neenajaydon · 9 months
I noticed at least two other people masked at the college today, after generally being the only one the previous two semesters. People may be getting worried (rightfully so) about the next wave.
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neenajaydon · 9 months
Since submitting my 3 Day Novel manuscript, I have not written a word. Mind you, I lost Bouncealot the day after and then my classes started for the new semester, so it’s a definite transition. Don’t like my brain wordless, though 😮‍💨
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neenajaydon · 10 months
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neenajaydon · 10 months
*at the door to the selkie convention* good evening, ladies—allow me to take your coats
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neenajaydon · 10 months
Shop closing down
All the issues on Etsy have been giving me a headache of late. While I haven't really felt the higher fees issue (when I opened my etsy shop 12+ years ago I was paying 5% conversion fees through paypal, so my prices were shielded from a lot of changes over the years), but I have been having issues with bots deactivating listings for the wrong reasons with no recourse. Also I've seen multiple people post that they won't buy from Etsy which makes things hard.
But Etsy is the only place I have found so far which manages all the varying international tax obligations for you, and it's been a large part of why I have stayed. Also I generally don't make enough sales to justify the larger upfront fees of some other sites, so it makes it not worth my time.
So I'm planning to go on hiatus for awhile. I'll be closing my shop at the end of October, and taking some time out to just sew for myself and work out my next options. I will be back selling bjd clothes, even if it's just one off designs, I'm just not quite sure how that will look.
Sales haven't worked well for me for a number of years, so instead I'm offering free shipping for orders over $100 AUD. That's $65 USD, or 60 Euro. I've never really had a following that sells things quickly, so any help getting the word out would be greatly appreciated! I'll no doubt be making a number of posts over the next couple of months.
Shop link: https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/dorsetclothing
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neenajaydon · 10 months
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neenajaydon · 10 months
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neenajaydon · 10 months
wow pluto reclassification discourse is exhausting. here I thought doing a poll that highlights some of pluto's cool lesser known dwarf planet friends would put things in a context where it can't possibly go in that direction but nope a bunch people really do just hold a hard stance against a classification system entirely out of a sense of nostalgia
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neenajaydon · 10 months
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neenajaydon · 10 months
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neenajaydon · 10 months
My very modest haul from the local fibre festival because I am getting very broke waiting for my semester funding 😅 But I collected business cards like mad because there were lots of lovely things to tempt a spinner. I got a romney/silk batt because it looked like it might go well with my precious single pink ball of romney, a welt-felted glasses case because pretty, and 25g of bamboo to try with some of Woolsley’s Angora fibre
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neenajaydon · 11 months
I just got on an empty bus so . . . First?
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neenajaydon · 1 year
50% off my titles at Smashwords for the month of July!
Now is your best chance to find my entire ebook collection for a promotional price at @Smashwords as part of their Annual Summer/Winter Sale! Find my books and many more at https://www.smashwords.com/shelves/promos/ all month! #SWSale2023 #Smashwords
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neenajaydon · 1 year
I thought the reason I wouldn’t be able to stream Dragon Age II was because I couldn’t figure out how to find the game I bought years ago (still have the character data, but just cannot find a launcher in my archived stuff). As I looked it up, I learned that it’s a moot point, because it’s 32-bit game and my new 64-bit mac mini won’t run it anyways. 
I’ve never owned a PS3 so I can’t play it on console either. An Origins and II remastered bundle I could play on my PS4 would be SO helpful, Bioware . . .
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neenajaydon · 1 year
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Portrait of Josephine Cherette Montilyet, Ambassador of the Inquisition
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neenajaydon · 1 year
Man, those Anime OPs and EDs
I keep getting surprised as rewatching anime reminds me off all the anime theme songs that go so hard. 
The Angelique anime with a Granrodeo OP “Infinite Love”  
2Hearts ED “Dearest You”
The Harukanaru Toki no Naka de OP “Haruka, Kimi no moto e”
Legend of Basara OP “Endless Loop” 
ED “Purumeria no saku basho e”
Jyu-Oh-Sei OP “Deep in Your Heart” by Domoto Kouichi (like seriously, one of the Kinki Kids)
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neenajaydon · 1 year
Everybody loves hearing about dreams (especially dreams about voice actors), right?
I’ve been nostalgically getting back into anime and manga lately. I was checking out Hanasakeru seishounen, because I really love the mangaka Itsuki Natsumi’s other series Yakumo Tatsu and also liked her Jyu-Oh-Sei. Well, Seki Tomokazu plays an American in Hanasakeru seishounen, so occasionally speaks English (and I’ve heard worse from seiyuu tbh). 
The reason this made me chuckle is I used to, in my Weiss-obsessed days, have a recurring dream where Seki Tomokazu came to a party I was hosting(?), and I was so excited to be his interpreter, but then he’d start speaking perfect English . . . 
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