navarrocomm · 10 years
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RuPaul's Drag Race is a great example of gender performance as camp. Gay men have used camp as a form of protection but at the same time a method of being accepted into society. However, I wish someone would just step outside their comfort zone and make a show about straight men with similar lifestyles or careers. 
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navarrocomm · 10 years
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Although Harry Potter is also considered in my opinion high art film that appeals to the academic tradition, it is evident that it possesses a high level of magic realism. We watch Harry Potter because our generation grew up with the books and constant marketing on this series, we are always eager for the next movie or book to come out. However, Kael states "If we always wanted works of complexity and depth we wouldn't be going to movies about glamorous thieves and seductive women", we are solely meant to be entertained by this film knowing that once it is done, we are done following the story.
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navarrocomm · 10 years
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Clint Eastwood is definitely an Auteur. His famous style is in putting himself in movies such like Gran Torino which is an absolute classic movie in my opinion. This film could be argued to be both low and high art, although it appeals to the mass audience, the directing and producing style he encompasses also works towards academic and non-academic traditions. 
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navarrocomm · 10 years
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I kept thinking about the beginning of class and how we were talking about social, cultural and economic capital. Here are two celebrities, who choose to NOT live an extravagant lifestyle. Although they have more than enough social, cultural and economic capital to sustain a lavish lifestyle, they chose to be more responsible with their money and living modestly.
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navarrocomm · 10 years
You just burst my bubble! LOL I really liked watching this video. Regardless of whether it was predetermined or not, this is different than all reality television, it kind of gives humanity some hope. Most reality television is about alcohol, sex, partying, etc as well as extreme make-overs and unreal weight loss, what better way to bring back human connections than through this 'experiment'.
We asked twenty strangers to kiss for the first time…. Film presented by WREN http://wrenstudio.com/ Music by Soko “We Might be Dead Tomorrow” http://smart…
One of the latest videos to go viral is essentially a sample of reality television, disguised as a natural social experiment. The video First Kiss by director Tatia Pilieva depicts groups of two strangers meeting each other for the first time, where they then have to make out and share a ‘beautiful’ kiss on the spot.
The video has blown up since its upload date 4 days ago, and has already generated nearly 50 million views. It has received loads of positive support for it’s ‘natural romanticism’ and ‘encouraging views on human relationships’.
However, as is typically the case with reality-TV, there is much more going on behind the scenes than what we see at face value. Further research into the creation of the video shows that the participants in this video have been strategically selected (just like reality-TV). It has been revealed that every participant is either a model, musician, or actor. These are people who excel in social environments and are not awkward in uncomfortable situations. It is not very difficult to watch two models kiss each other either.
While this is not what we would typically consider ‘reality TV’, this video has the same scripted feel and expresses the same ideologies we see over and over again in reality-TV shows. It tried to promote values of ‘self-worth’ and ‘exploration of human relationships and curiosity’, but because of the video’s narratives which have pre-determined outcomes, the video just results in the promotion of an alternate, false reality.
This is not real life. If you truly took the first two random people you saw and made them kiss, the results would be much more awkward, unnatural, and borderline disgusting. To watch the REAListic version of how this experiment would actually play out and not the reality-TV manipulated version seen here, click here (highly recommended):
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navarrocomm · 10 years
I know what you mean. We also have to keep in mind that the only stakeholders in this show are not the participants but rather the viewers themselves. As a viewer, I partake in what Sender argues in the article, that there is a sense of reflexivity and we are not just complete passive viewers. Having said that, we as viewers take what we like from the show and apply it to what we already like. (uses and gratifications).
The thing that I found interesting when analyzing this show was the notion of class and how is played in specifically to this show. I don’t think I have ever seen an episode of what not to wear, where the people cannot afford the clothes. Most of the people that are chosen have secure jobs that...
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navarrocomm · 10 years
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Did I mention I love the bachelor?  This season was quite disappointing however it was definitely my biggest guilty pleasure all season, which some consider to be a bad object.
