Oh I adore all of these - many of these are amongst my favourites too. And I am so happy you highlighted sassy Harry - that scene always makes me giggle <3 <3
A Harry Potter quote / extract / exchange that makes you giggle?
I would ask you which you find the funniest, but let's be honest there are too many to pick from, I think I'd panic at the question. But that's the thing. There are so many small moments that makes us laugh, so it's always fun to be reminded of some <3
Okay how am I supposed to answer this in under 500,000 characters??
There are so many... Harry in general ('Roonald Wazlip'/'Yeah I wonder what it'd be like to have a difficult life'/'I didn't realize it had to be so wet'/'Yeah, Quirrell was a great teacher. There was just that minor drawback of him having Lord Voldemort sticking out of the back of his head!'), Ron during Divination and especially his O.W.L.s, Tonks and Mad-Eye ('wand safety' and how he sort of softens around her?), Luna's opinion on aurors, her commentary during that quidditch match (Zacharias Smith!), Wood's completely wonky priorities, the article on Sirius aka Stubby Boardman, Ernie Macmillan's revision schedule, Lockhart's quiz and the reanactment of his glory days he forces Harry into, him dropping his wand during dueling club, Dumbledore's cheek directed at Phineas Nigellus, Fred and George, GINNY...
But these are two (forgive me) of my favorite extracts (I copied them, I hope there's no mistakes):
Professor Trelawney ignored her. Eyes open again, she looked around once more and said, “But where is dear Professor Lupin? 'I'm afraid the poor fellow is ill again,' said Dumbledore, indicating that everybody should start serving themselves. 'Most unfortunate that it should happen on Christmas Day.' 'But surely you already knew that, Sybill?' said Professor McGonagall, her eyebrows raised. Professor Trelawney gave Professor McGonagall a very cold look. 'Certainly I knew, Minerva,' she said quietly. 'But one does not parade the fact that one is All-Knowing. I frequently act as though I am not possessed of the Inner Eye, so as not to make others nervous.' 'That explains a great deal,' said Professor McGonagall tartly. Professor Trelawney’s voice suddenly became a good deal less misty. 'If you must know, Minerva, I have seen that poor Professor Lupin will not be with us for very long. He seems aware, himself, that his time is short. He positively fled when I offered to crystal-gaze for him –' 'Imagine that,' said Professor McGonagall drily. [...] Harry and Ron got up first from the table and she shrieked loudly.' My dears! Which of you left his seat first? Which?' 'Dunno,' said Ron, looking uneasily at Harry. 'I doubt it will make much difference,' said Professor McGonagall coldly, 'unless a mad axe-man is waiting outside the doors to slaughter the first into the Entrance Hall.'
And - because I think Harry deserves much more appreciation,
'Why were you lurking under our window?' 'Yes - yes, good point, Petunia! What were you doing under our windows, boy?' 'Listening to the news,' said Harry in a resigned voice. His aunt and uncle exchanged looks of outrage. 'Listening to the news! Again?' 'Well, it changes every day, you see,' said Harry.
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Awkward prefect Remus is everything to me - because fifth year is the year they started running around the forest and Hogsmeade during the full moons, and writing the Marauder's Map. And all the while Remus was expected to enforce the rules? You cannot tell me James and Sirius did not find that absolutely hilarious. Imagine some second year doing magic in the corridors and James and Sirius trying to bite back their laughter, urging Remus to 'exercise some authority'.
'A breach of the rules!' *gently shoving Remus* 'Your time to shine, Moony.'
And Remus grimaces and wishes he could just blend in with the walls.
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I am going to share an extract of Chapter 46 just because it was one of those milestone moments that as a fic writer you get very excited about. Ie when you hit certain 'known' plot beats. In this case: James gets the invisibility cloak.
On the table lay a box which James hadn't seen before. He turned and looked at his father who had followed him into the study.
'Go on, son, take a look,' his dad said, his eyes shining brightly the way they often did when he showed off some new potion.
James went over and saw that the box contained a shining, silvery cloth. Unable to help himself, James reached out a hand and touched the material. It was strange to the touch, like water woven into material. He knew at once what it was. 
'This is the cloak,' James said, turning to face his father. 'The invisibility cloak.'
It was a family heirloom. The family heirloom. 
James had heard about it from his father and his grandad. It was one of the best invisibility cloaks in existence. Most cloaks were simply imbued with a Disillusionment Charm or carrying a Bedazzling Hex - or they were woven from Demiguise hair, but this was a first rate cloak, which Henry had received from his father. 
'I think the time has come for you make use of it. Quite frankly, I have no idea why I didn't give it to you sooner, it has merely been gathering dust here at home - but I suppose I felt that the time was never right.'
'And now the time feels right?' James asked.
'Time is limited - and this week has served as a reminder of that,' Fleamont said. Before James got the chance to argue, his father cleared his throat and said: 'Well, what are you waiting for? Try it on!'
James didn't need to be told twice.
'Excellent,' his father said as James wrapped the cloak around him, so that only his head was visible.
'Now I probably needn't tell you that you need to cover your whole body for the cloak to serve it's purpose -'
Merlin and Morgana! James rolled his eyes: 'I think I got that part, thanks.'
