mysweetetc · 4 years
I’ve been spending the past two days looking up stuff around celebrity hair loss because I’m basically needing validation that there is like, one or two famous people who have admitted to hair loss ever.
Basically, there isn’t. This is not shocking.
But I like the Tori Amos story the most – she doesn’t talk about her hair loss, but she appears to have the kind of hair loss that I have – the boring, diffuse thinning kind. It’s given various super sexy names but it’s basically all the same thing: hair loss that isn’t really due to anything, in most cases, other than bad shitty luck.
I really just wanted to put the link talking about Tori Amos here to start off this little series of tumblr things I’m about to do because her hair looks like mine. And I actually like Tori Amos, even though that probably marks me as hopelessly uncool. Whatevs.
ETA: I remember when “Scarlet’s Walk” came out in high school. I listened to it a lot at Grinnell, because I was a depressive loser not doing anything, and it was 2002 and for your contemporary alternative guilty pleasure it was pretty much that or the Strokes and I was already sick of them by August. But anyway, the main thing I remember was Tori Amos and all her wigs. I remember lamenting about how stupid it was for her to wear all these wigs when she had that badass frizzy curly long dyed red hair to rock. This was completely self-involved nonsense for me, because I had frizzy curly long dyed red hair and overly identified with people with my same hair. I now realize I’m doing that all over again with Tori here, since now I KNOW why she was wearing all those wigs, so basically, I’m still a shallow idiot. /pointless anecdote
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mysweetetc · 4 years
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Where's Milo? A two-part series https://www.instagram.com/p/B-pGaY_BUr3/?igshid=1m287tjyvanw2
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mysweetetc · 4 years
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Beyond gorgeous Sam and Dean art from the ever awesome and amazing artist Lasakura. <33
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mysweetetc · 4 years
me trying to sound employable: i love effort.... and doing things. i love trying. working is the best. i love it when its hard, and bad
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mysweetetc · 5 years
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My parents' backyard. Oregon is still an absurd paradise and I'm glad to be here. (at Leaburg, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Oxcg8BELT/?igshid=reazopljrx1z
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mysweetetc · 5 years
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I've been looking forward to this drink for two and a half years. https://www.instagram.com/p/B20ZeDzhYrm/?igshid=zhbin11ja5f6
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mysweetetc · 5 years
why isn’t there a short film based on the thing where diana wynne jones refused to drop out of tolkien’s college class even though he was intentionally making it as boring and dense and unintelligible as possible so that everyone would drop out and he could get out of teaching it and write lotr instead. just imagine the potential of a 1940s Female College Student sitting in an empty classroom with Secretly Furious professor resentfully lecturing a meandering incomprehensible stream-of-consciousness inner monologue about The Structure of Narrative to this kid determined to get her money’s worth out of this chump. and them both getting way more personal and intellectual development out of this song-and-dance than they thought they would. hey guys why isn’t there a
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mysweetetc · 5 years
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Frodo…I swore to protect you.
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mysweetetc · 5 years
Petition to create the term “rad herring” for when you something in a story has no bearing on the actual plot and won’t help piece together any of the big twists, but is just too fucking awesome an idea not to include.
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mysweetetc · 5 years
I got my first paycheck from my new job today, and used it as an excuse to restructure my entire bill autopay and savings autodeposit system. 
It’s now super-streamlined to the point where after every paycheck I make two transfers – one into a second checking account, one into a savings account – and know that what remains is exactly how much disposable income I have for the next two (to three) weeks. The second checking account and savings account automatically disperse all the other funds (bill payments, investment deposits, mortgage, etc) I would normally have to monitor. 
I feel like I need a cigarette. I’m just sitting here enjoying staring at my bank’s website like a fool. 
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mysweetetc · 5 years
Stay Tuned with Preet, 9/5/19
Preet Bharara: Is Donald Trump self-aware?
George Packer: Absolutely not. But that's different because...there's no one inside to look at. There isn't an inner life that's being obscured by self-blindness. There aren't values and sympathies and connections to other people that constitute the self. He's empty. He doesn't know himself because there's no one to know. There's a whole bunch of impulses and appetites, most of them aggressive and destructive, but there's no self.
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mysweetetc · 5 years
People who try to tell me things are ‘not that deep’ fundamentally misunderstand me, I am not a fish desperately in search of the ocean, I am a magpie that roves the canons, searching for shiny things to put in my nest. Whether or not it actually is given deep narrative weight by canon itself is of secondary importance to the fact that it has the potential to be interesting, and thus, I covet it.
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mysweetetc · 5 years
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ok this is “earring magic ken” who was introduced in 1992 (and discontinued shortly thereafter)
basically mattel had done a survey and discovered that girls didn’t think ken was “cool” enough
SO someone had the bright idea to research coolness by sending people to raves which, at the time, were mostly hosted & attended by gay men. so they went to these raves and took notes on what the fashions were and finally landed on this outfit, mesh shirt & all 
this doll became the best selling ken doll in history, mostly because gay men bought it in droves. (many of them said his necklace was supposed to be a cockring) but mattel and a number of parents weren’t very amused and discontinued the doll 
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mysweetetc · 5 years
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A woman and her pet dragon.
Illustration from 1912 by German/Czech artist, Anton Robert Leinweber (1845-1921).
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mysweetetc · 5 years
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mysweetetc · 5 years
Broke: Crowley had such trouble walking on consecrated ground because he’s a demon.
Woke: Crowley had such trouble walking on consecrated ground because he’s a demon and he doesn’t wear real clothing, so he just magicked his feet into shoes and that was An Mistake.
Bespoke: Crowley doesn’t actually have any trouble walking on consecrated ground at all, he just needs to be the center of attention at all times and wanted an excuse to make an entrance. 
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mysweetetc · 5 years
You guys, I first read Good Omens when I was a young teen in the early 90s, and I had a copy with the author photo of Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman as Aziraphale and Crowley: 
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Now, while I knew Crowley was a reference to Aleister Crowley and I knew Aleister Crowley existed because I was one of Those Baby Pagans, I didn’t know what he looked like, and I’ve just now at the age of FORTY realized that I’ve spent my whole life assuming Aleister Crowley (and in fact ALL COOL OCCULTIST DUDES) looked like Neil Gaiman being Especially Late Eighties Cool In An Author Photo.
When, in fact, having  now googled Aleister Crowley
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I have realized he looks like your one uncle, not the cool uncle, but the slightly creepy one who has the especially expensive bbq grill and thinks he’s the cool one. 
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