How did I earn 41 followers?
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This will forever be one of my favourite songs.
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