'But I might need to remind you that you need to be quiet under the cloak to avoid detection.'
James raised his eyebrows.
'Excellent! Just like that. Not a sound. Well, you are more than welcome to practice staying quiet and invisible under the cloak during the summer holiday, should you need it.'
'Haha,' James said dryly.
'Well, it's nearly seven,' his dad said. 'Why don't you go upstairs and pack that, and then I'll see you downstairs before you leave.'
'And James,' his dad said just as James reached the door, 'I won't tell you how to use the cloak, but remember that like with any kind of magic, there are ways to use it - and misuse it. Use it well.'
When we were up to no good
Chapter 45: "Before and after" + Chapter 46: "From father to son" posted.
Yet, as the school days blurred into one another and James didn't seem to come around to this view, Sirius decided to check what his other friends thought about the issue of trust. He had to be careful about not giving too much away, but all he wanted to discuss was whether trust was really that important in friendships. 
Peter was of no help, which shouldn't have surprised Sirius. Peter seemed to hold a similar, and equally naïve, view to that of James: 'I dunno Sirius, isn't trust one of the most important things in a friendship?'
At the time, Sirius had almost been willing to concede that maybe he had got the wrong end of the broomstick, but talking to Remus helped confirm Sirius' belief that he wasn't in the wrong.
'How important do you think trust is in friendships?' Sirius had asked Remus in the library that Thursday. James was thankfully at a Quidditch practice.
Remus frowned, looking up from A Beginner's Guide in Transfiguration.
'Why do you ask?' Remus asked sharply, seemingly reluctant to stop his revision.
'James and I were having a discussion the other day, about ... how friendships might be different in the different houses,' Sirius invented wildly, 'y'know, there aren't any real friends in Slytherin as it's all transactional. And I suppose we value bravery, so we want friends who stand up for us,' (and James certainly did that, Sirius thought, with a surge of pride), 'and Hufflepuffs value loyalty and trustworthiness - and that got us discussing what's more important in a friendship: loyalty or trust.'
While Sirius was aware his ramblings made him sound a little bit like James, he felt that he had done an excellent job of coming up with a plausible story that got to the heart of the matter. 
Remus seemed to relax a little as he closed his Transfiguration book.
'They both sound like important qualities,' Remus said, 'I don't think only Hufflepuffs would want elements of trust and loyalty in their friendships.'
'Elements of both are important,' Sirius agreed quickly, and then had to pause as Madam Pince walked past them. 
Luckily it seemed like she had spotted someone having a breakdown by the sounds of their sobs, so Madam Pince didn't linger. Sirius was convinced that woman had one objective and that was to keep the library quiet, so he suspected the student was probably about to get thrown out.
'But you can still be close friends and not trust someone one hundred percent,' Sirius continued once it was safe. 'If you trust their intentions, and you know they are loyal, but you also know that there are some things you can't share with them, they can still be your friends. Right?'
Remus' face seemed to close off for a second, and Sirius realised he had said too much. Now all that remained was for Remus to tell Sirius that he got it all wrong, and that trust was this all-important thing, just like James thought it was.
'I think,' Remus said, eventually, his voice very quiet, 'trust works both ways. Sometimes people need to trust that someone might keep things from their friends because it's better that way... And love -' here Remus' voice became a bit firmer, 'love is the most important thing, right? Surely that's the key to friendships?' 
'Exactly,' Sirius agreed, though he found love to be a very strong word.
Rest of Chapter 45 - Chapter 46 - From the start
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Lily and James were more than half way through their lives when they started at Hogwarts...
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Sirius and James lived to break rules, so watch me break the law with them.
"How can u ship prongsfoot wolfstar is law!"
Sounds like a skill issue to me ngl
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Sad indeed, but there's no denying that they were engaging in their own kind of foreplay
actually book 5 isn’t bad because it “needed more editing” it’s bad because james and sirius didn’t kiss in swm #justice4jirius
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For the jily week 2024
6-inspired by : The Doctor Who AU I wish to read
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5- match maker : who's best than Sirius in this?
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4- Flip the script : difficult to see who's who 😉
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3- in vino veritas : Lily is a very sticky (and so very cute) drunk
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2- Partners in crime : always ready to team!
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1- love is the hair : James is the best super hair model (ans someone noticed it )
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I always wonder if I will find more self-loathing internal monologues for when I write Remus and I always surprise myself when I find that I am not in short supply.
Should I be worried? Where is all this self-loathing stuff coming from?! I am a fairly happy person as far as I know XD
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I know a place that's sound and safe for us now
No need to hide or say goodbyes
Leave them out, we'll run away
It'll be okay
What? You've never seen a girl chilling with her stag?
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Harry: Sorry, I was being sort of a dick.
Hermione: We weren’t going to say it.
Ginny: I was.
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Personally I see it differently. I don’t think James would have had time to think too deeply about it but I’ve always assumed he would believe something had happened to Peter or that the DEs had found a loophole. We don’t even know how much of that lore he was even familiar with because why use a decoy at all if the secret couldn’t be forced out of you.
