nefreadings · 2 years
Forgotten Number | Stranger Things Series : Steve Harrington x Female Reader
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Chapter One: Wake Up
Warning(s): Mild cursing. Trauma References.
Hawkins. 1983
Anything can become a routine. Waking up at 7 during the week. Eating breakfast. Reading the gossip column of the town’s newspaper. Walking your pet around the neighborhood. You know, normal things. But there was a time where my routine involved needles breaking my skin. Being locked into a cage-like room without any windows; in the dark.
That was my normal for a long time. I try to forget, but it is easier said than done. My current routine involved covering up the chains that come from the tattooed numbers on my wrist.
The number itself was strange and out of place no matter how much I tried to wrap my head around it. Why was I given that number? Why did I have to be at the wrong place at the wrong time? Why did it have to be me?
I moved those unanswered questions to the back of my mind as I finished the makeup over the numbers. It took about a month to master the trick, and have been doing it since. I looked up into my vanity mirror as I started to do my classic makeup style. The song “Don’t you want me?” by Human League played on the radio on my desk. Although the lyrics were questionable, it had that catchy beat that distracted you for the duration of the track.
At this point in time, I thought today was going to be somewhat normal. Classes full of equally bored teens. A halfway decent lunch. Followed by hallway traffic.
I was so wrong..
About 10 minutes later, I was out of my room, ready to start the day. I had my (h/l) hair combed, wore my favorite ripped jeans and topped it off with a black tank top and jean jacket. I have to say this: I was rockin’ the look. I did my makeup in a style that complemented the outfit choice.
I spotted my mother as I went down the stairs, in the kitchen. My mother was baking a cake for her book club later on in the afternoon. She is an English teacher at Hawkins Middle School. Those kids loved her and so did her colleagues. My mom always made people smile whenever they were near her. I wanted to be like her. I shake my head and smile to myself as I make my way out the door.
I walked to the driver side of my black car. I always wanted to give it a name, but I don’t know what. The first two minutes of driving was peaceful until I passed the road that was surrounded by the endless trees that filled the woods. I started to have an ominous feeling the closer I got to my destination. I’ve felt this feeling before but I chose to ignore it. It was just me feeling weird on my own. Right?
I made it to the parking lot of Hawkins High School and had to take a deep breath before opening the car door. The parking lot before school was always crowded by people, that meant there were eyes watching you, judging you, as soon as you opened your car door. I put on my usual, friendly smile on my face as I walked to the front doors. That same smile was what made people feel comfortable around me. The one that people didn’t feel like they couldn’t approach.
I was immediately greeted by “hellos” smiles and all. Eyes were always on me, whether it be out of admiration, jealousy, or curiosity. I didn’t know how to feel about that. It was similar but not on par with what I experienced as a child. I wished I was able to get used to it by now.
I felt like I was always watched and had to play a role I was pushed into. I walked to my locker, effortlessly unlocking the door. My current task was getting my things for the first period.
When I closed the locker door, I didn’t look and bumped into another person. My head hit their chest and I pulled myself back in pain. That was not on my to do list this morning. That’s for sure.
“Oh sorry!” I said as I rubbed my head. It was when I finally looked up to meet the eyes of the person that it finally registered in my head who it was.
Steve “the Hair” Harrington.
“It’s cool, Y/n”. He grinned at me playfully as he leaned on the locker beside mine; arms crossed. There was this tension between us over the years. It was hard to determine if we were friends or just strangers who knew a few things about one another. It was common for him to approach me in the weirdest/randomness of times. There was always small talk and nothing more.
“What’s up?”
“Nothing much, just wanted to see you.” This caught my attention, if I can recall, he had a girlfriend. Nancy Wheeler. She was a close friend of mine and over time we grew apart. I talk to her now and then. It always felt like nothing changed.
I scoffed at his response. When we were in middle school, Steve was nicer and less douche baggy as a person. Now he has gained a reputation as a playboy who never takes things seriously. Whenever he talked to me, though, he was always careful to not cross that invisible line that separated us. That was what confuses me.
Before I could respond, I felt an arm pull me in the opposite direction. The action immediately made me turn my head in defense and saw it was my best friend. But he was in a fearful state. Something was wrong.
