neginmihi · 3 days
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(a realization about dialogue formatting, from a comic artist turned novelist.)
One of the first things a novice writer learns about speech tags is that they’re part of the “scaffolding” of prose. They should be largely invisible to the reader: use them when necessary, omit them when not, and be sparing in the application of verbs other than “said”. They serve only the function of clarifying who is speaking when it is necessary to do so.
Sometimes you might want to use a speech tag in spite of the redundancy. The fact that the reader’s eyes slide right over them is an exploitable property. By slicing a line of dialogue in half with a speech tag, you can force the reader to perceive a meaningful pause between two utterances—and the effect is much stronger than you might get out of an ellipsis or an em dash. Developing an intuition for when and how to do this is a huge part of learning to write dialogue, I think.
(And yes: if you ever wondered, this is exactly same the reason why comic artists sometimes “double bubble” their speech bubbles. Same end, different means!)
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neginmihi · 3 days
I agree, =(
It's really enjoyable to browse through their sketchbooks, but to be honest, it's not really a sketchbook. My teacher always advised us to use inexpensive paper instead of traditional sketchbooks, so we could practice quickly and messily every single day. I recall having boxes filled with paper where I practiced poses and various techniques. After 12 years of my artistic journey, I've never owned a fancy sketchbook.
"It took me TWO years to finish this sketch book!" Well that's cuz you're not fuckin sketching. Those are fully painted pieces dawg that's a renderedbook. I've gone through four sketchbooks in my off time this year alone I just draw stupid faces and shit for fun. pussy up like the rest of us and start drawing stick figures with guns
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neginmihi · 3 days
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I realize the artwork is a bit chaotic, but I needed to make his body appear stronger. I was pleased with it initially, but now I feel he doesn't look tall enough. What do you think?
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neginmihi · 2 years
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neginmihi · 2 years
Episode 02 Updated =))) Check this out
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neginmihi · 3 years
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“At the corners of the Forge, in the bounds of the Mansus, the Glory’s fire meets baser elements. Here is a cunning vapour to infect your enemy’s dreams.”
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neginmihi · 3 years
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smth smth word koi in koito smth smth
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neginmihi · 3 years
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His name is Jackson. He is my lovely boy from my new comic "Snake Stone" I've been working on this story for so long. I mean SOOO LONG! Some years and still I'm stuck in some parts. But I character design him so I could learn and make him in blender. Well the character design of his head was good enough but blender, or any 3D programs was a hella difficult. I didn't give up but my brain is hurt I practice just once awhile.
What do you think about him?
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neginmihi · 3 years
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Oh dear. I really need a hug.
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neginmihi · 3 years
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just published Dark Chocolate in Webtoon and Tapas Im so excited to see how it will goes on. please like it if you enjoyed the story.
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neginmihi · 3 years
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Dark Chocolate Episode 03 - No "Happy Ever after"
Do you agree? send it to your love.
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neginmihi · 3 years
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Dark Chocolate Episode 03 - No "Happy Ever after"
Do you agree? send it to your love.
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neginmihi · 3 years
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Please read the description
Hello to all my dear readers. As you know, my main job is to design and write comics. Today I want to introduce you to my new story called "Dark Chocolate". I had been writing my short comics for a long time and had stored them in the corners. Today I decided to overcome my fear and return to the world of the Internet. However, this is my first time writing this style of story and I am sure I will have many drawbacks and problems, plus English errors. But I hope this happens to you just as I smiled at them while drawing. Feel free to let me know my English mistakes if I had any.
I have 4 stories in production and I plan to publish them all this month. I will upload them on Webtoon, Tapas and my personal site. As well as on my social medias.
I need your help.
I have not been active on social media for several years. So the stories I write and publish may not be seen. I ask you, if you enjoyed the episodes. Send it to your friends and loved ones. Share like and comments. share it to your stories. I write this story for free. I hope people read it and make their day. If you think it's not good to send to someone, there is still no problem. Thanks for reading the post so far. I hope to get your attention soon.
Love ya
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neginmihi · 3 years
twitch live now - drawing my comic
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neginmihi · 3 years
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She fall in love,
She thought it last forever,
She was not breathing, but she said.
everything is okay, he loves me...
She never knew what is love.
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neginmihi · 3 years
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She fall in love,
She thought it last forever,
She was not breathing, but she said.
everything is okay, he loves me...
She never knew what is love.
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neginmihi · 3 years
I gonna draw live
Hey guys its my first time. let me know if there are any problems.
here is the link
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