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navarrocomm · 10 years
Oh what a surprise! The next Bachelorette...Andi! (sarcasm) lol. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE The Bachelor. The idea behind it although totally scripted and made-up, make for a great way to capitalize on viewers. I am a huge fan of the show and I will admit, I critique it and yet I love it. Having said that, this season totally blew my mind, in a negative way. So not impressed with Juan Pablo--- the first Latin bachelor... and he made Latin culture look like crap. Anyway that's another story. I'd like relate my previous rant on the idea that mainstream media is not telling us the way in which we can find love, no more traditional dating but reality television instead. 
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Introducing our next Bachelorette!!
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navarrocomm · 10 years
LOL oh Kim...love her
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navarrocomm · 10 years
I find this kind of funny. The main idea behind the punk culture is essentially going against mainstream media and yet they are so heavily involved with possibly the most mainstream thing I can think of...Disney. Aside from being funny, it is neat...maybe they are trying to change Disney to be more innovative and disruptive. 
Disneyland’s social clubs are made up of young people so in love with the amusement park that they’ve tattooed themselves with its logos. They’ve been accused of smoking weed and starting fights, but
This is quite the unexpected spin on the punk subculture. 
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navarrocomm · 10 years
I understand the point you're making. However the definition of Kitsch itself is something tacky or even cheesy and therefore disliked by some however loved by others, in that sense, yeah totally what you're saying makes sense. But to describe her as causing or being disaster kitsch is a little unreal. I mean, it's impossible to compare someone who has caused mild controversy from pushing the norms and even creating entertainment through religion or different cultures to disaster kitsch which is essentially disasters or events that has shaped our worlds and changed history being bought and sold. Kitsch...maybe? Disaster kitsch? I don't think so.  
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navarrocomm · 10 years
I totally know what you mean. I do not watch Fear Factor anymore but when I used to it was essentially to compare myself with the current participants. When the show ends, they market to the target audience who wants to become part of the show, creating that interactive marketing opportunity. I was entertained watching the most dangerous or the grossest stuff they had on there to see if in the future I would be able to do them! 
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What does reality television say about us as a culture? Can arguments be made against whether or not it can actually teach us something, or is it all just trash?
The values associated with reality TV are very lowbrow in most cases. Most reality television shows, especially competition shows, like Fear Factor, teach us one value in particular, to do ANYTHING for money.
Why do we continue to watch? Probably because in certain cases, we imagine we could be on the show. Perhaps, we are comparing ourselves because we are disgusted and think we are better than the people on the show. Or, we may imagine that we could actually compete for money (Fear Factor) and win…
Reality TV, has that connection, and the ability to convince us that we as an audience could possibly be apart of it. By appealing to very basic lowbrow tastes, it has the ability to attract different audiences.  Besides for lowbrow, even middlebrow audiences that come home after a hard day of work want to watch something that they don’t really have to think very hard about.
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navarrocomm · 10 years
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Did you tune into Cosmopolitan’s Twitter chat about Cosmo / career / LIFE with Cosmopolitan.com Editor Amy Odell? What questions do YOU have for the Cosmo editors? Follow Cosmopolitan and Amy Odell on Twitter and stay tuned for more Twitter chats! xx
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navarrocomm · 10 years
Some may consider this trash television, but personally, I am obsessed! Maybe it's my low-brow taste, who knows! 
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navarrocomm · 10 years
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navarrocomm · 10 years
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This is so funny. The article for today touches a lot on the fact that trash reality television, constantly showing us the matter and metaphor of dirty, creates audience anxiety, causing us to want to look away and stop watching. However with shows such as What not to Wear and How clean is your house, you are captivated by the first scene and therefore you just HAVE to watch until the end to see the final transformed product. 
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navarrocomm · 10 years
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Jersey Shore came to mind while reading today's article on reality television and dirt. Although I am a big fan of Jersey Shore (sadly), it is a reality television show that capitalizes on audience's low-brow taste. Amy West touches upon the idea that audiences sit watching these shows and although they want to, they find it very difficult to look away and avoid. The actual matter of dirty within this show is present in the way these people live, they are more concerned with their physical appearance than the way they live, dirty kitchen, dirty room and everything everywhere. Lastly, the actual metaphor of dirt is present in that the show is recognized as trashy and low class taste, and yet I am willing to watch it. Amy waste would say, I become trashy by watching trash television. Do you agree?
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