“Y/N! I-I need you quick!” He began to run down the hallway before he let go. I was about to follow but decided to wave bye to Steve with a smile. I didn’t get to see his reaction since I began to run to follow Johnathan.
Steve’s POV
“Man, look at you! Trying to be such a player, King Steve.” I felt an arm go over my shoulders. I roll my eyes at Tommy. He is an asshole and yet I still hung out with him and Carol. I look forward, down the hall, to see Y/N running after Byers. I don’t see why she hangs out with him. She can do much better. She should be with–.
What am I thinking? I have a girlfriend. An innocent, kind girl who cares about me.
"Shut up, Tommy."
"Woah, I get it, you wish you can hit that, huh? I mean who doesn't. But I guess she would rather run to that freak than talk to the so-called King." He laughed alone before he left to meet his girl. I can't help but feel upset about this. She always seemed out of reach and yet was the most popular girl in school. It was weird.
I walk away, ignoring the words Tommy said, heading to place a note in Nancy’s locker, with the other girl in the back of my mind.
No answer. People began to stare as I jogged to follow Johnathan.
“Wait! What’s going on!?”
Nothing. He opened the doors that lead to the parking lot. I almost got hit by the doors but nearly avoided it by running faster. Almost dropped my books.
By the time I caught up with Jonathan, we were in the parking lot. I grabbed his arm and yanked him back. He almost fell backwards but regained his balance to look at me.
“What’s wrong?” I asked and all I can see is the pain in his eyes. He looked like he was about to break down.
“My mom and I couldn’t find Will, this morning.” He was barely able to get the words out.
“Did you call his friends?” I felt like at this point, the answer was obvious.
“They said he left to go home. Mom was hoping that he left early for school. But I feel like something is wrong.”
I nod. I didn’t know how to comfort him. We don’t know anything yet. He might be at school and just left early. But knowing Jonathan, he couldn’t relax until he knew for sure. He was always so protective of Will.
“Let’s go to Middle School. I’ll drop off my books in my car real quick.” He nodded with a small smile. It wouldn’t hurt me to ditch my classes. The teachers liked me and I did well in all of my classes. Besides, I think most people would understand why I am doing so. The middle school was walking distance from the high school. By the time Jonathan and I arrived, the bell was rung 10 minutes prior. Jonathan and I walked into the front office. We asked if Will was marked absent in any of his classes. The lady behind the desk nodded.
“In fact, Chief Hopper is planning on talking to his group of friends to start searching for the boy later today.”
The color on Jonathan’s face disappeared. I began to feel anxious. I thanked her and escorted him out. We walked back to the parking lot and stopped by our cars. I was able to see Johnathan’s guilt pouring out.
“Hey, breathe” I whispered while gently holding his shoulders. He looked into my eyes.
“Let’s go to your house. We can look around there. You know, near Castle Byers.”
He agreed and we both drove there in separate cars. Usually, I would get picked up by Jonathan but today was the one day in the week where I drove myself to school. As I followed his car, I was so scared that he would be so lost in his thoughts that he would get into an accident. The feeling went away when we reached his place.
He led the way inside so we could get supplies first. It was then I ran into Joyce Byers, their mom. She was in disarray and in a state of panic. She saw me with Johnathan and I felt the urge to hug her.
When I did, she immediately wrapped her arms around me. She was always so kind to me and said she saw me as one of her kids. She allowed me to sleepover many times and let me call her by her first name. She was the first adult to ever be nice to me that wasn’t my mom.
I can't imagine what Jonathan and Joyce are feeling. I wish I could tell them that everything will be okay. But I can't. Knowing Will, he wouldn't have run away. So the fact that he is nowhere to be found is nerve racking. The best I can do is try to give her hope.
“Joyce, we will find him. Jonathan and I will look in the woods.”
“I’m coming with you guys.”
Time Skip.
There was no luck in finding him in the woods. We all walked back to the house. Jonathan and I began to design missing flyers. We were sitting side by side when Joyce began to make calls to Lonnie. From what I know from both Will and Jonathan, he is a major grade asshole. Not a good dad much less a husband when he and Joyce were married.