Lily knew. In my mind there’s no way she didn’t realise in that moment. She knew that she and Harry - and James - had been betrayed by one of his best friends.
what fucks me over most about James Potter is how he felt about Peters betrayal like we don’t know what James thought, he could have 100% just instantly assumed that they tortured or killed Peter for information because we know James would never even think about one of his friends betraying him, James might have felt guilty for putting Peter through that, James might have been begging Peter for forgiveness in his final moments
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Molly and Remus cared about each other
In OOTP we see Remus comfort Molly on multiple occasions, such as the boggart scene and with Percy. In HBP Remus, having - it is implied - nowhere else to stay, is invited to spend the Christmas with the Weasleys. And the two of them clearly have frank conversations with one another: 'I've said all along you're taking a ridiculous line on this, Remus.'
When Molly - and the rest - encourage Remus to date Tonks IN CANON it is because Remus is IN CANON in love with Tonks, whether you like it or not. She is doing what James or Sirius would have done, to tell Remus to get over himself and actually start going out with the person he fancies.
So if you're writing Wolfstar, you're doing Molly a HUGE disservice by making her a homophobic, or ignorant, and interfering woman who tries to push Tonks on Remus. It's not Molly's fault that you and the author don't see eye to eye on who Remus should have ended up with. Why not let her be the same champion for Remus' happiness in your AU?
Molly, like everyone in Harry Potter, has flaws, but her pushing a random young girl on an uninterested Remus is not one of them.
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I’m not arguing with any of this. My experience is that this is correct - as sad as it is. But to make this about wolfstar for a sec and the hate we who don’t like it get.
1 & 3 is why people who don’t like wolfstar should absolutely be allowed to get worked up about the ship. It’s treated as this unbreakable canon (when it’s not canon - and in any case most Wolfstar shippers are happy to break all other canon), and people will write and tag stories with the ship in the background even if it’s completely irrelevant to the story because that way you get more comments and kudos. This means that it’s virtually impossible to find stories without Wolfstar in it. (And I’m perfectly familiar with the filtering fiction on AO3. But in relative terms, it’s still true).
And yeah it’s annoying as anything as a reader and a writer. The fact that people won’t read my stories out of principle because they don’t have wolftstar sucks (especially as I mostly don’t ship either with anyone else), but then I’d also say those people aren’t real fans. If your love for the characters is conditioned on a non-canon romance to the point where you cannot read a story where they are not dating in the background then… okay, I guess.
It’s more frustrating as a reader still, but then again, people should be able to write what they like, so I’ll try not to complain too much about it.
literally why do people ship jegulus. if u wanted to ship james with a black brother why not the one he is described as being inseparable from... people r so afraid of prongsfoot
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tall people exist but Remus isn’t one of them💖
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The things the new marauders fandom are changing to make the marauders era characters “more interesting” are the things that are already super interesting…if you have reading comprehension skills.
GENUINELY just saw a post in instagram that was like “Remus’ patronus is a sheep because he’s a sheep in wolf’s clothing” ??!!!?!
No babes, you’re wrong. His patronus is a wolf. This is canon to the physical series . He produces a non corporeal patronus in the books to hide his wolf patronus from others because he hates the wolf side of himself. Remus hating that he’s connected to his werewolf self everyday is his major character flaw. Every choice he makes for his entire life revolves around his chronic disease. He’s not a sheep, he’s a wolf who desperately wants to be a man.
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Or the ever classic: ‘they were just close friends - don’t ruin their friendship!’
Firstly, close friends don’t come close to describing these two.
Secondly, if I see you ship wolfstar I dearly want to ask why you’re not worried about ‘ruining’ their friendship?
Thirdly, when did sex, romance or both mean you couldn’t have a strong friendship? My partner is also my best friend.
Fourthly, I’ve never read about a fictional relationship like theirs before. It is a relationship of two equal, rebellious, independent yet so incredibly co-dependent, flawed but also justice seeking and incredibly intelligent individuals. Jily is actually the closest I get to an OTP but there’s something about Prongsfoot … It’s unique and fun and magical!
When broader fandom finally gets their shit together and realises that prongsfoot is good, actually, I will be here pulling the "and what where you doing while people were calling them sibling coded? 🧐"
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Dumbledore didn’t let children fight. But does anyone know what the minimum age to join the armed forces in the UK is? 16. I believe the UK is the only country in Europe which routinely recruits people aged under 18.
In other words, Dumbledore had a stricter view on when people could join than the muggle equivalent.
A summary of OOTP for anyone who has forgotten:
Harry: I want to join the OOTP!
Dumbledore (via order members): No
Harry: But I’ve faced more than most of your order members!!!!!!!
Dumbledore (via members): Irrelevant. You’re a child.
Fred and George: We are of age!
Dumbledore (via members): Still no. The order is for fully qualified wizards.
I will never not hate Albus Dumbledore.
No matter what I read, they could never make me like you Dodecahedron. Every. Fucking. Time. Using CHILDREN. INNOCENTS. To fight your fucking wars??? Bitch, if you don't drop dead right now, I'll find a way to make you.
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