The moment changed when we heard a car parking outside. We all stand up and make our way outside. It was Chief Hopper, who made us worried about the fact that he was holding Will’s bike. There was no blood. Nothing. Jonathan pulled me aside when Hopper began to explore the backyard.
“I think it is time for you to go. I am sorry for dragging you around. You must have things to do.” He still had that guilty look on his face. I knew better than to push him right now.
“It’s okay, if it was happening to me, I know you would do the same for me. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I pulled him into a hug, wrapping my hands around his shoulders. He hugged me back. I slowly let go. I don’t want to overstep boundaries when he is in this state. So, I waved goodbye to Joyce and the others before leaving the house. I make eye contact with Hopper. He glared at me but not with any malice or evil intention. It was serious with some hint of curiosity. I ended the eye contact when I got into my car.
There was a place I wanted to go to before I head home. It was not a typical hangout spot for anyone. But this place had a different meaning to me.
It was night, raining heavily, when I parked my car outside a specific part of the woods. The same part of the woods where I escaped that horrible place. I didn’t bring an umbrella but that never bothered me before.
I got out of my car and took out my flashlight that was in my glove box. I turned it on and walked out the barely marked path I made with rocks. I am surprised it still was visible after all of this time. I walked until I was met with that familiar fence. The once with barbed wire. The one that surrounded that terrible building.
The only part of the fence that was not monitored by cameras. I know I shouldn’t be here. But no matter how much I want to be away from this place, I am always drawn back to it.
The rain continued to pour down on my head. Drowning me in those memories I hated so much. The memory of having my head shaved. The memory of being chained up. The memory of being forced to hurt people. Then the memory of escaping, definitely not unscathe. The scars, both physically and mentally, will always remain. That was my life long secret. After reliving the memories in my head, I began to go down that rock path. The rain was comforting in a way. It would always hide the tears I shed. But today, I didn’t have enough in me to cry. Not today.
Then there it was. My flashlight’s light began to flicker. But I thought I put in new batteries? That horrible sound echoed all around me. The screech made me jump. The sound is unlike any animal. It was more like the roar of a monster. The last monster I ever saw. I felt the hairs go up on the back of my neck. Instead of wasting time to turn around, I ran. My fear is getting the better of me but my flight or flight instincts didn't give me room to question and see what is actually happening. I don't know if I am imagining it but I just know I didn't want to take that risk. The growl that always haunted me. Both when I was awake and when I was asleep. My heart sped up to the point that it physically hurt my chest. I ran with my flickering flashlight as far as I could.
The growling continued as heavy footsteps chased me from behind.
Tears began to flow.
“Go Away!” I yelled with my head facing forward. The wavelengths went through my head. The tingling hit in waves over my entire body. That horrible feeling stayed throughout the pursuit.
It’s not real.
It’s not real.
It’s not real.
It’s not real.
The growling followed me and by the time it was stopped, I was about to collapse. I laugh to myself and wonder how I didn’t eat it and hit the floor. I look around cautiously and look to see my flashlight back to normal. I felt something dripping from my nose. I wiped it off and saw blood.
It has been so long since I used my powers. I thought they would disappear over time when I stopped using them. I look at my uncovered wrist. The makeup was long gone, revealing my number.
My nose is bleeding, I felt my powers working, but who did my powers work on? I am pretty sure I just had an episode. I thought I would stop having them by now. It’s been months. There’s no way. It couldn’t be that monster. I am safe . I am safe. I am safe. I am not in that place anymore. I-
Rustling in the bush startled me and almost made me yelp. I flashed my light around and stopped when I saw the kid.
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Author's note: I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter. Sorry if there are mistakes in the text! Thank you and I hope you can continue to follow the story of the UNKNOWN NUMBER.
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nefreadings · 2 years
Forgotten Number | Stranger Things Series : Steve Harrington x Female Reader
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“Will’s missing.”
I could barely register the words in my mind. The two words were enough to make me feel like my legs were about to give out. There was something about what Johnathan said that made me shiver in fear and with panic.
I wouldn’t realize it then, but that was the start of time reliving my Childhood nightmares as they get shoved back into my life.
Everything would change after those words. Forever.
Note: This is my first X Reader Series and I will do my best to make a unique storyline!
Later Gators! 🐊
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